Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan

For the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games

The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 1 THE GACY LE AND SUSTAINABILITY PLAN FOR THE PARIS 2024 OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC GAMES

TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s — 2— 2 THE LEGACY AND SUSTAINABILITY PLAN TING ACCELERA AL ONMENT THE ENVIR AND SOCIAL TION ORMA TRANSF — 2018 DELIVERING AN EDITION OF THE GAMES THAT CAN BE HELD UP AS AN INSPIRING EXAMPLE — 2024 CONSOLIDA AND ENVIR TING THE SOCIAL ONMENT AL LE OF THE GAMES GACY — 2 028

The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 3 CONTENTS MATIÈRES 00 — INTRODUCTION 05 01 — OUR RESPONSIBILITY: 1. Olympic Agenda 2020+5, setting a new POSITION ENVIRONMENTAL, framework 06 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC 2. Ambitions set out at the bidding phase 07 ENGAGEMENT AT THE HEART OF 3. The Legacy and Sustainability strategy 07 OUR TEMPLATE FOR THE GAMES 13 1. Eco-responsible Games that harness sustainable solutions 15 2. Games that boost regional growth and appeal and improve the quality of life 02 — OUR AMBITION: for local people 25 LEAVE A SOCIAL AND 3. Responsible Games that open up ENVIRONMENTAL LEGACY 63 opportunities for everyone 48 1. Sport to improve health, education and civic engagement 65 2. Sport to improve inclusion and solidarity 91 3. Sport to drive the environmental 03 — OUR METHOD: transformation 98 SECURING OUR BUDGET AND LEAVING A COLLECTIVELY CONSTRUCTED LEGACY 105 AND A MEASURED IMPACT 04 — APPENDICES 120 1. Social innovation through sport in France – the Paris 2024 endowment fund 106 1. List of the members of the various 2. A budget to implement the Environmental expert committees 121 Excellence strategy 110 2. The main stakeholder legacy plans 125 3. A collectively constructed strategy 3. The Paris 2024 Social Charter 129 to deliver an edition of the Games 4. Solideo’s supervision 129 that can be held up as an inspiring example and build a legacy for the Games 111 5. Charter of 15 eco-responsible 4. Social impact measurement 118 commitments for event organisers 129 6. Sports for Climate Action 129 7. Agreement with the Yunus Centre and Les Canaux 129 05 — GLOSSARY 130

Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 3

The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 4 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 4 MESSAGE FR OM UET ANG T ONY ES T © Rudy Waks Along with all our stakeholders, stakeholders – the sporting movement, we decided to seize the Paris 2024 regional authorities, the French State, Olympic and Paralympic Games as an associations and companies – opportunity to increase the reach to strengthen the position and social of sport in people’s lives and come up impact of sport in society. with a new model for organising major events. That’s the idea behind our collectively constructed and collaboratively implemented ding y buil el ectiv e coll e ar Legacy and Sustainability strategy. W or the Games a new model f ol their e they contr o ensur t oundings Increasing the reach of sport in people’s impact on their surr anet, lives involves making better use of all the e pl ell as the entir as w e ogether and ar solutions it has to offer to improve health, e t bring peopl . e ainabl al and sust , frug education, social cohesion, inclusion – e usiv incl particularly for people living with disabilities – and gender equality. A number of stakeholders – including instructors, PE teachers, volunteers and sports club We also want to make sure the Games employees – are already doing this help accelerate the environmental on a daily basis across France. We will be transformation of the world of sport able to harness the reach and unique and regions by passing on a method, momentum of the Games to shine developing innovative tools and a spotlight on the commitment shown by promoting widespread awareness. these groups and bring together relevant Let the Games begin!

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The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 5 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 5 INTR ODUC TION

The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 6 OLYMPIC AGENDA 2020+5, SETTING A NEW FRAMEWORK As the world continues to grapple with for 2025 that were developed in collaboration the pandemic and its impact on society with all the constituents and stakeholders as a whole, the IOC and the Olympic movement of the Olympic movement, the IOC aims wanted to build on the success of Olympic to “secure greater solidarity, further Agenda 2020 to create Olympic Agenda digitalisation, increased sustainability, 1 2020+5 , adopted in December 2020. strengthened credibility and a reinforced focus By putting forward 15 recommendations on the role of sport in society.” Y THE IOC , AS DEFINED B GACY LE As set out in the IOC L Str at eg egic Appr acy oach published in December 2 0 17 , Olympic legacy is the result of a joint vision made up of two separate visions – that of the Olympic Movement, which seeks to build a better world through sport, and that of a city (or a territory), which focuses on what a better world through sport looks like in a specific place and time. 1. strategic-roadmap-to-2025)

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The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 7 AMBITIONS SET OUT AT THE BIDDING PHASE From the bidding phase, Paris 2024 positioned to design an annual event that shines a spotlight legacy and sustainability at the heart of its on the importance of physical education (PE), project and implemented its first tangible physical activity and sport for young people, initiatives that continue to frame its strategy from pre-school to post grad. to this day. These include: • The Paris 2024 Social Charter, signed with Many other initiatives implemented during trade unions and employer organisations the bidding phase laid the foundations in 2017 to agree the ways in which Paris 2024 for the Legacy and Sustainability strategy, would set a benchmark in terms of social developed in particular with: relations and monitor their implementation. • Professor Muhammad Yunus and his teams • Aligning Paris 2024 with the Paris Agreement, to champion the position of the Social by halving greenhouse gas emissions and Solidarity Economy in organising and offsetting any residual emissions the Games. to achieve carbon neutrality. • The NGO PLAY International to promote • The Olympic and Paralympic Week (OPW), Olympic and Paralympic values and sports first organised in 2017 in collaboration with participation among young people in France the French Ministry of National Education, and around the world. Youth and Sport and numerous other groups • WWF France, which worked with the Bidding involved in the sporting movement, Committee to define the Environmental in particular school sports federations, Excellence strategy for the Games. THE LEGACY AND SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY The Legacy and Sustainability strategy – people together and shine a spotlight including the way in which it was designed on outstanding initiatives. Two years and is being implemented – has been a truly of collaboration with our internal and external collective experience. It seeks to promote stakeholders went into the Legacy and take advantage of what makes the Games and Sustainability strategy, which provides unique, from people’s efforts to achieve a shared the framework for all stakeholders committed objective to the event’s capacity to bring to building the legacy of the Paris 2024 Games.

The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 8 PILLARS OF THE LEGACY AND SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY The Legacy and Sustainability strategy is built Games that can be held up as an inspiring around six main pillars outlined below, which example (focus 1) and leave an enduring legacy were designed to deliver an edition of the in the regions after the Games (focus 2). DELIVERING GAMES Eco-responsible Games that boost Games that open THAT CAN BE HELD Games that harness regional growth up opportunities UP AS AN INSPIRING sustainable solutions and appeal for everyone EXAMPLE LEAVING A SOCIAL Sport to improve Sport to improve Sport to drive AND ENVIRONMENTAL health, education inclusion, equality the environmental LEGACY and civic and solidarity transformation engagement THE LEGACY AND SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY FORMS A COMMON FRAMEWORK FOR THE SHARED AMBITION CHAMPIONED BY PARIS 2024 AND ITS STAKEHOLDERS The Legacy and Sustainability strategy was and the entire sporting movement; partner developed through a collaborative effort that marketing companies, trade unions, employer began back in 2016 to define a shared ambition organisations and those involved in the French towards which all those involved in preparing economy; people living in France and civil the Paris 2024 Games actively contribute: society as a whole. Hundreds of meetings, the Host City, the French State and local consultations, community workshops, authorities; the French National Olympic discussions and suggestions formed the basis and Sports Committee (CNOSF), the French for this common framework, which seeks Paralympic and Sports Committee (CPSF) to achieve two ambitions: 01 02 Deliver an edition of the Games that can Leave a strong and enduring social and be held up as an inspiring example socially environmental legacy that harnesses sport and environmentally in every effort related to benefit individuals, society and the planet: to organising the Paris 2024 Games: raise awareness of the importance of physical harness the organisation of the world’s largest activity and sport, encourage people to become sporting event to protect the environment, drive more active, make it easier for them to get economic and social progress and improve involved in sport, use sport in education, integrate the quality of life for people living in host regions. people from disadvantaged backgrounds into society through sport and harness sport to drive the environmental transformation.

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The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 9 To achieve these two ambitions, Paris 2024 and environmental considerations into all has designed and implemented an innovative purchasing categories for Paris 2024, methodology, with a view to sharing it widely its service providers and partner marketing and enabling other organisations to benefit companies, and can be adopted by all public from it. It includes: and sporting entities. • The Entreprises 2024, SSE 2024 and • Efforts undertaken to obtain ISO 20121 Emplois 2024 platforms, designed to be certification, using a sustainable management used for other major international sporting system that implements rigorous procedures events organised in France. to ensure social and environmental • The Paris 2024 Social Charter, which considerations are taken into account is being replicated across Europe by the throughout the entire organising committee. European Association of Sport Employers • Assessment and impact measurement, (EASE), with support from the European 2 conducted in collaboration with the OECD Commission through the Erasmus+ Sport and the IOC from the outset so the procedures 2020 call for proposals. may be used to assess the impact of future • The Playdagogy – Olympic Values pilot editions of the Games and other major programme developed in collaboration international sporting events. with UNICEF and PLAY International, • A carbon-neutral approach, used to mitigate which integrates the Olympic values of friendship, the climate impact of the Games by excellence and respect into educational anticipating, avoiding, reducing and offsetting content for children across the country. emissions while encouraging others to get • A responsible purchasing strategy, involved. This approach is shared with the in accordance with public purchasing French sporting movement so that it can principles, which integrates social integrate it into its activities. 2. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

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      TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suusstataininaabbiliiltiy pty plalan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarirs 2is 200224 4 OOlylymmppic aic annd Pd Paararalylymmppic Gic Gaammees s — 1— 100 Mes sag e fr om MARIE BAR SACQ GACY T AND LE IMPAC OR T C DIRE © Rudy Waks “This presentation of the Legacy the Generation 2024 schools, clubs and Sustainability strategy gives our team and individuals. The project has built the opportunity to take stock a widespread community that provides of the progress made since 2016, when us with an incredible source of motivation, the initial foundations were laid as part as anyone who knows anything about of the bidding process, and since 2018, sport understands how we can move when the Paris 2024 organising mountains when we work together. committee was set up. Looking back, what really stands out is the importance However, this presentation is above all Tony Estanguet and everyone involved about looking at the distance we still in Paris 2024 placed on legacy, right from have to travel. Now is not the time to be day 1. This commitment guides our efforts patting ourselves on the back. We’ve and choices each day within Paris 2024, already brought together the necessary as well as those of Solideo and all conditions and set the objectives, the people with whom we are working we now have a collective responsibility to prepare this unique event. That is how, to take action, time and again, with three years out from the Paris 2024 Games, humility and drive, to ensure the Games we are all aware of what our objectives benefit everyone in France and leave are, the resources we have to achieve a lasting impact on our society. them, as well as the methods we use to assess our progress and results. It creates a context that binds us, as we have everything we need to take effective ear – Our ambition is cl action over the next four years and e that at o demonstr t beyond to build the legacy of Paris 2024. al and social onment envir y ence is not onl cell x e ce It also highlighted the way in which these so a sour , but al sary objectives, processes and assessment neces ength, methods go far beyond the Paris 2024 of str organising committee. I strongly believe the strength of our approach lies in the fact that it is shared by everyone with and strengthen the position of physical whom we work – the sporting movement activity and sport for people in France, first and foremost, public authorities, especially for Generation 2024. We hit our partner marketing companies, the ground running, and now we’re picking the 2024 Terre de Jeux local authorities, up speed!

      Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 10

      TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suusstataininaabbiliiltiy pty plalan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarirs 2is 200224 4 OOlylymmppic aic annd Pd Paararalylymmppic Gic Gaammees s — 1— 111 Mes sag e fr GE om OR GINA GRENON AL ONMENT ENVIR OR T C CELLENCE DIRE EX © Rudy Waks We decided to seize the Paris 2024 mode of transport; it uses the food we Olympic and Paralympic Games as an eat as a source of fuel; it makes us realise opportunity to combat and adapt the importance of getting fresh air; to climate change and address the urgent and it is a form of entertainment that need to protect and regenerate biodiversity. enables people to create memories This sincere, firm commitment has guided around a common experience rather us and united everyone involved than limitless consumption. in the Games and the sporting movement since the bid phase. Sport brings together 3.5 million volunteers ything er e ev e hav W in France, evokes a range of unique e o ensur e need t w emotions with 2.5 million events taking es 4 contribut 02 aris 2 P place every year and showcases its al onment o the envir positive impact on society day in, day out t ormation ansf across the 180,000 sports clubs tr d of sport orl nationwide that promote education, of the w integration, gender equality and cohesion. However, the world of sport – like all other spheres of human activity and parts by ensuring we set our own benchmark, of society – needs to undergo accelerating the roll-out of innovative an environmental transformation. solutions for spectacular and sustainable Moreover, we firmly believe that sport events, as well as working with can be harnessed to build a more everybody in the Paris 2024 family sustainable society in which people so that our methods and achievements demonstrate greater solidarity and are leave a tangible and intangible legacy. more mindful of nature and biodiversity. This plan is the result of the work Sport enables us to take in the beauty undertaken by everyone involved of our surroundings and understand in Paris 2024 since the bid phase why we need to protect the environment; and highlights the distance we still have it offers an excellent pollution-free to travel together.

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      The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 12 THE OBSERVATIONS UNDERPINNING THE OBJECTIVES OF THE STRATEGY Each pillar of the Legacy and Sustainability a different shape, pursue a new goal or change strategy has been built around observations, scope owing to the Games and are either which enabled us to set objectives. To track specific to the stakeholders, led with the organising whether we are making progress and meeting committee or supported by the Paris 2024 our objectives, we are currently developing endowment fund. indicators based on a classification of indicators accepted in France and worldwide. This popular rallying method is illustrated, in part, by the initiatives that can be found In view of these observations and in order in the legacy programmes of each stakeholder. to meet these objectives, initiatives were This plan is not, however, a report. Rather than designed – some of which have already been listing all the initiatives that have already been implemented – to optimise the impact or are currently being launched, which will be of the Games on society and the environment. presented in a report at a later date, it focuses There are two types of initiatives – initiatives on the shared objectives of the Legacy and launched as a result of the Games, which would Sustainability strategy. The implementation never have happened were it not for the prospect of the initiatives set out in this document will of hosting this event in 2024, and initiatives be regularly assessed using indicators specified accelerated as a result of the Games, which take in future legacy reports.

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          TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s — 1— 133 01 OUR RESPONSIBILITY : AL, ONMENT CONOMIC T POSITION ENVIR T THE HEAR SOCIAL AND E OR ENGAGEMENT ATE F OF OUR TEMPLA THE GAMES

          TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s — 1— 144 The table below outlines the main observations and objectives of the pillars mentioned in this section. PILLARS MAIN OBSERVATIONS MAIN OBJECTIVES • The climate and environmental crises our world • Guarantee a carbon-neutral Games. is currently facing – such as the erosion • Protect, regenerate and recognise the value of biodiversity, air pollution and resource scarcity of biodiversity at Olympic and Paralympic venues. – threaten the future of all human activity, • Set up a circular economy for the Games. including sport. • Bolster the resilience of the Games and regions Eco-responsible • Sport and the events sector must take account (anticipate and manage climate risks). of their impact on the climate and the environment • Promote the development of innovative Games and provide a more virtuous model to maximise that harness their positive impact. technological, methodological and social sustainable • Using the conventional Games organisation solutions to contribute to achieving the objectives. solutions model, it would not have been possible to achieve • Guarantee a positive impact on the climate. the greenhouse gas reductions required to meet France’s climate commitments. • Organising the Games acts as a catalyst to align everyone involved with solutions that help bring about the environmental transformation in society and the host regions. • Seine-Saint-Denis, a department north of Paris, and • Mobilise everyone to encourage children living the north east districts of the capital – the 18th, 19th in north-east Paris and particularly Seine Saint and 20th arrondissements – will form an integral Denis to learn how to swim. part of the Games. Seine-Saint-Denis has one • Increase the range of sports on offer of the 10 highest rates of unemployment among and improve access to sport in host regions, Games that departments in France, as well as the highest particularly Seine-Saint-Denis and north-east boost regional poverty rates in mainland France. North-east Paris i Paris. growth s also affected by many social and regional divides. • Create opportunities for civic engagement and appeal • In the Seine-Saint-Denis area, there are only and professional reintegration for young people and improve 35 swimming facilities including 61 swimming pools in Seine-Saint-Denis. the quality of life for a population of 1.6 million, i.e. 0.53 swimming • Improve living conditions and catalyse pools per 100,000 people compared with development in host regions. for local people the national average of 0.94, while Paris has just 0.36 swimming pools per 100,00 people. • One in two children aged 11 in Seine-Saint-Denis cannot swim, while in Paris the rate of those who know how to swim ranges from 58% to 93% depending on the arrondissement. • Major sporting events frequently generate jobs • List the jobs involved by sector and by year and require input from a variety of professions, to anticipate needs, develop suitable training but there is currently no block of transferable pathways and offer visibility to the sectors involved. skills to recognise the experience of those • Structure and develop the sectors and professions involved. required for the Games. • Very small, small and medium sized businesses • Develop professional skills among local residents, often struggle to win contracts for major sporting in particular those in long-term unemployment. events due to a lack of time to monitor tenders, • Facilitate the provision of specific support a lack of personnel to respond, or a lack to jobseekers ahead of the Games. Responsible of network to form consortia to be able to tender • Inform and support very small, small and Games that open for certain contracts. • The Social and Solidarity Economy represents medium-sized businesses and those within up opportunities a considerable source of innovation, but major the SSE to encourage them to respond for everyone sporting events have thus far failed to take to tenders for the Games. significant advantage of this sector. • Design a responsible purchasing strategy • Organising the Games gives rise to challenges that optimises the economic and social impact and opportunities in terms of gender equality. of the Games contracts for regions. • Delivering the Games drives progress in terms • Deliver an edition of the Games that can be held up of accessibility, inclusion and fundamental rights. as an inspiring example along with other major sporting events in terms of gender equality. • Improve the provision of universal accessibility. • Promote better inclusion of people with disabilities.

          TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s — 1— 155 ECO-RESPONSIBLE GAMES THAT HARNESS SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS SUING AN AMBITIOUS PUR Y G TE TRA AL S ONMENT ENVIR THE ENTIRE SCOPE G N I N N A P S OF THE GAMES — 2018 CHAMPIONING ECO-RESPONSIBLE GAMES THAT HARNESS SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS — 2024 SETTING A NEW S T ANDARD F OR MAJOR EVENT — S 2 028

          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 16 ECO-RESPONSIBLE GAMES THAT HARNESS SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS THE CONVENTIONAL GAMES MODEL WAS NO LONGER FIT FOR PURPOSE We now know that climate change, environmental to mobilise and unite people puts the Games crises and the consequences of these emergencies at the forefront of action to set an inspiring example. are not problems we will have to tackle in the future but rather issues on which we must act today. The conventional Games organisation model As carbon emissions reach record highs, the impact would not have made it possible to achieve of human activity on the climate is already visible. the reductions required to meet France’s climate Pressure on biodiversity, soil contamination, air commitments. That is why Paris 2024 undertook pollution, water pollution and excessive a commitment in line with the objectives of the consumption of resources threaten the fragile IOC’s Olympic Agenda 2020, right from the bidding balance of the planet and humanity. The world phase, not only to organise the first edition of the of sport takes these concerns seriously. As nature Games in line with the Paris Agreement by halving is often their place of work, athletes witness the the event’s greenhouse gas emissions and degradation of our rivers, mountains and oceans guaranteeing carbon neutrality as early as 2021, on a daily basis. Certain sports clubs, an integral but also to deliver an edition of the Games that can part of every community, are exposed to this be held up as an inspiring example in terms of the disruption. However, their incredible power circular economy and biodiversity protection. AMBITIOUS COMMITMENTS TO DELIVER AN EDITION OF THE GAMES THAT CAN BE HELD UP AS AN INSPIRING EXAMPLE In close collaboration with Solideo and stakeholders, of climate, biodiversity, the circular economy Paris 2024 is responsible for delivering socially and and environmental resilience. environmentally responsible Games. The path laid The strategic and operational responses to these out is ambitious, and it is only by working together four considerations translate into commitments that we will be able to achieve our goals. That is undertaken for the various activities related to the why Paris 2024 gets involved with initiatives led by Games: the supply of renewable electricity during host regions, the French National Olympic and the Games, sustainable catering, a zero waste target Sports Committee, the French Paralympic and for the event, a fleet of clean vehicles to transport Sports Committee and the French Ministry of Sport the Olympic and Paralympic family, competition and, in so doing, became one of the first signatories venues spectators can reach using public and to the Charter of 15 eco-responsible commitments environmentally friendly means of transport, drawn up for event organisers by the French the integration of circular economy principles into Ministry of Sport and WWF France. permanent and temporary constructions, and the At the bidding phase, Paris 2024 laid the foundations deployment of sustainable technology. for an ambitious strategy that could be held up as an inspiring example in pursuit of a number A number of catalysts are set out in the plan, of strong commitments, built in collaboration with and the Environmental Excellence team works with a number of stakeholders and impacted into the all Paris 2024 teams and stakeholders across Environmental Excellence strategy approved by the the board to deliver an edition of the Games that Board of Directors in 2019. The strategy addresses can be held up as an inspiring example, in particular four major environmental considerations identified through a responsible purchasing strategy, to deliver an edition of the Games in 2024 that can innovation, training, value creation and be held up as an inspiring example in terms the definition of sustainable client experiences.

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          TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s — 1— 177 INITIATIVES LAUNCHED PILLARS OBJECTIVES SUB-OBJECTIVES OR ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES Anticipate and avoid carbon GUARANTEE emissions 1. Development of a systemic CARBON NEUTRALITY Halve carbon emissions compared method to analyse environmental AND BECOME with editions of the Games in the impact THE FIRST MAJOR 2010s 2. Initial analysis of the SPORTING EVENT environmental challenges TO POSITIVELY and impacts for each venue IMPACT Deliver an additional programme, (except Tahiti) THE CLIMATE creating a positive impact on the climate Unveil the animal and plant species that live at each site 3. A new model: from a carbon footprint forecast to a carbon RECOGNISE, Protect habitats through initiatives budget set well ahead of the Games PROTECT at the venues 4. Integration of the approach into AND REGENERATE operations BIODIVERSITY Regenerate environmentally damaged ecosystems with strong renaturing potential Eco-responsible Anticipate and reduce the use Games of materials related to the Games that harness by making use of existing resources sustainable 5. Decision to make the circular solutions Efficiently manage material use economy the number one and waste during the Games commitment in the responsible SET UP purchasing strategy A CIRCULAR 6. Implementation of the resource ECONOMY Strengthen regional channels management plan 7. Drawing up of the Zero Waste Strategy Apply an eco-design approach to everything that must be produced and ensure products and equipment are given a second life Adapt to climate change BOLSTER Programmes to be developed RESILIENCE Combat air, water and earth pollution, by 2021 as well as all kinds of disruption Promote the development of innovative technological, 8. The special ‘Olympic methodological and societal solutions to contribute and Paralympic Games’ category to achieving the objectives in the fourth i-Nov competition

          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 18 GUARANTEEING A POSITIVE IMPACT ON THE CLIMATE: A GROUND-BREAKING METHOD AND AMBITION Climate change could eventually make sport has ever known, the world’s largest sporting impossible. Increasingly frequent and intense event assumes its responsibilities. The most heat waves in urban areas lead authorities important legacy the Games need to leave to advise people living in towns and cities is a neutral impact on the climate and the to avoid any outdoor activity and sometimes environment by halving the event’s carbon even postpone sporting competitions. Given footprint, offsetting 100% of residual impacts the forecasts and projections put out by on the widest scope of responsibility (scope 3) the scientific community, the summer Games and guaranteeing compliance with the most may be called into question, as studies stringent environmental standards. suggest that by 2085, only around 30 cities In line with the guiding principles of sobriety, in the northern hemisphere will be cool enough innovation and boldness, Paris 2024 is setting to host the Games, and certain countries will a new standard for the organisation no longer be able to compete in a number of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. of sports as athletes will be unable to train The new challenge is to create a positive in their own countries, which ultimately will impact on the climate by supporting projects damage the universal nature of the Games. making it possible to avoid or capture more In the face of the greatest challenge humanity CO2 emissions than the Games generate. A NEW MODEL: FROM A CARBON FOOTPRINT FORECAST TO A CARBON BUDGET SET WELL AHEAD OF THE GAMES The Paris 2024 method involves using a new process. Previous editions of the summer model to factor in the carbon footprint of an Games emitted 3.6 million tonnes of CO2 event. Instead of forecasting an event’s on average, yet Paris 2024 has set its carbon footprint or reporting and offsetting it once budget at 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 across all the event is over, Paris 2024 has started with the main sources of emissions (construction, a “target carbon footprint” and implements transport and operations for the Games). ambitious actions to remain within its target. Paris 2024 will achieve its ambitious reduction Similar to financial budgets that need target through a low-impact concept in which to be kept to, the target carbon footprint 95% of the infrastructure required already exists represents a kind of carbon budget that needs or is temporary, and a CO2 emissions reduction to be kept to when delivering the Games. This plan for all Games-related operations. method, which seeks to transform the way we It is the first time a Committee set itself a carbon think about greenhouse gas emissions, enables budget to keep to long before the Games the management and control of an event’s using a new method for strategy and overall impact, right from the start of the organisation operations.

