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Your Guide For A Child t July 2022 04 Embryo freezing for IVF appears linked to blood pressure problems in pregnancy A large cohort study drawn from the national IVF registry of France, which included almost 70,000 pregnancies delivered after 22 weeks gestation between 2013 and 2018, has found a higher risk of pre-eclampsia and hypertension in pregnancies derived from frozen-thawed em- bryos. This risk was found significantly greater in those treatments in which the uterus was pre- pared for implantation with hormone replace- ment therapies. The results confirm with real-life data what has been observed in sub-groups of patients in other studies. The risk of pre-eclampsia and other pregnancy- related disorders of pregnancy has been raised in a growing number of studies of freezing in IVF. However, the overall risks of maternal mor- bidity are known to be generally lower in preg- nancies resulting from frozen embryo transfer than in those from fresh transfers - except in re- lation to the risk of pre-eclampsia. Spicy breast milk? In part of a recent human study led by the Tech- nical University of Munich (TUM), it was found that after eating a curry dish containing pepper, piperine - an alkaloid responsible for the pun- gency of pepper - was present in the milk of breastfeeding women. The findings help decipher mechanisms that shape our food pref- erences from infancy. Breast milk is the first food that babies con- sume. Various studies have suggested that the "taste experience" in early childhood influences eating behavior in adults. Unlike standardized infant formula, natural milk does not taste and smell the same every day. The differences are largely due to the maternal diet.

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