Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Brand Book

Berkshire Hathaway Homeservices is a trusted real estate network providing residential and commercial property solutions across the United States. It builds trust with clients by offering expert guidance and comprehensive property services.

Brand Guidelines

S SERVICE HOME Y A Table of Contents W THA SHIRE HA Introduction ............................................................ 4 4.0 INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA 25 Company Logo: Clear Space .............................48 BERK Introduction ..........................................................26 Company Logo: Misuse ......................................49 1.0 BRAND FOUNDATIONS 5 Common Errors .................................................... 27 Quality Seal: Usage .............................................50 Brand Identity Compliance ..................................6 Design Concepts .................................................29 Quality Seal: Colorways ......................................51 Use of “Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices” ...8 Domain Names .....................................................30 Quality Seal: Clear Space & Minimum Size .....52 The Brand Background .........................................9 Miscellaneous ...................................................... 33 Quality Seal: Placement & Alignment ..............53 2 Vision & Mission ....................................................10 Web Linking ..........................................................34 Quality Seal: Watermark and ................................. Social Media .........................................................36 Motion Design Effects ........................................54 2.0 REFERENCING MR. BUFFETT 11 Quality Seal: Misuse ............................................55 Overview.................................................................12 Hashtags ...............................................................38 Audio/Video ..........................................................39 Forever Brand: Forever Usage ........................... 57 Approved Quotations ..........................................13 SM Forever Brand: Real Estate’s FOREVER Brand ..58 3.0 MARKETING AND ADVERTISING 16 5.0 LOGOS 40 Forever Brand: Your Forever Agent® ................59 Disclaimers: Within the United States .............17 Global Logo: The Foundation .............................41 Global Logo: Clear Space and Minimum Size .42 6.0 LOGOS (CANADA ONLY) 60 Disclaimers: Outside of the United States ......19 Global Logo ............................................................61 Translations ..........................................................20 Global Logo: Usage .............................................43 N 2023 Company Logo: Usage .......................................44 Primary Company Logo ......................................62 A Good to know® ......................................................21 S J Primary Company Logo ......................................45 Secondary Company Logo ................................63 Photography Usage ............................................23 Tertiary Company Logo ......................................64 Photography Misuse ...........................................24 Secondary Company Logo ................................46 Tertiary Company Logo ...................................... 47 Disclaimers ...........................................................65 BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Table of Contents W THA SHIRE HA 7.0 TYPOGRAPHY & COLOR PALETTES 66 Business Cards: Vertical - Team .......................94 24” x 18” Open House Signs ............................. 126 BERK Typography: Fonts ...............................................67 Business Cards: Vertical - Backs ......................97 24” x 12” Open House Signs ..............................127 Typography: Pairing Examples ..........................68 Letterhead: US Letter ..........................................99 18” x 14” Open House Signs ...............................128 Typography: Fall-Back Font................................69 Letterhead: A4 .................................................... 100 24” x 24” Open House Signs ............................ 129 Color Palettes: Traditional Theme ....................70 Envelope: #10...................................................... 101 Sign Riders ......................................................... 130 Color Palettes: Modern Theme ......................... 72 Notecard: A2 ....................................................... 102 3 Color Palettes: Vibrant Theme .......................... 74 Notecard Envelope: A2 ..................................... 103 11.0 COMMERCIAL 133 Color Palettes: Calm Theme ..............................76 Notecard: A6 ....................................................... 104 Logo with Commercial Division Tagline .........134 Notecard Envelope: C6 ..................................... 105 Business Card - Fronts .....................................135 8.0 STATIONERY GUIDELINES 78 Business Card - Backs ..................................... 136 Business Cards: Overview .................................79 9.0 RESIDENTIAL YARD SIGNAGE 106 US Letter ..............................................................137 Business Cards: Personal and Team General Rules .....................................................107 A4 Letterhead .....................................................138 Logos and Slogans ..............................................80 Dome Yard Sign ................................................. 108 #10 Envelope ......................................................139 Business Cards: Horizontal - Fronts .................81 Yard Arm Dome Sign .......................................... 113 A2 Notecard ....................................................... 140 Business Cards: Horizontal with Full Photo ....84 Rectangular Yard Sign ....................................... 118 A2 Notecard Envelope ...................................... 141 N 2023 Business Cards: Horizontal - Team ..................85 Team Yard Sign ...................................................123 A6 Notecard ........................................................142 A S J Business Cards: Horizontal - Backs .................88 C6 Notecard Envelope ......................................143 Business Cards: Vertical - Fronts .....................90 10.0 SPECIAL APPLICATION SIGNAGE 124 Rectangular Sign .............................................. 144 Business Cards: Vertical with Full Photo .........93 General Rules .....................................................125 BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Introduction W THA SHIRE HAWhen it comes to our brand identity, each of its elements were carefully designed to bring it to life, create BERK effective communication, and convey and support the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices brand and messaging. Consistency of visual impression builds and strengthens our brand — creating communication that is clear, memorable and distinct, and directly translates to building both mind and market share. That’s why it’s essential to always use the original visual identity assets, and to follow the application rules outlined in this guideline. 4 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE


S SERVICE HOME Y A Brand Foundations Brand Identity Compliance W THA SHIRE HA The protection of the brand and its consistent use in accordance with established standards In order for Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices to maintain these standards, from BERK is critical to maintaining the value of our time to time every franchisee will be required to submit the following items for network and the brand. As such, we appreciate review: your cooperation toward these efforts. • Sample of the business card format endorsed by your company. • Three samples of marketing materials, which could include your company- approved brochure, radio or TV ads, flyers, listing presentation or magazine ads. • A list of all company, office and sales professional URLs. 6 • A photo of the yard sign endorsed by your company. • A photo of building signage in front of your office. Once we receive the materials outlined above, all submissions, including the websites, will be reviewed for compliance relative to the established Brand Guidelines (see Operations Manual or REsource Center) and Fair Housing requirements. You will be contacted if there are any items that need to be modified or converted. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Brand Foundations Brand Identity Compliance (cont.) W THA SHIRE HA We understand that in many cases non-compliant materials are a result of BERK misunderstanding of the Brand Guidelines. We trust that once we notify you of an outstanding issue, you will take care of it within a reasonable requested time frame. Since adherence to the Brand Guidelines is such an important issue for our network, in those cases where efforts to resolve compliance problems are not evident, we will take stronger measures. When a franchisee does not comply with our requests for materials or will not work with us to address a compliance issue, we will be forced to take the following steps until the 7 situation is resolved: • Franchisee will be considered “not-in-good-standing.” • Immediate de-linking from Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices website. • Suspension of eligibility to receive third-party referrals directed by Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. • Loss of company and/or sales professional awards. • Terminate for cause. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Use of HOME Y A Brand Foundations “Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices” W THA SHIRE HA The use of the abbreviation “BHHS” is only to be used in the Quality Seal and internally BERK circulated documents that are only available to Franchisee and BHHS personnel. The abbreviation “BHHS” may never be used in marketing or advertising. The only acceptable use is with permission by Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices for use in internet domain names. Global Branding may closely monitor the logo to ensure its correct use. Any variation from exact and correct usage will weaken and corrode the identity of the network and may result in the loss of trademark protection. NO VARIANCE FROM THE TERMS OF THE BRAND GUIDELINES IS PERMISSIBLE. 8 The following guidelines will help ensure constant and correct usage: • Never separate the words Berkshire Hathaway and HomeServices or use them independently. • The logo may never be typeset and must be reproduced in strict accordance with the Brand Guidelines. • Your company name must be used once in its entirety in copy. Subsequent references can be shortened to your company name (i.e., Allison & Doyle Real Estate.) N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Brand Foundations The Brand Background W THA SHIRE HA Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices is doing everything we can to provide you with the BERK elements, resources and tools that you’ll need to deliver your advertising, name and message on brand. Because beyond our national and international advertising efforts, you are the face of the brand at a local level. Through a united branding effort, we have created a globally renowned brand in which our color palette and styles are immediately recognized as carrying the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices name. The credibility and values tied to that name will, in turn, be attributed to you. 9 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Brand Foundations Vision & Mission W THA SHIRE HA Vision BERK Guided by the Berkshire Hathaway principles of trust, integrity, stability and longevity, we empower people to achieve their dreams. Mission We help people achieve their goals faster than they would in our absence. 10 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE


S SERVICE Referencing HOME Y A Mr. Buffett Overview W THA SHIRE HA References to Mr. Warren Buffett, chairman and CEO at Berkshire Hathaway Inc., whether in On the next pages you will find approved quotations from Mr. Buffett that may be used BERK electronic, print and social media, and including by the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices franchisee network. Berkshire Hathaway, the references made by third parties and outside owner of the marks, granted permission but ask we follow three requirements to use sources, plus photos, illustrations and graphics, these quotes: are not allowed unless permission is specifically provided by HomeServices of America. Mention 1. The quotes must be used in their entirety. They cannot be edited or revised in any or references to Berkshire Hathaway Inc., way. outside of reference to Berkshire Hathaway 12 HomeServices, also are not allowed. 2. They must include the following attribution: Franchisees must not link to any webpage or – Warren Buffett, chairman and CEO, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. website that refers to, describes or includes 3. Prior to use, all materials that use a quote from Mr. Buffett must be submitted to the Berkshire Hathaway Inc. or Warren Buffett, Global Branding Department at [email protected]. unless the web address, text or graphics are provided by HomeServices of America. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICEReferencing HOME Y A Mr. Buffett Approved Quotations W THA SHIRE HA “A home is one of the most important assets that most people will ever buy. Homes are BERK also where memories are made and you want to work with someone you can trust.” “Berkshire Hathaway wants to be in businesses that are enduring. Real estate brokerages will be around 100 years from now and HomeServices of America will be around 100 years from now. We love that HomeServices is part of Berkshire Hathaway and we would love to see it grow a lot.” “I think you want to join a company that’s going to be around forever. Berkshire Hathaway 13 is built to be forever, it’s true of all our businesses that we own. You want to be part of an organization that’s not looking to sell out next week or next month or next year or where the place will crumble when the founders leave. In terms of permanence, we can’t be beat. Not only can we not be topped by anyone, we can’t be matched by anyone.” “HomeServices has proven itself big time. When others were contracting, HomeServices added a number of brokerage operations, there were certain markets that shrunk temporarily, but there was no financial pressure to do it. We were playing offense when the others were struggling to play defense.” “HomeServices will be around tomorrow, next week, next month, and a century from now. If you’re making an investment in what could be the most important asset you’ll ever have, you should want to know that if you have any questions about anything, that N 2023 you don’t find a sign on the door that says “out of business.” That will never happen with A HomeServices.” S J “We think the Berkshire Hathaway name will be good for HomeServices and HomeServices for Berkshire. When people are making the decision of the magnitude of buying a house, it’s the biggest decision a great many families will ever make. They want to know who they’re working with and we think that the Berkshire Hathaway name will be reassuring to many of those people.” BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICEReferencing HOME Y A Mr. Buffett Approved Quotations (cont.) W THA SHIRE HA “I would want to be associated with somebody where the financial strength was BERK unquestioned and where the name stood for integrity. What other quality would you want that Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices does not have; and I don’t think you could find one.” “We employ over 300,000 people almost in the United States, and in market value Berkshire Hathaway is either third or fourth just in the country, so the name really means something. We love the fact that HomeServices is a part of Berkshire and we’d love to see it grow a lot. If having the Berkshire Hathaway name helps, I’m glad to have it out there.” 14 “In any operation join up with the best—you will gain from the strengths of those around you. Who else in the real estate brokerage business has the resources of a company that has [billions of] dollars of net worth? And we’re growing. So Get on a train that’s going 80 miles per hour; don’t get stuck on the sideline.” “Get on a train that’s going 80 miles per hour; don’t get stuck on the sideline.” “In [Berkshire Hathaway] HomeServices you’re dealing with the ultimate strength; HomeServices will be around tomorrow, next week, next month, and a century from now.” “What a company stands for is key over time. We talk at Berkshire Hathaway all of the time about building culture, and culture counts. You can’t [build culture] in a day, or a week, or a month, it takes time. Berkshire Hathaway and [Berkshire Hathaway] N 2023 HomeServices together will be building on values that are the kind you can put on the A S J front page of a newspaper and everyone associated with the company can be proud of.” BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICEReferencing HOME Y A Mr. Buffett Approved Quotations (cont.) W THA SHIRE HA “You can’t [build culture] in a day, or a week, or a month, it takes time but it’s a terrific BERK asset when you get it. We will be building [culture] day after day, grain of sand after grain of sand. We will be building on values that are the kind you can put on the front page of a newspaper and everyone associated with the company can be proud of.” “[In a home] You’re making an investment in what could be the most important asset you’ll ever have. The right moment is when you know where you’re going to live for a while, when you find the home that fits your family, and when it’s at level that fits in with your income and ability to make a down payment and then I would get a very long 15 mortgage… 30-year mortgage and the rate will be fabulous, and there is no sense waiting if those conditions exist.” “Berkshire is going to be around forever, and we want to be in the businesses that are very enduring. [In Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices] we have a rare one that’s going to be taking care of people 100 years from now. Real estate brokerage operations will always be a very important business. The ones that do the best job of serving their clientele are the ones that are going to expand.” “Berkshire Hathaway wants to be in businesses that are enduring. Real estate brokerages will be around 100 years from now and [Berkshire Hathaway] HomeServices will be around 100 years from now. It will always be a very important business.” N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A 3.0 W THA SHIRE HA Marketing and BERK Advertising 16 2023 AN S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICEMarketing and Disclaimers - For Use HOME Y A Advertising in the United States W THA SHIRE HA Please use the following standard disclaimer for independently owned and operated BERK franchisees: © “insert year” BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. Equal Housing Opportunity. Please use the following standard disclaimer for company-owned and operated 17 franchisees: © “insert year” BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently operated subsidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, and a franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. Equal Housing Opportunity. Additional disclaimer: Information not verified or guaranteed. If your home is currently listed with a Broker, this is not intended as a solicitation. Where space is available, always use the entire disclaimer. The one line disclaimer N 2023 may be used for yard signs, business cards and materials smaller than a quarter-page. A Full disclaimers should be used whenever possible. The one line disclaimer is for both S J independents and HSoA owned companies. One line disclaimer is as follows: A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Marketing and Disclaimers - For Use HOME Y A Advertising in the United States (cont.) W THA SHIRE HA Independent franchisee disclaimer: BERK Option 1: An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC Option 2: An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Equal Housing Opportunity. HomeServices-owned franchisee disclaimer: Option 1: An independently operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC 18 Option 2 : An independently operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Equal Housing Opportunity. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Marketing and Disclaimers - For Use HOME Y A Advertising Outside of the United States W THA SHIRE HA Canada BERK © “insert year” BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Trademarks owned by Columbia Insurance Company. Used under license. French Speaking Provinces © “insert year” BHH Affiliates, LLC. Franchisé indépendant et autonome de BHH Affiliates, LLC. Les marques de commerce appartenant àColumbia Insurance Company. Sont 19 utilisées sous licence One line disclaimer: Membre du système de franchise de BHH Affiliates, LLC Outside of Canada and the United States © “insert year” BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. For Canada and Outside of the United States N 2023 A Where space is available, always use the entire disclaimer. The one-line disclaimer may be S J used for property signs, business cards and materials smaller than a quarter-page. Full disclaimers should be used whenever possible. One line disclaimer: A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICEMarketing and HOME Y A Advertising Translations W THA SHIRE HA You may advertise in any language as long as you follow the Brand Guidelines for BERK marketing and provided you follow two additional guidelines: • The logo and your company name may NOT be translated and must always remain in English. • Any portion of your advertisement that is written in another language must be done by a reputable translation service company. 20 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICEMarketing and HOME ® Y A Advertising Good to know W THA THE IDEA SHIRE HA In real estate, knowledge means strength to the franchise, network broker and sales BERK professional. It means confidence to buyers and it means comfort to the sellers. It implies a spirit of collaboration and a willingness to work together. We position the brand as the go-to knowledge expert by consistently providing sound insights and genuine advice. Upon receiving those insights and advice, most respond with “good to know.” And we couldn’t agree more. Our network brokers and sales professionals are good to know. Our market insights are 21 good to know. Our network’s buyers and sellers needs are good to know. Ultimately, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices is good to know. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Marketing and HOME ® Y A Advertising Good to know (cont.) W THA USAGE SHIRE HA The phrase “good to know” can be used as a standalone tagline, per the rules outlined BERK in the treatment on previous pages, or within a sentence. The specific usage within a sentence determines the rules. When being used in a conversational manner, good to know may simply be written as part of the sentence. When being used as a tagline, or in reference to the tagline, Good to know.® must be written with a capital “G”, a period and the registered trademark symbol. 22 When being used underneath a company logo, the tagline should be spaced away from the logo at a distance equaled to 2x the “H” in the “HATHAWAY.” Examples: Used in a sentence, in reference to our tagline: • Good to know.® means strength for network brokers and sales professionals. • Good to know.® also gives confidence for buyers and sellers. Used in a sentence, in conversational terms: • We offer unmatched stability, and that’s good to know. N 2023 • It’s good to know people who know. A S J Other Acceptable Uses: Hashtags: #goodtoknow Don’ts: Don’t use the phrase in a sarcastic tone. It is meant to be pragmatic and genuine at all times. Don’t change the phrasing. e.g.,: It’s good to always know the answer. BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICEMarketing and HOME Y A Advertising Photography Usage W THA EXAMPLES SHIRE HASelecting photography that aligns with the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices brand is BERK key. Photographs should always look premium and feel authentic. Images should never look contrived, pedestrian or what could be considered stock photography. Both exteriors and interiors should strike the right balance of aspirational yet attainable. Homes should look lived-in, but not at the 23 expense of appearing messy or unappealing. When selecting images of people, make sure that their emotions, gestures, and body language feel candid. Avoid images of people looking directly at the camera. All photos and images may only be used with the permission of their owners. Photos must not be downloaded from the internet without obtaining the proper permissions from the rights owners first. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Marketing and HOME Y A Advertising Photography Misuse W THA MISUSE EXAMPLES SHIRE HA BERK 24 Living area appears messy Living area looks unlived, empty N 2023 A S J Subject is looking directly at the camera Photo is contrived BRAND GUIDELINE


S SERVICEInternet and HOME Y A Social Media Introduction W THA SHIRE HA It is essential to apply these graphic standards whenever using the Berkshire Hathaway BERK HomeServices name and logo on the internet. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices urges all to immediately review their existing websites to assure compliance with these standards. Websites have the ability to reach more consumers than any other means of advertising and marketing. As such, the internet is not an exception to these Brand Guidelines; in many ways, it is the medium where the standards mean the most. Misuse of the brand can be the quickest way to tarnish the brand’s image and strength. Proper use of the brand will enhance each franchisee’s business, as well as the value of the brand as a whole. 26 As part of our ongoing efforts to protect the strength of the brand, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices will be monitoring network websites and will contact those who require assistance in modifying their sites to comply with these standards. In addition, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices may issue revised sections to the Operations Manual and/or Brand Guidelines that set forth standards regarding the only permitted uses of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices logos as domain names and other uses of these licensed marks on the internet. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICEInternet and HOME Y A Social Media Common Errors W THA SHIRE HA The following are common errors we find on franchisee and sales professional websites. BERK Please note that these errors are often found in printed advertisements, so you may want to review your overall marketing and advertising components. 1. Compliant company logos must always be used. The most common errors with company logos include: • Using the global logo. The company logo (includes your company name) must always be used. 27 • Incorrect format. • Font, size, and/or color are changed. • Not having at least X-Height (height of the “H” in Hathaway) of clear space around the company logo. Using as wallpaper, which is not permitted. Compliant company logos can be found on the REsource Center. Your company logo must appear at a minimum on the home page of your website. 2. Using “Berkshire” or “HomeServices” in a generic reference. References such as “Berkshire offices,” “Berkshire sales professional” or “Why Choose HomeServices?” becomes unclear as to whether you mean your company or one of the corporate entities. N 2023 For that reason, use of the word Berkshire or HomeServices alone is prohibited. Be A specific (Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices ABC Realty sales professional….”). After S J referencing the company name in its entirety once in text, subsequent references may be shortened to your company name (i.e., Allison & Doyle Real Estate). BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICEInternet and HOME Y A Social Media Common Errors (cont.) W THA SHIRE HA 3. Not including the company disclaimer. Often, the required disclaimer is not included BERK in the site, or only part of the disclaimer is included. The entire disclaimer, including the copyright notice, must be included, at a minimum on the home page. The required disclaimers can be found in the Marketing and Advertising section (as well as the REsource Center). 4. Use of the Logo. The logo cannot be animated, used as wallpaper, or watermark. It may not be incorporated into another logo or graphic. 28 5. On a technical note, all links should have working destinations, and all images should load properly. 6. References to Berkshire Hathaway. Franchisees are prohibited from quoting company statistics or making statements regarding Berkshire Hathaway Inc. or HomeServices of America. 7. Use of the word “REALTORS®.” Keeping in mind that the name “REALTOR®” is a registered mark of the National Association of REALTORS®, that name should not be used to generically refer to real estate professionals. Your use of the REALTOR® mark must comply with the specifications of the National Association of REALTORS®. 8. Videos. Videos should include a company logo and the appropriate disclaimers. Videos should be treated as a marketing piece. N 2023 A Compliant company logos, disclaimers and Brand Guidelines can be found on the S J REsource Center, under Marketing > Brand Usage Contact the Global Branding Department at [email protected] for assistance. BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICEInternet and HOME Y A Social Media Design Concepts W THA SHIRE HA Web-based media are treated like advertising for purposes of applying the Brand BERK Guidelines. Here are some things to consider when building your website: Graphic Format: • Your company logo must appear at least on the home page of your site. • Your site must contain the appropriate disclaimer, at least on the home page. • The RGB (Red/Green/Blue) value for Cabernet is R:103, G:0, B:56. 29 • Your company logo may not be used as “wallpaper” or watermark. • Your company logo may not be “animated.” Content: Your company name must be used once in its entirety in copy (i.e., Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Allison & Doyle Real Estate). Subsequent references can be shortened to your company name (i.e., Allison & Doyle Real Estate). Keeping in mind that the name “REALTOR®” is a registered mark of the National Association of REALTORS®, that name should not be used to generically to refer to real estate professionals. Your use of the REALTOR® mark must comply with the specifications N 2023 of the National Association of REALTORS®. A S J If used, personal logos and slogans may not be larger than the company logo and must appear at least X-Height (Height of the “H” in Hathaway) away from any company logo. BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Internet and HOME Y A Social Media Domain Names W THA USAGE SHIRE HA Using Your Company Name as Domain Name BERK The BHHS name and mark is used by franchisees as part of their company name pursuant to the license set forth in each Franchisee Franchise Agreement. Franchisees who wish to create a website, including email addresses, to conduct franchised business may use their approved company name as their domain name. Franchisees may use Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices or BHHS in their domain names, no other abbreviations will be allowed. Compliant Domain Examples: 30 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices John Smith Realty Company websites may add an extension to their URL after their franchisee company name (i.e.,, bhhsjohnsmithrealtycommercialdivision. com), but only with the approval of the Global Branding Department before use, [email protected]. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Internet and HOME Y A Social Media Domain Names (cont.) W THA SHIRE HA Noncompliant Domain Examples: BERK Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices John Smith Realty Note: The use of Good to know.® in domain names is prohibited. 31 All domains must be approved by the Global Branding Department, [email protected]. Who Will Register and Own Franchisees’ Domain Name Registrations? Franchisees are only allowed to use the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices name and mark as licensees of BHHS. Accordingly, BHHS will own domain names used by franchisees which contain Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices or BHHS (or any abbreviation of BHHS if an abbreviation is authorized). Upon selection and approval of a domain name that meets the required standards, BHHS will register the domain name. The franchisee will be responsible for paying any costs associated with the registration and maintenance of the domain name. If you have already registered any domain name(s) which contain Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices or BHHS or any derivation of these names, you will be required to N 2023 transfer ownership of such domain names to BHHS. A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICEInternet and HOME Y A Social Media Domain Names (cont.) W THA SHIRE HA What Domain Name Do I Use if My Company Domain Name is Shared BERK by Other Franchisees? In general, the “first come, first served” rule will be applied. The company to first request registration of a domain will automatically be granted permission to use that domain name if deemed compliant. The remaining companies will be required to develop abbreviations of the name in order to come up with different domain names, e.g., (1); (2); 32 or (3) In all cases where something other than the full company name is used and that domain name contains Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices or BHHS, the domain name must be approved in advance by the Global Branding Department, [email protected]. What Domain Name Can Be Used by Individual Sales Professionals? Individual sales professionals are prohibited from using or registering domain names, social media handles, or email addresses containing BHHS, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices or any other form of the BHHS name. Sales professionals may be given a separate page on a franchisee web page from N 2023 franchise business and they may place the domain name for their page on business cards A or other marketing materials, for example, S J Sales professionals who currently own domain names that contain Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices or BHHS must immediately abandon those domain names. Those domains must be transferred to Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. Contact Global Branding Department for further instruction. BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Internet and HOME Y A Social Media Miscellaneous W THA SHIRE HA MLS Feeds BERK If space allows, please use your entire company name in the company name field in MLS. Due to field character limitations, you may use the acronym BHHS with your company name. BHHS should be in all caps. Your company logo or your fully spelled out company name should be found elsewhere on the listing itself when the consumer views it. This is important as the public does not relate the acronym BHHS with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. 33 Email Signatures Compliant Example: John Smith Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Allison & Doyle Real Estate 888-888-8888 [email protected] Noncompliant Example: John Smith Berkshire Hathaway Allison & Doyle Real Estate N 2023 888-888-8888 A [email protected] S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICEInternet and HOME Y A Social Media Web Linking W THA SHIRE HA Sales professionals are given the opportunity to “link” their website to the global site BERK ( This means when a client looks up your name in the Agent Search section of the global site, they can click on “View My Website (or View My Profile)” and will be led to your website. If you have a website you would like to web link, you may submit the following information to [email protected] to begin processing: 1. Your name 34 2. Your company name 3. The website URL to be linked to the global site The process includes a website review for brand compliance. For quicker processing, please ensure your homepage includes a company logo and the appropriate Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices disclaimer. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICEInternet and HOME Y A Social Media Web Linking (cont.) W THA SHIRE HA Please note that the ongoing linkage of your website is conditional on your acceptance of BERK the following terms and conditions: 1. Your website must at all times remain in compliance with these Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Brand Guidelines. The most recent version of the Brand Guidelines may be found on the REsource Center in the Marketing section. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices reserves the right to review your website for compliance at any time, and to require you to make changes to bring your website in conformity with the Brand Guidelines in our sole and absolute discretion. 35 2. Either party may terminate the linking arrangement at any time, for any reason or no reason. 3. From time to time, our websites will be unavailable, whether for maintenance or for other reasons beyond our control. By your continued linking of your website from ours, you expressly release Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices from any liability in association with any interruption of access. Note: Though web linking is available to our sales professionals, using an external domain that directs consumers off the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices global site will cause some features to not work properly. If you would like more details, please contact the Customer Success Team at (855) 422-9052. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Internet and HOME Y A Social Media Social Media W THA DESIGN GUIDELINES SHIRE HA You should not mix your company and personal pages, they should remain separate. Photography BERK Utilize stock photography that follows our general photography guidelines. Reminder: For all social media channels, your entire company name must be on the page and the Photos should not be downloaded from the internet without permission to use. acronym BHHS must never be used. Typeface Exception to “BHHS” rule: Twitter/Instagram Use the Marcellus typeface for headlines. handles for REthink Council Chapters can include “BHHS,” but must also include “REthink.” Tone 36 A reference to the area may be added as well, Headlines and post copy should abide by voice and tone guidelines, keeping relevant such as @BHHSREthinkOrlando audiences in mind. When writing copy, use the idea of home as the underlying theme of your post (when relevant and appropriate). Reminder: If utilizing content from a copyrighted source, remember to cite where the content originated. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Internet and HOME Y A Social Media Social Media (cont.) W THA EXAMPLES SHIRE HA The images to the right are examples of a social media profile and static posts. BERK bhhsallisonanddoyle Profile Guidelines Wendy Owens BHHSAllisonandDoyle 543 6,098 5,784 Posts Followers Following If you use your company logo as your profile Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Allison & Doyle Real Estate picture it should not be cut off. If it does not fit, please select another photo, use just the Following Message Quality Seal or a yard sign graphic. Static Post Guidelines 37 It is recommended to use your company logo when possible. When using your company logo as part of design for static social media posts, please explore using the templates located in Marketing REsource. Stories and Reels Guidelines Example of company social media Example of agent social media post Example of company social media Do not place your company logo anywhere profile post where it can be hidden by text and symbols N 2023 that auto populate as part of the platform user A interface, including the account profile name, S J caption, buttons, and titles. BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Internet and HOME Y A Social Media Hashtags W THA APPROVED BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOMESERVICES HASHTAGS SHIRE HA A hashtag is a word, phrase, or acronym with the pound symbol (#) in front of it. On social #goodtoknow BERK media platforms, if you tap or click on a hashtag, #goodtoask you’ll be shown all of the posts on that platform #GTK containing that hashtag. This makes it easy for #BHHS users to categorize their content and to find #BHHSrealestate specific content in the vast sea of social posts. #RealEstatesForeverBrand It helps to draw attention to your posts and #ForeverBrand encourage interaction. #ForeverAgent #YourForeverAgent 38 #ForEveryone These hashtags are based on words and phrases that are the intellectual property of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and should not be modified or used other than in connection with posts relating to the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices network. In addition, create hashtags that are local to your market (i.e. city names, community, neighborhood, etc.), real estate related or otherwise are relevant to your post. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Internet and HOME Y A Social Media Audio/Video W THA GUIDELINES SHIRE HA In keeping with our Brand Guidelines for audio/video content, please refer to the following BERK important requirements, which will ensure that your audio/video materials are in compliance with branding and legal guidelines: • When referring to your company name, ALWAYS say your full company name (i.e. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Allison & Doyle Real Estate). • Refrain from saying anything about Warren Buffett and/or using his image. • Please don’t refer to “BHHS” (always say entire company name Berkshire Hathaway 39 HomeServices). • When creating video content, it is recommended to use your company logo as a bumper. The BHHS disclaimer must be displayed at the end of your video in a legible typeface. In addition to the above audio/video guidelines, all other marketing guidelines must be followed. For approved video content available for use, please go to Marketing REsource. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE


S SERVICE HOME Y A Global Logo The Foundation W THA BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOMESERVICES GLOBAL LOGO SHIRE HAThe logo is the most important expression of the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices brand BERK and should be treated with the greatest care. The Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices logo is a proprietary artwork, and original files should always be used. Cabernet The allowed brand colors for the global logo are Cabernet, Black and White. 41 You always should use your company logo. Black White N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Global Logo Clear Space and Minimum Size W THA REQUIRED CLEAR SPACE SHIRE HAClear Space BERK The Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices logo should always be surrounded by a generous amount of clear space. The minimum amount of clear space around the logo is equal to the height and width of the “H” in HATHAWAY. When we resize the logo, the amount of clear space will change proportionally. Wordmark height = “H” in HATHAWAY 42 Minimum Size The global logo should never be smaller than 0.75 inch or 54 pixels in width. Always resize the logo preserving the original artwork proportions. MINIMUM SIZE REQUIREMENTS Clear space should be maintained between objects in photography as well N 2023 A S J 0.75 inch or 54 pixels BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Global Logo Usage W THA COLORWAYS SHIRE HA The following represents preferred color options on top of backgrounds. Please BERK ensure the global logo is legible with the color option chosen. Cabernet logo on white background White logo on cabernet background Cabernet logo on light area of image 43 Black logo on white background White logo on black background White logo on dark area of image N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Company Logo Usage W THA COLORWAYS SHIRE HA The following represents preferred color options on top of backgrounds. Please BERK ensure your company logo is legible with the color option chosen. Cabernet logo on white background White logo on cabernet background 44 Black logo on white background White logo on black background N 2023 Cabernet logo on light area of image White logo on dark area of image A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Company Logo Primary Company Logo W THA EXAMPLES SHIRE HAThe primary logo is the principle logo that should be used. If space does not allow for the BERK primary logo, then use of the secondary logo is permitted. For company names less than 10 characters (including spaces), the company name is centered against the words Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. 45 For company names 11 characters and longer, the company name is top aligned with the word Berkshire. For franchisees with multiple company names, examples to the right show two-line, three-line and four-line logos. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Company Logo Secondary Company Logo W THA EXAMPLES SHIRE HAThe secondary company logo uses a maximum allowable width. The company name scales BERK proportionally to that width or break onto additional lines, depending on its length. A company name can fit on one or two lines depending on the length of its character count. The company name is left-aligned underneath the words Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. 46 For franchisees with multiple company names, examples to the right show two-line, three-line and four-line logos. The maximum width of the company name (or multiple company names) does not extend past the additional space, equal 50% of the width of “BERKSHIRE”, that sits to the right. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Company Logo Tertiary Company Logo W THA EXAMPLES SHIRE HAThe tertiary logo should be used only when height space is severely limited. Whenever BERK possible, the primary logo should be used. Original company logo files are provided by the Global Branding Department and available for download through the REsource Center. 47 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Company Logo Clear Space W THA REQUIRED CLEAR SPACE AROUND COMPANY LOGO SHIRE HAClear Space BERK Company logos should always be surrounded with a generous amount of clear space. The minimum amount of clear space around the logo is equal to the height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. When the logo is resized, the amount of clear space will change proportionally. 48 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Company Logo Misuse W THA EXAMPLES SHIRE HA We are guardians of the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices brand and brand identity and BERK great care should be taken to preserve its integrity. Consistency is the key to building a strong and lasting impression of our brand in the minds of our audience. To uphold the quality of applications, always Do not change proportions or Do not use non-approved color Do not add effects to the logo use the original files, and do not alter them. For stretch the logo resizing, always use the vector (.eps) files. 49 ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE Don’t use multiple colors on the logo Do not alter approved sizing and distance Do not use unapproved typefaces lockup relationships N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Quality Seal Usage W THA QUALITY SEAL PLACEMENT SHIRE HAGeneral Use BERK Marketing materials and websites must always contain your company logo with or without the Quality Seal. When using the Quality Seal within a layout we should adhere to these rules: The Quality Seal should never be used alone without your company logo being somewhere 50 on the page. To maintain this, the Quality Seal should always live on the opposite side from your company logo. Logo Logo Logo N 2023 A S J Logo Logo Logo Here are some examples to show how the Quality Seal can live with the company logo BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Quality Seal Colorways W THA SHIRE HA The following represents preferred color options on top of backgrounds. Please ensure BERK the Quality Seal is legible with the color option chosen. We should always be sure to adhere to the rules of Quality Seal usage to maintain consistency. The Quality Seal should never be used alone without your company logo being somewhere on the page. Cabernet Quality Seal on white White Quality Seal on cabernet Cabernet Quality Seal on light area of background background an image 51 Black Quality Seal on white background White Quality Seal on black background White Quality Seal on dark area of an image N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Quality Seal Clear Space & Minimum Size W THA CLEAR SPACE SHIRE HAClear Space BERK The Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Quality Seal should always be surrounded with a generous amount of clear space. The minimum amount of clear space around the Quality Seal is equal to the height of the icon. The amount of clear space will change proportionally as the Quality Seal is resized. 52 Minimum Size The Quality Seal should never be smaller than 1 inch or 72 pixels in width. Always resize the seal preserving the original artwork proportions. Clear space should be maintained between objects in photography as well Seal width space all around MINIMUM SIZE REQUIREMENTS N 2023 A S J 1 inch or 72 pixels BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Quality Seal Placement & Alignment W THA SHIRE HA General Use BERK The Quality Seal should be used similarly to an ink stamp. Placement should be perfectly aligned within the frame and in an upright position. Uses to Avoid Avoid placing the Quality Seal casually tilted at an angle. It also shouldn’t break or overlap the 53 frame. Always perfectly align the Quality Seal. The Quality Seal should be placed in Avoid causally placing or tilting the an upright position Quality Seal N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Watermark and HOME Y A Quality Seal Motion Design Effects W THA SHIRE HAWatermark General Use BERK The Quality Seal may be used at a minimum of 30% opacity as a watermark when appropriate. In this application, the Quality Seal should be used in a transparent format. As a watermark, the Quality Seal should always be surrounded by a generous amount of clear space. The minimum amount of clear space 54 around the watermark Quality Seal is equal to the height of the icon. Motion Design Effects General Use The Quality Seal may have a motion design Use of the Quality Seal on an image as a watermark effect, such as rotation, added to it for use in video and GIF’s. Please abide by the Brand Guidelines as the Quality Seal should not be cropped, shown at an angle, stretched, etc. See misuse examples in the following pages. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Quality Seal Misuse W THA BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOMESERVICES QUALITY SEAL SHIRE HAThe Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Quality Seal is a decorative element that can be used BERK as a brand reminder. 55 Never lockup the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices logo with the Quality Seal N 2023 A S J Never use the Quality Seal in a design layout without the logo BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Quality Seal Misuse (cont.) W THA SHIRE HA We are guardians of the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices brand and brand identity and BERK great care should be taken to preserve its integrity. Consistency is the key to building a strong and lasting impression of the brand in the minds of the audience. We can ensure it by following simple rules for the use of brand assets outlined in the guideline. Do not change proportions or stretch Do not use non-approved When used as a watermark, never use the mark colors at less than 30% opacity To uphold the quality of applications, always 56 use the original identity assets and files, and do not alter the original files. For re-sizing, always use the vector (.eps) files. Do not tilt. Always use in upright Do not crop position N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Forever Brand Forever Usage W THA SHIRE HA The more consumers recognize and respect a real estate brand – and the network that bear Real Estate’s FOREVER BrandSM BERK its name – as representing their needs forever, the more significant meaning will be placed on the concept of a “real estate agent for life.” Your Forever Agent® As trusted advisors, we extend value, skills and advice not only before or after a transaction, but also throughout a client’s entire life. Forever AgentSM SM 57 Real Estate’s Forever Brand , Your Forever SM Agent® and Forever Agent are certified registered trademark and service mark phrases Examples of Use in Sentences and must be written correctly on all marketing SM materials. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Real Estate’s Forever Brand . ® The first letter in every word of “Real Estate’s You’d never settle for anything else. Neither does Your Forever Agent . SM Forever Brand ” should always be capitalized SM You’d never settle for anything else. Neither does a Forever Agent . SM and accompanied by a “ ” symbol. The phrase “Your Forever Agent®” should always be capitalized and accompanied by a “®” symbol. When the word “Your” does not precede SM N 2023 “Forever Agent ” the phrase should still be A SM capitalized but accompanied by a “ ” symbol S J instead. BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME SM Y A Forever Brand Real Estate’s FOREVER Brand W THA SM SHIRE HA When using Real Estate’s FOREVER Brand with your company logo, please follow the below BERK artwork guidelines. If you would like to use the “Real Estate’s SM Forever Brand ” tag with your company logo, then the tag must be placed beneath and 150% of the “H” in HATHAWAY centered to your company logo. Real Estate’s FOREVER BrandSM 75% of the height of “H” in HATHAWAY However, you can use the “Real Estate’s Forever SM When using “Real Estate’s FOREVER Brand ” tag artwork with your primary company logo it must be used underneath only SM with the cabernet frame, as shown above. The artwork is the height of the 75% of the “H” in HATHAWAY, center aligned to your 58 Brand ” tag as a standalone item on marketing pieces, as it does not have to be locked up with company logo, and positioned 150% of the height of the “H” in HATHAWAY from the bottom edge of your company logo. It can be used in cabernet, black or white, the same color you are using with your company logo. your company logo. It is available to download from the REsource Center for use in print (EPS & JPG formats) and digital (PNG and SVG formats). N 2023 150% of the “H” A in HATHAWAY S J Real Estate’s FOREVER BrandSM SM When using “Real Estate’s FOREVER Brand ” tag artwork with your secondary company logo it must be used underneath only with the cabernet frame, as shown above. The artwork is the width of the BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOMESERVICES portion of your company logo, left aligned to your company logo, and positioned 150% of the height of the “H” in HATHAWAY from the bottom edge of your company logo. It can be used in cabernet, black or white, the same color you are using with your company logo. It is available to download from the REsource Center for use in print (EPS & JPG formats) and digital (PNG and SVG formats). BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME ® Y A Forever Brand Your Forever Agent W THA SM SHIRE HA A Forever Agent understands the concept of home is predicated on the many changes BERK life can bring and that it doesn’t start—or end—with the transaction. That’s what we want consumers to associate with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. 150% of the “H” in HATHAWAY However, you can use the “Your Forever Agent®” Your Forever Agent® 75% of the height of “H” in HATHAWAY tag as a standalone item on marketing pieces, as it does not have to be locked up with your When using “Your Forever Agent®” tag artwork with your primary company logo it must be used underneath only with the 59 company logo. cabernet frame, as shown above. The artwork is the height of the 150% of the “H” in HATHAWAY, center aligned to your company logo, and positioned 150% of the height of the “H” in HATHAWAY from the bottom edge of your company logo. It can be used in cabernet, black or white, the same color you are using with your company logo. It is available to download from the REsource Center for use in print (EPS & JPG formats) and digital (PNG and SVG formats). N 2023 150% of the “H” A in HATHAWAY S J Your Forever Agent® When using “Your Forever Agent®” tag artwork with your secondary company logo it must be used underneath only with the cabernet frame, as shown above. The artwork is the width of the BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOMESERVICES portion of your company logo, left aligned to your company logo, and positioned 150% of the height of the “H” in HATHAWAY from the bottom edge of your company logo. It can be used in cabernet, black or white, the same color you are using with your company logo. It is available to download from the REsource Center for use in print (EPS & JPG formats) and digital (PNG and SVG formats). BRAND GUIDELINE