          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 19 AN APPROACH INTEGRATED INTO THE OVERALL DESIGN, STRATEGY, ORGANISATION AND OPERATIONS The Avoid, Mitigate, Offset (AMO) approach friendly transport. is already widely applied. To minimise its impact, • Mitigate : by accurately identifying the sources Paris 2024 has added two steps – of emissions and integrating low-carbon anticipate emissions and catalyse action solutions into each area. through the attractive force of the Games. • Offset : by focusing on the widest scope, scope • Anticipate : Paris 2024 uses a ground-breaking 3, which includes indirect emissions, to create tool created by and for the Committee a positive impact on the climate. Any impact to estimate the carbon impact of the event that cannot be avoided, such as spectator to steer its choices from the outset and travel, will be offset through environmentally throughout the Games preparation period. and socially beneficial projects. • Avoid : by harnessing a disruptive concept. • Catalyse action lamong individuals and Paris 2024 will use existing or temporary throughout the sporting movement structures to meet 95% of its infrastructure by harnessing sport as a powerful driver needs and has developed a compact and of progress for the environmental transition effective concept to minimise distances (for example: creating and sharing tools to assess, travelled and guarantee the venues are mitigate and offset its impact, and encouraging accessible by public and environmentally people to change their behaviour). RECOGNISING, PROTECTING AND REGENERATING BIODIVERSITY A source of food, energy and materials that is vital the impacts of human activity on biodiversity for human existence, biodiversity is declining is no longer enough on its own – we also need at an unprecedented rate. Over the past 40 years, to take action to regenerate ecosystems. 60% of wild animal populations have Paris 2024 is working towards this goal, both disappeared; today, 1 million animal and plant internally and in collaboration with its entire species are threatened with extinction. Limiting ecosystem. DEVELOPMENT OF AN INNOVATIVE SYSTEMATIC METHOD TO ANALYSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 3 To meet the different challenges, a method on sport and biodiversity . applicable to all venues had to be designed in order to assess the environmental impact An iterative assessment tool was developed so from now up until the post-Games period that the specific considerations of each site as as part of an iterative process of improvement. well as the environmental impact of Games This method was developed in line with the developments and events could be assessed ambitions and methods of the IOC and the over time, from the design phase up until the International Union for Conservation of Nature end of 2024. The tool is illustrated below and (IUCN) in France, as set out in various guides identifies five areas for analysis: 3. “Mitigating biodiversity impacts of sports events” - “Sports and urban biodiversity” -

          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 20 Biodiversity and ecosystem Circular economy Scenery and heritage Carbon footprint Environmental health Challenge Impact Deployed in 2020 based on the “old” Games consumption of natural areas, woodlands concept (for all venues apart from Tahiti), or farmlands; the initial expertise phase of this method/ • the developments in the villages will help action highlighted relatively low impacts improve these environments; and identified several opportunities to increase • the impacts of temporary venues are relatively the positive impact of the Games. low and are offset. Almost all of the biodiversity at these venues Following the initial expertise phase of this that could be improved by the Games method/action (which excluded football is “everyday” biodiversity. Exceptionally, less venues and Tahiti), the impacts highlighted are commonplace biodiversity was subject relatively low and several opportunities to rigorous specialist expertise and the to increase the positive impact of these venues appropriate regulatory files. have been identified. The pared-back approach to the Games requires few new structures for At this point in time, we can confirm that: permanent venues overall and involves no net • most venues are located in ecosystems consumption of natural areas, woodlands transformed as a result of old or recent land or farmlands. Furthermore, the developments take; in the two villages will help improve damaged environments. All temporary venues are • the organisation of the Games requires few located in ecosystems transformed as a result new structures and involves no overall net of old or more recent land take.

          Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 20

          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 21 THREE MAIN AMBITIONS TO PROTECT BIODIVERSITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 1. Unveil the animal and plant species that live as well as heritage. at each site. Often when we think about 3. Regenerate ecosystems with deteriorated “biodiversity”, we think about the extraordinary, environmental quality and strong renaturing coupled with a sense of urgency – in other potential. This corpus of actions will focus on words, endangered species. However, the challenge of biodiversity, complementary biodiversity involves all common species to the carbon strategy also developed. that are not protected but are declining, such as tits, common toads and foxes, It therefore involves more than merely reducing and also need to be given careful or offsetting the environmental impacts consideration. It is this “ordinary” biodiversity of competition venues. Paris 2024 wants to make that Paris 2024 wants to highlight, showcase people aware of what biodiversity represents and bring to the fore during the Games. as a whole. As well as reducing environmental 2. Protect habitats through on-site initiatives impacts, the organisation of these Games must focusing on impact reduction, maximal reuse spearhead clear and comprehensive civic and sobriety, protection of users and scenery, information and environmental regeneration. SETTING UP A CIRCULAR ECONOMY 4 According to the Circularity Gap Report 2020 , cycled back into it after use. This resource the global economy consumes 100 billion consumption model is not sustainable in the tonnes of materials every year. Having long term and the overall risks – including increased tenfold in just a century, a sharp rise in the price of raw materials, this consumption relies primarily on the supply chain risk, the availability of critical extraction of non-renewable resources. materials for economies, as well as social, Only 8.6% of the minerals, fossil fuels, metals environmental and climate crises – must be and biomass that enter the economy are taken into account. SIMPLE AND EFFICIENT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IS A PRIORITY Against a backdrop of growing tension over That is why Paris 2024 will strive to: anticipate resource management, Paris 2024 believes that and reduce its use of materials related to the sobriety is part of setting an example and being Games by making use of existing resources; acceptable. Adopting simple and efficient design everything that must be produced in an resource management is therefore a priority. environmentally friendly way and give products Furthermore, the ripple effect of the Olympic and equipment a second life; efficiently and Paralympic Games must be used to structure manage material use and waste during the and consolidate virtuous circular supply chains, Games; and strengthen regional channels. which create value across the country. 4.

          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 22 THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY IS THE NUMBER ONE COMMITMENT IN THE RESPONSIBLE PURCHASING STRATEGY The purchasing department is in charge of most suppliers are therefore encouraged to adopt of the production and consumption of resources eco-design principles, limit the use of raw for the Games; the Committee therefore chose materials and non-renewable resources, waste to make the circular economy the main priority production and wasteful practices, as well out of the five outlined in its responsible as factor in the end of life or the post-Games purchasing strategy. All Games contractors and handover of their products. AN ASSESSMENT PLANNED FOR DRAWING UP A ZERO WASTE 2021 TO PREPARE THE ACTION POLICY TO GUIDE AND SUPPORT PLAN THE ECOSYSTEM Paris 2024 wants to assess its “materials In 2021, Paris 2024 will continue to harness footprint” by carrying out a resource the resource management plan to set its management plan in 2021. This will involve circular economy goal through a “zero waste” identifying all the resources required strategy. This strategy will compile the waste- for intermediary events and the operational and resource-related challenges across the country phase of the Games. The “resources” are all and draw up an action plan developed with the products, materials and waste that will be its stakeholders. Of the challenges identified, purchased, hired, used or produced Paris 2024 has committed to strive to limit by Paris 2024. The aim of this approach is to get its single-use plastic usage and implement a clear view of Paris 2024’s resource use in order alternative solutions. This broader action plan to minimise inflows, thereby reducing will be coupled with monitoring and the amount of associated waste. The assessment implementation indicators. The strategy will will be coupled with an action plan to limit come with a manifesto to ensure widespread the amount of waste, structure local reuse communication. channels accordingly and anticipate Through its “Zero Waste Policy”, Paris 2024 seeks the processing and recovery of residual waste. to do more than merely set an example – it wants to sustainably transform channels for a more circular and inclusive economy.

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              The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 23 BOLSTERING ENVIRONMENTAL RESILIENCE THE RESILIENCE OF THE GAMES: GUARANTEEING PARTICIPANT COMFORT AND HEALTH Resilience refers to the ability to anticipate, National Institute of Health and Medical recover and resume normal operations after Research (INSERM), amateur athletes engaging disruption by preparing for, preventing in low-intensity exercise can breathe in six and managing risks – particularly of natural times more air and particle pollution than or man-made disasters such as air or water when resting5, whereas elite athletes engaging pollution episodes, heatwaves, flooding, in high-intensity exercise can breathe in 12 times terrorist attacks, cyberattacks, and electricity more air. Water pollution, particularly in the river or IT failures. Seine, is also a major issue for the Games due Adverse situations may be linked to climate to the organisation of events in open-water change. Heatwaves, increased precipitation environments. The risk of the Seine becoming leading to flooding, as well as more frequent contaminated by overflow in the event of heavy and intense natural disasters are risks faced rainfall must also be managed. by France and therefore the host venues of the Therefore, Paris 2024 believes that resilience Paris 2024 Games. Adapting to climate change is a theme vital to the delivery of the event that is a serious challenge and therefore forms part could create value, progress and innovation of the Paris Agreement, as do reducing for partner marketing companies and regions. emissions and achieving carbon neutrality. It is an international (IOC, IPCC and UNDRR), national (the French State through its National Air pollution is another risk that, although not Plan for Climate Change Adaptation and its directly linked to climate change, often shares strategy to prevent major risks and protect civil some of the same causes – such as burning security, as well as the French Agency for the hydrocarbons – and can be linked – heatwaves Ecological Transition) and local (the Greater and sunshine can lead to ozone pollution Paris region, Paris City Council and Seine-Saint- episodes and increase the health risks to people, Denis) theme deemed important by both Paris particularly athletes. According to the French 2024 and Solideo. PARIS 2024’S UNIQUE RESILIENCE STRATEGY Paris 2024 set its resilience goal based on two and organisers, as well as the functionality scopes: the risks taken into account and the of permanent and temporary facilities alike. targets that fall within its remit. The role of the Environmental Excellence • The risks taken into account by Paris 2024 department is therefore to improve people’s include the consequences of climate understanding and support the departments disruption, air/water/soil pollution, as well responsible for delivery, such as the Sports as noise and odour nuisance. department regarding the impact of the weather on athletes or the Venues and Infrastructure • The targets that fall within Paris 2024’s remit department (VNI) regarding the solutions to be include the health of the athletes, spectators rolled out at the venues. 5. Fitch 2016

              The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 24 Resilience is gradually becoming a part of Paris the environmental impacts of venues and 2024’s environmental strategy through various is one of the general eco-design principles projects. Initial work has begun with internal for temporary infrastructure that will make up and external contacts; for instance, with the “Sustainable Design Guide”. the Venues and Infrastructure department, A formal resilience strategy is scheduled to be resilience constitutes an area to analyse drawn up in 2022. PROMOTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS Although a number of solutions already exist to innovation to mitigate the environmental to achieve the environmental ambitions impact of the Games and develop solutions of Paris 2024, others are lacking on the scale that can be used well beyond 2024, of the Games. That is why the Paris 2024 with a focus on other markets and needs. organising committee has turned WINNERS IN THE SPECIAL ‘OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC GAMES’ CATEGORY OF THE FOURTH I-NOV COMPETITION SUPPORTED BY THE INVESTMENTS FOR THE FUTURE PROGRAMME On 3 July 2019, the French State, in collaboration • On 9 November 2020, the French General with Paris 2024, launched a call for innovative Secretariat for Investment (SGPI) projects to contribute to organising the Games announced the eight winners: in an environmentally friendly way. • five in the “Environmental Transition” subcategory; Several measures from the Investments for the Future Programme are being used: • three in the “Digital” subcategory. • the “Demonstrators of clean off-grid energy Receiving a total of up to around €3.5 million in production solutions” call for proposals; support from the French State, these companies • the fourth i-Nov innovation competition. all have the potential to provide innovative solutions to Paris 2024, our partners, stakeholders and/or the world of sport in France and abroad.

              Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 24


              The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 26 GAMES THAT BOOST REGIONAL GROWTH AND APPEAL AND IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR LOCAL PEOPLE HARNESSING THE GAMES TO ACCELERATE URBAN AND ECONOMIC APPEAL AND FAST-TRACK INCREASING THE RANGE OF SPORTS ON OFFER AS PART OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REDUCTION APPROACH Forming a key part of the IOC’s Olympic Agenda In terms of sport, the construction of the Olympic 2020, environmental impact reduction is at Aquatics Centre, the renovation of around 20 pools the heart of the concept for the Paris 2024 Games. in Seine Saint Denis, as well as the renovation A limited number of facilities will be built of the Georges Vallerey swimming pool built for specifically for the Games – most of the the 1924 Olympic Games (which complements infrastructure will consist of renovated facilities the host city’s “Swim in Paris” plan) meet a specific or new facilities in the pipeline for a long time. need of local residents in two areas with a serious Holding the Games provides an opportunity lack of sports infrastructure, particularly aquatics to fast-track these projects, which will continue t facilities: o benefit the regions after the Games by boosting development and improving the quality of life for local people. • There is a lack of sports facilities in Seine-Saint- Paris 2024 opted to place Seine-Saint-Denis – just Denis and Paris, particularly swimming pools. north of Paris – and the north-east districts of the • In the Seine-Saint-Denis area, there are only 35 capital – the 18th, 19th and 20th arrondissements swimming facilities including 61 swimming – at the heart of the Games to guide the areas’ pools for a population of 1.6 million, i.e. 0.53 transformation, showcase their energy, diversity swimming pools per 100,000 people compared and talents, and serve local residents. With two with the national average of 0.94, while Paris villages, multiple competition venues and training has just 0.36 swimming pools per 100,000 centres, one site for celebration and major people. redevelopment, Seine Saint Denis and north-east • One in two children aged 11 in Seine-Saint- Paris will be central to the Paris 2024 Games (see Denis cannot swim, while in Paris the rate of map of venues). those who know how to swim ranges from 58% 6 Seine-Saint-Denis and north-east Paris have to 93% depending on the arrondissement. exceptional strengths – such as their young • Only two pools have been built in Seine-Saint- people, economic vitality and diversity – but also Denis in the past 10 years. many urban, social and economic divides. The Games, the headquarters of the organising The Games, particularly through the role committee, the Olympic and Paralympic events, of Solideo outlined below, can accelerate as well as a host of pre- and post-Games initiatives the development of host regions and contribute will provide a unique opportunity to showcase to increasing the range of sports on offer, everything these areas have to offer and improve for instance by renovating or building sports their image and appeal over the long term. facilities. 6. A department north-east of Paris. For more information, see the maps of the venues below.

              The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 27

              The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 28

              Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 28

              TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s — 2— 299 HARNESSING THE GAMES TO CONTRIBUTE TO ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND A GREATER RANGE OF SPORTS IN HOST REGIONS Paris 2024 pledges, alongside Solideo, committed to making numerous investments to organise Games that generate regional in the regions hosting the Games, particularly growth and contribute to improving local Seine-Saint-Denis, to make them more access to sport in host regions. appealing, accessible and innovative and renovating around 20 local sports facilities As well as the construction and renovation to encourage sports participation through of the main competition venues and training the Games. Decided upon in collaboration with facilities to host the athletes, the construction regions and local stakeholders, this renovation of infrastructure and development projects that work will generate regional growth. Paris 2024’s will benefit local residents is being accelerated long-term goal is to make a powerful impact as a result of the 2024 Games. The Athletes’ in the Seine Saint Denis area, particularly Village and Media Village will be a major urban by helping bridge the gap between the proportion legacy, improving the quality of life for local of 11-year-old pupils in the area that can swim people. Paris 2024 and its stakeholders are and the national average. INITIATIVES LAUNCHED PILLARS OBJECTIVES SUB-OBJECTIVES OR ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES 1. La Chapelle Arena* GAMES THAT Expand the range of sports on offer 2. Pre-Games Training Camps* INCREASE in host regions 3. Renovation of training facilities THE RANGE in Seine-Saint-Denis* OF SPORTS 4. The Aquatics Centre* ON OFFER Ensure regional involvement 5. Renovation of pools in Seine- Games that boost IN REGIONS and a regional legacy Saint-Denis** regional growth and appeal and improve the quality of life Expand the range of sports on offer 6. The three commitments for local people GAMES THAT in host regions undertaken by Solideo to enhance IMPROVE regional appeal THE QUALITY 7. The Athletes’ Village* OF LIFE FOR 8. The Media Cluster* PEOPLE LIVING Ensure regional involvement 9. Venues that will contribute IN HOST REGIONS and a regional legacy to transforming the region* * : A venue renovated or built sooner as a result of the Games ** : A venue built specifically for the Games

              The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 30 GAMES THAT HELP DEVELOP REGIONAL SPORTS FACILITIES EXPANDING THE RANGE OF SPORTS ON OFFER IN HOST REGIONS Some host regions do not have enough sports and Solideo will take part in building and, facilities, particularly medium-sized venues. to a greater extent, renovating large scale The organisation of the Olympic and facilities likely to host major national and Paralympic Games will therefore give fresh international competitions while providing momentum to the development of local sports access to local sports clubs and improving activities for residents in these areas. Paris 2024 the range of local sports activities on offer. AN INITIATIVE ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES LA CHAPELLE ARENA: A VENUE AND A LASTING LEGACY FOR PARIS Planned before the 2024 Games bid and resident club Paris Basketball’s matches, as well therefore excluded from the Games investment as cultural and artistic events (including concerts budget, the arena will be the first structure of and performances for the general public). To and act as a catalyst for a comprehensive urban build on its roots and potential to benefit the transformation process in the area to promote community in Porte de la Chapelle (the 18th active mobility, foster economic activity and arrondissement of Paris), one of the most create sports facilities and vegetation areas. working-class neighbourhoods in the capital and just a stone’s throw from Seine-Saint-Denis, this Championed by Paris City Council, the facility facility will also be open for local residents, who will host over 120 events per year, including will be able to practise sports in its two specially national and international sports competitions, designed sports halls. © – Mairie de Paris - SCAU / NP2F

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                  The LPlaen Hgaécry aitange ed Sut Dstuarinaabbiliitlié dty pels Jan feuox Or thle Pymapriiqs 2ue0s 2 4 Oet Plymapraic alymnpd Piquaeras dlyme Ppaic Gris 2a0m2e4 s — 3— 311 In addition to these sports facilities, an disabilities can get around, access and use additional programme to offer leisure and venues and equipment, find their way retail spaces spanning 2,600 m2 will also be around and communicate. created for the neighbourhood. The project selected will also be of the The arena will set an example in terms of highest environmental standards, extensively accessibility: Paris City Council aims to using bio-sourced and recycled or recyclable implement universal design methods that construction materials, low-carbon concrete, will enable all involved to go further than 100% renewable and recovered energy for regulatory requirements by creating inclusive heating and cooling systems, as well as a spaces. This involves providing non- green roof spanning almost 7,000 m2 to stigmatizing facilities so that people with combat the heat island effect. Various consultations show that people of sport people play and get involved in the in France want to practise sport in new ways – Games journey, whatever their size or budget. locally, flexibly, and through the creation The agreement between Paris 2024 and the of original urban outdoor activities. Fifty-eight French National Sports Agency will make these percent of them expect their towns to make aspirations a reality by supporting local and sports facilities freely available. Paris 2024 regional authorities, leading facilitators of sport and the French National Sports Agency on a day-to-day basis. Every year, it will fund therefore signed an agreement to support almost 150 development, renovation and the development of local sports facilities until accessibility projects for local free-to-use sports 2024 and encourage new collaborations facilities, primarily in host regions but also all between areas awarded the Terre de Jeux 2024 regions bearing the Terre de Jeux 2024 label. label, clubs and sports federations. The agreement will also help reinforce The “Terre de Jeux 2024” label is awarded connections between the sporting movement to local authorities, local government associations, (e.g. federations and clubs) and authorities that departments and regions in mainland France hold the Terre de Jeux 2024 label in order and French overseas territories. It recognises to build new momentum for their shared ambition these bodies’ efforts to increase the amount of developing the role of sport in our regions.

                  The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 32 PRE-GAMES TRAINING CAMPS: ENSURING REGIONAL INVOLVEMENT AND A REGIONAL LEGACY As soon as the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic From local authorities’ point of view, hosting Games are over, athletes from all over the world a Pre-Games Training Camp can help make their will be able to find their bearings in one area more attractive. For sports clubs, it’s an of the 619 facilities selected as Pre-Games opportunity to benefit from the development, Training Camps across 415 locations bearing renovation and construction of sports facilities. the “Terre de Jeux” label. High-quality sports And local residents get a chance to learn more facilities and host services were selected to host about a particular sport, country or culture. the athletes in top-class surroundings. The Pre-Games Training Camps help guarantee The Pre-Games Training Camps are effective the Games’ lasting regional legacy for local support bases that enable athletes to soak up authorities, residents and the sporting movement. the atmosphere in the host country and start their The French State, through the National Sports journey to the Games up to three years before the Agency, will allocate a budget of €20 million to big event kicks off, playing a key role not only renovate facilities hosting Pre-Games Training in athletes’ preparation, but also the involvement Camps. of regions and local sports clubs. UET ANG T ONY ES T The Pre-Games Training Camps constitute another opportunity to recall the national scope of the Paris 2024 Games. No fewer than 415 local authorities throughout France might host and support international delegations preparing for the Games. We are committed to getting all of France and all its citizens involved in the Paris 2024 Games. All areas – from the largest region to the smallest town – can take part in our project, which gives everybody the opportunity to join in the Games experience right away and continue to enjoy the celebration for many years to come. THE MAIN TRAINING CENTRES RENOVATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES The sports facilities set to be used for the Games authorities will renovate existing facilities include a certain number of training centres so that athletes can prepare for the events in Seine-Saint-Denis and working-class and local residents can exercise in high quality neighbourhoods in Paris. As part of an impact facilities before and after the Games. reduction approach to the Games, local

                  Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 32

                  The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 33 INITIATIVES ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES • The Guy Moquet sports hall in Aubervilliers to practise sports, particularly gymnastics. is a multisports facility that will be renovated, • The Max Rousié sports centre, located extended and upgraded to bring it in line in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, will be with standards for the benefit of people renovated for the Games. It will be used as living in the area. a training site for judo during the Games. • The Auguste Delaune sports complex After the Games, a fully accessible, optimised will be redeveloped for the Games. It will sports centre will be given back to the local be used as a training facility for Olympic area for residents to enjoy a range of sports. and Paralympic athletics during the Games. th The project will bring the complex up to • The Dauvin sports centre, located in the 18 standards, particularly in terms of accessibility. arrondissement of Paris, will be renovated for the Games and used as a training facility • The Saint-Denis Palais des Sports facility for modern pentathlon athletes during will be redeveloped for the Games. It will be the event. An upgraded pool complex used as a training site for volleyball during and a renovated athletics track will be left the Games. The facility will be brought up behind as a legacy. to standards in terms of accessibility and • The Poissonniers sports centre located safety and include a sports medicine area. th in the 18 arrondissement of Paris will be • The Île des Vannes sports complex, located renovated and used as a training facility f at the south of Île Saint Denis, is currently or volleyball during the Games. After closed and needs to be renovated. The the Games, local residents will enjoy complex, particularly the central Grande Nef a renovated, fully accessible sports centre space and the athletics track, will be used as that is more energy efficient. training centres during the Games. • The Vallerey swimming pool located th • The Pablo Neruda sports hall is a sports in the 20 arrondissement of Paris will be facility in Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine. At its renovated for the Games. It will be used handover, the sports hall will be used as a training facility by Paralympic exclusively for athletes to train. After swimmers during the Games. After the Games, the Games, a larger, more accessible sports local residents will enjoy a pool that meets hall will be given back to the community standards for safety and accessibility for clubs, associations and school groups and boasts a renovated glass roof.

