Visual Elements Color 1.11 American advertising relies on a Advertising Color Palette Color Name CMYK RGB Spot Hex Number selected brand palette in order to maintain a readily identifiable identity. Typography and all graphical elements, excluding imagery, must align to this palette of colors. Custom PMS AA Blue 100/35/0/0 0/120/210 2778 U 0078D2 Always use the exact color values listed. Don’t use color references or values from files that have been converted 7545 C automatically between color modes, AA Dark Gray 50/28/14/56 54/73/90 7547 U 36495A since some software programs don’t always make color conversions that are equal to the specific color values White 0/0/0/0 255/255/255 NA FFFFFF listed in the palette specifications. AA Gray 5/0/0/40 157/166/171 429 C 9DA6AB 7544 U Black 0/0/0/100 19/19/19 Black C 131313 Black U AA Red* 0/100/75/15 195/0/25 200 C C30019 1805 U * AA Red is used exclusively in online advertising. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0
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