S SERVICE HOME Y A Global Logo For Use in Canada Only W THA SHIRE HA The logo is the most important expression of the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices brand BERK and should be treated with the greatest care. The Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices logo is a proprietary artwork and original files should always be used. Cabernet logo with Trademark (to be used in Cabernet logo with Marque de Commerce (to be English-speaking Provinces) used in French-speaking Provinces) The allowed brand colors for the global logo are Cabernet, Black and White. 61 You must use the registered trademark “®” with the logo after “HomeServices” for all company material in Canada. In Provinces where French is the primary language, you should use the Marque de Commerce “MC” on all material Black logo with Trademark (to be used in English- Black logo with Marque de Commerce (to be used with the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices speaking Provinces) in French-speaking Provinces) marks. The global and company logos should always have appropriate mark after the word “HomeServices” even when in writing. Franchisees should always use their company logo. N 2023 A S J White logo with Trademark (to be used in English- White logo with Marque de Commerce (to be used speaking Provinces) in French-speaking Provinces) BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Company Logo For Use in Canada Only W THA EXAMPLE: PRIMARY COMPANY LOGO SHIRE HA The Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices company logos are used by our network BERK members. These logos are the most important expression of the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices brand Primary Cabernet logo with Trademark Primary Cabernet logo with Marque de Commerce in local markets and should be treated with the greatest care. The allowed brand colors for your company logo 62 are Cabernet, Black and White. Primary Black logo with Trademark Primary Black logo with Marque de Commerce The primary logo is the principle logo that should be used. For company names less than 10 characters (including spaces), the company name is centered against the words Berkshire Hathaway Primary White logo with Trademark Primary White logo with Marque de Commerce HomeServices. For company names 11 characters and longer, the company name is top aligned with the word Berkshire. N 2023 The Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices logo A S J is proprietary artwork and original files should always be used. Original company logo files are provided by the Global Branding Department and available for download through the REsource Center. BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Company Logo For Use in Canada Only W THA EXAMPLE: SECONDARY COMPANY LOGO SHIRE HA The secondary company logo uses a maximum allowable width. The company name scales BERK proportionally to that width or break onto additional lines, depending on its length. A company name can fit on one or two lines depending on the length of its character count. The company name is left-aligned underneath Secondary Cabernet logo with Trademark Secondary Cabernet logo with Marque de Commerce the words Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. 63 The maximum width of the company name does not extend past the additional space, equal 50% of the width of “BERKSHIRE”, that sits to the right. Secondary Black logo with Trademark Secondary Black logo with Marque de Commerce N 2023 A S J Secondary White logo with Trademark Secondary White logo with Marque de Commerce BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Company Logo Tertiary Company Logo W THA EXAMPLE: TERTIARY COMPANY LOGO SHIRE HAThe tertiary logo should be used only when height space is severely limited. Whenever BERK possible, the primary logo should be used. Tertiary Cabernet logo with Trademark Original company logo files are provided by the Global Branding Department and available for download through the REsource Center. Tertiary Cabernet logo with Marque de Commerce 64 Tertiary Black logo with Trademark Tertiary Black logo with Marque de Commerce N 2023 A S J Tertiary White logo with Trademark Tertiary White logo with Marque de Commerce BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Disclaimers For Use in Canada Only W THA CANADA DISCLAIMERS SHIRE HA English speaking provinces: © “insert year” BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently BERK owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Trademarks owned by Columbia Insurance Company. Used under license. One line disclaimer: A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC French speaking provinces: © “insert year” BHH Affiliates, LLC. Franchisé indépendant et autonome de BHH Affiliates, LLC. Les marques de 65 commerce appartenant à Columbia Insurance Company. Sont utilisées sous licence. French one line disclaimer: Membre du système de franchise de BHH Affiliates, LLC N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME 7.0 Y A W THA SHIRE HA Typography & BERK Color Palettes 66 2023 AN S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Typography Fonts W THA SHIRE HA Marcellus BERK Marcellus is a font that exudes a feeling of ABCDEFGHIJKLMN elegance and is best used for expressive OPQRSTUVWXYZ language to achieve a high-end look and feel. abcdefghijklmnopqr AaBb Marcellus is best used in headlines and for stuvwxyz emphasis. To download this font, visit: 1234567890?!&%$ 67 Marcellus is best used in headlines and for emphasis Manrope ABCDEFGHIJKLMN Manrope is a font that is flexible enough to be OPQRSTUVWXYZ used in a variety of formats and styles, from print to digital work. abcdefghijklmnopqr AaBb Manrope is best used in body copy or stuvwxyz paragraphs of text, subheads, captions, links or numbers. 1234567890?!&%$ N 2023 To download this font, visit: Manrope is best used in body copy or paragraphs of text, subheads, captions, links or numbers A S J Note: The Manrope font does not offer italics, but most applications (e.g.: Microsoft Word) can italicize any selection by clicking on the I in the text editor. º When using InDesign, skew the selection 12 . BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Typography Pairing Examples W THA TYPEFACE FAMILY IN USE SHIRE HA Headline BERK Marcellus, Regular Forever investing We have a passion for relationships, as that is Body the very nature and essence of our business Manrope, Regular and our lives. Our vision is a more personally connected 68 world with fewer barriers and more prosperity. Subhead HOW WE HELP YOU BUY A HOME Manrope, Extra Bold, All Caps Headline A smarter way to sell Manrope, Bold By supporting and elevating each individual, we N 2023 Body empower them with what they need to change A Manrope, Regular lives, shape communities, and enrich the world. S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Typography Fall-back Font W THA FALL-BACK TYPEFACE SHIRE HA The fall-back font is only to be used when the ABCDEFGHIJKLMN brand fonts are unavailable, as is the case with BERK email design. OPQRSTUVWXYZ AaBb Arial abcdefghijklmnopqr Arial is considered one of the most ubiquitous stuvwxyz system fonts and is generic enough to work in most situations. 1234567890?!&%$ 69 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Color Palettes Traditional Theme W THA COLOR PALETTE SHIRE HA The Traditional palette is inspired by colors that HEX: #670038 pay respect to where the Berkshire Hathaway CABERNET RGB: 103_0_56 BERK HomeServices brand came from and how it can CMYK: 42_100_51_44 be elevated into a fresh look for the future. Y MAR I R HEX: FFFFFF Primary Colors P WHITE RGB: 255_ 255_255 The primary colors are Cabernet and White. The CMYK: 0_0_0_0 main brand color, Cabernet, is reinvigorated to be warmer. It’s a bold, unique color that ESPRESSO HEX: #2A2223 represents creativity and imagination. RGB: 42_34_35 70 CMYK: 66_68_64_71 Secondary Colors Espresso, Earth, Dove, and Pearl make up the EARTH HEX: #72595E RGB: 114_89_94 secondary colors. These colors complement Y CMYK: 50_58_47_17 R A the richness of Cabernet with softer, subtler D tones, helping the palette to feel mature and ON C DOVE HEX: #AA979C refined. SE RGB: 170_151_156 Accent Colors CMYK: 36_40_32_1 Rosé and Blush are accent colors. These PEARL HEX: #F5F1F2 colors should be used in small amounts, to add RGB: 245_241_242 N 2023 emphasis. CMYK: 3_4_2_0 A S J ROSÉ HEX: #ECE3E5 RGB: 236_227_229 T CMYK: 6_9_5_0 N E C C A BLUSH HEX: #C299AF RGB: 194_153_175 CMYK: 24_43_16_0 BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Color Palettes Traditional Theme W THA COLOR HEIRARCHY SHIRE HAThe Traditional palette may appear simple; however, there are mechanics to follow in order BERK to maintain appropriate balance with the colors. The swatches here attempt to demonstrate the relationship among our colors in terms of hierarchy and application. The large swatch PEARL represents the dominant color in any given design, while the accompanying swatches correspond to the ratio of supporting and 71 accent colors that work best. Take note of the sizes shown in each relationship: those help guide how much of that color should make an ESPRESSO appearance. DOVE N 2023 A S J EARTH ROSÉ CABERNET BLUSH WHITE BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Color Palette Modern Theme W THA COLOR PALETTE SHIRE HAThe color themes allow flexibility for network franchisees to be unique in their marketplace BLACK HEX: 000000 BERK and highlight their personal style. RGB: 0_ 0_0 CMYK: 74_52_71_90 The Modern Theme uses only three colors: Black, White and Cabernet. HEX: FFFFFF WHITE RGB: 255_ 255_255 CMYK: 0_0_0_0 72 CABERNET HEX: #670038 RGB: 103_0_56 CMYK: 42_100_51_44 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Color Palette Modern Theme W THA COLOR HIERARCHY SHIRE HAFor this palette, Black is the main color, supported by White. This is the only palette BERK where Cabernet is used as an accent color. 73 N 2023 A S J WHITE BLACK CABERNET BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Color Palette Vibrant Theme W THA COLOR PALETTE SHIRE HAThe color themes allow flexibility for network franchisees to be unique in their marketplace CABERNET HEX: #670038 BERK and highlight their personal style. RGB: 103_0_56 CMYK: 42_100_51_44 The Vibrant Theme uses four colors: Cabernet, Spruce, Cobalt and White - and is supported by HEX: #004B45 Black. SPRUCE RGB: 0_ 75_69 CMYK: 91_48_66_42 74 COBALT HEX: #005D7D RGB: 0_93_125 CMYK: 94_58_34_13 WHITE HEX: FFFFFF RGB: 255_ 255_255 CMYK: 0_0_0_0 BLACK HEX: 000000 RGB: 0_ 0_0 CMYK: 74_52_71_90 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Color Palette Vibrant Theme W THA COLOR HIERARCHY SHIRE HAFor this palette, Cabernet remains the main color, supported by Spruce, Cobalt and BERK White. Black is used in this palette for text and should be treated as a functional color over an expressive color in the palette. SPRUCE 75 COBALT N 2023 A S J WHITE CABERNET BLACK BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Color Palette Calm Theme W THA COLOR PALETTE SHIRE HAThe color themes allow flexibility for network franchisees to be unique in their marketplace CABERNET HEX: #670038 BERK and highlight their personal style. RGB: 103_0_56 CMYK: 42_100_51_44 The Calm Theme uses four colors: Cabernet, Fern, Sky and White — and is supported by HEX: #8AA954 Black. FERN RGB: 138_ 169_82 CMYK: 51_18_86_1 76 SKY HEX: #BAD8E1 RGB: 186_216_225 CMYK: 26_5_8_0 WHITE HEX: FFFFFF RGB: 255_ 255_255 CMYK: 0_0_0_0 BLACK HEX: 000000 RGB: 0_ 0_0 CMYK: 74_52_71_90 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Color Palette Calm Theme W THA HIERARCHY SHIRE HAFor this palette, Cabernet remains the main color, supported by Fern, Sky and White. Black BERK is used in this palette for text and should be treated as a functional color over an expressive color in the palette. FERN 7 7 SKY N 2023 A S J WHITE CABERNET BLACK BRAND GUIDELINE