                  The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 LEGACY PLAN — 34 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 34 HELPING PEOPLE LEARN HOW TO SWIM IN THE SEINE-SAINT-DENIS AREA Collective mobilisation between Paris 2024 Saint-Denis bring its proportion of year 7 and the sporting movement led to the Seine- schoolchildren who know how to swim up to Saint-Denis 2024 swimming plan, which aims around 63% by 2024. to work with local stakeholders to go further on the following topics: In addition to the Aquatics Centre, the • lifeguard training; construction of which was also long-awaited by • promoting all practices for everybody, the entire French swimming movement (who particularly people with disabilities; need an efficient training structure and facilities that can host major international • optimising the use of existing swimming pools competitions), the Games will enhance aquatic and installing new facilities to help Seine- facilities in Seine-Saint-Denis. AN INITIATIVE ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES THE AQUATICS CENTRE: A FACILITY FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS IN SEINE-SAINT-DENIS a variety of sports, open to all – with a fitness area, a climbing wall, a skate park and individual and group sport courts. The pool will have a movable floor to provide different depths so the Aquatics Centre can adapt for various uses, such as swimming lessons or baby swimming sessions. © – VenhoevenCS - Ateliers 2/3/4/ - Proloog The Aquatics Centre will be a low carbon The Aquatics Centre is the only sporting facility, entirely designed using bio-sourced venue that will be built specifically for the materials. Its wooden structure and Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. framework will be built in harmony with the Set up on the Plaine Saulnier site in Saint- neighbourhood’s future green spaces. Its Denis opposite the Stade de France 5,000 m² roof will be covered with in a project managed by the Greater Paris photovoltaic panels, making it one of the Metropolitan Area, the Aquatics Centre will largest urban solar farms in France and host the Paris 2024 water polo (preliminary ensuring energy self-sufficiency. With an rounds), diving and artistic swimming events. interior made of recycled products, the centre will be entirely French-made – After the Games, the Aquatics Centre will be showcasing French expertise in transformed into an immense facility for environmental performance.

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                      The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 35 AN INITIATIVE ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES AROUND 20 POOLS WHERE PEOPLE CAN LEARN HOW TO SWIM Organising the Paris 2024 Games presents the different projects underway enable us an opportunity to create a legacy in Seine- to estimate that number at around 20: Saint-Denis by building multiple swimming pools, which will be used as competition, • The Aquatics Centre in Saint-Denis: new training and warm up venues before and facilities (three pools) during the Games. This involves building • The temporary pools for the Games permanent structures for new pools, carrying (two at the Paris La Défense Arena and one out renovations and extensions accelerated at the Aquatics Centre) as a result of the Games, as well as building temporary pools that can be reused after • The Pont de Bondy pool in Noisy-le-Sec: the Games. new facilities (three pools) The construction and renovation of these pools is a key part of the 2016-2021 • The Aquatics Centre in Fort d’Aubervilliers: swimming plan adopted by the Seine Saint new facilities (four pools) Denis departmental council. • The Aquatics Centre in Aulnay-sous-Bois: Although it is still too early to quantify the new facilities (seven pools) precise number of new swimming pools being created in Seine Saint Denis as a direct • The Marville swimming pool in La Courneuve: or indirect result of the Games (subject to renovation and extension of the existing confirmation of the final work programmes), facilities (six pools)

                      The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 36 GAMES THAT IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR PEOPLE LIVING IN HOST REGIONS ENHANCING REGIONAL APPEAL THROUGH COMMITMENTS UNDERTAKEN BY SOLIDEO ABOUT SOLIDEO Solideo is a French public establishment of an also supervising the 29 contracting parties industrial and commercial nature (known as an (Paris and Marseille city councils, the Greater “EPIC”). It is tasked with supervising the Paris Metropolitan Area, the Seine-Saint-Denis delivery of the Olympic facilities, including the departmental council, the Greater Paris development and redevelopment work carried regional authorities, etc.) responsible for out on urban spaces and sports facilities for the delivering the Olympic and Paralympic 7 Paris 2024 Games. Solideo is the contracting structures under their authority according to party for a number of standout development the deadline, environmental ambitions, budget projects – such as the Olympic and Paralympic and programme agreed with Solideo as part of 8. Village mixed development zone, the media its framework cluster mixed development zone and various Solideo is therefore responsible for delivering public infrastructure and facilities – and lasting structures (sports and urban infrastructure, supervises the contracting parties for a number development projects, etc.) – unlike Paris 2024, of projects. The Solideo structures are designed whose prerogatives regarding infrastructure are to be transformed into public amenities, limited to delivering temporary facilities and housing units and offices from 2025. Solideo is ensuring their post-Games legacy. SOLIDEO’S THREE AIMS ARE: • Financing: Solideo assembles all public underlying environmental ambitions. funds to finance investment in permanent • Developing: Solideo is the contracting Olympic and Paralympic structures. party for the Olympic and Paralympic • Supervising: Solideo helps contracting Village mixed development zone, parties in order to guarantee that projects the media cluster mixed development are delivered in line with the programme, zone and various public infrastructure budgets and deadlines, as well as the and facilities. 7. The “structures” refer to all construction and renovation work involving competition venues, training centres, infrastructure and development projects. 8. The 62 Olympic and Paralympic projects and 29 contracting parties:

                      Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 36

                      The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 37 A SUSTAINABLE AND ACCESSIBLE CITY A UNIVERSALLY ACCESSIBLE Solideo wanted to adopt an Environmental Excellence ATHLETES’ VILLAGE AND MEDIA strategy with great ambitions. It applies to the projects CLUSTER it carries out directly as well as those it supervises. All accommodation at the Athletes’ The key focuses of the Solideo Environmental Excellence Village will be fully accessible from strategy are: the legacy phase, which means 1. ensuring carbon neutrality by 2050 specific requirements for living across the entire life cycle of buildings in the spaces (bathrooms, lifts, sufficient neighbourhood by using bio sourced and low-carbon space in communal areas, etc.) and materials, reusing and recycling waste on construction high architectural standards must sites, and consuming renewable energy; be adhered to so that these 2. guaranteeing urban comfort in the climate requirements are perfectly of 2050, accounting for climate pressure and the integrated into the design. increase in extreme weather events by taking The Media Cluster will also be measures to mitigate urban heat islands, developing highly comfortable for users, both resilient and reversible structures, and carefully within the built environment and monitoring indoor air quality; public spaces. The accommodation 3. making a positive contribution to urban built will be an opportunity to biodiversity by creating an ecosystem with new review the quality of life of habitats and plants suited to the climate expected everyone, particularly older in 2050, boosting green infrastructure and accounting people. for issues relating to the water cycle. SOLIDEO TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION Solideo also coordinates a large network of stakeholders Solideo aims to centre innovation in its operations involved in innovation including and construction and redevelopment projects. It has also operators, promoters, very mobilised companies and the innovation ecosystem small, small and medium-sized to make sure the Games demonstrate the values of the Paris businesses, start-ups and other Agreement on climate change. It therefore plans to set up innovators. experiments and demonstrators for small scale innovative For example, it established: solutions alongside its construction and redevelopment projects. Solideo is also interested in more mature ideas 1. An innovation committee; that may be long term innovations and solutions that may 2. An innovation fund; lead to new experimental uses. 3. Communication with companies that may produce To facilitate this new dialogue between the city and its innovative solutions users, Solideo aims to establish a connected environment for contracting parties. that will enable people to express their needs, and the city and innovative companies to respond to them.

                      The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 38 HARNESSING THE GAMES TO ACCELERATE URBAN TRANSFORMATION Through public investment benefiting regions, In its bid, Paris 2024 pledged to deliver particularly Seine-Saint-Denis and its inhabitants spectacular and sustainable Games in the very (in terms of facilities, housing, transport, heart of the capital and Seine Saint-Denis – 9 economic development and employment), a promise that is now becoming a reality . the Paris 2024 Games will leave a lasting local legacy. This urban transformation will include Approved by the Board of Directors on the construction of the Athletes’ Village and the 17 December 2020, the proposed concept was Media Cluster as well as new infrastructure, such developed in collaboration with local and as the installation of four underground 225,000 regional authorities, international Olympic and volt electricity lines in the towns of Saint-Denis, Paralympic sports federations, the IOC and Île-Saint-Denis and Villeneuve la Garenne, the IPC. Holding Olympic and Paralympic events the construction of a noise barrier to the south in the same competition venues was a priority, of the A86 motorway and the redevelopment as was cutting back on the number of temporary of Canal Saint-Denis. venues in favour of existing facilities. • Olympic and Paralympic concepts • Impact reduction for a breathtaking that align: event: Although there will be a two-week gap Paris 2024 has organised the event between the two events, they will follow to make full use of each venue on the exact same principles. As soon as it competition days to keep costs down and was feasible to do so, it was decided that maximise investment. Paris 2024’s the Paralympic events would be held at unique Olympic and Paralympic concept the same venues as the Olympic events. combines responsible impact reduction This will be the case for 15 out of 24 with staging against a backdrop of Paris’ sports, including table tennis, swimming, most recognisable sights to deliver an judo and taekwondo. exceptional sporting and cultural event. By using existing facilities, Paris 2024 will minimise its investment budget and carbon footprint to ensure a concept with a strong focus on responsibility. By leaving an enduring legacy, the Games of the people that live in it. Plans include concept and venues selected by Paris 2024 will construction and renovation work, as well as a new help transform the region and the daily lives permanent climbing facility in Seine-Saint-Denis. 9.

                      Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 38

                      The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 39 INITIATIVES ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES THE ATHLETES’ VILLAGE: A UNIQUE PROJECT AT THE HEART OF REGIONAL RENEWAL The Athletes’ Village is a key part of the the long term. Spanning the towns of Saint- history of Plaine Commune and the project to Denis, Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine and Île-Saint- develop the area, a combined authority that Denis, the Athletes’ Village will host brings together nine urban areas within the competitors for the duration of the Games. Seine-Saint-Denis department north of Paris It will then leave behind a sustainable (Aubervilliers, Épinay-sur-Seine, Île-Saint- neighbourhood with housing, shops, public Denis, La Courneuve, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, facilities and green spaces. Located to the Saint-Denis, Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, Stains south of Vieux Saint-Ouen and linked to the and Villetaneuse). Paris winning the 2024 Pleyel neighbourhood in Saint-Denis, the Games accelerated this urban project, which project is being developed just a stone’s has been designed to meet the needs of the throw from what will be one of the largest local population and develop the region over railway stations in the Grand Paris Express KEY PROJECT PERIMETERS SCHEDULE FOR THE MIXED DEVELOPMENT ZONES Perimeter of the Athletes’ Village Housing Olympic and Paralympic Village mixed Service industry, hotels and shops development zone River eco-district mixed development zone RIVER ECO-DISTRICT MIXED Early childhood, school and sports facilities DEVELOPMENT ZONE ADDITIONAL PROJECTS Provisional street names that will PLAINE COMMUNE DEVELOPMENT be determined at a later date with Noise barrier the areas Burying high-voltage lines F Urban walkway utur e noise b Urb arrier an w alkw ay OLYMPIC SQUARE E xis tion ting noise b orma arrier ansf ONG THE SEINE S AL RD1 tr GE OPMENT A DEVEL CITÉ DU CINÉMA ’ VILL THLETES GE MIXED ONE YMPIC VILLA MAIL FINO AL AR OPMENT Z Saint-Denis PERIMETER OF THE A SOLIDEO T school complex DEVEL tion YMPIC AND P Dora Maar Gym OL orma middle school ansf RD1 tr GRAND PARC PLEYEL TOWER Vieux Saint- CARREFOUR Ouen church PLEYEL FUTURE STATION IN THE GRAND PARIS EXPRESS NETWORK: Saint-Ouen Marcel Cachin SAINT-DENIS PLEYEL school complex high school Pablo Neruda sports complex © - SOLIDEO / Agence Sennse - Agence Traitclair

                      The LPlaen Hgaécry aitange ed Sut Dstuarinaabbiliitlié dty pels Jan feuox Or thle Pymapriiqs 2ue0s 2 4 Oet Plymapraic alymnpd Piquaeras dlyme Ppaic Gris 2a0m2e4 s — 4— 400 network. With a centre opening on to the The neighbourhood will also feature new Seine, it will be linked to Île-Saint-Denis public facilities: two school complexes by a new walkway, reaffirming the area’s (pre schools and primary), two crèches, connection to both sides of the river. a renovated high school, new sports facilities, as well as seven hectares of green space. Once the Games are over, the athletes’ accommodation will be transformed into Energy efficient, carbon neutral and protective a dynamic mixed-use neighbourhood that of biodiversity, the Athletes’ Village will is open to all. The Village will then be home embody 21st century urbanism. It has also to both families and students (with 25%-40% been designed in collaboration with local social housing, depending on the town), stakeholders to encourage a sense offering economic activity as well as new of community and develop inclusivity, taking premises for shops and services on the the diverse needs of everyone into account – ground floor of the buildings. particularly people with disabilities. © – SOLIDEO / Nexity_Eiffage Immobilier_CDC Habitat_EDF_Groupama - Tous droits réservés

                      The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 41 THE MEDIA CLUSTER: A 21ST CENTURY GARDEN CITY10 The creation of the Media Cluster mixed It will be part of the lasting legacy of Paris 2024. development zone is part of the Seine-Saint- After the Games, there will be a new Denis urban development project, which was neighbourhood in the town of Dugny, a new ramped up following the decision to hold green extension to the Georges Valbon park the Games in Paris and will be used during in La Courneuve, and a new sports the event. Located in the towns of Dugny, and education centre in the town of Le Bourget Le Bourget and La Courneuve, the Media – all of which will subtly harmonise with their Cluster will welcome journalists from all over exceptional surroundings to create a regional the world during the Games, shooting and sport connection. climbing events, as well as training centres. SCHEDULE DUGNY TOWN HALL Service industry Shops and services Housing JEAN-BAPTISTE CLÉMENT School and sports facilities MIDDLE SCHOOL ROBERT SCHUMAN Perimeter of the Media Cluster HIGH SCHOOL FRANÇOIS RABELAIS VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Renaturing the Terrain des Essences er SCHOOL COMPLEX t DUGNY-LA COURNEUVE CRÈCHE STATION er of the Media Clus t GYM erime P LE BOURGET GEORGES VALBON PARIS LE BOURGET AÉROPORT STATION DEPARTMENTAL PARK EXHIBITION CENTRE SME-SMI BUSINESS PARK BRIDGE GYM TRAINING POOL PITCH MAIN PITCH CARREFOUR SCHOOL PLEYEL COMPLEX TENNIS DIDIER DAURAT GERMAINE TILLION MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL BOULES COURT LE BOURGET TOWN HALL LE BOURGET STATION HUB © - SOLIDEO / Agence Sennse - Agence Traitclair 10. A garden city is a “collaborative development where housing and roads are integrated with public and private green spaces and that generally has a social purpose in France.” (Heritage Inventory Department)

                      The LPlaen Hgaécry aitange ed Sut Dstuarinaabbiliitlié dty pels Jan feuox Or thle Pymapriiqs 2ue0s 2 4 Oet Plymapraic alymnpd Piquaeras dlyme Ppaic Gris 2a0m2e4 s — 4— 422 Under 30 minutes from Paris on the upcoming st century development symbolising the 21 public transport lines of the Grand Paris Express, garden city. the Media Cluster is a unique urban © – SOLIDEO / Nexity_Eiffage Immobilier_CDC Habitat_EDF_ © – Cluster des Médias : ©TVK-SOLIDEO / image : MyLucky Pixel Groupama - Tous droits réservés

                      The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 43 RENOVATING OR RESTORING VENUES THAT WILL HELP TRANSFORM THE REGION Following on from the Athletes’ Village presents the other major renovated and the Media Cluster, two iconic urban or restored Paris 2024 venues and their legacy. transformation locations, this section briefly • WATER SPORTS CENTRE IN VAIRES-SUR-MARNE The Water Sports Centre for the Greater Paris Boasting a landscaped section of river for people region is located in the town of Vaires-sur-Marne. to learn how to canoe, kayak, raft or swim With support from the French State and 85% in white water, along with a range of other new of funding coming from the Greater Paris activities open to all (including fitness, sailing regional authorities, it is the largest white water and standup paddleboarding), the new centre centre in Europe. Its facilities make it the ideal will even be accessible and of benefit to people venue for the rowing, canoe and kayak events not currently involved in sport. The Water during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Sports Centre will bring together water sports Having been designed and approved before representative bodies, housing the headquarters Paris won its bid to host the Games, the water of the French Canoe and Kayak Federation, sports centre – inaugurated on Olympic Day, its regional committee, advanced development 22 June 2019 – is considered to be an existing centre and youth development centre, facility. the Île-de-France Rowing League and its youth The Water Sports Centre will offer elite water development centre, as well as the logistics sports athletes top-class facilities. Boasting platform of the French Rowing Federation. a new sports hub spanning 11 000 m2 including the white-water centre, a training pool, a training centre and a 140-bed facility, it is one of only three centres worldwide – the other two being in Beijing and Sydney – that bring together the three Olympic and Paralympic canoe and kayak events – slalom, sprint and para canoe – as well as rowing. Unmatched in Europe, this versatile centre will be able to accommodate all the canoe, kayak and rowing events (canoe slalom, canoe sprint, rowing, as well as the para canoe and para rowing events) during the Paris 2024 Games in one single venue near Paris. One of the major advantages of the centre is that it was designed with people who could use the venue before and after the Games in mind and meets elite athletes’ rigorous standards. Inauguration of the Water Sports Centre, June 2019 © – Hugues-Marie Duclos

                      The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 44 • ELANCOURT Located 35 km from the centre of Paris, woodland south-west of the bottom of the hill) Élancourt Hill has a potential reach that extends and changing the dynamics of the local beyond Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines. From the late vegetation to diversify ecological habitats and 19th century through to the end of the 1950s, their unique features to promote open herbaceous the site operated as an open pit millstone grit environments. The herbaceous area at the top quarry, while from the 1960s through to the late of the hill will be expanded to recreate a habitat 2000s, it was a breaker’s yard and an illegal for protected species, which will coexist peacefully dumping ground. The site owes its current alongside people using the hill for sports and appearance to backfill work carried out using recreational purposes after the Games: mainly earth and rubble from building • redeveloping mountain bike trails using Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, as well as two existing tracks for the 2024 Games, as well household waste sites. as French Cycling Federation competitions The 52 ha site is part of the greater Saint-Quentin- and championships after the Games; en-Yvelines area. Reaching 231 metres, the summit is the highest point in the Greater Paris region. • creating additional platforms, training Though the soil was brought from other locations, structures and an area for Paris 2024’s short- nature gradually began to take over this term needs that will be shared with local abandoned post-industrial site. Today, the site residents after the Games to meet their needs is used by mountain bikers, walkers and runners. and expectations after the Games, The Élancourt Hill project strives to ensure while ensuring the temporary structures are the site blends in with its surroundings and help a reasonable size (10% of the site will be regenerate existing ecological environments landscaped); by adapting the landscape. • providing users with enhanced access to the Successfully making these changes hinges hill (including where there are community on protecting the trees along the edge of the gardens at present) and improving links Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines plateau (listed between the site and the surrounding area. © – Thomas Barwick/Getty Images

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                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 45 • YVES-DU-MANOIR STADIUM Owned by the Hauts-de-Seine department the two north and south corners and the Loury since 2002, the Yves-du-Manoir stadium sports hall. in Colombes, north-west of Paris, is a legendary To create a post-Games legacy for field hockey, venue in the French sporting world. Football, the French Field Hockey Federation will rugby and athletics have contributed to the relocate to the Yves du Manoir stadium, which enduring success of this stadium, which hosted will become home to the federation’s th century. over 200 international matches in the 20 headquarters and national training centre – Having found a new lease of life under including two field hockey pitches, a stand, the leadership of the Hauts-de-Seine department, dressing rooms, offices and premises. the Yves-du-Manoir stadium hosts a number The stadium will also be able to host national of sporting and school events, as well matches and international field hockey competitions. 11 played by Racing 92’s young teams . One hundred years after it was the main venue Alongside the stadium redevelopment plans, for the 1924 Games, the Yves-du-Manoir Colombes City Council is carrying out a major departmental stadium will be the field hockey project to build “Arc sportif” – a new 16.2 ha training and competition venue for the Paris neighbourhood north-east of Colombes along 2024 Olympic Games. the A86 motorway, just next to the Yves du Manoir stadium – on the abandoned site formerly used Two ‘Legacy’ projects will be carried out by Thalès. The project aims to rejuvenate at the site, under the management the urban and economic fabric of the city of the Hauts-de-Seine departmental council: by building a new neighbourhood centred around 12. 1. A public global performance contract for sports the grounds and buildings in the hockey legacy area: the work and redevelopment needed for the long-term installation of the French Field The top sports competitions hosted Hockey Federation. In addition, the Hauts-de- in the stadium: Seine departmental council is taking advantage of this opportunity to supplement the ‘Legacy’ • The 1924 Olympic Games project with a programme to enhance • The 1938 Football World Cup final and redevelop the entire site in order • 42 French Cup finals between 1924 to improve the range of services available and 1971 to users. 2. A bill under the MOP (Maîtrise d’Ouvrage • 79 French football team matches Publique) law for the demolition and restoration • Racing 92 matches (Pro D2, Top14, of the VIP box: a project to bring the VIP box up to the European Champions Cup) standard and renovate the interior, demolishing 11. (available in French only) 12. yves-du-manoir-a-colombes (available in French only)

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 46 • MARSEILLE MARINA The Roucas Blanc marina is an existing site that After the Games, the Roucas Blanc marina will will be redeveloped to host Olympic events, remain a major nautical venue for the city as well as nautical activities for the general of Marseille. The momentum for sports and public and the French sailing team. The site will events will therefore continue to build given be relieved of its usual functions during the strengthened visibility of Marseille in the the Games in order to free up the space needed world nautical scene. to host the event. • STADE DE FRANCE The Stade de France is currently the largest the Olympic and Paralympic athletics events, stadium in France, boasting a seating capacity as well as the Olympic rugby events. of 80,698 for football and rugby games. Open Work will be carried out to modernise the since 1998, the Stade de France hosts many stadium and its surroundings by: 13, covering both: exceptional events Les travaux auront pour but de moderniser le stade et ses abords notamment en : • improving lighting and the CCTV system; • enhancing accessibility for people with disabilities; © – Luxigon • improving public facilities (additional food and beverage outlets as well as • sport (with the 1998 Football World Cup, the toilets); 2003 World Athletics Championships, the 2007 • refurbishing the press box and the Rugby World Cup, the 2023 Rugby World Cup, conference room; the Champions League final in 2000 and 2006, • renovating the annex stadium; the 2010 European Rugby Champions Cup • improving pedestrian access to metro final, as well as Euro 2016) line 13 and building an access ramp. • and music (with legendary concerts by artists such as the Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Madonna and U2). After the Games, the Stade de France will go For the 2024 Games, the Stade de France will back to hosting major sports and music events host the opening and closing ceremonies, that reach as many people as possible. 13.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 47 • GRAND PALAIS The Grand Palais on the Champs-Elysées in the as well as fencing (the 2010 World Fencing 8th arrondissement of Paris is an iconic historic 14. Championships) monument that was “built by the French Republic to honour the glory of art” for the 1900 Paris In 2024, the Grand Palais will host the Olympic Exposition. For over a century, it has hosted and Paralympic fencing and taekwondo events. many artistic events and a variety of incredible It will be redeveloped for the Paris 2024 Games sporting events, spanning horse shows to improve the spectator experience. Normal (including the Saut Hermès show jumping operations will resume at the Grand Palais after competition), boxing (a 1942 European the Games. welterweight match won by Marcel Cerdan), © – Luxigon 14. Https:// (available in French only)

