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71 Table of Contents Introduction & Our Approach Operating Responsibly Investing in Our People Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Environmental Sustainability Social Impact Data & Frameworks OVERVIEW DATA TABLE SASB INDEX TCFD INDEX SDG INDICATORS FISCAL 2023 DATA TABLE1 (continued) Supply Chain (continued) 52 Healthy Living 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 51 Percentage of Disney-Licensed Wholesale Food Sales Dedicated to Everyday Foods that Meet Our Nutrition Guidelines SUPPLIER DIVERSITY Total Spend with Minority, Woman, Disabled, $1,054.1 $803.6 $449.0 $438.7 $590.8 Global Meets Meets Meets 84% Meets U.S. Veteran, Service-Disabled U.S. Veteran, 85% 85% 85% 85% U.S. Military Spouse, and LGBTQIA+-owned Target Target Target Target Business Enterprises (in millions) North America Meets Meets Meets Meets Meets 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% Target Target Target Target Target Footnotes General available in calculating carbon credit retirements, total emissions, and 10 Hybrid methodology uses a combination of supplier-speci昀椀c 18 Site-speci昀椀c methodology involves identifying site-speci昀椀c fuel 1 Disney’s 昀椀scal year ends on the Saturday closest to September 30. net emissions. Scope 2 emissions (market-based) include emission activity and/or emission data (where available) and secondary and electricity, and applying the appropriate emission factors. reductions attributed to utility green power purchases, power data to 昀椀ll the gaps. 19 Franchise-speci昀椀c methodology involves collecting site-speci昀椀c purchase agreements, and unbundled energy attribute certi昀椀cates. 11 Average data methodology estimates emissions for goods and activity data or Scope 1 & 2 emissions data from franchisees. Environmental Sustainability Our approach to carbon credits can be found in our Natural Climate services by collecting data on the mass (e.g., kilograms or pounds) or 20 Asset-speci昀椀c methodology involves collecting asset-speci昀椀c 2 Some previously published environmental data have been Solutions White Paper. We will have achieved our 2030 “net zero other relevant units of goods or services purchased, and multiplying (e.g., site-speci昀椀c) fuel and energy use data, or Scope 1 & 2 restated to re昀氀ect corrections, updates to methodology, and/or emissions” goal when “net emissions,” as de昀椀ned above, equals 0. by the relevant secondary (e.g., industry average) emission factors emissions data from individual assets. changes in emission factors. 7 Carbon credits are from projects developed according to (e.g., average emissions per unit of good or service). 21 Total energy includes electricity, natural gas, chilled water, hot water, 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) are measured and calculated recognized standards (e.g., Climate Action Reserve, Veri昀椀ed 12 Average product methodology involves estimating emissions for steam, compressed air, renewable energy, and fuels. Fiscal 2019 according to the principles in the World Resources Institute and Carbon Standard, Gold Standard) and are retired annually. All goods by collecting data on the mass or other relevant units of through 昀椀scal 2021 data exclude energy from Productions. the World Business Council for Sustainable Development credits are veri昀椀ed by accredited third-party reviewers. goods purchased and multiplying by relevant secondary (e.g., Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s “A Corporate Accounting and Reporting 8 Scope 3 emissions calculations follow guidance provided by the industry average) emission factors (e.g., average emissions per unit of 22 Percentage grid electricity is purchased electricity consumption Standard, 2004 Revised Edition” (“GHG Protocol”). GHG Protocol. In many instances, these emissions calculations are good). divided by total energy consumption 4 The boundary for Disney’s GHG emissions reporting includes based on estimated and extrapolated data and rely on third-party 13 Fuel-based methodology involves determining the amount of fuel 23 We de昀椀ne zero carbon electricity as any type of electricity owned and operated assets (such as theme parks & resorts, Disney emission factor databases and industry averages. We expect to consumed (i.e., Scope 1 & 2 emissions of transport providers) and generation that does not generate GHGs, such as solar, wind, Cruise Line, and commercial spaces), leased assets (such as of昀椀ce make continual improvements to Scope 3 estimates over time, applying the appropriate emission factor for that fuel. geothermal, nuclear, and large-scale hydropower. Percentage zero locations), as well as Productions (including feature 昀椀lms, television, including updates to assessments of business activities and activity 14 Distance-based methodology involves determining the mass, carbon electricity is zero carbon electricity consumption divided theatricals, and sporting events). Direct CO emissions from boundaries, and improvements in input data and emission factors. distance, and mode of each transportation activity, then by total electricity consumption. 2 As a result of current data availability, methodologies, and business 24 Percentage renewables is renewable energy consumption biogenic fuels are not included in the Scope 1 totals. They are as processes, the most recent Scope 3 emissions data are reported for applying the appropriate vehicle-distance, mass-distance, or follows: Fiscal 2019: 29,146 MT CO e; Fiscal 2020: 16,799 MT passenger-distance emission factor for the vehicle used. divided by total energy consumption. Renewable energy 2 the previous 昀椀scal year (and thus are reported for 昀椀scal 2022 as consumed includes renewable fuels and renewable electricity COe; Fiscal 2021: 22,662 MT CO e; Fiscal 2022: 4,890 MT CO e; 2 2 2 the most recent available data for this report). Scope 3 emissions 15 Waste-type speci昀椀c methodology involves using emission factors that we produce or purchase and match with Renewable Fiscal 2023: 36,393 MT CO e. 2 are part of Disney’s science-based target that was validated by SBTi. for speci昀椀c waste types and waste treatment methods. Energy Certi昀椀cates (RECs) or Guarantees of Origin (GOs). 5 A third-party validator has provided limited assurance of our In order to monitor progress against this target, 昀椀scal year 2019 is 16 Emissions within this category were evaluated and determined The renewable portion of the electricity grid mix for which we scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions since 昀椀scal 2019, and scope 3 GHG used as the baseline year and hence data for 昀椀scal 2019 is not to be relevant. Activities identi昀椀ed as downstream do not possess RECs or GOs is not included in this calculation. emissions for 昀椀scal 2019 and 昀椀scal 2022. Please see the reported; data for 昀椀scal years 2020 and 2021 will not be reported. transportation and distribution do not result in signi昀椀cant “Document Center” at the bottom of our ESG Reporting website for 9 Spend-based methodology estimates emissions for goods and Scope 3 emissions for the company. 25 Waste diverted includes waste prevention, donations, recycling, Emissions Veri昀椀cation statements. services by collecting data on the economic value of goods and compost, anaerobic digestion, and thermal waste-to-energy. Total 6 We de昀椀ne “net emissions” and “net zero emissions” for our 2030 services purchased and multiplying that by relevant secondary 17 Emissions within this category were evaluated and determined not waste generated includes diverted waste, waste sent to land昀椀ll, and goals as follows: Scope 1 emissions + Scope 2 emissions (market- (e.g., industry average) emission factors (e.g., average emissions to be relevant. The company does not have any activities that it incineration without energy recovery. Incineration without energy based) – carbon credits. Market-based emissions are used where per monetary value of goods). characterizes as intermediate goods. recovery is not counted in total waste sent to land昀椀ll or total waste diverted—thus the two do not sum to total waste generated.

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