S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Overview W THA SHIRE HA Business cards are essential brand touch points and as such, call for a thoughtful system BERK that responds to the various needs and demands of business. It is important to use preferred suppliers for your business cards. Print guidelines: Business cards should be printed on a natural paper stock. The paper should be at least a 100lb cover weight. Guidelines 79 • Business card fronts must include the one line disclaimer. • Sales professionals and real estate teams must use the address of their business office location, not their home address. • Required items include: name, title, address and phone number. • Acceptable additional items: email address, website, license number, real estate credentials and affiliations. For real estate credentials and affiliations, no more than five should be included. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Personal and Team HOME Y A Business Cards Logos and Slogans W THA EXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE USE SHIRE HA Personal or team logos and slogans detract from the professional image and quality that Wendy Owens Your Wendy Owens Your Personal 4X “H” in SALES ASSOCIATE Personal SALES ASSOCIATE Hathaway or Team Slogan BERK consumers associate with the Berkshire or Team 456 Main St. Logo 456 Main St. Hathaway HomeServices name and logo. Anytown, ST 12345 Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Direct Accordingly, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices +1 949 794 7900 Mobile +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] [email protected] strongly discourages the use of both. If, despite this discouragement, sales A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC professionals wish to use personal or team Personal or team logo on a horizontal Personal or team slogan on a horizontal logos or slogans, these are acceptable with business card business card 80 restrictions. Guidelines • Logos are allowed only on the front of the business card. Slogans are allowed on the Wendy Owens Wendy Owens SALES ASSOCIATE SALES ASSOCIATE front or on the back. See this section for 456 Main St. 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 Anytown, ST 12345 examples. +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] [email protected] • Logos and slogans may not include symbols, graphic elements or phrases that Your Personal Your Personal have political, religious, ideological or other or Team or Team Slogan Logo general connotations. 4X “H” in Hathaway N 2023 A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A • Acceptable colors for personal logos and S J slogans are Cabernet, Black or White. Personal or team logo on a vertical Personal or team slogan on a vertical business card business card • Slogans must be real estate related. • Slogans must use the fonts Manrope or Marcellus. BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Horizontal - Fronts W THA SINGLE AGENT, CABERNET BAND SHIRE HA Design Specifics Wendy Owens Wendy Owens BERK • Manrope font for text, regular weight, 7 SALES ASSOCIATE SALES ASSOCIATE 456 Main St. 456 Main St. point over 10 point leading with Optical Anytown, ST 12345 Anytown, ST 12345 Kerning and a Tracking Value of 0. +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] [email protected] • A minimum of five lines of information is required, with a maximum of nine lines. A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Photo 81 Wendy Owens Wendy Owens SALES ASSOCIATE SALES ASSOCIATE 456 Main St. 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only with QR code Photo with QR code N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Horizontal - Fronts (cont.) W THA SINGLE AGENT, BLACK & WHITE SHIRE HA Wendy Owens Wendy Owens BERK SALES ASSOCIATE SALES ASSOCIATE 456 Main St. 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Photo 82 Wendy Owens Wendy Owens SALES ASSOCIATE SALES ASSOCIATE 456 Main St. 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only with QR code Photo with QR code N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Horizontal - Fronts (cont.) W THA SINGLE AGENT, CABERNET LOGO WITH BLACK TEXT SHIRE HA Wendy Owens Wendy Owens BERK SALES ASSOCIATE SALES ASSOCIATE 456 Main St. 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Photo 83 Wendy Owens Wendy Owens SALES ASSOCIATE SALES ASSOCIATE 456 Main St. 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only with QR code Photo with QR code N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Horizontal with Full Photo W THA SINGLE AGENT, FULL PHOTO BACK SHIRE HA John Smith BERK CEO / BROKER 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Full photo - back 84 Wendy Owens Wendy Owens SALES ASSOCIATE YOUR FOREVER AGENT® 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Full photo with name and recommended tagline. A personal slogan, however can be used in this area. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Horizontal - Team W THA TWO-AGENT TEAM, CABERNET BAND SHIRE HA John Smith John Smith BERK Wendy Owens Wendy Owens SMITH & OWENS TEAM SMITH & OWENS TEAM 456 Main St. 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 John +1 949 794 7900 John +1 949 794 7900 Wendy +1 949 794 7900 Wendy [email protected] [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Text only with QR code 85 John Smith Wendy Owens SMITH & OWENS TEAM 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 John +1 949 794 7900 Wendy [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text with photos N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Horizontal - Team (cont.) W THA TWO-AGENT TEAM, CABERNET LOGO WITH BLACK TEXT SHIRE HA John Smith John Smith BERK Wendy Owens Wendy Owens SMITH & OWENS TEAM SMITH & OWENS TEAM 456 Main St. 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 John +1 949 794 7900 John +1 949 794 7900 Wendy +1 949 794 7900 Wendy [email protected] [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Text only with QR code 86 John Smith Wendy Owens SMITH & OWENS TEAM 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 John +1 949 794 7900 Wendy [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text with photos N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Horizontal - Team (cont.) W THA TEAM, FULL PHOTO BACK SHIRE HA Wendy Owens Sales Associate BERK SMITH & OWENS TEAM 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Full team photo - back 87 Wendy Owens Sales Associate SMITH & OWENS TEAM 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Your Slogan Here Text only Full team photo with slogan N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE


S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Horizontal - Backs (cont.) W THA MODERN, VIBRANT AND CALM THEMES SHIRE HA BERK Modern Theme 89 Vibrant Theme N 2023 A S J Calm Theme BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Vertical - Fronts W THA SINGLE AGENT, CABERNET BAND SHIRE HA BERK Wendy Owens SALES ASSOCIATE 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct Wendy Owens +1 949 794 7900 Mobile SALES ASSOCIATE [email protected] 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] 90 A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Photo Wendy Owens SALES ASSOCIATE 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct Wendy Owens +1 949 794 7900 Mobile SALES ASSOCIATE [email protected] 456 Main St. N 2023 Anytown, ST 12345 A +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile S J [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only with QR code Photo with QR code BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Vertical - Fronts (cont.) W THA SINGLE AGENT, BLACK & WHITE SHIRE HA BERK Wendy Owens SALES ASSOCIATE 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct Wendy Owens +1 949 794 7900 Mobile SALES ASSOCIATE [email protected] 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] 91 A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Photo Wendy Owens SALES ASSOCIATE 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct Wendy Owens +1 949 794 7900 Mobile SALES ASSOCIATE [email protected] 456 Main St. N 2023 Anytown, ST 12345 A +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile S J [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only with QR code Photo with QR code BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Vertical - Fronts (cont.) W THA SINGLE AGENT, CABERNET LOGO WITH BLACK TEXT SHIRE HA BERK Wendy Owens SALES ASSOCIATE 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct Wendy Owens +1 949 794 7900 Mobile SALES ASSOCIATE [email protected] 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] 92 A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Photo Wendy Owens SALES ASSOCIATE 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct Wendy Owens +1 949 794 7900 Mobile SALES ASSOCIATE [email protected] 456 Main St. N 2023 Anytown, ST 12345 A +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile S J [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only with QR code Photo with QR code BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Vertical with Full Photo W THA SINGLE AGENT, FULL PHOTO BACK SHIRE HA BERK John Smith CEO / BROKER 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] 93 A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Full photo - back Wendy Owens YOUR FOREVER AGENT® Wendy Owens SALES ASSOCIATE 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] N 2023 A S J A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Full photo with name and recommended tagline. A personal slogan, however can be used in this area. BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Vertical - Team W THA TWO-AGENT TEAM, CABERNET BAND SHIRE HA BERK John Smith John Smith Wendy Owens Wendy Owens SMITH & OWENS TEAM SMITH & OWENS TEAM 456 Main St. 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 John +1 949 794 7900 John +1 949 794 7900 Wendy +1 949 794 7900 Wendy [email protected] [email protected] 94 A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Text only with QR code John Smith Wendy Owens SMITH & OWENS TEAM N 2023 456 Main St. A Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 John S J +1 949 794 7900 Wendy [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text with photos BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Vertical - Team (cont.) W THA TWO-AGENT TEAM, CABERNET LOGO WITH BLACK TEXT SHIRE HA BERK John Smith John Smith Wendy Owens Wendy Owens SMITH & OWENS TEAM SMITH & OWENS TEAM 456 Main St. 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 John +1 949 794 7900 John +1 949 794 7900 Wendy +1 949 794 7900 Wendy [email protected] [email protected] 95 A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Text only with QR code John Smith Wendy Owens SMITH & OWENS TEAM N 2023 456 Main St. A Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 John S J +1 949 794 7900 Wendy [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text with photos BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Vertical - Team (cont.) W THA TEAM, FULL PHOTO BACK SHIRE HA BERK Wendy Owens Sales Associate SMITH & OWENS TEAM 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] 96 A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only Full team photo - back Wendy Owens Sales Associate SMITH & OWENS TEAM 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 Direct +1 949 794 7900 Mobile [email protected] N 2023 A S J A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Your Slogan Here Text only Full team photo with slogan BRAND GUIDELINE