                          TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s — 4— 488 RESPONSIBLE GAMES THAT OPEN UP OPPORTUNITIES FOR EVERYONE PREPARING BUSINESSES AND TUNITIES OR THE OPPOR S F RESIDENT Y THE GAMES TED B CREA — 2018 OPENING UP OPPORUNITIES FOR EVERYONE THROUGH THE GAMES — 2024 BUILDING AND SHARING T AND METHODS THA OOL S IN PLACE L T WILL REMAIN ONG AFTER THE GAMES — 2 028

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 49 RESPONSIBLE GAMES THAT OPEN UP OPPORTUNITIES FOR EVERYONE ENABLING SMALL TO MEDIUM-SIZED BUSINESSES AND LOCAL RESIDENTS TO MAKE THE MOST OF THE ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES CREATED BY MAJOR SPORTING EVENTS, PARTICULARLY THE GAMES The Paris 2024 Games are a large-scale event, work carried out for the Games) will be organising but not one that is reserved for large companies hundreds of public tenders and thousands and people in work. We are looking to draw of employment opportunities in the coming years. on the diversity of talent available in small and We are developing bespoke tools to ensure all medium-sized organisations to enrich our project. these companies – including very small, small Paris 2024 (the organising committee), Solideo and medium-sized businesses and those within (the company tasked with delivering the Olympic the SSE – and everybody – including the long- facilities) and other contracting parties term unemployed – are in a position to tap into (charged with building and delivering facilities, these opportunities. including development and redevelopment HELPING BUSINESSES AND PEOPLE LOOKING FOR A PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITY With this in mind, Paris 2024 developed bespoke • facilitate dialogue between these businesses tools to help all businesses and anybody looking and major groups by organising procurement for a professional opportunity. Rolling out these consortia; tools takes the form of numerous meetings out on • develop people’s employability by helping the ground with all the driving forces of regional them to acquire skills they can use after the economies – local authorities, associations, Games; businesses, etc. – as well as economic • build and share tools and methods that will development stakeholders, public employment agencies and professional integration bodies. remain in place long after the Games; for instance, the Paris 2024 Social Charter – through which Paris 2024 has pledged to In terms of employment and skills protect employee health and safety and development, the Legacy and Sustainability prevent and combat all forms of discrimination strategy aims to: – is now being replicated across Europe; • support and boost very small, small and • inspire organisers of future major international medium-sized businesses and companies from sporting events after the Games. the SSE in France;

                          TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s — 5— 500 INITIATIVES LAUNCHED PILLARS OBJECTIVES SUB-OBJECTIVES OR ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES 1.The Paris 2024 Games Social Charter Help very small, small and medium- 2. The charter to promote local sized businesses, particularly local employment and community HARNESS THE ones, access Games contracts development GAMES TO CREATE 3. An agreement between Paris OPPORTUNITIES 2024, the Yunus Centre, Solideo and IN SOCIETY Les Canaux AND THE ECONOMY Help organisations from the SSE 4. Entreprises 2024 and businesses that employ people 5. ESS 2024 with disabilities access Games 6. Entreprendre 2024 contracts 7. La Fabrique des Jeux Responsible 8. Job analysis Games that open 9. Signature of a skills and up opportunities USE THE GAMES employment development plan for everyone TO BOOST JOB Encourage local employment (EDEC) CREATION and skills improvement, particularly 10. 2024, all champions AND SKILLS for the long-term unemployed 11. Emplois 2024 DEVELOPMENT 12. From the stadium to employment 13. Entreprendre 2024 14. La Fabrique des Jeux Create a new model for the Games 15. Making Paris more inclusive ENSURE that will inspire future Games with the Games THE GAMES ARE in terms of gender equality 16. The Equality label INCLUSIVE 17. Initiatives accelerated AND ACCESSIBLE Set an example by delivering to guarantee the accessibility TO EVERYONE a universally accessible edition of the Games of the Games HARNESSING THE GAMES TO CREATE OPPORTUNITIES IN SOCIETY AND THE ECONOMY Winning contracts is more difficult for very contracts, but also establishes a methodology small, small and medium-sized businesses. to support, train and adapt them for contracts These companies are not always organised in for other major international sporting events. a way that enables them to carry out active monitoring, set aside time for the Paris 2024 decided early on to work on the administrative aspects of responding to calls issue, applying: for tender (where the end result is not • a political project led with French social guaranteed), or develop professional partners; networks in order to establish dialogue with • involved and attentive governance; contracting parties or form consortia. • tools to leave a legacy, even before 2024; London 2012 and Rio 2016 demonstrated that • collaboration between all Paris 2024 involving very small, small and medium-sized departments; businesses is possible if the organising • regular actions on the ground. committee sets a purchasing strategy that not only aims to help these companies win its • des actions de terrain très régulières.

                          Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 50

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 51 GAMES THAT ARE SOCIALLY AND FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE In order to ensure that the Games set a benchmark, businesses, local authorities and Paris 2024, Solideo and stakeholders signed representatives for all trade unions. This charter three key documents: was drawn up and first signed at the bidding • the Paris 2024 Social Charter phase with the aim of establishing the social • the charter to promote local employment and commitments that will guide the actions taken by Paris 2024 and Solideo in the build up to the community development Games. The commitments in this charter • an agreement between Paris 2024, the Yunus therefore set a new standard in labour relations Centre, Solideo and Les Canaux for Paris 2024, companies and local authorities, but also Solideo and the 28 other public and Paris 2024 adopted the Paris 2024 Social private contracting parties tasked with Charter on 19 June 2018 with Solideo, preparing and organising the Paris 2024 Games. The commitments set out in the social charter include: • establishing governance and management social partners – an employee union and that ensure the Paris 2024 Games set an employer federation; a benchmark in terms of social relations • supporting sustainable employment and (advisory committee, trade union guaranteeing decent working conditions for all representatives, employee and employer employees working to prepare the Games representatives, etc.). It is a completely (preventing all forms of discrimination, innovative form of governance that involves anticipating companies’ skills needs, etc.); all national social partners in the organisation • helping employees and volunteers organising of the Games. Their role in the Monitoring the Games to develop their skills and secure Committee involves guiding, advising and their career paths; alerting Paris 2024 and Solideo. This method is a legacy in itself as it positions the business • making sport a driver of economic, social world, represented by these social partners, and solidarity development (e.g. ensuring as a leading player in organising the Games. a benchmark conversion of the Olympic Village Paris 2024’s Executive Board includes two and promoting sport at work). As part of the Social Charter, on 5 July 2018 10% of the hours that need to be worked Solideo and Paris 2024 adopted the charter to the long term unemployed, people to promote local employment and community in work-study programmes and residents development for construction projects related of disadvantaged areas; to the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. • pledging to ensure that 25% of revenue from The charter breaks down the Paris 2024 Social Games contracts goes to very small, small and Charter operationally for work on permanent medium-sized businesses and companies from Games facilities. the SSE; • committing to combat illegal labour, anti- Its objectives include: competitive practices and discrimination to • supporting professional integration by allocating ensure good working conditions for its projects.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 52 In order to organise united and inclusive and the disability sector in the economic Games, Paris 2024 and Paris City Council signed opportunities of the Games; an agreement with the Yunus Centre, Solideo • guaranteeing that the Social and Solidarity and the not-for-profit organisation Les Canaux Economy as well as local very small, small on 23 May 2018. With this agreement, Paris 2024 and medium-sized businesses have access and the signatories wanted to take on the following to contracts to develop infrastructure objectives together: and provide services of all kinds related • supporting local economic development to organising the Games. and ramping up organisations that drive social and environmental innovation relating to the SSE, integration and sheltered employment; • encouraging the creation of companies in Paris, Seine-Saint-Denis, Greater Paris and the wider region, as well as jobs related to the organisation of and the infrastructure for the Games in all relevant economic sectors; • providing tangible solutions and sharing the principles of an inclusive economy and the circular economy in all initiatives led by Paris 2024 and Solideo in order to maximise development of innovation and social and environmental impacts; • informing and involving all local companies and the SSE, professional integration bodies © – Philippe Millereau/KMSP Signature of the agreement with the Yunus Centre HARNESSING THE GAMES TO CREATE OPPORTUNITIES IN THE ECONOMY In order to support very small, small and medium- businesses can contribute to preparing and sized businesses and those within the SSE, organising the Games. To make sure all these Paris 2024 – in partnership with relevant companies companies – particularly those most in need – has set up systems to make it easier to tender for of opportunities, such as very small, small and Games contracts. This means not only informing medium-sized businesses, as well as those within but also – and most importantly – rallying to help the SSE – are ready to seize these opportunities, remove obstacles, identify innovations and create practical assistance will be provided so they can pathways between different stakeholders to make identify those opportunities, assess their capacity sure that the entire economy is in a position to provide robust and innovative solutions for the to tender for Paris 2024 contracts. organisation of the Games, establish dialogue with large companies where necessary, obtain legal Thousands of public tenders will be made support and develop approaches for working available in the coming years so that these in a consortium or with co-contractors.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 53 INITIATIVES LAUNCHED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES THE ENTREPRISES 2024 PLATFORM Entreprises 2024 is a platform set up by MEDEF (the largest employer federation in France) with the support of Paris 2020 and Solideo so companies can find out all about the business opportunities arising from the Games. The platform is set to continue operating beyond 2024 to publicise tenders for other major international sporting events held in France. THE ESS 2024 PROGRAMME Paris 2024, Solideo, Les Canaux and the It also partly responds to the objectives Yunus Centre launched the SSE 2024 of the agreement, namely the establishment programme to help companies from the SSE of tangible solutions to inform and involve find out all about current contracts (through the SSE in opportunities arising from the Games. a platform, a newsletter, regular meetings and methodological sheets according to the line of business), encourage them to come together to collaborate with major groups, as well as showcase benchmark companies and help them access all contracts. The programme aligns with the agreement signed by Paris 2024, Paris City Council, Solideo, the Yunus Centre and Les Canaux.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 54 THE ENTREPRENDRE 2024 PROGRAMME this initiative, Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Épargne branches have pledged to help very small, small and medium-sized regional businesses and companies from the SSE to find out about and access opportunities arising from the Paris 2024 Games. In concrete terms, the programme aims to inform very small, small and medium-sized © – DR GROUPE BPCE businesses and companies from the SSE about the hundreds of calls for tender that Entreprendre 2024 is a programme will be launched between now and 2024 so that developed by the BPCE Group – a premium they can respond to them. The programme partner of the Paris 2024 Olympic and sends out a powerful message to local Paralympic Games – and its brands Banque economies across France, encouraging people Populaire and Caisse d’Épargne. Through to get actively involved in the Games. LA FABRIQUE DES JEUX IS COMMITTED TO LOCAL BUSINESSES To enable stakeholders within the department arising from contracts awarded by the Paris 2024 (local authorities, businesses and associations) Organising Committee for the Olympic to take advantage of opportunities arising and Paralympic Games. The five webinars from the Games, the Seine-Saint-Denis for businesses aimed to present Paris 2024’s departmental council launched the “Fabrique sustainable purchasing strategy and schedule des Jeux en Seine-Saint-Denis” initiative for future contracts, as well as prepare on 2 March 2018 to provide a forum for work, participants to tender for the contracts. interactions and project development. In total, around 15 people responsible In a bid to mobilise organisations from the SSE for organising the Games were involved and very small, small and medium-sized in the workshops over the three days, businesses, La Fabrique des Jeux held providing 450 businesses from Seine-Saint- workshops on 23, 24 and 25 November 2020 Denis with information and tailored support to present the “economic opportunities” to tender for Paris 2024 contracts.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 55 USING THE GAMES TO BOOST JOB CREATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT One of the main challenges for Paris 2024 To rise to these challenges, Paris 2024 first is to create and develop jobs, as well took the initiative of identifying as establish the conditions required and quantifying the jobs created by the Games. for people to be able to take up these Paris 2024 launched a study in 2018 opportunities by focusing on skills with Solideo and the contracting parties improvement, access to job offers and career to accurately identify the jobs and training security. required to prepare and organise the event. JOB ANALYSIS Paris 2024 began by setting up an analysis lines of business from 2019 to 2024, as well of the jobs generated by the Games, then as hard-to-fill job vacancies in order created an action plan focusing on the sectors to anticipate recruitment and training needs involved in organising major international and develop suitable training pathways for sporting events. employees. It is a tool that three key groups will be able • Secondly, it enables training providers to harness to steer the project: to identify the initial qualifications required • Firstly, it enables industries to identify the for all the relevant professions involved volume of jobs generated by sector in their in the Games, helping jobseekers and employees train or hone their skills. Catering Communications and events marketing Private security Performing arts and audiovisual Hygiene and waste management Other On-site information Goods transport and assistance and logistics Extracts from the job analysis

                          The LPlaen Hgaécry aitange ed Sut Dstuarinaabbiliitlié dty pels Jan feuox Or thle Pymapriiqs 2ue0s 2 4 Oet Plymapraic alymnpd Piquaeras dlyme Ppaic Gris 2a0m2e4 s — 5— 566 Thirdly, the analysis enables professional identified. integration bodies and public employment services to get themselves organised to prepare people in occupational integration for It will be updated to reflect changes in the the training and employment opportunities economic, social and health landscape. Key Business Construction Sector-specific technical administration management professions Metalworking Worksite and business and mechanics management professions Finishing work Cross-sectoral technical professions Maintenance Logistics and transport Structural work Other Public work and concrete work Construction Construction-related machinery operation studies, design and measurement Extracts from the job analysis So that the Games truly benefit as many people agencies, industries, trade unions and professional as possible, particularly those in long-term training bodies – to bring about long-term support unemployment, Paris 2024 has committed systems. to work alongside a number of employment The priority projects for Paris 2024 and its and occupational integration bodies – the stakeholders in terms of employment and skills French State (the Ministry of Labour and the development are: regional prefecture), Paris City Council, the Greater Paris regional authorities, Marseille City 1. Structuring and expanding sectors Council, the Seine-Saint-Denis departmental and professions needed to host the Games council, combined authorities (Plaine Commune, 2. Developing the professional skills of local Paris Terres d’Envol, Grand Paris Grand Est residents and providing targeted support to and Est Ensemble), local public employment jobseekers and people in work before the Games.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 57 STRUCTURING AND EXPANDING SECTORS AND PROFESSIONS NEEDED TO HOST THE GAMES France hosts a number of international events • identify the sectors, roles and skills required that generate considerable economic activity, for these events; much of which is seasonal and does • set up training pathways and bridges between not necessarily result in long-term employment. different professions in the same sector; Companies in these sectors therefore have • test out these pathways and new recruitment difficulty retaining and even recruiting practices; employees during peak activity. The multiplier • develop the specific skills required to organise effect of the Games could reinforce these events that are socially and environmentally labour shortages unless collective actions are responsible. taken in the sectors concerned, giving structure to companies’ requirements and creating clear We also intend to identify different events in the career pathways for individuals, whether wake of Paris 2024 – either one-offs, like France jobseekers or already employed. 2023, or recurring ones, such as the Tour de France or the Roland-Garros international tennis The aim is to help industries involved in major championships – to help structure the sector while events to work together to build a project that securing careers and professions that will continue aims to: long beyond the Games. INITIATIVES ACELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES STRUCTURING SECTORS AND PROFESSIONS FOR MAJOR INTERNATIONAL SPORTS EVENTS IN ORDER TO MAXIMISE THE EMPLOYABILITY OF THE PEOPLE INVOLVED 15 The two professional training funding bodies responsible for training within the events and security sectors have put forward a project for a skills and employment development plan (EDEC) connecting 18 industries as well as the French Ministry of Labour and Paris 2024 in order to better anticipate employment and skill requirements generated by major cultural and sporting events. This project will also contribute to overcoming the ongoing health and economic crisis. © – Michael Regan/Getty Images 15. Skills Operators

                          Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 57

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 58 « 2024, all champions » Is a programme led by Paris City Council and the Plaine Commune combined authority that aims to train and support 1,000 long term unemployed people in the professions identified by the analysis, such as construction, security, hygiene, communications, logistics, transport and catering. © – Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images DEVELOPING PROFESSIONAL SKILLS AND PROVIDING TARGETED SUPPORT TO JOBSEEKERS AND PEOPLE IN WORK Even when professional sectors have sufficiently pathways for jobseekers of all ages is crucial organised themselves to identify their needs to ensure Paris 2024 offers a gateway to sustainable and secure the career pathways required, employment. Likewise, creating innovative the general population – and, in some cases, tools to provide information about professions, the long term unemployed – are not aware sectors and job opportunities linked to the Games of these job opportunities due to a lack will be strongly encouraged. Lastly, any initiatives of information, qualifications or connections encouraging the recruitment of people in long to potential job offers and employers. Creating term unemployment using new skills tracking innovative tools to match supply with demand methods (to identify soft or transferable skills is therefore essential for employment. for example) will receive support. In addition, designing standard training AN INITIATIVE LAUNCHED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES THE EMPLOIS 2024 PLATFORM In association with the French public all members of public employment agencies employment service Pôle emploi, a virtual and will list the jobs generated by the Games job centre, Emplois 2024, will be rolled out as well as all possible pathways to train in 2021. This platform has been shared with for and build the sectors.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 59 AN INITIATIVE ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES FROM THE STADIUM TO EMPLOYMENT: NEW FORMS OF RECRUITMENT Paris 2024, the French Athletics Federation bodies (led by Pôle emploi) and the sporting (FFA) and Pôle emploi joined forces to offer movement. Furthermore, it will make use a new form of job dating in an athletics of innovative recruitment tools to fill a large stadium. This innovative programme, “From number of jobs linked to the Games – starting the Stadium to Employment”, was created with roles within the organising committee at regional level in 2019 but Paris 2024 took and at partner marketing companies with 16 it national, with around 50 dates planned . a strong interest in the capacity of such In collaboration with the FFA and the Greater an event to draw unusual applications, Paris Athletics League, the Greater Paris as well as the opportunity to showcase their regional authorities decided to partner with employer brand and make their professions Pôle emploi Île-de-France and Paris 2024 more appealing. Lastly, public health conditions to roll out 13 programme-related initiatives permitting, the companies working in the coming years. on the Games can also recruit in the stadiums, including in Seine-Saint-Denis and Paris. The initiative involves harnessing sport to create shared moments where jobseekers can demonstrate their expertise, social and professional skills and attitudes to recruiters before embarking on interviews. It therefore aims to facilitate the recruitment of the long term unemployed with an innovative tool that focuses on highlighting applicants’ interpersonal skills. Its effectiveness has already been proven, with 50% of participants back in work or enrolled in training programmes leading to qualifications. On average, around 40% of attendees at classic job dating events achieve positive outcomes. Building on the results of its initial trials, this type of initiative – with sport revealing job applicants’ skills – will be deployed throughout France. It could receive financial support from the Paris 2024 endowment fund and be promoted among public employment © – CASSE Simon 16. Due to the hygiene measures applied throughout 2020, the organisers had to postpone around 40 of those dates to 2021.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 60 ENSURING THE GAMES ARE INCLUSIVE AND ACCESSIBLE TO EVERYONE At the Games in London in 2012, women took a completely inclusive and interactive part in all sports on the Olympic programme experience. Inclusion, equality and universal for the first time. In addition, the principle design will be at the core of every project of gender equality was incorporated right from related to the Games and their organisation, the recruitment of organising committee staff. right from the planning stage. And in Rio in 2016, clear measures were In preparation for the Games, the organising implemented to call out any instances of abuse committee and its stakeholders decided or harassment. For the Tokyo Games, the event to accelerate their various initiatives and make programme was modified to ensure equal collective commitments to: representation of female and male participants. • deliver an edition of the Games that can be In all their different iterations, the Games have made it possible to launch and step up gender held up as an inspiring example along with equality initiatives, acting as a trailblazer other major sporting events in terms of gender for other major sporting events. In 2024, there equality; will be total gender equality among the 10,500 • encourage diversity in sports and professions; Olympic athletes that qualify – for the first time • improve the provision of universal accessibility; in the Games’ history. Organising the Games also accelerates • improve access to sport for people with collective progress in terms of accessibility disabilities; and inclusion. The visibility and scale • contribute to greater inclusion of people with of the Games offers us a shared schedule to set disabilities. ambitious aims to improve accessibility. Local and regional authorities and organisations For example, London 2012 revealed the impressive in the sporting movement will be able to take ability of major events to change public part in the Paris 2024 Games by obtaining the attitudes towards disabilities. “Terre de Jeux 2024” label, which will act as an The Paris 2024 Games and their delivery will be additional tool to drive progress all over France. Paris City Council adopted its “Making • Harnessing the Games to improve Paris more inclusive with the Games” accessibility in Paris action plan to get ready to host the • Harnessing the Games to advance and Paralympic Games and optimise the develop parasports in Paris legacy left behind by the Paris 2024 Games for people with disabilities. • Harnessing the Games to enable people living with disabilities to play The plan focuses on three key areas: a greater role in public life

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 61 INTRODUCING THE EQUALITY LABEL Paris 2024 wants to use the Games as a platform • implement tangible actions to make sure to promote gender equality, inclusion and the the Games are accessible, inclusive and fight against all of forms of discrimination, which egalitarian for all; is why it teamed up with the French State to create • support projects combating violence in sport, an “Equality” events label for the Paris 2024 Games. encouraging diversity and empowerment With this label, Paris 2024 is the first organiser through sport; of a major sporting event to take on • encourage more women to take part in sports a comprehensive and structured approach traditionally dominated by men and, conversely, to gender equality, with the aim of inspiring future promote other disciplines among men; editions of the Games and other sporting events. • change representations in sport and breathe new life into the image of certain disciplines, As part of this label, Paris 2024 has, with the French making them more inclusive and Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport deconstructing any associated gender-related and the Minister Delegate for Gender Equality, stereotypes. Diversity and Equal Opportunities, committed Paris 2024 is also supporting the Host City’s from 2020 to: strategy to increase female sports participation • ensure professional equality, diversity in public spaces and help schools encourage all and a discrimination-free environment within children to get involved in all sports irrespective Paris 2024 and its volunteer programme; of their gender. SETTING AN EXAMPLE BY DELIVERING A UNIVERSALLY ACCESSIBLE EDITION OF THE GAMES Paris 2024 wants to make sure that everyone to online information, ticket purchasing, can fully participate in the Games, regardless transport, celebration and competition venues, of their specific permanent or temporary needs event broadcasts, the Village, tourist related to physical, sensory or intellectual destinations and activities in host regions, disabilities or linguistic or cultural barriers. as well as all experiences related to the Games. Paris 2024 is currently examining all solutions This will be demonstrated through accessibility that could help facilitate equal access for all for both volunteers and spectators at the Games.

