2022 Annual Report 26 30% Club France Investor Group In order to ensure proper onboarding and transfer in knowledge among members, the 30% Club France Investor Group is instauring a co-chairing of the initiative over a two-year mandate. The existing co-chair assists the co-chair in their learning of the initiative, so that they will be equipped to support their successor in the second year of the mandate. Message from the Co-Chair of the 30% Club France IG As a fund manager leading a sustainable equities fund on gender diversity, I have witnessed the power of sustainable finance as a force to drive change at corporate level. As partial owners, investors have voting and engagement rights, two powerful tools that can influence corporate behavior and foster further accountability and transparency. As such, shareholder activism on social factors is gaining traction and interest given that climate action is directly linked with social justice. Nowadays, the incorporation of sustainability criteria into the stock selection process is becoming the norm rather than the exception, as it has been proven that environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors directly influence a company’s long-term value and competitiveness, even if it doesn’t become immediately obvious in traditional financial analyses. However, sustainable finance is not only about environmental challenges but also the social factors and ethical management of a company. Subsequently, factors such as gender diversity, workplace well-being, health & safety standards, and fair remuneration affect all companies, either positively or negatively, as they permeate directly into the talent attraction and retention, the motivation and productivity of employees, and overall, into the business continuity. Theany Bazet, Candriam Co-Chair of the 30% Club France Investor Group for the 2023 Engagement Season I believe that long-lasting change is only driven by collective effort, so for that reason I have joined the 30% Club France Investor Group. But in order for the Club to reach its goal of achieving a minimum of 30% women within the SBF 120 executive teams by 2025, we need to ensure that women can find a safe space where they can build a career and thrive. In the end, female representation targets are only sustainable in time if companies are able to retain and develop their female talent so that these women can later feed into their executive and C-Suite positions pipeline. For that matter, this report is intended to share the knowledge built throughout the year, sharing examples of companies championing best practices and hopefully inspiring other corporates to follow suit and take action. Going forward, I am pleased to join Marie-Sybille as Co-Chair so that together with our community of 16 responsible engaged investors, we continue building bridges with corporations via active engagement and constructive dialogue. It is only by sharing best practices and bringing to light the blocking factors that we can advance gender diversity and drive systemic change. Moreover, we would like to contribute to develop the CEO/Chair pillar of the 30% campaign to have in France a full 30% chapter as is the case in the other countries. Doing so will strengthen the commitment of improving gender diversity in the higher ranks of their business and increase the probability for it to materialize. As the initiative will span over many years, we believe it’s good governance and as stewards of our companies, we walk the talk. In 2023, Candriam will be co-chairing the 30% Club France Investor Group alongside Allianz Global Investor.