S SERVICE HOME Y A Business Cards Vertical - Backs (cont.) W THA MODERN, VIBRANT AND CALM THEMES SHIRE HA BERK 98 Modern Theme Vibrant Theme N 2023 A S J Calm Theme BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Letterhead US Letter W THA EXAMPLE SHIRE HA The design of the letterhead is intended to retain as much of the center-balance employed 0.625” BERK throughout the brand’s design language as well as make best use of the equity of the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices name as it applies to our network franchisees. Month XX, 20XX The following example shows the design and Wendy Owens 456 Main St. layout of the letterhead. Chignik, AK 99564 99 Copy is set in Manrope Guidelines Dear Mr. Smith, 10 Point Over 14 Point Leading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris viverra, erat ut egestas vulputate, magna • Your primary company logo should be utilized sem convallis libero, eu bibendum mauris sapien laoreet justo. Donec sodales, nunc tristique semper pretium, odio mi fringilla odio, imperdiet facilisis nibh tellus vitae odio. Pellentesque accumsan, augue on letterhead. non imperdiet elementum, nulla nibh luctus lacus, eu laoreet erat sapien malesuada ligula. Cras rhoncus venenatis urna, convallis eu. Pellentesque matt is felis sit amet sodales dignissim. Vivamus tristique vel tortor quis fermentum. Sed et ipsum ornare, auctor est et, bibendum nulla. Duis auctor velit eu nisi • Text is set in 10/14pt Manrope. malesuada pretium. Pellentesque ornare est elit, non elit vehicula, laoreet sem at, egestas ante. Etiam 0.875” tincidunt ipsum sit amet vestibulum. • A disclaimer must be included on your Aliquam sed fringilla magna, id faucibus ante. Vivamus lacinia, leo non consectetur fermentum, ipsum lacus sodales tellus, sit amet faucibus lorem ipsum at nibh. Aenean ut auctor ligula, vel portt itor odio. letterhead. Mauris vitae tincidunt massa. Praesent vestibulum nulla sit amet quam hendrerit, at semper ipsum vulputate. Praesent non elit vehicula, laoreet sem at, egestas ante. Etiam matt is tincidunt ipsum sit amet vestibulum. Nunc imperdiet nisl fermentum eros egestas, non varius ligula tincidunt. Duis egestas congue purus, eget tristique tortor fermentum at. Nulla eget convallis varius, odio erat feugiat odio. Sincerely, Wendy Owens N 2023 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices A Allison & Doyle Real Estate S J [email protected] +1 949 794 7900 Off ice +1 949 794 7900 Mobile 456 Main St, Chignik, AK 99564 • Off ice: +1 949 794 7900 • Fax: +1 949 794 7900 • 0.5” © [insert year] BHH Aff iliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Aff iliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway aff iliate. Equal Housing Opportunity. BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Letterhead A4 W THA EXAMPLE SHIRE HA Guidelines • Your primary company logo should be utilized 15mm BERK on letterhead. • Text is set in 10/14pt Manrope. XX Month, 20XX • A disclaimer must be included on your letterhead. Wendy Owens 78 Main Street | London | EC1Y 8SY | United Kingdom Copy is set in Manrope Dear Mr. Smith, 10 Point Over 14 Point Leading 100 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris viverra, erat ut egestas vulputate, magna sem convallis libero, eu bibendum mauris sapien laoreet justo. Donec sodales, nunc tristique semper pretium, odio mi fringilla odio, imperdiet facilisis nibh tellus vitae odio. Pellentesque accumsan, augue non imperdiet elementum, nulla nibh luctus lacus, eu laoreet erat sapien malesuada ligula. Cras rhoncus venenatis urna, convallis eu. Pellentesque matt is felis sit amet sodales dignissim. Vivamus tristique vel tortor quis fermentum. Sed et ipsum ornare, auctor est et, bibendum nulla. Duis auctor velit eu nisi malesuada pretium. Pellentesque ornare est elit, non elit vehicula, laoreet sem at, egestas ante. Etiam tincidunt ipsum sit amet vestibulum. Aliquam sed fringilla magna, id faucibus ante. Vivamus lacinia, leo non consectetur fermentum, ipsum 20mm lacus sodales tellus, sit amet faucibus lorem ipsum at nibh. Aenean ut auctor ligula, vel portt itor odio. Mauris vitae tincidunt massa. Praesent vestibulum nulla sit amet quam hendrerit, at semper ipsum vulputate. Praesent non elit vehicula, laoreet sem at, egestas ante. Etiam matt is tincidunt ipsum sit amet vestibulum. Nunc imperdiet nisl fermentum eros egestas, non varius ligula tincidunt. Duis egestas congue purus, eget tristique tortor fermentum at. Nulla eget convallis varius, odio erat feugiat odio. Sincerely, Wendy Owens Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Allison & Doyle Real Estate [email protected] N 2023 +44 (0)94 9794 7900 Off ice A +44 (0)94 9794 7900 Mobile S J 78 Main Street • London • EC1Y 8SY • United Kingdom Off ice: +44 (0)94 9794 7900 • Fax: +44 (0)94 9794 7900 • 15mm © [insert year] BHH Aff iliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Aff iliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway aff iliate. BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Envelope #10 W THA SHIRE HA The following example shows the design and layout of the #10 envelope. 0.5” BERK Address line is set in 10pt/12pt Manrope. 0.5” 456 Main St. • Chignik • AK • 99564 Address Line is Set in Manrope 10 Point Over 12 Point Leading 101 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Notecard A2 W THA SHIRE HA The A2 sized notecard (5.5” x 4.25”) provides the perfect vehicle for handwritten, personal BERK correspondence such as “thank you” or congratulatory notes. The following example shows the design and layout. 0.5” Hand-Writt en Note Content Area 102 1.25” A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Disclaimer set in 6pt Manrope N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICENotecard HOME Y A Envelope A2 W THA SHIRE HAThe following is the design and layout for the A2 envelope (5.75” x 4.375”). 0.375” BERK Address line is set in 10pt Manrope. 0.375” 456 Main St. • Chignik • AK • 99564 Address Line is Set in 10pt Manrope 103 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Notecard A6 W THA SHIRE HA The European metric A6 sized notecard (148 mm x 105 mm) provides the perfect vehicle for BERK handwritten, personal correspondence such as 15 mm “thank you” or congratulatory notes. The following example shows the design and layout. 15 mm Hand-Writt en Note Content Area 104 32 mm A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text set in 6pt Manrope N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICENotecard HOME Y A Envelope C6 W THA SHIRE HAThe following is the design and layout for a C6 envelope (162 mm x 114 mm) incorporating the 10mm BERK company logo and address. The C6 envelope is sized to accommodate the A6 notecard. Address line is set in 10pt Manrope. 78 Main Street • London • EC1Y 8SY • United Kingdom 10mm Address Line is Set in 10pt Manrope 105 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE


S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage General Rules W THA SHIRE HA Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices signs are an essential brand touch point and as You are strongly encouraged to use a preferred supplier. The Marketing Department works BERK such, require a diligent approach to ensuring with these vendors to ensure that sign color production is consistent with the brand color consistency. A persistent sameness in the palettes. handling of our signs will lead to greater If you choose not to use a preferred supplier, you will need to provide a to-scale rendering recognition within your market. to the Global Branding Department at [email protected] for approval prior In keeping with brand consistency, the same to manufacturing the sign. general rules that apply to the logos will also Guidelines apply to the design and layout of the yard signs. 107 In addition, please refer to the following general • The yard sign version of your company logo eps files must be used to create yard rules for further clarity and consistency. signs. • Company name must not extend into the 1.5” margins on the left and right sides. • Signage information must include the company logo and phone number. Additional options can include the sales professional and/or team name, phone number, email, website, license number or mobile number. • Signage must be produced in the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Traditional Theme or Modern Theme, Cabernet & White or Black & White, including all sign riders. It is recommended that you work directly with a preferred supplier of your choice to N 2023 determine what information is allowable or required on signage in your market, and in what A manner the information needs to be displayed. S J Yard signs must include the one line disclaimer. BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Dome Yard Sign W THA TRADITIONAL THEME SHIRE HA The following examples show the design and 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch layout of the dome residential yard sign in the 0.5 inch 0.5 inch BERK Traditional Theme. 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes The dome yard sign is intended for use with 12.75 inch 12.75 inch vendors who supply a metal dome-shaped frame into which the sign fits. It can also be ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch used to hang from a yard arm as long as the 1 inch 1 inch chain used to hang it is the correct length to Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info avoid the top of the sign hitting the yard arm. 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] [email protected] 108 Single agent with cutout photo yard sign layout 1 inch 1 inch is best suited for a half upper body photo 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 headshot. 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch The informational text in the yard sign can Single agent Single agent with headshot be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of 0.5 inch 0.5 inch text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes These examples are for illustrative purposes 12.75 inch 12.75 inch only, and do not represent a required text size. ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE Please work with your preferred sign vendor to 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch Top of headshot to establish a layout that fits within these size/ not extend past top N 2023 of white/safe area A area restrictions. Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 13.25 inch Center agent info Center agent info 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 13.25 inch [email protected] in white/safe area S J [email protected] 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch Single agent with cutout photo Company BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Dome Yard Sign W THA MODERN THEME SHIRE HA The following examples show the design and 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch layout of the dome residential yard sign in the 0.5 inch 0.5 inch BERK Modern Theme. 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes The dome yard sign is intended for use with 12.75 inch 12.75 inch vendors who supply a metal dome-shaped ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE frame into which the sign fits. It can also be 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch used to hang from a yard arm as long as the chain used to hang it is the correct length to Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area avoid the top of the sign hitting the yard arm. [email protected] [email protected] 109 Single agent with cutout photo yard sign layout 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch is best suited for a half upper body photo A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 headshot. 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch The informational text in the yard sign can Single agent Single agent with headshot be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 0.5 inch height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes These examples are for illustrative purposes 12.75 inch 12.75 inch only, and do not represent a required text size. ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE Please work with your preferred sign vendor to 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch Top of headshot to not extend past top N 2023 establish a layout that fits within these size/ of white/safe area A area restrictions. Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info S J 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] in white/safe area [email protected] 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch Single agent with cutout photo Company BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Dome Yard Sign W THA CABERNET & WHITE SHIRE HA The following examples show the design and 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch layout of the dome residential yard sign in 0.5 inch 0.5 inch BERK Cabernet & White. 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes The dome yard sign is intended for use with 12.75 inch 12.75 inch vendors who supply a metal dome-shaped frame into which the sign fits. It can also be ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch used to hang from a yard arm as long as the 1 inch 1 inch chain used to hang it is the correct length to Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info avoid the top of the sign hitting the yard arm. 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 907.749.4008 in white/safe area [email protected] [email protected] 110 Single agent with cutout photo yard sign layout 1 inch 1 inch is best suited for a half upper body photo 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 headshot. 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch The informational text in the yard sign can Single agent Single agent with headshot be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of 0.5 inch 0.5 inch text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes These examples are for illustrative purposes 12.75 inch 12.75 inch only, and do not represent a required text size. ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE Please work with your preferred sign vendor to 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch Top of headshot to establish a layout that fits within these size/ not extend past top N 2023 of white/safe area A area restrictions. Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 13.25 inch Center agent info Center agent info 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 13.25 inch [email protected] in white/safe area S J [email protected] 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch Single agent with cutout photo Company BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Dome Yard Sign W THA BLACK & WHITE SHIRE HA The following examples show the design and 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch layout of the dome residential yard sign in Black 0.5 inch 0.5 inch BERK & White. 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes The dome yard sign is intended for use with 12.75 inch 12.75 inch vendors who supply a metal dome-shaped frame into which the sign fits. It can also be ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch used to hang from a yard arm as long as the 1 inch 1 inch chain used to hang it is the correct length to Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info avoid the top of the sign hitting the yard arm. 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] [email protected] 111 Single agent with cutout photo yard sign layout 1 inch 1 inch is best suited for a half upper body photo 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 headshot. 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch The informational text in the yard sign can Single agent Single agent with headshot be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of 0.5 inch 0.5 inch text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes These examples are for illustrative purposes 12.75 inch 12.75 inch only, and do not represent a required text size. ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE Please work with your preferred sign vendor to 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch Top of headshot to establish a layout that fits within these size/ not extend past top N 2023 of white/safe area A area restrictions. Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] in white/safe area S J [email protected] 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch Single agent with cutout photo Company BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Dome Yard Sign W THA TWO LINE COMPANY LOGO SHIRE HA The following examples show the design and layout of the dome residential yard sign with a 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 0.5 inch BERK two line company logo in each theme. 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes The informational text in the yard sign can 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 14.3 inch 14.3 inch be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of ALLISON PROPERTIES & ALLISON PROPERTIES & DOYLE REAL ESTATE GROUP DOYLE REAL ESTATE GROUP 0.75 inch 0.75 inch text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. 1 inch 1 inch These examples are for illustrative purposes Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 11.7 inch 11.7 inch Center agent info Center agent info only, and do not represent a required text size. 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 112 Please work with your preferred sign vendor to [email protected] [email protected] establish a layout that fits within these size/ 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch area restrictions. A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch Traditional Theme Modern Theme 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 14.3 inch 14.3 inch ALLISON PROPERTIES & ALLISON PROPERTIES & DOYLE REAL ESTATE GROUP DOYLE REAL ESTATE GROUP 0.75 inch 0.75 inch N 2023 1 inch 1 inch A S J 11.7 inch Wendy Owens 11.7 inch Wendy Owens Center agent info Center agent info 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] [email protected] 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch BRAND GUIDELINE Cabernet & White Black & White