                          TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s —— 62 62 INITIATIVES ACCELERATED TO GUARANTEE THE ACCESSIBILITY OF THE GAMES • All venues will be accessible via public • Holding Olympic and Paralympic events in transport, which is overseen by Île-de- the same venues as part of the new Games France Mobilités in the Greater Paris region, concept: Île-de-France Mobilités and its in the form of buses, metro and RER lines, partners are conducting work on the public trams and light vehicles such as vans and transport network for people with reduced minibuses, and at least one of these means mobility in order to develop solutions of transport will be accessible to people – some of which will be in addition to the with disabilities. Paris 2024 is working existing network – so that all spectators with in collaboration with local authorities to make disabilities can easily access competition Games venues accessible. venues. Improving accessibility in a dozen • The “last mile” will be a particular focus stations serving Olympic venues formed part with accessible routes, effective universal of Paris 2024’s bid. signage and specific means of transport all • Accessible training venues: The Prefecture put in place. for Greater Paris commissioned an accessibility • Adapting sports venues will create study on route continuity between stations a high-quality experience for everyone; and Olympic venues. The assessment-based for example, positioning wheelchair users study is nearing completion. A development appropriately will improve visibility and guide will be provided to the relevant local using audio description will give greater authorities to help them carry out work clarity. to resolve accessibility issues.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 LEGACY PLAN — 63 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 63 02 OUR AMBITION LEAVE A SOCIAL AND ENVIR ONMENT LE AL GACY

                          TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s —— 64 64 The table below outlines the main observations and objectives of the pillars mentioned in this section. PILLARS MAIN OBSERVATIONS MAIN OBJECTIVES • 1 in 2 people in France are classed as either • Encourage people in France, especially children obese (17% of the population) or overweight and teenagers, to take part in physical activity (31%). and sport. • Up to the age of 11, a similar proportion of girls • Increase participation in sport and physical and boys are involved in sport. Past this age, activity everywhere – in urban areas, at school participation drops off among girls and they and at work – particularly by leveraging active become less active. design principles. • 38% of disabled members struggle to play sport • Encourage people not involved in sport to take in a club setting. it up. Sport to improve • 87% of 11- to 17-year-olds are physically active • Support and develop physical activity and boost health, for less than 1 hour a day, meaning France ranks participation in sport among young people, education 119th out of 146 countries according to a study as well as raise awareness of the importance and civic conducted by the WHO. of being able to read, write, count and get engagement • PE lessons at school represent the main source involved in regular physical activity when they of physical activity for 80% of children. start middle school at the age of 11. • Cardiorespiratory fitness has declined • Encourage the use of sport in education, by a quarter in children under the age of 11 over in particular among children struggling at the past 40 years. school, as a vector for academic achievement. • Promote the values of sport, Olympism and Paralympism. • Use sport to drive engagement and citizenship and promote respect for human rights. • Sport is widely recognised as an effective tool • Support, assess and evaluate the social impact for social integration, as taking part in sport of sport. forms an essential part of people's social lives • Strengthen ties between the sporting movement and provides an outlet for engagement, and regional authorities. Sport to improve professional integration and personal fulfilment. • Facilitate social innovation in sport. inclusion • The “Sports-Towns-Inclusion” interministerial • Support projects run by sport clubs, charities and solidarity circular, signed on 19 April 2019, marked a new and community sports organisations that use milestone in recognising sport as a vector sport to promote inclusion. for social inclusion. • Sports organisations and regional authorities • Accelerate the transformation of sporting are becoming aware of their impact events. on the environment and are working to change • Promote sustainable sporting structures. practices. • Harness sport to combat climate change. • Sport has a role to play in combating climate • Work to eliminate single-use plastics in and change and encouraging action to protect through sport. the environment. • Getting people involved in sport and looking • Support the expansion of active mobility Sport up to athletes as role models are effective ways in day-to-day life. to drive the of encouraging a shift in behaviour and • Raise awareness of the importance environmental mentalities. of a balanced diet for health and the planet. transformation • Harness sport to protect biodiversity.


                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 66 SPORT TO IMPROVE HEALTH, EDUCATION AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT SPORT TO IMPROVE HEALTH SEDENTARY LIFESTYLES POSE A SERIOUS PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEM Nowadays, we tend to lead sedentary lifestyles intensity physical activity and sport boost the immune characterised by physical inactivity. However, scientific system and play an essential role in preventing and research has proven that this has serious consequences treating many illnesses and maintaining good overall for our health. The figures are shocking: almost one in physical and mental health. Moving a little bit every day two people in France is obese (17%) or overweight reduces the risk of premature death by 30%, cuts the (31%). The Covid-19 pandemic is a health emergency risk of depression by 30% and lowers the risk of many that strengthens this observation: even moderate- types of cancer. The French Agency for Food, ANSES GUIDELINES Environmental and Occupational FOR 11- TO 17-YEAR-OLDS: Health & Safety (Anses) shares its view on assessing risks related to SCREEN TIME PHYSICAL ACTIVITY levels of physical activity and NO MORE THAN AT LEAST sedentary behaviour among children and teenagers 2 hours 60 minutes a day a day The Anses study published in September 2020 aims to estimate the proportion of children and teenagers whose sedentary 66% behaviour or low levels of physical activity could present risks to their do not achieve health. It recommends that 6- to the Anses guidelines, 17-year-olds have no more than two putting their health hours of leisure screen time a day at risk and engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity a day. 17% 11- TO 17- are particularly at risk YEAR-OLDS (less than 20 minutes of physical activity, coupled with over 4.5 hours of screen time a day)

                          Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 66

                          TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s —— 67 67 The results of the study are worrying: or who come from a low-income household relative • 66% of 11- to 17-year-olds do not achieve the to the number of members, as well as in older physical activity guideline of 60 minutes a day and teenagers (15- to 17-year-olds). Additionally, do not meet the sedentary behaviour guideline physical activity levels are lower in 11- to 14 year-old of less than 2 hours a day. The health of almost two girls than boys their age. thirds of children and teenagers is therefore at risk. • 17% of this population are particularly at risk, These levels justify strengthening as they have both the highest levels of physical comprehensive preventive actions that inactivity (with less than 20 minutes of physical combat both sedentary behaviour and activity a day) and the highest levels of sedentary physical inactivity: behaviour (over 4.5 hours of screen time a day). • Actions aimed at older teenagers or those with the • Children’s age and sex, as well as the level lowest social standing must be prioritised to combat of education of their parent or guardian are the sedentary behaviour. main explanatory variables: there are higher levels • When promoting physical activity, actions aimed of sedentary behaviour in young people whose at girls must be prioritised, for instance by raising parent or guardian has a low level of education awareness among their parents and educators. SEDENTARY LIFESTYLES POSE A SERIOUS PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEM Organising the Games gives us a unique a transversal approach to ensure physical opportunity to make everybody aware of these activity and sport are recognised as a public alarming observations and help them to move health tool and play a more prominent role more. Paris 2024 is committed to raising awareness in society, focusing on two main goals: among and convincing people – particularly young 1. Make people want to move more by leading people and people who are not involved in sport – an inspiring discourse on the challenges of the importance of becoming more physically of combating sedentary behaviour active throughout the day. and promoting physical activity and sport Paris 2024 has devised a strategy in collaboration 2. Create opportunities for people to move more with several experts (including doctors, sports through an engagement platform enabling instructors and teachers) and is adopting everybody to play an active role at their level

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 68 AMBITIONS AND INITIATIVES Paris 2024 seeks to support and celebrate throughout the day. everyone who, in some shape or form, helps This approach provides a wide range of choices people access physical activity and sport in that make it as easy and natural as possible organised or informal settings, including for people to increase their activity levels. The first athletes, teachers (particularly primary school step is to change people’s perception of sport and PE teachers), sports instructors, doctors, and physical activity and provide support HR managers, urban planners and elected and activities that meet expectations. representatives. This approach also promotes the expansion France boasts a sporting movement that of active mobility, which has health and is committed to all sports throughout the country. environmental benefits. Active forms of mobility With the initiatives and commitment of all (walking, running, cycling, etc.) benefit both these stakeholders, particularly local sports individuals and the environment, reducing clubs, we will succeed in introducing more greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants linked sport at school, at work and in urban areas to vehicle use. INITIATIVES LAUNCHED PILLARS OBJECTIVES SUB-OBJECTIVES OR ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES Encourage and support the 1. School lessons that lend development of active schools themselves to physical activity 2. Physical training for workers INCREASE on Games construction sites PARTICIPATION 3. Action cards to highlight IN SPORT AND exemplary local initiatives PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Encourage and support the 4. Emphasis on cycling skills EVERYWHERE – development of active companies and active mobility IN URBAN AREAS, 5. Course to train doctors and AT SCHOOL AND sports clubs in exercise prescriptions AT WORK Sport to improve Encourage and support the 6. The framework for physical health development of active urban areas activity and sport in Plaine Commune Improve access to sport for people 7. Course to train clubs how with disabilities to accommodate people with ENCOURAGE disabilities PEOPLE NOT 8. Sporty Parisians INVOLVED IN SPORT TO TAKE IT UP Encourage females, particularly 9. 24 Sites in 24 Urban Areas teenagers, to take part in sport

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 69 • INCREASING PARTICIPATION IN SPORT AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY EVERYWHERE At school Only 13% of middle school students in France a young age – for instance, by emphasising meet the WHO physical activity guidelines the role primary schools play – so that these for teenagers, while almost 25% of 14- and 15-year- practices become second nature to these old students are classed as overweight or obese. children for the rest of their lives. We are therefore Alongside primary school teachers, PE teachers committed to emphasising the role of teachers and all those involved in school sports, we seek – particularly primary school teachers and PE to make children and their parents aware of the teachers – by highlighting their best practice importance of sport and physical activity from and centralising useful resources. AN INITIATIVE LAUNCHED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES SCHOOL LESSONS THAT LEND THEMSELVES TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Paris 2024 intends to promote solutions that in the use of community facilities. harness active design principles to make In collaboration with Terre de Jeux 2024 it possible to integrate physical activity areas, Paris 2024 will work with schools for children into school lessons on a daily to provide them with examples and solutions basis. These changes will also give girls and that are easy to implement. boys the opportunity to occupy a shared space, promoting equality and diversity OFESSOR PR FRANÇOIS CARRÉ Every step counts. As little as 15 minutes of physical activity and sport a day has tangible benefits. Take Scotland, for instance – the Daily Mile initiative began back in 2012 to encourage nurseries and primary schools to build 15 minutes of physical activity into the day. © – Astrakan Images/Getty Images

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 70 At work The workplace has become an increasingly 17. a day in front of a screen sedentary environment, as most people Paris 2024 sets out to promote physical activity nowadays work in the service sector, which and sport at work and increase the number is generally associated with desk jobs. Our habits of employees from partner marketing and lifestyles tend to be characterised companies and officials from ‘Terre de Jeux by immobility, with over three quarters of people 2024’ areas that engage in at least 30 minutes in France spending more than three hours of physical activity and sport every day. AN INITIATIVE LAUNCHED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES PHYSICAL TRAINING FOR WORKERS ON GAMES CONSTRUCTION SITES Paris 2024 wants to team up with its service representatives. Even though construction providers and partner marketing companies jobs are not sedentary by nature, to get people moving more at work. With the programmes like this reduce workplace relevant stakeholders, particularly Solideo, accidents, make workers aware they can Paris 2024 wants to get workers on Games engage in physical activity and sport, as well construction sites to do daily warm-up as help teams mix and bond with one another. exercises before they get down to work, Discussions with Solideo are underway increase their awareness of the benefits and the first programmes will be launched of daily physical activity and train in 2021. © – skynesher/Getty Images 17. Esteban 2014-2016, a health study on the environment, biomonitoring, physical activity and nutrition published by the French National Public Health Agency

                          Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 70

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 71 In urban areas Urban areas play an important role in developing to supporting local authorities that wish physical activity in everyday life. to place greater emphasis on physical activity The importance placed on active mobility, and sport in their public policies by leveraging the development of zones peacefully shared active design principles in particular. by pedestrians and vehicles and the design This approach identifies strategies to design of public buildings are tools for local and adapt urban space in order to cultivate authorities seeking to promote healthier and an environment that promotes active lifestyles more active lifestyles. Paris 2024 is committed and daily physical activity. AN INITIATIVE LAUNCHED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES ACTION CARDS TO HIGHLIGHT EXEMPLARY LOCAL INITIATIVES With the assistance of doctors, urban planners, elected representatives and the sporting movement, Paris 2024 is drawing up a list of local best practices for promoting physical activity and sport. Simple, practical action cards approved by health professionals are currently being designed and will be provided to any interested local authorities, with a view to building a dynamic network of committed stakeholders, in collaboration © – Johner Images/Getty Images with existing urban networks. © – Yulkapopkova/Getty Images © – JAG IMAGES/Getty Images

                          Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 71

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 72 AN INITIATIVE ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES EMPHASIS ON CYCLING SKILLS AND ACTIVE MOBILITY Ecological Transition and the Ministry of Sport teamed up with ten national cycling stakeholders to launch “Mai à vélo”, an annual event held in May to promote cycling in everyday life as well as active forms of mobility in general. The long-term goal is to permanently instil this new culture in France, particularly in Paris city centre and the rest of the Greater Paris Region. Furthermore, in its Games legacy plan, the French State has set out to “triple the proportion of journeys made by bicycle in France by 2024”. © – romrodinka/Getty Images The Greater Paris regional authorities (through their Cycling Plan) and Paris City Council Cars remain the most popular form of transport (through its commitments to making all streets in France. 45% of car journeys are less than in the city cycle-friendly by 2024) also aim to five kilometres, with 19% less than two improve cycling skills as part of their legacy. kilometres. 70% of workers drive to work Paris 2024 is getting involved in this initiative in cars most of the time and cars remain the to: most popular choice of transport for parents who drive their children to school. Six in • promote cycling to work in collaboration 10 children and teenagers take a motorised with its stakeholders and partner marketing form of transport to travel less than two companies; kilometres between their home and school. • encourage young children to cycle, Active forms of transport remain underused particularly in areas awarded the ‘ today, making up one quarter of all journeys Terre de Jeux 2024’ label. in France, with walking accounting for 22% The expansion of active mobility and improved and cycling for 3% of trips. cycling skills enables people to keep The health crisis in 2020 accelerated the use physically active and help reduce the impact of active forms of transport. Against that transport has on the environment and the backdrop, the French Ministry for the climate.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 73 COURSE TO TRAIN DOCTORS AND SPORTS CLUBS IN EXERCISE PRESCRIPTIONS The health benefits of physical activity are treatment plan and may even reduce the need widely recognised. Many studies highlight for medication. Paris 2024 supports and jointly the role of physical activity in preventing funds a course with Paris City Council, certain types of cancer, particularly breast the Paris Regional Olympic and Sports cancer and colon cancer. Appropriate physical Committee and the charity Médecine pour activity can also alleviate fatigue from Tous to provide clubs and all doctors in the 19th treatment and certain symptoms. For conditions arrondissement with training in exercise such as diabetes, it can form a key part of the prescriptions. THE PLAINE COMMUNE COMBINED AUTHORITY’S FRAMEWORK FOR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORT In early 2019, the Regional Strategy and 2030 regarding developing public spaces Delegation and the Olympic and Paralympic in order to put the framework into practice. Games Mission in Plaine Commune began The work carried out so far with all operational to look into defining and implementing staff in Plaine Commune has helped to develop a framework for physical activity and sport a framework covering 14 areas (three main 18 in the area. This study aims to promote and and 11 minor). The public policies increase physical activity and sport in public implemented by the combined authority spaces, whether in organised or informal in its areas of responsibility (including settings, focusing on people less likely the Cycling Plan, the Walking Plan, the Green to participate in sport (including females, and Blue Framework, the New National the elderly and people with disabilities). Urban Renewal Programme and mixed The study consists of three main parts: development zones) intertwining with one analysing the range of activities people are another gave rise to this framework, which involved in and their profiles, promoting can be used to make recommendations the current framework of the Plaine Commune for 2024 and 2030 regarding developing combined authority, as well as defining public spaces in areas identified as key to scenarios and recommendations for 2024 putting the framework into practice. 18. The Regional Institute for Sports Development (a department of the Institut Paris Région) was contracted to conduct the study.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 74 • ENCOURAGING PEOPLE NOT INVOLVED IN SPORT TO TAKE IT UP Sports participation among people with departments and training leaders and disabilities instructors in regular clubs to accommodate Sport is important for social inclusion, and lead people with disabilities. happiness and health, but it can be difficult According to a 2019 study commissioned for many people with disabilities to access. by Paris 2024 on the barriers to and instruments Paris 2024 wants to help break these down of sports participation among people with these barriers by helping create parasports 19 disabilities : % 38 OF MEMBERS struggled to practise at a club. Of them: % % % 34 26 22 mentioned the difficulty said they worried said that there was of finding a club about other people’s not enough information adapted for their attitudes to their about the services disability disability available ONLY rd % % 1/3 47,2 50,5 OF STAFF OF SPORTS CLUBS OF MEMBERS in clubs associated with ASSOCIATED WITH GENERALIST say their main priority is having specialised sports federations SPORTS FEDERATIONS staff that have received had taken disability-related do not have any staff that have training regarding the various training taken disability-related training types of disability 19. Study on the barriers to and instruments of sports participation among people with disabilities conducted in 2019 by the Observatory for Research on Mega-Events and commissioned by Paris 2024.

                          Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 74

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 75 AN INITIATIVE ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES COURSE TO TRAIN CLUBS HOW TO ACCOMMODATE PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Paris 2024 supports and jointly funds a course departmental committees to break down with Paris City Council and the French barriers to sport for people with disabilities. Paralympic and Sports Committee to train 20 sports clubs in Paris how to accommodate The long-term goal is to replicate this initiative people with disabilities and create parasports on a larger scale, which is why a variety of other departments for September 2021. Training initiatives have been introduced to help clubs modules designed in this context can then be set up their own parasports department, used to replicate this initiative elsewhere in including: France with a view to assessing results and • raising awareness of the range of parasports constantly improving. In addition to these on offer; courses, Paris City Council and Paris 2024 have • making special equipment available; teamed up with the French Paralympic and Sports Committee and parasports • providing access to suitable facilities. © – Martinns/Getty Images

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 76 Sports participation among girls Up to the age of 11, a similar proportion of girls and boys are involved in sport. However, girls become more sedentary once they enter their teenage years, with their participation beginning to drop off around the age of 11 or 12. 69% of girls aged 6 to 11 take part in sport, but this figure 20 decreases to 53% for 12- to 17-year-old girls, only 38% of whom are club members . Paris 2024’s strategy seeks to prioritise supporting sports participation among girls. AN INITIATIVE ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES ENCOURAGING GIRLS TO ENGAGE IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORT: THE SPORTY PARISIANS CALL FOR PROPOSALS © – Luis Alvarez/Getty Images Inequalities still permeate all aspects of daily and Paris 2024 have jointly launched life in Paris, a city where women make up 53% the Sporty Parisians call for proposals to support of the inhabitants. Sport can be a fantastic tool the organisation of regular community for empowerment and assertion that promotes sports activities in a bid to encourage women diversity in the city. Within the framework to begin using sports grounds freely of measure 12 of Paris City Council’s “Olympic accessible to the public and keep up the habit. Transformations” programme – “Women This initiative will be replicated if the results conquering public spaces” – Paris City Council are convincing. 20. Attitude Prévention/Irmes study published on 24/06/2019

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 77 Sports participation in Seine-Saint-Denis The Covid-19 health crisis has highlighted of the Seine Saint Denis department. By building that sport forms an essential element of and renovating sports facilities and supporting wellbeing, physical balance and psychological community sports projects, Paris 2024 seeks stability, particularly for those hardest hit to promote sport in this department at the heart by the pandemic, including residents of the Games. AN INITIATIVE ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES THE 24 SITES IN 24 URBAN AREAS PROJECT WITH THE SEINE-SAINT-DENIS DEPARTMENTAL COUNCIL Devised by the Seine-Saint-Denis Its roll-out in several urban areas within the departmental council alongside the local department could potentially benefit from sporting movement with financial and the support of the Paris 2024 endowment communications support from Paris 2024, fund. Additionally, as part of the “Bel été this project aims to use appropriate solidaire” cultural and sports line-up and innovative sports taster sessions in summer 2020, the Seine-Saint-Denis to encourage physically inactive people departmental council set up stands in parks to take up sport, as well as promote the use across the department to promote of public spaces for sport, particularly the Games and sports participation with the to alleviate overcrowded sports facilities. support of Paris 2024 and the involvement This project was trialled in summer 2020 with of Paris 2024 athletes. It also ran a three-day the support of Paris 2024, enabling almost event to introduce people to new sports 1,000 people to try out new sports and on the Games programme and Paralympic strengthen ties with local sports facilities. disciplines.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 78 SPORT TO IMPROVE EDUCATION AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT EDUCATION, A CENTRAL COMPONENT OF THE OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC MOVEMENT The International Olympic Committee (IOC) including PE. Some schools receive support positions education as a central component from qualified personnel approved by the of Olympism, as reflected in the first French State to teach PE. In secondary schools of its fundamental principles: “Olympism (middle schools and high schools), PE is taught 21 is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining by specially trained teachers . in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will Teachers who give PE lessons have a key role and mind. Blending sport with culture and to play. Teaching this essential subject, which education, Olympism seeks to create a way conjugates physical exertion, sporting activity of life based on the joy found in effort, and artistic expression with a learning objective, the educational value of good example and is just one way in which all children are able respect for universal fundamental ethical to enjoy fair and equal access to sport and physical principles.” It is a belief that is shared by the activity. Alongside PE teachers, the entire International Paralympic Committee (IPC). educational community, school sports federations, This IOC principle sums up what Paris 2024 sets leaders and volunteers from local sports clubs out to achieve in terms of education and civic have come together to provide an invaluable engagement: we want to increase physical activity public interest service for our young people, and sports opportunities for young people, and Paris 2024 is keen to support and champion harness sport and its values as an educational their efforts. tool and use them to drive engagement. Further to PE lessons, school and university In France, physical education (PE) is compulsory sports federations also play an important role throughout every child’s entire school career. by offering children and young people There should be 3 hours of PE classes per week the possibility to take part in sport and physical for primary school children, 4 hours per week f activity through sports clubs. The various or 11-year-old middle school children, 3 hours federations include the Sports Education Union per week between the ages of 12 and 15, for Primary Education, the French National and 2 hours per week for high school children School Sport Union (operating in middle and aged 16 and upwards. In pre-school high schools), the Sports Union for Free Instruction and elementary schools, year group teachers (private schools) and the French University Sport are required to teach the entire curriculum, Federation. 21. Article L. 312-3 of the French Education Code (Code de l’éducation)

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 79 SUPPORTING AND CELEBRATING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORT AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE AND THE ROLE OF SPORT IN EDUCATION Right from the bidding stage, the Paris 2024 pre-school to post-grad: support and develop Legacy strategy sought to design and implement physical activity and boost participation in sport a youth programme, in collaboration with all among young people stakeholders concerned. The intention is for the 2. Champion sport to channel a love of learning initiatives to continue to run well beyond 2024. and foster community spirit: encourage the use The Generation 2024 programme is structured of sport in education, in particular among around three objectives: children struggling at school, as a vector for academic achievement and promote the values 1. Encourage children to become more of sport, Olympism and Paralympism physically active and involved in sport, from 3. Use sport to drive engagement and citizenship AMBITIONS AND INITIATIVES Young people are the primary focus of the day in, day out to achieve these objectives Paris 2024 Legacy and Sustainability strategy, (including the educational community, school through two major ambitions: sports federations and others involved 1. Promote physical activity and sporting in the sporting movement, as well as local engagement among young people and those authorities). One of the keys to success lies around them in cooperating with all areas of the National 2. Support and champion the role of sport, Education system, school and university sports physical activity and PE in helping children federations and coordination with the sporting thrive, instilling a love of learning, community movement. The areas that have been awarded spirit and civic engagement the “Terre de Jeux 2024” label are another important ally in our efforts to strengthen To achieve these ambitions, Paris 2024 is the position of physical activity in the day-to-day working alongside all stakeholders who work lives of children.

