2022 Annual Report 27 30% Club France Investor Group Becoming a Member All investors are welcome to join the 30% Club France Investor Group. We are more than happy to welcome members of any size, both small and large. Investor members do not have to be French in origin; they simply must have an interest in pushing for improved practices regarding gender diversity for the French SBF120. Any investors who are interested in becoming a member can contact us through our LinkedIn Page . In terms of time commitment and level of involvement, we require investor members lead engagement with at least one company. While many investors may choose to lead on more than one company, any additional involvement is optional. Led by the annual co-chairs, members of the group may choose to be more highly involved in the annual activities including participating in research, methodology creation, and proposing or participating in additional 30% Club activities such as guest speaker events. 30% Club Investor Group KPI List – Our Reporting Expectations for Corporates Our KPIs focus on 11 themes: • Governance • Talent Attraction • Job Quality • Promotion • Retention • Work-Life Balance • Equal Pay • Sexual Harassment • Supply Chain • Certification/Audit • Women Empowerment Principles The KPI list is a mix of indicators that are commonly – or should be commonly – reported as well as indicators that are a “tougher ask” for investee companies yet essential to better understand underlying practices that could be ultimately preventing women f rom reaching top management positions (such as gender breakdown of the % of return to work following parental leave). Appendix Objective 2: Disclosure Expectations from Investee Companies As part of our overall stewardship responsibilities on behalf of our members and clients, we actively engage with investee companies on corporate governance issues including the process used to identify suitable candidates for executive management teams. To provide investors with a comprehensive understanding of an investee company’s diversity and inclusion policies, practices, and processes, we expect companies to be transparent regarding the procedures used to find and appoint new members to the executive management team and how that process ensures a diverse leadership committee. We also call on companies to provide information on how diversity materializes at every level of management. We believe this transparency will allow investors and other stakeholders to understand how a gender-diverse talent pipeline is built up to the top. Objective 1: At Least 30% Women in the Executive Committee by 2025 As members of the French 30% Club France Investor Group, we expect executive management teams of SBF120 companies to appoint women to at least 30% of seats by 2025. This is the level at which critical mass is achieved and contributions f rom a minority group start being heard and valued, impacting leadership decision dynamics. We call on companies to consider women for operational roles, where they are often under- represented. We also encourage companies to develop an internal female talent pipeline and build on it when considering the appointment of a new woman to the executive management team. Key Objectives of the 30% Club France Investor Group