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Yard Arm Dome Sign W THA TRADITIONAL THEME SHIRE HA The following examples show the design and layout of the residential yard arm dome sign in 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch BERK the Traditional Theme. 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes Single agent with cutout photo yard sign layout 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 12.75 inch 12.75 inch is best suited for a half upper body photo headshot. ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch The informational text in the yard sign can Wendy Owens Wendy Owens be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of [email protected] [email protected] 113 text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. 1 inch 1 inch These examples are for illustrative purposes 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 only, and do not represent a required text size. 4.7 inch 4.7 inch Please work with your preferred sign vendor to 24 inch 24 inch establish a layout that fits within these size/ Single agent Single agent with headshot area restrictions. 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 12.75 inch 12.75 inch ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch Top of headshot to not extend past top N 2023 of white/safe area A Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info S J 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] in white/safe area [email protected] 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch Single agent with cutout photo Company BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Yard Arm Dome Sign W THA MODERN THEME SHIRE HA The following examples show the design and layout of the residential yard arm dome sign in 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch BERK the Modern Theme. 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes Single agent with cutout photo yard sign layout 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 12.75 inch 12.75 inch is best suited for a half upper body photo headshot. ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch The informational text in the yard sign can Wendy Owens Wendy Owens be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of [email protected] [email protected] 114 text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. 1 inch 1 inch These examples are for illustrative purposes 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 only, and do not represent a required text size. 4.7 inch 4.7 inch Please work with your preferred sign vendor to 24 inch 24 inch establish a layout that fits within these size/ Single agent Single agent with headshot area restrictions. 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 12.75 inch 12.75 inch ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch Top of headshot to not extend past top N 2023 of white/safe area A Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info S J 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] in white/safe area [email protected] 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch Single agent with cutout photo Company BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Yard Arm Dome Sign W THA CABERNET & WHITE SHIRE HA The following examples show the design and layout of the residential yard arm dome sign in 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch BERK Cabernet & White. 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes Single agent with cutout photo yard sign layout 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 12.75 inch 12.75 inch is best suited for a half upper body photo headshot. ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch The informational text in the yard sign can Wendy Owens Wendy Owens be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of [email protected] [email protected] 115 text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. 1 inch 1 inch These examples are for illustrative purposes 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 only, and do not represent a required text size. 4.7 inch 4.7 inch Please work with your preferred sign vendor to 24 inch 24 inch establish a layout that fits within these size/ Single agent Single agent with headshot area restrictions. 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 12.75 inch 12.75 inch ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch Top of headshot to not extend past top N 2023 of white/safe area A Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info S J 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] in white/safe area [email protected] 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch Single agent with cutout photo Company BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Yard Arm Dome Sign W THA BLACK & WHITE SHIRE HA The following examples show the design and layout of the residential yard arm dome sign in 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch BERK Black & White. 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes Single agent with cutout photo yard sign layout 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 12.75 inch 12.75 inch is best suited for a half upper body photo headshot. ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch The informational text in the yard sign can Wendy Owens Wendy Owens be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of [email protected] [email protected] 116 text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. 1 inch 1 inch These examples are for illustrative purposes 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 only, and do not represent a required text size. 4.7 inch 4.7 inch Please work with your preferred sign vendor to 24 inch 24 inch establish a layout that fits within these size/ Single agent Single agent with headshot area restrictions. 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 12.75 inch 12.75 inch ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch Top of headshot to not extend past top N 2023 of white/safe area A Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info S J 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] in white/safe area [email protected] 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch Single agent with cutout photo Company BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Yard Arm Dome Sign W THA TWO LINE COMPANY LOGO SHIRE HA The following examples show the design and layout of the residential yard arm dome sign 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch BERK with a two line company logo in each theme. 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes The informational text in the yard sign can 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 14.3 inch 14.3 inch be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of ALLISON PROPERTIES & ALLISON PROPERTIES & DOYLE REAL ESTATE GROUP DOYLE REAL ESTATE GROUP 0.75 inch 0.75 inch text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. 1 inch 1 inch These examples are for illustrative purposes Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 11.7 inch 11.7 inch Center agent info Center agent info only, and do not represent a required text size. 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 117 Please work with your preferred sign vendor to [email protected] [email protected] establish a layout that fits within these size/ 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch area restrictions. A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch Traditional Theme Modern Theme 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 17” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 14.3 inch 14.3 inch ALLISON PROPERTIES & ALLISON PROPERTIES & DOYLE REAL ESTATE GROUP DOYLE REAL ESTATE GROUP 0.75 inch 0.75 inch N 2023 1 inch 1 inch A S J 11.7 inch Wendy Owens 11.7 inch Wendy Owens Center agent info Center agent info 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] [email protected] 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch BRAND GUIDELINE Cabernet & White Black & White

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Rectangular Yard Sign W THA TRADITIONAL THEME SHIRE HA The following examples show the design and layout of the rectangular residential yard sign in 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 0.5 inch BERK the Traditional Theme. 16”17”19” distance between holes 16”17”19” distance between holes The rectangular yard sign can be used with 12.75 inch 12.75 inch either a frame or yard arm. ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch Single agent with cutout photo yard sign layout 1 inch 1 inch is best suited for a half upper body photo Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info headshot. 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] [email protected] 118 The informational text in the yard sign can be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch These examples are for illustrative purposes Single agent Single agent with headshot only, and do not represent a required text size. 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 0.5 inch Please work with your preferred sign vendor to 16”17”19” distance between holes 16”17”19” distance between holes establish a layout that fits within these size/ area restrictions. 12.75 inch 12.75 inch ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch Top of headshot to not extend past top N 2023 of white/safe area A Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info S J 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] in white/safe area [email protected] 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch Single agent with cutout photo Company BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Rectangular Yard Sign W THA MODERN THEME SHIRE HA The following examples show the design and layout of the rectangular residential yard sign in 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 0.5 inch BERK the Modern Theme. 16”17”19” distance between holes 16”17”19” distance between holes The rectangular yard sign can be used with 12.75 inch 12.75 inch either a frame or yard arm. ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch Single agent with cutout photo yard sign layout 1 inch 1 inch is best suited for a half upper body photo Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info headshot. 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] [email protected] 119 The informational text in the yard sign can be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch These examples are for illustrative purposes Single agent Single agent with headshot only, and do not represent a required text size. 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 0.5 inch Please work with your preferred sign vendor to 16”17”19” distance between holes 16”17”19” distance between holes establish a layout that fits within these size/ area restrictions. 12.75 inch 12.75 inch ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch Top of headshot to not extend past top N 2023 of white/safe area A Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info S J 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] in white/safe area [email protected] 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch Single agent with cutout photo Company BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Rectangular Yard Sign W THA CABERNET & WHITE SHIRE HA The following examples show the design and layout of the rectangular residential yard sign in 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 0.5 inch BERK Cabernet & White. 16”17”19” distance between holes 16”17”19” distance between holes The rectangular yard sign can be used with 12.75 inch 12.75 inch either a frame or yard arm. ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch Single agent with cutout photo yard sign layout 1 inch 1 inch is best suited for a half upper body photo Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info headshot. 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] [email protected] 120 The informational text in the yard sign can be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch These examples are for illustrative purposes Single agent Single agent with headshot only, and do not represent a required text size. 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 0.5 inch Please work with your preferred sign vendor to 16”17”19” distance between holes 16”17”19” distance between holes establish a layout that fits within these size/ area restrictions. 12.75 inch 12.75 inch ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch Top of headshot to not extend past top N 2023 of white/safe area A Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info S J 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] in white/safe area [email protected] 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch Single agent with cutout photo Company BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Rectangular Yard Sign W THA BLACK & WHITE SHIRE HA The following examples show the design and layout of the rectangular residential yard sign in 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 0.5 inch BERK Black & White. 16”17”19” distance between holes 16”17”19” distance between holes The rectangular yard sign can be used with 12.75 inch 12.75 inch either a frame or yard arm. ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch Single agent with cutout photo yard sign layout 1 inch 1 inch is best suited for a half upper body photo Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info headshot. 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] [email protected] 121 The informational text in the yard sign can be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch These examples are for illustrative purposes Single agent Single agent with headshot only, and do not represent a required text size. 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 0.5 inch Please work with your preferred sign vendor to 16”17”19” distance between holes 16”17”19” distance between holes establish a layout that fits within these size/ area restrictions. 12.75 inch 12.75 inch ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch Top of headshot to not extend past top N 2023 of white/safe area A Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 13.25 inch Center agent info 13.25 inch Center agent info S J 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] in white/safe area [email protected] 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch Single agent with cutout photo Company BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Rectangular Yard Sign W THA TWO LINE COMPANY LOGO SHIRE HA The following examples show the design and layout of the rectangular residential yard sign 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 0.5 inch BERK with a two line company logo in each theme. 16”17”19” distance between holes 16”17”19” distance between holes The rectangular yard sign can be used with 14.3 inch 14.3 inch either a frame or yard arm. ALLISON PROPERTIES & ALLISON PROPERTIES & DOYLE REAL ESTATE GROUP DOYLE REAL ESTATE GROUP 0.75 inch 0.75 inch The informational text in the yard sign can 1 inch 1 inch be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the Wendy Owens Wendy Owens height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of 11.7 inch Center agent info 11.7 inch Center agent info 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. [email protected] [email protected] 122 These examples are for illustrative purposes 1 inch 1 inch only, and do not represent a required text size. 4 inch 4 inch Please work with your preferred sign vendor to A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch establish a layout that fits within these size/ 24 inch 24 inch area restrictions. Traditional Theme Modern Theme 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 0.5 inch 16”17”19” distance between holes 16”17”19” distance between holes 14.3 inch 14.3 inch ALLISON PROPERTIES & ALLISON PROPERTIES & DOYLE REAL ESTATE GROUP DOYLE REAL ESTATE GROUP 0.75 inch 0.75 inch 1 inch 1 inch N 2023 A Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 11.7 inch Center agent info 11.7 inch Center agent info S J 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] [email protected] 1 inch 1 inch 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch BRAND GUIDELINE Cabernet & White Black & White