                          TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s — 8— 800 INITIATIVES LAUNCHED PILLARS OBJECTIVES SUB-OBJECTIVES OR ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES 1. Daily 30-minute period of exercise at school Promote physical activity and sport, 2. Transformation of lessons ENCOURAGE in particular for 6- to 11-year-olds at school* CHILDREN 3. The Generation 2024 label TO BECOME MORE 4. The Olympic and Paralympic Week PHYSICALLY ACTIVE 5. Development of the Carte AND INVOLVED Passerelle IN SPORT, FROM 6. The university project Dancing PRE-SCHOOL to 2024* TO POST-GRAD Enhance the interconnections 7. Unis’vers USEP 2024 sports between education and sport competition* 8. En route to the Gymnasiades Normandie 2022* Encourage the use of sport and 9. The Generation 2024 platform the values it champions to educate young people 10. The Education through Sport call for proposals Harness sport to support children 11. The Games kit for school Sport to improve struggling at school and encourage children* education them to stay in education and civic 12. 1,000 work experience placements engagement CHAMPION SPORT to learn about the Olympic and TO CHANNEL Paralympic Games A LOVE Promote Olympic and Paralympic 13. The Education in Movement OF LEARNING sports and values programme AND FOSTER 14. The learning kit based on the COMMUNITY SPIRIT film Race* 15. Programmes to teach the Olympic and Paralympic values: I’mPOSSIBLE 16. The Paris vs Seine-Saint-Denis and Terres d’Envol USEP Games* Introduce Generation 2024 17. School Sports Days (SSD)* to the Games 18. Regional deployment of the University Olympic Session project* Universitaire* Increase the role of sport in civic 19. Generation 2024 civic service USE SPORT engagement programmes 20. The Universal National Service TO DRIVE to promote sport and its values ENGAGEMENT 21. The Leaders of Tomorrow AND CITIZENSHIP Boost civic engagement programme in the sporting movement * Initiatives expanded upon in the “Generation 2024: educational programme of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games” report

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 81 • INTRODUCING MEASURES TO ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO BECOME MORE PHYSICALLY ACTIVE AND INVOLVED IN SPORT, FROM PRE-SCHOOL TO POST-GRAD School instils fundamental knowledge and into sport and physical activity at school to values in all children, irrespective of their social ensure they become an integral part of their background, gender or origin. PE lessons at lives right through to adulthood and beyond school offer the main source of physical activity The Generation 2024 programme will: for 80% of children. It is therefore crucial that • help children become more physically active; when they start middle school at the age of 11, all children are not only able to read, write and • strengthen the interconnections between count, but also able to get involved in sport. education, the local sporting movement and Furthermore, participation in clubs goes down school sports federations; as children grow older, especially girls. • create a space that encourages diversity in Paris 2024 wishes to help encourage children sport and makes girls want to get involved. AN INITIATIVE ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES DEPLOYMENT OF A TRIAL OF A DAILY 30-MINUTE PERIOD OF EXERCISE AT SCHOOL The call for expressions of interest aims to raise awareness of and promote initiatives, with a view to replicating them. Paris 2024 has uploaded a toolbox for teaching staff to its Generation 2024 platform. It brings together existing learning resources and newly developed tools such as the action cards designed by teachers from the Créteil © – Mixetto/GettyImages academy. The initiative was launched in November In February 2020, the French Ministry 2020, in particular in the Créteil academy, of National Education, Youth and Sport, and is expected to be extended to all in collaboration with Paris 2024, launched interested primary schools throughout a call for expressions of interest in rolling the country from the start of 2021. The first out a trial of a daily 30-minute period set of results will be produced at the end of exercise at school, in addition to PE lessons. of the school year.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 82 INITIATIVES LAUNCHED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES INTRODUCTION OF THE GÉNÉRATION 2024 LABEL In order to expand the legacy of the Games, To obtain the label, four criteria must be met: the French Ministry of National Education, 1. Develop structural projects with local Youth and Sport and the Ministry of Higher sports clubs, which in primary schools Education, Research and Innovation have requires the existence of a USEP or UGSEL developed the Generation 2024 label for sports association schools and higher education 2. Take part in Olympic and Paralympic establishments. It is designed to “build events bridges between school and sport to encourage young people to take up sport and 3. Work with or accept elite athletes stay active”. The first label was awarded back 4. Make school sports facilities available in 2018, and by the end of 2020, over 3,000 to local sports clubs to encourage involvement establishments were certified. in sport The goal for 2024 is to certify 20% of schools with the Generation 2024 label. An ambitious target such as this will only be achieved by working in close collaboration with the teaching community and the local sporting movement. The expansion and support of Generation 2024 Civic Service structures, which operate within a school or a club to drive synergies between National Education and the sporting movement, help achieve © – Benjamin Boccas this target and implement innovative action within certified schools. From 2021, a number of special needs schools in the Greater Paris region will be able to obtain the Generation 2024 label. The project, which is being conducted in collaboration with the French Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport and the Greater Paris Regional Health Authority, will subsequently be rolled out nationally. Opening the label to special needs schools represents a significant step forward in efforts to increase physical activity and participation in sport among young people living with disabilities. It will also help to more effectively integrate disabled children in the school day, as well as wrap-around services and extra-curricular activities.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 83 DEPLOYMENT OF THE OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC WEEK (OPW) © – Dunne-Odhran Held for the first time in January 2017, the bring children together around the Olympic OPW is now a recurring feature in the annual and Paralympic sports, expand the social calendar of the French Ministry of National circles of young people, students and Education, Youth and Sport. athletes, use sport as a gateway into other Developed with all schools and higher disciplines and raise awareness about education institutions in mind, the OPW disability. seeks to: • build awareness of the Olympic and Paralympic In 2020, over 450,000 pupils and students values among pupils and students; took part in the OPW. The event has proved • use sport as an educational tool; to be an effective way to discuss disabilities; • introduce pupils and students to the Olympic two thirds of projects include children and Paralympic disciplines; playing or learning about parasports. The OPW facilitates the implementation of the • change the way young people view disabilities Generation 2024 strategy, accelerates greater and encourage them to take part in sport; understanding, and shines a spotlight on the • empower young people to become engaged benefits of sport. Furthermore, the OPW and active members of the community. explores a different societal challenge each year (such as diversity, interculturalism and These projects, which are primarily health), thereby demonstrating the vast championed by teachers with support from range of opportunities sport and the values school and university sports federations, help it champions have to offer in education.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 84 DEVELOPMENT OF THE CARTE PASSERELLE TO ENCOURAGE YOUNG PEOPLE TO TRY DIFFERENT SPORTS The French National Olympic and Sports Committee has developed the Carte Passerelle, which allows all school children that are members of USEP or UGSEL and aged between 9 and 11 to try new sports free of charge within a network of participating sports clubs. Between the start of the school year in September and the October half term, the children will be able to take advantage of three taster sessions in a sports club before being asked to pay © – CNOSF/KMPS the membership fee to the federation. • CHAMPIONING SPORT TO CHANNEL A LOVE OF LEARNING AND FOSTER COMMUNITY SPIRIT Physical activity, sport, Olympism and • running the Generation 2024 community; Paralympism are wonderful educational tools • helping teachers make the most of educational for young people’s school years, not only resources; benefiting their health but also helping them • highlighting and supporting projects that use learn academic subjects and civic values. The Generation 2024 programme seeks to raise sport to encourage children to stay in awareness of and promote educational tools, education. methods and resources. • The Generation 2024 programme seeks to encourage initiatives that enable people to Paris 2024 wants to encourage initiatives that take part in sports and learn about Olympic combine sport and its values with learning all and Paralympic disciplines in order to: academic subjects throughout children’s school • promote Olympic and Paralympic sports and years and is therefore committed to: values, in connection with the values of the • identifying and bringing together an extensive French Republic and community engagement; library of educational resources related • introduce people to the Games and its values to sport, sports participation, Olympism, Paralympism and all academic subjects; to foster greater community spirit. • creating additional educational resources Friendship, excellence and respect are the three to support teachers of all subjects by providing core Olympic values, whereas equality, courage, them with tools to cover all aspects of the determination and inspiration are those of the Games (e.g. the 1936 Olympic Games to study Paralympic movement. They are promoted propaganda, Usain Bolt’s performances by the International Olympic and Paralympic to calculate speed, and the forces that act on Committees and form the foundation for the a gymnast on a trampoline in physics class); Generation 2024 programme.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 85 INITIATIVES LAUNCHED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES THE GÉNÉRATION2024 PLATFORM The Generation 2024 online platform has a the French Paralympic and Sports list of teaching resources related to sport, Committee, as well as school and university sports participation, Olympism, Paralympism sports federations. Sports federations have and all subjects taught throughout school. also put together educational resources Launched in November 2020, the platform to help teachers better understand their sports. seeks to help teachers prepare their lessons The goal is to leverage sport and the Games and projects. It is designed for the entire to create a Generation 2024 community educational community, including parents, for students and their wellbeing. The platform teachers and the young people themselves. will report on news and projects to highlight Paris 2024 works alongside a number the things people are doing on the ground, of stakeholders, including the French Ministry particularly PE teachers. All the content will of National Education, Youth and Sport be harmonised and supplemented to provide and its decentralised departments, the French teachers with coherent tools to plan projects National Olympic and Sports Committee, throughout the year.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 86 THE EDUCATION THROUGH SPORT CALL FOR PROPOSALS Sport can play an invaluable role in children’s and, ultimately, experience greater academic academic achievement. Sports clubs teach success. Paris 2024 and Paris City Council children civic values, engagement therefore launched an “Education through and respect for others outside of the home Sport” call for proposals to support sports- and school environment and sometimes offer based education and reintegration projects. extra tutoring and school mediation. Five projects have been implemented since Children who regularly take part in sport are September 2019. more fulfilled, have a better attention span 1,000 WORK EXPERIENCE PLACEMENTS ORGANISED BY THE GREATER PARIS REGIONAL AUTHORITIES EVERY YEAR TO RAISE AWARENESS ABOUT THE OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC GAMES The placements aim to raise 15-year-old to ensure they play an active role in the Games school children’s awareness of the Olympic so they truly feel part of this exceptional event. values, physical activity and or/sport, the role Each intake will be welcomed at the Greater of volunteers and the sectors involved Paris Regional Council in Saint-Ouen, go on trips in organising the Games. The Greater Paris and attend activities and talks at different regional authorities are keen to engage venues, some of which will host Olympic and/ and bring all young people along on the journey or Paralympic events in 2024.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 87 AN INITIATIVE LAUNCHED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES THE EDUCATION IN MOVEMENT PROGRAMME TO EDUCATE CHILDREN © – FatCamera/GettyImages A pilot project carried out during the bid priority education network (REP+) schools phase in collaboration with NGO PLAY in the Seine-Saint-Denis department and International22, Paris 2024 and UNICEF aimed the city of Paris. Available to everyone on the to uphold the Olympic values of respect, Generation 2024 platform, this programme friendship and excellence to support can be rolled out on a wider scale all over children’s education in several regions – all France, including overseas and in the education while they played in the school playground. hubs network, during school hours or after Building on this experience, Paris 2024 school. continues to promote Education in Movement, which provides a method to teach 6- to 12-year- old children through sport, keeping them active and encouraging them to develop community spirit. It uses a tried-and-tested programme. Paris 2024 strives to develop the Education in Movement programme in all priority © – Jean-Marie Hervio/KMSP education network (REP) and reinforced 22. NGO PLAY International has authorisation from the French Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport to provide educational programmes and activities that complement school teaching and are in line with school projects.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 88 THE I’MPOSSIBLE PROGRAMME FOR OLYMPIC AND PARALYMPIC VALUES-BASED EDUCATION Paris 2024 supports the use of the Olympic is a particularly useful tool for primary school Values Education Programme (OVEP), teachers that can be used to raise awareness developed by the International Olympic and achieve a more accurate image Committee (IOC), and I’mPOSSIBLE, developed of disability. Paris 2024 will help familiarise by the International Paralympic Committee teachers with these educational programmes (IPC). The I’mPOSSIBLE programme to ensure they get the most out of them. • USING SPORT TO DRIVE ENGAGEMENT AND CITIZENSHIP 23 France already boasts a strong volunteering on a day-to-day basis in clubs and at major culture, with over 16 million volunteers – around international sporting events, where volunteers a third of whom are involved in the sports sector. play an important role. Sport also drives engagement outside France. Each year, the French National Olympic The Generation 2024 programme therefore and Sports Committee sends volunteers from aims to: France on assignment to Olympic committees • encourage young people’s civic engagement in the French-speaking world. These young in the sporting movement; people commit to becoming ambassadors for the Olympic values abroad and lead various • place greater emphasis, within existing civic awareness-raising initiatives (education through engagement programmes, on sport in sport, the promotion of sports participation, assignments of general interest entrusted sport and health, etc.). to young people in local authorities, schools Paris 2024 seeks to promote civic engagement, and associations; which contributes to social cohesion and plays • nurture a new generation of young people a crucial role in the sporting movement – both to lead the sporting movement. 23. (available in French only)

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 89 AN INITIATIVE LAUNCHED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES THE GENERATION 2024 CIVIC SERVICE PROGRAMME TO MOBILISE 10,000 YOUNG PEOPLE Paris 2024 is going to offer young people new National Olympic and Sports Committee plan forms of civic engagement, including through to offer 10,000 young people Generation 2024 the civic service programme. Civic service civic service assignments as part of the French involves making a voluntary commitment State’s legacy plan, giving priority to: to carry out an assignment of general interest • Generation 2024 schools to activate their in one of France’s nine priority areas, such label, organise projects over the Olympic as sport, for six to 12 months. Volunteers and Paralympic Week, take part in Olympic commit to at least 24 hours per week, receiving Day, etc.; an allowance from the French State and additional support – either in kind or monetary • Terre de Jeux 2024 cities to activate their – from the host structure. label and organise projects to promote The goal of civic service is to give young people physical activity and sport in their region; aged between 16 and 25 a framework • Terre de Jeux 2024 departments to activate for engagement that enables them to become their label and organise projects to promote more self-confident, develop their skill sets and physical activity and sport in their region, take the time to think about their future particularly for people living with disabilities; personal and professional lives. • sports clubs and associations to support From 2019 to 2020, Paris 2024, the French Civic innovative projects, apply for Impact 2024, Service Agency and the French National reach out to schools, etc. Olympic and Sports Committee conducted These assignments will help build a conclusive experiment in six Regional Olympic a Generation 2024 community of young people and Sports Committees and Departmental that want to get involved and potentially Olympic and Sports Committees in order become voluntary managers in sports clubs. to trial a project to improve access to sport. Paris 2024 also called upon UFOLEP (the French Union of Secular Physical Education) – supported by USEP (the Sports Education Union for Primary Education) and the Ligue de l’enseignement (a French federation for secular education) – to deploy 100 young civic service volunteers in urban and rural priority neighbourhoods to improve access to sport, introduce people to the new sports on the Paris 2024 Games programme and organise a sports event in their region on Olympic Day. Following these trials, Paris 2024, the French © – svetikd/Getty Images National Civic Service Agency and the French

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 90 INITIATIVES ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES THE UNIVERSAL NATIONAL SERVICE TO PROMOTE SPORT AND ITS VALUES Paris 2024 aims to raise young people’s Paris 2024 is currently drawing up an agreement awareness of civic engagement and volunteering with the French Ministry of National Education, in the sports sector by leveraging Universal Youth and Sport in order to enhance National Service (UNS), a project to empower the experience of young people involved in young people aged between 15 and 17 outside the UNS project. compulsory education. THE LEADERS OF TOMORROW PROGRAMME TO SUPPORT FUTURE LEADERS OF THE SPORTING MOVEMENT Paris 2024 encourages access to positions of of leaders, as well as giving awards to those responsibility in sports associations, who deserve them the most. particularly for young women. Through its endowment fund, Paris 2024 plans to support the French National Olympic and Sports Committee's intention to implement a new programme, Leaders of Tomorrow, to give as many people as possible access to positions of responsibility and encourage greater diversity among club and federation leaders at international, national and regional level. This programme will be built around providing information, raising awareness, offering a training programme, mentoring, creating and leading a regional network © – Paris 2024 - CNOSF


                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 92 SPORT TO IMPROVE INCLUSION AND SOLIDARITY SPORT – A FANTASTIC VECTOR FOR INCLUSION As an outlet for engagement, social interaction in the Legacy and Sustainability strategy: and personal fulfilment, sport is widely recognised 1. sports activities that make people’s talents as an effective tool for social integration. Sports shine through: leveraging sport to identify can therefore be educational resources in their and celebrate interpersonal skills and own right. knowledge that can be mobilised for access The ‘Sports-Towns-Inclusion’ interministerial to training and employment; circular, signed on 19 April 2019, marked a new milestone in recognising sport as a tool for social 2. sports activities that champion values: inclusion, as it mentioned that city contracts leveraging sport to share messages promoting must now include a section on sports action civic values such as social cohesion and the for social and territorial inclusion24. This circular prevention and treatment of excesses (including clarifies the role of stakeholders that harness racism, anti-Semitism and homophobia); sport for social inclusion in order to go beyond 3. sports activities that act as regional ‘common law’ sport and serve other issues projects: leveraging sport to mobilise young related to city policy. people through integration and/or citizenship Three main types of community sports activities, within – and with stakeholders from – different as defined in the circular, will be highlighted bodies (including schools and companies). STRENGTHENING, HIGHLIGHTING AND PROMOTING THE SOCIAL IMPACT OF SPORT Paris 2024’s Legacy and Sustainability strategy • integrating people experiencing exclusion seeks to strengthen the role of sport as a tool for: or a lack of security, including refugees • social inclusion • empowering girls • remobilising people in difficulty, including • the professional integration of unemployed early school leavers people 24. CIRCULAR No. DS/DIR/2019/108 of 19 April 2019 on the integration of sport into city contracts

                          TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s —— 93 93 OBJECTIVES AND INITIATIVES Paris 2024 sets out to change how racist and initiatives through sport, as well as increase sexist stereotypes are viewed by beneficiaries the proportion of beneficiaries that have acquired of supported projects, ensure a rate of positive soft skills (including interpersonal, transversal outcomes for beneficiaries of integration and leadership skills). INITIATIVES LAUNCHED PILLARS OBJECTIVES SUB-OBJECTIVES OR ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES Celebrate the role of women 1. Application of the Generation in sport 2024 label to special needs schools HARNESS SPORT in the Greater Paris region TO PROMOTE Combat discrimination 2. 30 minutes of exercise every day EQUALITY for students living with disabilities AND COMBAT 3. The Equality label DISCRIMINATION Harness the Games to change 4. Olympic and Paralympic Week the way people think about (OPW) disability and promote sport 5. The Female Leaders programme Sport to improve HARNESS SPORT Harness physical activity and sport to inclusion TO PROMOTE remobilise people who are vulnerable and solidarity SOCIAL INCLUSION or on an integration pathway 6. Creation of the Paris 2024–AFD Encourage people to stay in education incubator and help those not in education, 7. The Games Generation scheme employment or training (NEETs) to support young athletes HARNESS SPORT to return to education 8. The Equality label TO SUPPORT 9. The Female Leaders programme PROFESSIONAL INTEGRATION Harness sport to support the social and professional integration of people in long-term unemployment

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 94 • HARNESSING THE GAMES TO CHANGE THE WAY PEOPLE THINK ABOUT DISABILITY AND PROMOTE SPORT The Paralympic Games are the ultimate at the Grand Palais and the Champ de Mars. sporting event for athletes with disabilities. Paris 2024 also decided to bring together the Paris 2024 has high ambitions for this competition, Olympic and Paralympic Games with a shared as demonstrated for instance by its decision emblem for the first time ever. Furthermore, to use the same emblem for both the Olympic by launching an initiative to add Paralympic and Paralympic Games. sports to the emoji dictionary, Paris 2024 The whole world will be watching France during is taking action to foster a more inclusive the Games, which provide a unique representation of sport and raise the profile opportunity to catalyse efforts and accelerate of the Paralympic Games throughout the world. projects. Paralympic athletes’ performances For instance, the Greater Paris regional will therefore provide a unique opportunity authorities are pursuing an ambitious sports to shine a spotlight on the skills of people with policy to increase the range of sports on offer disabilities and demonstrate their employability. for everybody across the region and thereby That is why Paris 2024 is part of an ecosystem improve access to sport, focusing on women, where everyone works on a daily basis at their people with disabilities and young people level to improve life in our society for people in particular. For example, agreements are with disabilities. The ecosystem includes in place to help sports federations, leagues and the French State, local and regional authorities, committees buy special disability-friendly the sporting movement, the healthcare sector, equipment to meet the needs of over 250 clubs the disability sector, the sheltered and adapted across the Greater Paris region that provide employment sector, as well as Olympic and a range of activities for people with disabilities. Paralympic athletes. Accessibility is another important marker Powerful symbols and a high level of visibility for the Greater Paris regional authorities, are needed to change the way people think determining the funding provided to local about disability. Paris 2024 has chosen to hold authorities in a bid to encourage them to Olympic and Paralympic events in the same implement a sports policy focusing on people venues right in the heart of the capital, including with disabilities.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 95 AN INITIATIVE LAUNCHED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES APPLICATION OF THE GENERATION 2024 LABEL TO SPECIAL NEEDS SCHOOLS IN THE GREATER PARIS REGION From 2021, a number of special needs schools in the school day, as well as wrap-around in the Greater Paris region will be able to services and extra-curricular activities. obtain the Generation 2024 label. The project, which is being conducted in collaboration with the French Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport and the Greater Paris Regional Health Authority, will subsequently be rolled out nationally. Opening the label to special needs schools represents a significant step forward in efforts to increase physical activity and sports participation among young people living with disabilities. It will also help to more effectively integrate disabled children © – Hispanolistic/Getty Images AN INITIATIVE ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES 30 MINUTES OF EXERCISE EVERY DAY, FOCUSING ON STUDENTS LIVING WITH DISABILITIES In collaboration with the French Paralympic promoted to get children living with and Sports Committee, 30 minutes disabilities moving at school. of physical activity and sport every day is also

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 96 • HELPING ELITE ATHLETES SUCCESSFULLY TRANSITION AT THE END OF THEIR SPORTING CAREER Elite athletes can struggle with professional endeavours and strengthens our resolve to help integration at the end of their career. Many these athletes implement their projects. Paris 2024 of them have spoken to Paris 2024 about therefore wants to enable athletes, should they the difficulties they encountered when pursuing so wish, to create their own job at the end their entrepreneurial project, as well as the lack of their career and take part in a project with of a suitable framework. The current a positive social and environmental impact. unprecedented crisis further complicates their AN INITIATIVE LAUNCHED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES CREATION OF THE PARIS 2024-FRENCH DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (AFD) INCUBATOR Paris 2024, in collaboration with the AFD, intake of 24 athletes supported over provides a unique incubation programme the course of eight months to launch their that, drawing inspiration from the bidding entrepreneurial projects with a social and phase, focuses exclusively on athletes environmental impact – eight in France and who are entrepreneurs. 2021 will see the first 16 in Africa. THE GAMES GENERATION SCHEME TO SUPPORT YOUNG ATHLETES In 2018, the Seine-Saint-Denis departmental sports project in the best possible conditions. council created the “Games Generation” scheme to provide financial support to Under the scheme, athletes can receive promising Seine-Saint-Denis athletes and support for another year provided they still encourage them on their path to the Paris 2024 meet the criteria (i.e. they are aged 15 to 23, Olympic and Paralympic Games. In 2020, feature on the ministerial lists of elite athletes the scheme provided 30 athletes with and are a member of a sports club in Seine- a €3,000 grant to enable them to pursue their Saint-Denis).

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 97 • CHAMPIONING THE EMANCIPATION OF WOMEN THROUGH SPORT In response to reduced levels of physical achieve equality and increase female sports activity and sport among teenage girls, Paris 2024 participation by mobilising a number seeks to support sports participation among of stakeholders to support this cause to ensure and the emancipation of women through sport. an enduring legacy throughout France. Paris 2024 aims to help the sporting movement THE EQUALITY LABEL: A TOOL ALSO DESIGNED TO GUARANTEE THE LEGACY LEFT BEHIND BY THE GAMES Harnessing sport to empower girls is one of the challenges raised by the Equality label. In addition to its role in organising an edition of the Games that can be held up as an inspiring example in that respect, the label seeks to shine a spotlight, both nationally and internationally, on the gender equality cause and the fight against discrimination. By supporting increased sports participation among and the emancipation of girls and women through sport, the Equality label strives to guarantee a post- © – Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images Games social legacy all over France. THE “FEMALE LEADERS” PROGRAMME In January 2020, the French National Olympic momentum through various initiatives for and Sports Committee launched and with present and future female leaders the Female Leaders programme to boost as well as male leaders, organising workshops female representation in sports management and conferences throughout the year bodies and celebrate female participation to ensure interactions and networking with in sport. The programme intends to build experts.

                          TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s —— 98 98 SPORT TO DRIVE THE ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSFORMATION ARE COMING AW BE ORM O TRANSF OF THE NEED T TE THE TEMPLA S TING EVENT OR SPOR F — 2018 HARNESSING THE GAMES TO ACCELERATE £THE ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSFORMATION — 2024 CHANGING HOW MAJOR SPOR EVENT TING S ARE DESIGNED AND SPOR ARE PLA YED WITHIN OUR SOCIETIES T S — 2 028

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 99 SPORT TO DRIVE THE ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSFORMATION SOCIETY IS BECOMING INCREASINGLY AWARE OF THE IMPACT OF SPORT AND THE NEED FOR TOOLS TO ENABLE IT TO DRIVE THE ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSFORMATION Faced with the reality of the climate and The impact and magical aura of the Games give environmental emergency established in the Paris 2024 an opportunity to lead by example, first section, we urgently need to adapt and be a source of inspiration and give voice rally around, as the future of sport is at stake. to solutions for the future. Moreover, even Most sports stakeholders have become aware though the role of sport in promoting of their impact and role and are beginning education, inclusion and solidarity is widely to change through initiatives such as the charters recognised, the Paris 2024 Games provide an of 15 eco-responsible commitments for event opportunity to harness sport to drive advocacy organisers and facility managers, drawn up by of sustainable development and the the French Ministry of Sport and WWF France. environmental transformation. Momentum is gained by bringing together To accelerate the environmental transformation stakeholders in line with the common vision set of the world of sport, Paris 2024 wants to: out in the Paris Agreement, but it still requires • accelerate the transformation of sporting concrete tools and a shift in mindsets in order events; to become a reality. • work to eliminate single-use plastics in and Sport has an incredible power to mobilise and through sport; unite people. It has an important role to play • promote sustainable sporting structures; in combating climate change and encouraging • harness sport to combat climate change; action to protect the environment. In all its forms • raise awareness of the importance – amateur, professional, grassroots or youth of a healthy diet for people and the planet; talent development – sport is effective in encouraging a shift in behaviour and mentalities. • harness sport to protect biodiversity.

                          TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s — 1— 10000 HARNESSING SPORT TO ACCELERATE THE ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSFORMATION THROUGH PARIS 2024 In the long term, Paris 2024 seeks to leave societies. Paris 2024 wants to accelerate a shift a strong and enduring legacy in terms of how in mindsets and behaviour to encourage major sporting events are designed and prepared the development of sustainable practices for, as well as how sports are played within our in amateur and professional sport. PILLARS OBJECTIVES INITIATIVES LAUNCHED OR ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES ACCELERATE THE 1. Supporting the WWF France programme to accelerate the transformation TRANSFORMATION of sporting events OF SPORTING 2. Sharing Paris 2024 tools and methods with sports stakeholders EVENTS PROMOTE 3. Supporting PEXE’s ‘Bringing the world of sport and cleantech companies SUSTAINABLE closer together’ programme SPORTING 4. Contributing to the shift in mentalities and behaviour in a bid to establish STRUCTURES sustainable practices in amateur and professional sport, particularly through the Paris 2024 Club (will be rolled out and explained in detail later) 5. Contributing to the work initiated by our stakeholders, events WORK TO ELIMINATE stakeholders and civil society stakeholders to eliminate single-use plastics SINGLE-USE (will be rolled out and explained in detail later) PLASTICS 6. Supporting and passing on solutions and projects to eliminate single-use IN AND THROUGH plastics (will be rolled out and explained in detail later) SPORT 7. Helping change the behaviour of organisers, athletes, spectators, partner Sport to drive marketing companies, site managers, etc. at sporting events (WWF) the environmental transformation RAISE AWARENESS 8. Promoting Paris 2024’s commitments and methods to encourage a shift OF THE in catering practices at sporting events (will be rolled out and explained IMPORTANCE in detail later) OF A BALANCED 9. Helping change behaviour by promoting low carbon, locally produced DIET FOR HEALTH food in season in accordance with nutritional and health guidelines (will be AND THE PLANET rolled out and explained in detail later) 10. Supporting and developing the United Nations Framework Convention HARNESS SPORT on Climate Change (UNFCC) Sports for Climate Action initiative TO COMBAT 11. Strengthening the role of sport in advocacy of sustainable development, CLIMATE CHANGE particularly as part of the convention between Paris 2024 and the AFD (will be rolled out and explained in detail later) HARNESS SPORT 12. Helping promote respect for biodiversity in professional and amateur TO PROTECT sport (will be rolled out and explained in detail later) BIODIVERSITY 13. Harnessing sport, particularly outdoor sports, to mobilise people to protect and regenerate biodiversity (will be rolled out and explained in detail later)

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 101 ACCELERATING THE TRANSFORMATION OF SPORTING EVENTS France holds over 2.5 million sporting events world sporting events. It therefore has the every year and has hosted 55 international ambition, legitimacy and opportunity to make competitions over the past 20 years, making Paris 2024 a new global sustainability benchmark it one of the top countries for hosting major for sporting events. • MAKING THE METHODS DEVELOPED FOR PARIS 2024 ACCESSIBLE TO AND USABLE BY OTHER ORGANISATIONS Reinventing the template for the Games does us to curb greenhouse gas emissions not only involve changing the goods and or purchase responsibly. services needed to organise the competition but also the way in which they are delivered. For instance, Paris 2024’s responsible purchasing Paris 2024 seeks to use the Games’ power strategy – built around the systematic integration to inspire to show that it is possible of environmental and social considerations – to do things differently. We must act together, 25 will be shared widely so that any public which is why we are passing on methods and or private stakeholder can access it and integrate tools today, starting with those that will enable it into its purchasing policy. AN INITIATIVE ACCELERATED AS A RESULT OF THE GAMES PARIS 2024 AND WWF FRANCE ARE COMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE SPORTING EVENTS In order to leave behind an environmental of sporting events is therefore vital to make legacy, Paris 2024 has teamed up with WWF these events sustainable. France on its programme to support the environmental transition of the world The WWF programme focuses on three key of sport. The work will aim to take concrete areas: action and carry out full-scale trials at sporting events. 1. Supporting the environmental transition of sporting events in France The environmental responsibility of a sporting 2. Raising awareness among spectators and event is in the hands of stakeholders such helping them adopt more environmentally as sporting event organisers, sports facility friendly behaviour managers, local authorities, service providers, athletes and spectators. Uniting 3. Developing active mobility during sporting and engaging the entire ecosystem events 25. Paris 2024’s responsible purchasing strategy was written in accordance with public purchasing principles.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 102 PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE SPORTING STRUCTURES Sport is more than just major events – with activity, a healthy diet and active mobility – 16.1 million registered members in France through sport – helps improve people’s health and 32 million people in France reporting they and reduce the daily impact people in France take part in sport at least once a month, have on the climate and the environment. day-to-day sport not only represents an impact Paris 2024 therefore seeks to inspire more to be managed but also a tool to change sustainable practices in amateur and professional methods and behaviour and mobilise people sport, particularly through the Terre de Jeux to protect the environment and the climate. 2024 and Paris 2024 Club initiatives. Furthermore, encouraging regular physical PARIS 2024, ALONG WITH THE FRENCH MINISTRY OF SPORT, SUPPORTS PEXE26 TO BRING THE WORLD OF SPORT AND CLEANTECH COMPANIES CLOSER TOGETHER At present, sporting event organisers, sports • lead the network of stakeholders facility managers, sports federations and regions (by creating points of contact and spaces hosting sporting events have no structured for PEXE events) for the environmental and approach to ramping up the integration energy transition to respond to the challenges of solutions. faced by the world of sport; That is why Paris 2024, along with the French • create and promote the directory of innovative Ministry of Sport, supports PEXE’s project solutions for sustainable sport. to unite the world of sport and cleantech companies to: The first results will be revealed in spring 2021. 26. PEXE is the association of cleantech companies in France, comprising 40 networks of around 6,000 SMEs.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 103 WORKING TO ELIMINATE SINGLE-USE PLASTICS IN AND THROUGH SPORT The production of plastic grew exponentially For Paris 2024, it involves setting an example, from 2.3 million tonnes in 1950 to 162 million by eliminating single-use plastics at its tonnes in 1993, which rose to 448 million headquarters, and encouraging its entire tonnes in 2015. It is estimated that 40% of the 28. ecosystem to eliminate single-use plastics plastic produced is used just once before it is thrown away. Of the 10 tonnes of plastic To do so, Paris 2024 aims to: 27, only produced every second worldwide • contribute to the work initiated by its a very small proportion is recycled – the rest stakeholders, events stakeholders and civil is incinerated, sent to landfill or simply dumped society stakeholders to eliminate single-use outdoors. This explains why 73% of beach litter plastics; worldwide is plastic and there is a vortex • support and pass on solutions and projects of waste three times the size of France floating to eliminate single-use plastics; between Japan and the US. The world of sport has joined efforts to combat this issue. • help change the behaviour of organisers, For instance, the IOC published the Plastic athletes, spectators, site managers and Game Plan for Sport guide to help the sports companies at sporting events, particularly community address plastic pollution. as part of the WWF project it supports. RAISING AWARENESS OF THE IMPORTANCE OF A BALANCED DIET FOR HEALTH AND THE PLANET Choosing what we put on our plate would be and culinary expertise in France to spark a shift a good place to start. We can work towards in eating habits. In collaboration with the entire a more sustainable catering service that takes network of regions, we want to make progress the season, the location and nutritional needs together to bring about more sustainable into consideration. Farming practices are farming practices, while providing food that evolving across France and all over the world, promotes and generates local employment. with fairer pay for producers, restrictions All these commitments will be formalised in the on chemical inputs, agroecological methods Food Vision, which will be published towards and improved breeding conditions. At all stages, the end of 2021 in a bid to: from supply through to waste management, it is our duty to opt for a catering service that limits 1. promote Paris 2024’s commitments its environmental impact and encourages and methods to encourage a shift in catering a shift in practices. In its commitments, practices at sporting events; Paris 2024 no longer wants human health to be 2. help change behaviour by promoting set against the health of the planet. Solutions low-carbon, locally produced food in season are linked to make progress on these two fronts. in accordance with nutritional and health That is why Paris 2024 is committed to providing guidelines; 15 million healthy meals that are kind to the 3. sign up to and collaborate with regional planet. We are keen to combine all the creativity initiatives. 27. National Geographic 28. Novethic

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 104 HARNESSING SPORT TO COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE There is more to the environmental transformation Paris 2024 therefore pledges to harness the Games, than just technical solutions – it primarily the largest sporting event in the world, involves our behaviour and value system. to mobilise and encourage its ecosystem to take The Games unite 4 billion viewers, 13.5 million environmental action. We know we can count spectators, 15,000 athletes and 206 nations. on the unifying momentum of the Games The scale of the Games makes it a unique to encourage the entire Committee, the sporting opportunity to align stakeholders and get movement, our stakeholders and our partner a message across to billions of people. marketing companies to work alongside us. PARIS 2024 TEAMS UP WITH THE UNFCCC "SPORTS FOR CLIMATE ACTION" INITIATIVE AT THE COP24 At the 24th Conference of the Parties to the to five principles: United Nations Framework Convention 1. Promote greater environmental on Climate Change (COP24), Paris 2024 responsibility announced it would join forces with 2. Reduce the overall climate impact of the United Nations Framework Convention sporting events on Climate Change (UNFCCC) ‘Sports for Climate Action’ initiative, which aims 3. Educate for climate action to encourage the world of sport to reduce its 4. Promote sustainable and responsible greenhouse gas emissions related to organising consumption sports competitions. 5. Advocate for climate action through Participants in the initiative commit to adhere communication HARNESSING SPORT TO PROTECT BIODIVERSITY Similar to climate action, protecting biodiversity through developments rooted in the involves more than merely reducing environmental landscape while supplying or offsetting the environmental impacts ecosystem goods. This commitment has been of competition venues. Paris 2024 wants to make worked on since the bid stage alongside people aware of what biodiversity represents the move towards carbon neutrality. as a whole. The organisation of the Games must spearhead clear, comprehensive civic Paris 2024 therefore aims to: information and environmental regeneration. • help promote respect for biodiversity The fact that sport and biodiversity both contribute to people’s wellbeing makes this in professional and amateur sport; a particularly relevant commitment – they • harness sport, particularly outdoor sports, improve health and wellbeing and can bolster to mobilise people to protect and regenerate the resilience of regions and urban areas biodiversity.

                          TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 LEGACY PLAN — 105 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s — 1— 10055 03 OUR METHOD Y TIVEL CURING OUR BUDGET SE C AND LEAVING A COLLE GACY TED LE UC TR T CONS IMPAC AND A MEASURED


                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 107 SOCIAL INNOVATION THROUGH SPORT IN FRANCE THE PARIS 2024 ENDOWMENT FUND A TOOL TO RINGFENCE THE RESOURCES INVESTED IN LEGACY-RELATED PROJECTS In order to break down Paris 2024’s social • the budget of the organising committee, which and environmental ambitions operationally, contributes up to €50 million (some of which on 24 January 2019 the Board of Directors is transferred to the Paris 2024 endowment fund); of the organising committee approved • instruments and funding from stakeholders, the methods of funding and steering the Legacy which Paris 2024 can promote; and Sustainability strategy, as well as the creation • additional funding from Paris 2024’s partner of a special tool. After careful consideration, marketing companies. the Board of Directors decided to allocate a budget of €50 million exclusively for legacy-related In order to leverage these resources and break projects and create an endowment fund. down the Legacy and Sustainability strategy This decision helps to ringfence the resources operationally, the Paris 2024 endowment fund by opening up opportunities for Paris 2024’s was officially created on 27 June 2019. partner marketing companies to sponsor It is a platform for social innovation through projects as part of the Legacy and Sustainability sport that sets out to support projects that harness strategy, as well as formalise a collective sport to make a social impact. This tool and governance that closely binds the members the methodological approach it takes are designed of the Paris 2024 Board of Directors. to be passed on as a legacy after 2024. The budget allocated to legacy and sustainability The future of the endowment fund will be projects can therefore come from three sources: outlined in 2022.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 108 A TOOL TO STRENGTHEN THE POSITION OF SPORT IN SOCIETY AND SUPPORT SOCIAL INNOVATORS THROUGH SPORT AREAS COVERED BY THE ENDOWMENT FUND The four main areas covered by the endowment Initiatives that combine sport and culture fund are: qualify for support from the endowment fund. • Sport to improve health The endowment fund prioritises supporting projects in deprived areas that are carried out • Sport to improve education and citizenship for the benefit of people who are not involved • Sport to improve inclusion, integration, in sport and/or in a vulnerable position. solidarity and equality The fund helps Paris 2024 realise its desire to strengthen the position of sport in society • Sport to protect the environment and support access to sport for all. OBJECTIVES OF THE MAIN SUPPORT TOOLS ENDOWMENT FUND The endowment fund has three main objectives: The endowment fund provides three forms 1. Encourage, identify and fund social of support to leaders of social innovation innovation projects that harness sport and projects that harness sport: show great potential • It enables the leaders of the chosen projects to use the Impact 2024 signature to enhance 2. Help project leaders (the sporting movement, their initiative. local authorities and associations) to design, • It provides shared and individual support in close implement and assess the impact of these projects collaboration with the leaders of each chosen 3. Highlight and raise awareness of these project based on their specific needs to design, projects to encourage similar efforts implement, ramp up or replicate a project. and showcase the social impact of sport • It provides financial support to project leaders.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 109 GOVERNANCE AND OPERATIONS Chaired by Paris 2024 President Tony Estanguet, fund supports initiatives throughout France the endowment fund is run by a Board of Directors (i.e. mainland France and overseas France). – comprising the same members as the Board of Directors of the organising committee – that Its hallmark is getting stakeholders to work sets its strategy, decides on support and agrees together: on the amounts to be allocated to projects. • Federations on the Games programme are It is made up of the members of the Paris 2024 encouraged to design collective projects Board of Directors. A selection committee – involving other general interest stakeholders. comprising public bodies, representatives from the sporting movement, athletes and qualified • Eligible public stakeholders are encouraged figures – helps the Board of Directors carry out to design projects with the sporting its role. The Paris 2024 Impact and Legacy team movement and must call on it concerning prepares and implements the strategy sports management. of the endowment fund and oversees project • Applicants for the Impact 2024 call for proposals support and impact assessment. must apply as part of a group with at least one The Paris 2024 endowment fund works to promote stakeholder from the sporting movement. social impact through sport. The winning projects can be led by the Olympic and Paralympic This methodology aims to strengthen long- federations on the programme at the Paris 2024 term cooperation between the sporting Games, public stakeholders, as well as all movement and public authorities and maximise stakeholders (athletes, associations and local the impact and sustainability of the projects authorities) of general interest. The endowment supported. IMPACT 2024 CALL FOR PROPOSALS The French National Sports Agency, Paris stakeholders; 2024, the French National Olympic and • help circulate tools and best practices for Sports Committee and the French Paralympic sustainable action across multiple regions; and Sports Committee launched a joint call • report on the impacts and effects on the for proposals in 2020, Impact 2024, for sports money invested. stakeholders and associations that harness sport for social innovation. The first such call for proposals in 2020 received 1,200 submissions. Around 1,000 This annual call for proposals aims to: projects were selected and will be able to use • develop innovative solutions to address the Impact 2024 signature in compliance with new issues; the rules governing its use. These include five • promote local synergies between local national projects and 50 regional and local authorities, local clubs and regional sports projects that will receive a total of €1.7 million in funding.

                          Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 109

                          The LPlaen Hgaécry aitange ed Sut Dstuarinaabbiliitlié dty pels Jan feuox Or thle Pymapriiqs 2ue0s 2 4 Oet Plymapraic alymnpd Piquaeras dlyme Ppaic Gris 2a0m2e4 s — 1— 11100 FRÉDÉRIC SANAUR, ench r er of the F al Manag Gener ency National Sports Ag The first edition of Impact 2024 was a great success and showcased sports organisations’ flair for innovation. Well done to the 55 successful applicants and all the projects selected. This joint endeavour with Paris 2024, the French National Olympic and Sports Committee and the French Paralympic and Sports Committee will continue to grow in 2021. A BUDGET TO IMPLEMENT THE ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE STRATEGY The Committee has ring-fenced a €52 million environmental standards for the different budget for the implementation of Paris 2024’s projects – will be broken down operationally Environmental Excellence strategy, displaying within the departments responsible its political will to host sustainable, for delivering the Games. For instance, this environmentally friendly Games. involves the use of responsible materials for temporary infrastructure and venues and obligations to reuse and recycle materials, The breakdown of the budget is as follows: the use of temporary power generated by • €15 million to ensure the Games are fully renewable energy sources, the establishment carbon neutral by offsetting any residual of purchasing criteria for sustainable food carbon emissions from the event; (products awarded labels, short supply chains, • €13 million to implement innovative agroecological practices, low-carbon environmental excellence policies (outlined and plant-based options, etc.), extra recycling in parts 1 and 2 of the present document); requirements in terms of waste management, standards imposed on logistics operations, • €24 million to help Paris 2024’s departments as well as the use of clean vehicles. It also fulfil the various environmental excellence includes audits of compliance with objectives. Some of the costs – relating to the the responsible purchasing strategy and effective implementation of the responsible the integration of environmental considerations purchasing strategy and stringent (in liaison with the purchasing department).

                          Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 110

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 111 A COLLECTIVELY CONSTRUCTED STRATEGY TO DELIVER AN EDITION OF THE GAMES THAT CAN BE HELD UP AS AN INSPIRING EXAMPLE AND BUILD A LEGACY FOR THE GAMES A JOINTLY LED LEGACY AND SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY INVOLVING ALL OF PARIS 2024’S DEPARTMENTS The legacy and sustainability strategy is led as soon as they are set up and must begin and collectively constructed by the Impact to think about the methods and tools and Legacy department and the they could leave behind as a legacy once Environmental Excellence department. Paris 2024 is disbanded. Through the joint implementation of tools Paris 2024 seeks to design and deliver sustainable such as the responsible purchasing strategy and inclusive Olympic and Paralympic Games and the sustainable management system, the that set an example, as well as maximise their two departments ensure that all Paris 2024 positive impact and legacy. To do so, departments integrate the strategy into their it has put transversal tools in place so that all respective activities. Furthermore, divisions Committee departments can contribute are made aware of sustainability challenges to achieving these objectives. AREAS COVERED BY THE ENDOWMENT FUND In line with the objectives of the IOC’s Olympic social progress and fair economic development Agenda 2020 and the UN Sustainable practices. The entire strategy was designed Development Goals, Paris 2024 sets out so that the positive impact of Paris 2024’s to make the Games a sustainability benchmark purchases would be visible immediately and and implement the most advanced social live on long after the Games draw to a close. and environmental innovation practices. As the Games essentially boil down to a temporary Paris 2024’s responsible purchasing strategy event, it is crucial that we reflect our ambition is built around three fundamental principles: in the purchasing strategy. 1. Consideration of the post-Games period That is why Paris 2024 decided to formalise, 2. An inclusive inventory accessible to everyone through this strategy, a comprehensive and responsible purchasing approach. This strategy 3. The strategy’s multiplier effect as a result aims to move from managing risks to encouraging of the commitment shown by everyone involved the most virtuous environmental protection, in Paris 2024

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 112 Paris 2024 has chosen to place particular emphasis on five priority issues: 1. Circular economy initiatives before and after 5. Value creation in local areas the Games 2. Carbon neutrality and environmental Indicators related to each of these five issues protection initiatives are currently being developed to encourage 3. Social innovation initiatives Paris 2024 to be efficient in rolling out the 4. The inclusion of groups, workers and users responsible purchasing strategy and go beyond living with disabilities good intentions to achieve practical results. A SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE ISO 20121 STANDARD A sustainable management system is a set the assessment of challenges, dialogue with of processes to systematically integrate stakeholders in the Games ecosystem, environmental and social challenges into regulatory monitoring, skills management, the activity of an organisation. operations management, data collection The Paris 2024 sustainable management system, for reporting, etc.; which is in compliance with the ISO 20121 • operational tools to help Paris 2024 teams standard, is therefore a tool that helps ensure integrate social and environmental challenges ambition is turned into action. It aims into their activities, including priority matrices, to facilitate the delivery of Paris 2024’s Legacy checklists of sustainability best practices, and Sustainability strategy by providing a set standards, engagement charters and guides. of processes designed to support teams and These components are broken down into enabling stakeholders in the Games ecosystem strategic planning, operational planning, to align with Paris 2024’s ambitions. support, delivery and performance monitoring. Paris 2024’s sustainable management system The fundamental aspects of the sustainable includes the following components: management system are being implemented • the policy of the sustainable management in 2020 and 2021 with a view to receiving the first system and the action plans of the relevant ISO 20121 certification – for the planning phase departments; – in the first half of 2022. Paris 2024 is also • processes, formalised through procedures exploring options to develop the standard when necessary, that describe how to go about to better take into account legacy challenges.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 113 A RALLYING METHOD – ENGAGING WITH STAKEHOLDERS AND CIVIL SOCIETY The Legacy and Sustainability strategy Paris 2024 promotes a collaborative approach is a joint effort managed with stakeholders, enhanced by the contributions of numerous partner marketing companies and civil stakeholders. society. By setting up working groups, ENGAGING WITH THE PARIS 2024 ECOSYSTEM Paris 2024 is run by a Board of Directors while ensuring overall consistency and that includes all the founding members29 guaranteeing a powerful impact. 30 and local authorities of the project, Solideo Paris 2024 acts as a catalyst within this group by: involved in the Games. These players are • facilitating smooth coordination of common the main Paris 2024 stakeholders. goals; Building the legacy left behind by Paris 2024 • promoting best practice sharing and a link depends on the collective involvement of all between each stakeholder’s legacy and these stakeholders. The Legacy and Sustainability sustainability projects; strategy is therefore the common framework • creating momentum through specific of this shared ambition based on Paris 2024’s programmes and calls for proposals; vision. It must address one major challenge: • offering a common framework to measure reflecting the full range of heritage and sustainability priorities pursued by stakeholders the social impact of the Games. PARIS 2024 STAKEHOLDERS CNOSF French CPSF state Paris City Seine-Saint- Council Denis departmental council Solideo Combined Marseille Plaine authorities City Commune Council The Greater The Greater Paris Paris Grand regional Metropolitan Est Paris authorities Area Ensemble Paris Grand Terres Est d'Envol 29. The French National Olympic and Sports Committee, the French Paralympic and Sports Committee, Paris City Council, the French State, the Greater Paris regional authorities, the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area and the Seine-Seine-Denis departmental council. 30. The company tasked with delivering the Olympic facilities.

                          Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 113

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 114 PARIS 2024’S PARTNER MARKETING COMPANIES AT THE HEART OF THE LEGACY THE GAMES WILL LEAVE BEHIND Paris 2024’s partner marketing companies in projects managed and led by Paris 2024. help carry out and expand Paris 2024’s legacy Furthermore, our partner marketing and sustainability programmes. They are companies collectively construct their own involved in projects right from the beginning programmes in line with Paris 2024’s vision. to devise participation and engagement For instance, Entreprendre 2024 is a programme opportunities for their own ecosystem. developed by BPCE, a Premium partner To that end, the programmes can be adapted of Paris 2024, which aims to improve access to integrate activations in companies (e.g. job to economic and social opportunities related dating sessions focusing on a particular to the organisation of the Paris 2024 Olympic structure). Furthermore, our partner marketing and Paralympic Games. Entreprendre 2024 companies can expand the programmes is in keeping with the momentum generated by using the communication kits provided by Paris 2024, MEDEF and Les Canaux with to them. They can thereby get fully involved the Entreprises 2024 and SSE 2024 programmes. © – DR GROUPEBPCE

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 115 INVOLVING EXPERTS AND CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATIONS31 Paris 2024 adopts its vision and strategy not only with its stakeholders through mutual governance, but also with various members of civil society along with experts and associations, whom it consults regularly to collectively design and build the sustainability and legacy of the Games. • THE LEGACY AND SUSTAINABILITY STEERING • THE ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE COUNCIL COMMITTEE The legacy and sustainability strategy The Interministerial Delegate for the Olympic is therefore created and managed collectively and Paralympic Games wanted to establish an with stakeholders. This collaboration takes Environment and Climate Council in early 2021 form when the Legacy and Sustainability to support all the Games stakeholders regarding Steering Committee meets every two months. these two issues and monitor the different At the meetings, the organising committee environmental and climate commitments and its stakeholders share their labour undertaken to prepare and organise the Games. and environmental work. As the legacy and sustainability strategy is designed to bring together everyone’s actions, these meetings are essential to showcase and clearly differentiate stakeholders’ contributions, ensuring consistency across the board to leave a strong, enduring and collective legacy. • THE SOCIAL CHARTER MONITORING COMMITTEE We have appointed a committee that meets every quarter to ensure the charter is properly applied. Its members include representatives from trade unions, employer organisations, Paris 2024 and Solideo. T BERNARD THIBAUL d e Boar ecutiv 4 Ex 02 aris 2 member of the P ade unions ench tr r or F e f ativ esent epr and r d erning Boar s Gov ’ O on the IL Involving social partners in the organisation is a first for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. We have collaborated since the bidding phase and are actively working to create a new model. We want to make history in terms of the labour aspects of the Games. 31.A list of the various committees and councils is provided in the appendices.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 116 • THE SSE 2024 STRATEGIC COMMITTEE A strategic committee was set up to ensure Games. Setting out to monitor the progress the correct application of the social charter of actions carried out by SSE 2024 and its signed on 23 May 2018 by Paris 2024, Solideo, partners, the committee met for the first time Professor Yunus and Les Canaux, which aims on 19 November 2018. to organise the first ever united and inclusive OFESSOR MUHAMMAD YUNUS PR e eat aur e L eace Priz 006 Nobel P 2 e unus Centr ounder of the Y and f The Games are a huge event that bring together the entire world. Sport is an amazing tool and the Olympic and Paralympic Games are a wonderful opportunity to use it for social unity. Imagining something is one thing, but taking action is another. Turning a wish into reality is a real challenge, but the organisers of Paris 2024 have decided to take it on. • THE ‘POUR UNE FRANCE EN FORME’ GROUP • THE 2024 STEERING COMMITTEE This group is made up of independent experts At the request of the Interministerial Delegate from the world of sport, health and the media for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and has identified 11 tangible courses of action the 2024 steering committee meets every to combat sedentary behaviour and promote quarter or as often as necessary, in particular physical activity. It is helping Paris 2024 design to prepare key events, such as the Olympic and and implement its strategy to encourage Paralympic Week and Olympic Day. A regional everybody to engage in physical activity variant of this committee, the Generation 2024 and sport, especially the least physically active. Steering Committee, rolls out the Generation 2024 label in each Local Education Authority. • THE PARALYMPIC GAMES LEGACY • THE EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY COMMITTEE COMMITTEE The Paris 2024 Equality and Diversity Committee’s The Paralympic Games Legacy committee has main task is drawing up a shared road map met once a month since January 2019 to share to make sure the Paris 2024 Games promote and draw up a common road map based on three equality and tackle discrimination, as well commitments: ensuring universal accessibility as monitoring the work of the Paris 2024 equality at the Paris 2024 Games, developing sport label. for people with disabilities, as well as fostering the professional and social inclusion of people with disabilities in the preparation of the Games.

                          Paris 2024 The Legacy and Sustainability Plan - Page 116

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 117 • THE ENERGY COUNCIL The Energy Council meets at least twice a year authorities to enable decision-making and the and its main tasks include: issuance of permits; 1. developing a framework through which risks 2. working with the appropriate French related to the resilience of networks and government agencies and departments the supply of electricity and gas for the Games to establish a process to manage risks related can be understood, assessed, prioritised to the supply of energy to the sites and examine and presented for review by the appropriate how they can be resolved. • THE MOBILITY COMMITTEE The Mobility Committee is responsible it oversees four working groups: infrastructure for coordinating the organisation of transport and legacy, mobility and traffic, vehicle fleets for the Games. Meeting multiple times a year, for 2024 and innovation. THE WORKING GROUP OF SIGNATORIES TO THE CHARTER OF 15 ECO- RESPONSIBLE COMMITMENTS Launched in 2017 by the French Ministry of Sport Paris 2024 takes part in the working groups held in partnership with WWF France, the charter by the French Ministry of Sport and WWF France, consists of 15 priority commitments to organise along with 105 other organisers and facility environmentally friendly events with a view managers that are signatories. These working to making gradual improvements (in terms groups take place several times a year and are of food, responsible purchasing, waste recycling, an opportunity for all the signatories to interact, reduced water and energy consumption, share best practices and feedback, and find out accessibility, gender equality, etc.). Having signed about initiatives introduced by others so that the version of the charter for event organisers, everyone can move forward together. • UNFCCC AND SPORTS FOR CLIMATE ACTION Paris 2024 also affirmed its commitment more responsible and sustainable consumption to deliver sustainable Games by officially signing and, lastly, advocate for climate action. the United Nations Framework Convention The Environmental Excellence department on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Sports for Climate is an active participant in the various working Action initiative. In collaboration with over groups bringing to life the commitments of this 158 signatories worldwide, Paris 2024 is working initiative, and is particularly involved in the to set an example in its environmental practices, second principle, “Reduce overall climate reduce the climate impact of the 2024 Games, impact”, for which it jointly manages a working educate people on climate issues, promote group.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 118 • THE INTERMINISTERIAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE As part of the 2021 security action plan • guaranteeing the proper implementation for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, of administrative measures likely to boost the Interministerial Delegate for the Olympic the sector’s appeal and, if necessary, adapting and Paralympic Games wants to set up regulations to boost efficiency and meet an interministerial executive committee in early the quantitative and qualitative objectives within 2021 to mobilise the private security sector the overall security system; (employer and employee representatives) • encouraging people to complete training courses and the competent administrations in a bid and speeding up the issuance of qualification to create a pool of at least 30,000 security guards certificates and professional ID cards; for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. • helping the organisers of the 2023 Rugby The committee will be responsible for: World Cup and the 2024 Olympic • bringing together all stakeholder expertise and Paralympic Games with their respective and sources of information; strategies to map tasks, volumes, venues and • ensuring a smooth flow of information periods and allocate subsequent contracts; and effective coordination and collaboration • planning mechanisms to sustain jobs and between the relevant administrations (labour, transfer skills beyond the private security national education, internal affairs); sector after the Olympics and Paralympic Games. SOCIAL IMPACT MEASUREMENT To continue setting a benchmark in terms based on conclusive data. of social relations and the environment, while raising awareness of sport’s contribution to the This cooperation aligns with the OECD’s general interest, Paris 2024 has committed to a Recommendation on Global Events and Local rigorous procedure to assess its results and impact. Development, adopted by its Council in May These efforts have been encouraged and 2018, which is the first international framework supported by the IOC from the start as part that aims to assist in the design and of its new Legacy Strategic Approach adopted management of large-scale events in order in December 2017. This approach harnesses to maximise their potential to contribute to job work carried out with the OECD as part of the creation, foster local development and produce agreement undertaken with the IOC in July 2019 long-term benefit for people and the environment. with the aim of strengthening their collaboration These efforts are also in line with the ambitions to promote ethics, integrity and good governance, of the Kazan Action Plan, adopted by UNESCO’s as well as peace and sustainable development Sixth International Conference of Ministers in sport. and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport in July 2017 to link sports The IOC, the OECD and Paris 2024 are therefore policy development to the UN 2030 Agenda developing tools to assess the contribution for Sustainable Development and better of global events to local development and measure sport’s contribution to the UN Sustainable people’s well-being, using thorough analysis Development Goals.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 119 Paris 2024 is therefore working to create result in 2020 will be incorporated. In addition to helping and impact indicators for each objective of the legacy measure the impact of the Games, it will also be used and sustainability strategy by the Tokyo Games. as a monitoring tool to ensure that the support Once these indicators have been defined, they will provided by the endowment fund is distributed fairly be sustained and monitored through a number among different regions and themes. of additional processes: • A protocol to measure social impact that, using the data collected by the inventory tool, will measure • An inventory tool funded collectively with Paris City the results and their social impact and highlight the Council and the CNOSF, which will enable Paris 2024 contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. to centralise, describe and monitor the progress of its • Research work to provide different perspectives and actions and those taken by all of its stakeholders help scientifically assess the social impact of sport. and the contributors to the legacy and sustainability For instance, in 2019 a study on the barriers to and strategy, particularly those chosen by Paris 2024 instruments of sports participation was conducted as part of its endowment fund. The service provider by a research lab for Paris 2024, making it possible has already been chosen and the tool will be operational to identify priority projects and kick-start the initiative from 2021. All stakeholders will be involved in its to create parasports departments and train sports club set-up and roll-out and any projects embarked on leaders and coaches from 2020. All of this work is part of an unprecedented and Paralympic Games on France and, more approach that will be managed by a committee specifically, the host regions, while taking that appraises the endowment fund. Made up account of the legacy and support policies of national and international experts, it will aim planned by all administrations. to supervise impact measurement The nature and method of these studies have and assessment, make them part of related not yet been clearly established; however, international efforts and define an annual road 13 areas have been identified as priorities map. Its members and duties are set by a preliminary working group, focusing to be outlined in the first half of 2021. on sport, the economy, society, the environment, In addition to and in line with the social impact technology and urbanism. The scheduled work assessment approach supported by Paris 2024, will follow the canons of methodology, the French State and the largest regional transparency and independence recommended authorities in the Greater Paris area are by the OECD and, wherever possible, harness considering conducting studies as of 2024 public statistics and the best academic talent. to evaluate the impact of the Olympic

                          TThhe Le Leeggaaccy ay annd Sd Suussttaaiinnaabbiilliitty py pllaan fn foor tr thhe Pe Paarriis 2s 200224 4 OOllyymmppiic ac annd Pd Paarraallyymmppiic Gc Gaammees s — 1— 12200 APPENDICES

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 121 APPENDICES Appendix 1 - List of the members of the various expert committees The Legacy and Sustainability Steering Committee • Paris 2024 • Solideo • Paris City Council • The Interministerial Delegate for the Olympic and Paralympic Games (DIJOP) • The French Ministry of Sport • The French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) • The French Paralympic and Sports Committee (CPSF) • The Greater Paris regional authorities • The Seine-Saint-Denis departmental council • The four Seine-Saint-Denis combined authorities • The Paris Regional Olympic and Sports Committee • The Seine-Saint-Denis Regional Olympic and Sports Committee The Environment and Climate Council • Paris 2024 • Solideo • Paris City Council • DIJOP • The French Ministry of Sport • CNOSF • CPSF • The Greater Paris regional authorities • The Greater Paris Metropolitan Area • The French Ministry for the Ecological Transition • The French Ministry for Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Government • The French Ministry for Solidarity and Health • The French General Secretariat for Investment (SGPI) • The French Agency for the Ecological Transition (ADEME) • The Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the Environment, Mobility and Urban Planning (CEREMA) • The French Office for Biodiversity • The French National Sports Agency (ANS) • The French National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT) • The Greater Paris Regional Health Authority (ARS)

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 122 The Social Charter Monitoring Committee • Paris 2024 • Solideo • The French Democratic Confederation of Labour (CFDT) • The French Confederation of Christian Workers (CFTC) • The Confederation of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (CPME) • The General Confederation of Labour (CGT) • The French Confederation of Management – General Confederation of Executives (CFE-CGC) • Force Ouvrière (FO) • The French Business Confederation (MEDEF) • The Union of Local Businesses (U2P) THE SSE 2024 Strategic Committee • Paris 2024 • Solideo • Paris City Council • DIJOP • The French Ministry of Sport • The Greater Paris regional authorities • Yunus Centre (Professor Yunus) • Les Canaux • SSE 2024 spokespersons (Sarah Ourahmoune and Ryadh Sallem) • The French Ministry of Labour • The French Secretariat of State for the Social, Solidarity and Responsible Economy • The Greater Paris Metropolitan Area • The Seine-Saint-Denis departmental council • The four Seine-Saint-Denis combined authorities • Representatives of signatories to the Paris 2024 Social Charter (Bernard Thibault and Dominique Carlac’h) The ‘Pour une France en forme’ group • Vincent ALBERTI • Muriel HURTIS • André AUBERGER • Dr. Roland KRZENTOWSKI • Pr. Xavier BIGARD • Philippe LAMBLIN • Gilles BOUILHAGUET • Odile LESAGE-DIAGANA • Dominique CARLAC’H • Marc LIEVREMONT • Pr. François CARRÉ • Pr. Jean-Michel OPPERT • Dr. Michel CAZAUGADE • Pr. Daniel RIVIERE • Dr. Michel CYMES • Pr. Gérard SAILLANT • Pr. Martine DUCLOS • Isabelle SPITZBARTH • Valérie FOURNEYRON • Pr. Jean-François TOUSSAINT • Laurence FISCHER • Georges VANDERCHMITT • Pr. François GENÊT

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 123 The 2024 Steering Committee • The French Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport • CNOSF • CPSF • The French Sports Education Union for Primary Education (USEP) • The French National School Sports Union (UNSS) • The Sports Union for Free Instruction (UGSEL) • The French University Sport Federation (FFSU) The Paralympic Games Legacy Committee • Paris 2024 • DIJOP • Paris City Council • CPSF • The Greater Paris regional authorities • The Seine-Saint-Denis departmental council • The Greater Paris Regional Health Authority • APF-France Handicap The Energy Council Jointly chaired by the Paris 2024 Chief Interdepartmental Directorate of Executive Officer and the Director General Environment and Energy (DRIEE) and the for Energy and Climate at the French Ministry Interministerial Delegate for the Olympic and for the Ecological Transition, the Energy Paralympic Games (DIJPOP) – and additional Council is made up of permanent members members such as France’s main natural gas – the co-chairs, Solideo, manager of the distribution system operator GRDF, district French electricity distribution network heating network SMIREC and local authorities Enedis and RTE, the French energy regulatory (the Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines urban commission CRE, the French Regional and community, Marseille City Council, etc.). The Mobility Committee The Equality and Diversity Committee The Mobility Committee, managed by the DIJOP and the French General Directorate The Paris 2024 Equality and Diversity Committee of Infrastructure, Transport and the Sea is made up of representatives of Paris 2024 (DGITM), is made up of stakeholders (DGITM stakeholders and experts on equality, gender and the Sociéte du Grand Paris), transport and the fight against discrimination. providers (Île de France Mobilités, SNCF and RATP), as well as regional authorities including the Host City and Paris 2024.

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 124 The working group of signatories to the Charter of 15 eco responsible commitments The working group held by the French Ministry of Sport and WWF France is made up of 105 organisers and facility managers that are signatories to the charter. The Risk Management Strategic Committee • DIJOP • The French armed forces chief of staff • The French General Secretary for Defence and National Security • The chief of police • The Mayor of Paris • The director general of the French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) • The national coordinator for Games security (CNSJ) • Paris 2024 Chief Executive Officer • Solideo Chief Executive Officer The interministerial executive committee • DIJOP • The French Ministry of the Interior • The French Ministry of Labour • The French Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport • A member representing the Social Charter Monitoring Committee • Representatives of the employer federations represented on the Board of Directors of the French National Council for Private Security Activities (CNAPS) • Representatives of the employee unions that are signatories to the Social Charter • Qualified figures • The French National Joint Commission for Employment and Vocational Training (CPNEFP) • Paris 2024 • France 2023 • The Greater Paris Regional Council • Paris City Council

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 125 Other stakeholders • The residents of host regions, through meetings and workshops organised by Paris 2024 and local authorities • SSE companies involved by way of Les Canaux • The disability sector, particularly through the French advisory board for people with disabilities (CNCPH) as well as through meetings throughout the country • Public, semi-public and private bodies and associations behind the environmental transformation, such as the French Agency for the Ecological Transition (ADEME), WWF France, PEXE, the International Energy Agency (IEA), the French league for the protection of birds (LPO) and the French environmental federation France Nature Environnement • Organisers of major sporting events and operators of sports facilities • Local authorities, particularly through representative associations and urban networks that have committed to promote physical activity and sport • The World Health Organization (WHO), the OECD, the IEA, the UNFCCC, the Commonwealth Secretariat, UNESCO, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) as well as other international organisations Appendix 2 – The main stakeholder legacy plans Making the Paris 2024 Games and their legacy a success The French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) Organising the Games creates an exceptional set of circumstances, which is why the sporting movement aims to make sport a central component of a society-wide endeavour. This ambition involves people giving themselves the means to take very concrete action to build the legacy that the Games will leave behind for both the sporting world and society as a whole, as sport can change lives. Take a look at the CNOSF legacy plan • An ambitious legacy for the Paris 2024 Games The French Paralympic and Sports Committee (CPSF) The French Paralympic and Sports Committee (CPSF) France will be hosting its first-ever Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. With 22 sports, 23 disciplines and 4,350 athletes, Paris 2024 aims to make the competition a unique event; for instance, it became the first organising committee to choose a single emblem for both the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Paris 2024 Paralympic Games are already an inspiration and must help fuel people’s dreams. Launched in March 2019 by the French Paralympic and Sports Committee in collaboration with all Paralympic federations, the “Relève” programme drew a highly positive response as 660 people signed up and 180 people – 40% of whom were women – took part in six scouting tests. Take a look at the CPSF legacy plan and its manifesto •

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 126 Using the Games to go further – the Interministerial Delegate for the Olympic and Paralympic Games (DIJOP) and French Ministry of Sport Through the Interministerial Delegate for the Olympic and Paralympic MINISTÈRE Games (DIJOP) and the French Ministry of Sport, the French State presented DE L’ÉDUCATION NATIONALE, DE LA JEUNESSE its legacy plan for the Paris 2024 Games in November 2019. The plan is built ET DES SPORTS around six major themes: encouraging sports participation in France, harnessing innovation and culture to have a global reach, accelerating the environmental transition, nurturing Olympic ambitions, building the infrastructure of the future and getting people involved in the Games. Take a look at the French State’s legacy plan • SOLIDEO Through four major themes – sustainable urban areas, employment and the local economy, universal accessibility, as well as innovation and technology – Solideo pledges to leave a strong legacy by delivering sports facilities and building facilities needed to organise the Games. Take a look at Solideo’s legacy commitments • Olympic Transformations – Paris City Council During the bidding phase, Paris City Council pledged to organise frugal and sustainable Games that fully involve civil society. Paris City Council also wanted the Games to accelerate public policies promoting the city and metropolitan construction. Take a look at the Paris City Council legacy plan • Seine-Saint-Denis involvement The Seine-Saint-Denis departmental council Since the bidding phase, the departmental council has done its utmost to put Seine-Saint-Denis at the heart of the Games and make sure that local residents benefit from the event long into the future. The departmental council’s goal is for the Games to leave a meaningful, lasting and balanced legacy behind for the entire Seine-Saint-Denis area and its inhabitants. Take a look at the Seine-Saint-Denis departmental council legacy plan •

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 127 Guidance strategy for the Greater Paris Region The Greater Paris regional authorities A founding member of the Bidding Committee, the Greater Paris regional authorities have always been key to organising the Games. Creating a lasting, meaningful legacy for the event will largely depend on the role they play. By getting involved from the beginning of the Olympic journey, the Greater Paris regional authorities wanted the Olympic and Paralympic Games to benefit the entire region, while taking into account many aspects of the event beyond the scope of sports policies, including economic appeal, tourism, training, employment, development, urban planning, transport, sustainable development, disability and accessibility. Take a look at the Greater Paris regional authorities’ legacy plan • The Greater Paris Metropolitan Area As the contracting party for the Aquatics Centre and the pedestrian bridge linking it to the Stade de France, under the supervision of Solideo, the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area sets out to leave a lasting legacy for the local area by working alongside its partners. Take a look at the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area legacy plan • Regional guidance strategy for the 2024 Olympic Games Grand Paris Grand Est The Paris 2024 Games are an excellent opportunity for the local authorities that will host Olympic venues – many of which are located in Seine-Saint- Denis – to accelerate development through to 2024 and beyond. Grand Paris Grand Est is fully invested in these efforts and reiterates its intention to harness the Games to foster cooperation with urban areas to reap the benefits of any accelerator effect from public policies and thereby boost the region’s appeal and improve the quality of life for the people living in it. The combined authority acts as a go-to stakeholder that keeps towns informed about Paris 2024’s various programmes, supports their efforts and suggests joint projects at regional level. Take a look at the Grand Paris Grand Est legacy plan •

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 128 The Games in Plaine Commune – Plaine Commune Hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2024 constitutes an outstanding urban, economic and social development opportunity for Plaine Commune. The Games will leave behind not only new sports facilities, an eco district by the Seine and new bridges built to break down regional divides, but also upskilled local companies, innovative training courses and new jobs. Plaine Commune has already begun building its legacy to ensure the Games are a celebratory, united and ethical event. Take a look at the Plaine Commune legacy plan • Paris Terres d’Envol at the heart of the Olympic journey Paris Terres d’Envol The Parisian bid for the 2024 Games united all local authorities and stakeholders around responsible and ambitious Games with clear social and environmental transformation goals. Paris Terres d’Envol is preparing itself on all levels (focusing on the economy, society, the environment, sport, culture and education) so that hosting the Games helps bridge regional divides, create jobs and support people in long-term unemployment, makes it easier for local companies and SMEs to tender for Games contracts, accelerates the environmental transition, improves the living environment and quality of life, encourages children to stay in education by promoting education and integration through sport, fosters and champions civic engagement through culture and volunteering, as well as increases sports participation among and accessibility for as many people as possible. • (available in French only) Incr-east togetherness – Est Ensemble Grand Paris The Games constitute a truly unique opportunity for the Est Ensemble area to boost its international appeal and economic development. During the bidding phase, Est Ensemble assessed how the event could be a tool for economic development and employment, confirming there would be many Games-related job vacancies for local residents over the next few years. Take a look at the Est Ensemble Grand Paris heritage plan •

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 129 Appendix 3 – The Paris 2024 Social Charter • (available in French only) Appendix 4 – Solideo’s supervision • Appendix 5 – Charter of 15 eco-responsible commitments for event organisers • Appendix 6 – Sports for Climate Action • Appendix 7 – Agreement with the Yunus Centre and Les Canaux •

                          The Legacy and Sustainability plan for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games — 130 GLOSSARY ADEME The French Agency for the Ecological Transition ANCT The French National Agency for Territorial Cohesion ANS The French National Sports Agency ANSES The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety ARS Regional health authority CNOSF The French National Olympic and Sports Committee CPSF The French Paralympic and Sports Committee DIJOP The Interministerial Delegate for the Olympic and Paralympic Games EDEC A skills and employment development plan EPIC A public establishment of an industrial and commercial nature FFSU The French University Sport Federation INSERM The French National Institute of Health and Medical Research IPCC The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change LPO The French league for the protection of birds MOP The supervision of public work OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OPW Olympic and Paralympic Week OVEP Olympic Values education programme PE Physical education REP Priority education networks SME Small and medium-sized enterprises Solideo The company tasked with delivering the Olympic facilities SSE Social and solidarity economy UGSEL The Sports Union for Free Instruction UNDRR United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNSS The French National School Sports Union USEP The French Sports Education Union for Primary Education WHO World Health Organization

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