S SERVICE Residential HOME Y A Yard Signage Team Yard Sign W THA SHIRE HA The following examples show the design 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch and layout of the dome, yard arm dome and 0.5 inch BERK rectangular residential signs in the Traditional 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch 17” distance between holes 16” distance between holes 0.5 inch Theme for real estate teams. The team yard 17” distance between holes 19” distance between holes 19” distance between holes sign can also be created in the Modern Theme, 12.75 inch 12.75 inch Cabernet & White and Black & White. ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch 0.75 inch A team logo can be added to the panel. The 1 inch 1 inch area for a team logo is where an agent photo Team Logo Wendy Owens Team Logo Wendy Owens Must Fit Wool Real Estate Team Must Fit 13.25 inch Within This Center agent info 13.25 inch Within This Wool Real Estate Team Center agent info typically would be placed. Area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area Area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area 123 [email protected] [email protected] The allowed brand colors for the team logos are 1 inch 1 inch Cabernet and Black. 4 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 The informational text in the yard sign can 4.7 inch 4.7 inch 24 inch 24 inch be any size - up to, but not exceeding, the Dome sign Yard arm dome sign height of the “H” in HATHAWAY. Each line of 1.5 inch 0.5 inch 1.5 inch 0.5 inch text must fit within the “safe” area indicated. 16”17”19” distance between holes These examples are for illustrative purposes only, and do not represent a required text size. 12.75 inch Please work with your preferred sign vendor to establish a layout that fits within these size/ ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 0.75 inch area restrictions. 1 inch N 2023 Wendy Owens A Team Logo Must Fit Wool Real Estate Team 13.25 inch Within This Center agent info S J Area 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] 1 inch 4 inch A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 4.7 inch 24 inch Rectangular sign BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A 10.0 W THA SHIRE HA Special BERK Application 24 1 Signage 2023 AN S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S Special SERVICE Application HOME Y A Signage General Rules W THA GENERAL RULES SHIRE HA As with the yard signs, the same general rules that apply to the logos will also apply to BERK the design and layout of all special application signage (open house signs, special shape open house signs, listing signs, riders, magnetic signs, feather flags and pennant flags). 125 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S Special SERVICE Application HOME Y A Signage 24” x 18” Open House Signs W THA SHIRE HA BERK Open Open House House Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 949 794 7900 126 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 Cabernet Open House sign - left direction Cabernet Open House sign - right direction Open Open House House Wendy Owens Wendy Owens N 2023 949 794 7900 949 794 7900 A S J A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 Black Open House sign - left direction Black Open House sign - right direction BRAND GUIDELINE

S Special SERVICE Application HOME Y A Signage 24” x 12” Open House Signs W THA SHIRE HA BERK Open Open House House Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 949 794 7900 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 Cabernet Open House sign - left direction Cabernet Open House sign - right direction 127 Open Open House House Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 949 794 7900 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 Black Open House sign - left direction Black Open House sign - right direction N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S Special SERVICE Application HOME Y A Signage 18” x 14” Open House Signs W THA SHIRE HA BERK Open House Open House Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 949 794 7900 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 Cabernet Open House sign - left direction Cabernet Open House sign - right direction 128 Open House Open House Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 949 794 7900 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 Black Open House sign - left direction Black Open House sign - right direction N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S Special SERVICE Application HOME Y A Signage 24” x 24” Open House Signs W THA SHIRE HA BERK Open House Open House 129 Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 949 794 7900 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 Cabernet Open House sign - left direction Cabernet Open House sign - right direction Open House Open House N 2023 A S J Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 949 794 7900 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 Black Open House sign - left direction Black Open House sign - right direction BRAND GUIDELINE

S Special SERVICEApplication HOME Y A Signage Sign Riders W THA SHIRE HA General rules BERK Font size is limited to the width of the rider and does not relate to the height of the “H” in the logo like the residential signage. The name cannot be condensed or extended to fill or reduce space on the rider. The same color scheme used in the residential signage must be followed: Cabernet & White or Black & White, with the option to reverse out the type in white. The color scheme used in the sign must be used on the rider. See below. 130 For example: if the sign is produced in Cabernet & White, then the rider must use Cabernet & White. For Traditional Theme sign, rider should be Cabernet & White. • “SOLD” riders must be produced in Cabernet & White or Black & White only. • Sign riders can be 6” to 9” high and can be the width of the yard sign. • Riders can have anything related to the home or agent contact information and may also have the sales professional’s personal logo as long as it is produced in Cabernet & White or Black & White. N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S Special SERVICE Application HOME Y A Signage Sign Riders (cont.) W THA SHIRE HA This page shows some examples of sign rider designs. Wendy Owens BERK Wendy Owens Riders can have anything related to the home or 949 794 7900 a sales professional’s contact information and may also have the sales professional’s personal Wendy Owens logo as long as it is produced in Cabernet & Wendy Owens White or Black & White. 949 794 7900 Permitted fonts on sign riders are Marcellus 131 and/or Manrope. Wendy Owens Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 949 794 7900 Wendy Owens 949 794 7900 949 794 7900 N 2023 Wendy Owens A 949 794 7900 S J 949 794 7900 BRAND GUIDELINE

S Special SERVICEApplication HOME Y A Signage Sign Riders (cont.) W THA SHIRE HAThis page shows some examples of Open House, Sold, QR code and personal URL rider BERK designs. OPEN HOUSE SOLD QR code sign riders are 8”x (up to) 24”. OPEN HOUSE SOLD 132 OPEN HOUSE SOLD CALL OR TEXT 949 794 7900 ENTER CODE: 1201 CALL OR TEXT N 2023 949 794 7900 A ENTER CODE: 1201 S J CALL OR TEXT ENTER CODE: 1201 BRAND GUIDELINE


S SERVICE Logo with Commercial Division HOME Y A Commercial Tagline W THA EXAMPLES SHIRE HACommercial network members or franchisees may use the company logo with the added BERK “Commercial Division” tagline underneath it. Commercial Services may not be used. The allowed brand colors for the Commercial Division company logo are Cabernet, Black and White. Primary company logo with Commercial Division tagline Send requests for this logo to the Global 134 Branding Department: [email protected] Secondary company logo with Commercial Division tagline N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Commercial Business Card - Fronts W THA CABERNET BAND SHIRE HA Business card fronts must include the one-line disclaimer: A member of the franchise system of BERK BHH Affiliates, LLC Design Specifics John Smith SALES ASSOCIATE 456 Main St. The following must be adhered to: Anytown, ST 12345 +1 949 794 7900 John Smith [email protected] SALES ASSOCIATE • Manrope font for text, regular weight, 7 BRE #0987654321 456 Main St. point over 10 point leading with Optical Anytown, ST 12345 Kerning and a Tracking Value of 0. +1 949 794 7900 [email protected] 135 • Sales professionals must use the address BRE #0987654321 of their business office location, not their A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC home address. Text only Photo • A minimum of five lines of information is required, with a maximum of nine lines. • Required items include: name, title, address and phone number. John Smith SALES ASSOCIATE • Acceptable additional items: email address, 456 Main St. Anytown, ST 12345 website, license number and credentials. +1 949 794 7900 John Smith [email protected] SALES ASSOCIATE For credentials, no more than five should be N 2023 BRE #0987654321 456 Main St. A included. Anytown, ST 12345 S J +1 949 794 7900 [email protected] BRE #0987654321 A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text only with QR code Photo with QR code BRAND GUIDELINE


S SERVICE HOME Y A Commercial US Letter W THA EXAMPLE SHIRE HA The design of the letterhead is intended to retain as much of the center-balance employed 0.625” BERK throughout the brand’s design language as well as make best use of the equity of the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices name as it applies to our network franchisees. Month XX, 20XX The following example shows the design and Wendy Owens 456 Main St. layout of the letterhead. Chignik, AK 99564 137 Copy is set in Manrope Guidelines Dear Mr. Smith, 10 Point Over 14 Point Leading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris viverra, erat ut egestas vulputate, magna • Your commercial company logo should be sem convallis libero, eu bibendum mauris sapien laoreet justo. Donec sodales, nunc tristique semper pretium, odio mi fringilla odio, imperdiet facilisis nibh tellus vitae odio. Pellentesque accumsan, augue utilized on letterhead. non imperdiet elementum, nulla nibh luctus lacus, eu laoreet erat sapien malesuada ligula. Cras rhoncus venenatis urna, convallis eu. Pellentesque matt is felis sit amet sodales dignissim. Vivamus tristique vel tortor quis fermentum. Sed et ipsum ornare, auctor est et, bibendum nulla. Duis auctor velit eu nisi • Text is set in 10/14pt Manrope. malesuada pretium. Pellentesque ornare est elit, non elit vehicula, laoreet sem at, egestas ante. Etiam 0.875” tincidunt ipsum sit amet vestibulum. • A disclaimer must be included on your Aliquam sed fringilla magna, id faucibus ante. Vivamus lacinia, leo non consectetur fermentum, ipsum lacus sodales tellus, sit amet faucibus lorem ipsum at nibh. Aenean ut auctor ligula, vel portt itor odio. letterhead. Reference disclaimer section in Mauris vitae tincidunt massa. Praesent vestibulum nulla sit amet quam hendrerit, at semper ipsum vulputate. Praesent non elit vehicula, laoreet sem at, egestas ante. Etiam matt is tincidunt ipsum sit amet these Guidelines. vestibulum. Nunc imperdiet nisl fermentum eros egestas, non varius ligula tincidunt. Duis egestas congue purus, eget tristique tortor fermentum at. Nulla eget convallis varius, odio erat feugiat odio. Sincerely, Wendy Owens N 2023 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices A Allison & Doyle Real Estate Commercial Division S J [email protected] +1 949 794 7900 Off ice +1 949 794 7900 Mobile 456 Main St, Chignik, AK 99564 • Off ice: +1 949 794 7900 • Fax: +1 949 794 7900 • 0.5” © [insert year] BHH Aff iliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Aff iliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway aff iliate. Equal Housing Opportunity. BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Commercial A4 Letterhead W THA EXAMPLE SHIRE HA Guidelines • Your commercial company logo should be 15mm BERK utilized on letterhead. • Text is set in 10/14pt Manrope. XX Month, 20XX • A disclaimer must be included on your letterhead. Reference disclaimer section in Wendy Owens 78 Main Street | London | EC1Y 8SY | United Kingdom these Guidelines. Copy is set in Manrope Dear Mr. Smith, 10 Point Over 14 Point Leading 138 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris viverra, erat ut egestas vulputate, magna sem convallis libero, eu bibendum mauris sapien laoreet justo. Donec sodales, nunc tristique semper pretium, odio mi fringilla odio, imperdiet facilisis nibh tellus vitae odio. Pellentesque accumsan, augue non imperdiet elementum, nulla nibh luctus lacus, eu laoreet erat sapien malesuada ligula. Cras rhoncus venenatis urna, convallis eu. Pellentesque matt is felis sit amet sodales dignissim. Vivamus tristique vel tortor quis fermentum. Sed et ipsum ornare, auctor est et, bibendum nulla. Duis auctor velit eu nisi malesuada pretium. Pellentesque ornare est elit, non elit vehicula, laoreet sem at, egestas ante. Etiam tincidunt ipsum sit amet vestibulum. Aliquam sed fringilla magna, id faucibus ante. Vivamus lacinia, leo non consectetur fermentum, ipsum 20mm lacus sodales tellus, sit amet faucibus lorem ipsum at nibh. Aenean ut auctor ligula, vel portt itor odio. Mauris vitae tincidunt massa. Praesent vestibulum nulla sit amet quam hendrerit, at semper ipsum vulputate. Praesent non elit vehicula, laoreet sem at, egestas ante. Etiam matt is tincidunt ipsum sit amet vestibulum. Nunc imperdiet nisl fermentum eros egestas, non varius ligula tincidunt. Duis egestas congue purus, eget tristique tortor fermentum at. Nulla eget convallis varius, odio erat feugiat odio. Sincerely, Wendy Owens Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Allison & Doyle Real Estate Commercial Division N 2023 [email protected] A +44 (0)94 9794 7900 Off ice +44 (0)94 9794 7900 Mobile S J 78 Main Street • London • EC1Y 8SY • United Kingdom Off ice: +44 (0)94 9794 7900 • Fax: +44 (0)94 9794 7900 • 15mm © [insert year] BHH Aff iliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Aff iliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway aff iliate. BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Commercial #10 Envelope W THA SHIRE HA The following is the approved design and layout incorporating the commercial company logo 0.5” BERK and address. Address line is set in 10/12pt Manrope. 0.5” 456 Main St. • Chignik • AK • 99564 Address Line is Set in Manrope 10pt Over 12 Point Leading 139 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Commercial A2 Notecard W THA SHIRE HA The A2 sized notecard (5.5” x 4.25”) provides the perfect vehicle for handwritten, personal BERK correspondence such as “thank you” or congratulatory notes. The following example shows the design and layout. 0.5” Hand-Writt en Note Content Area 140 1.375” A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Disclaimer set in 6pt Manrope N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Commercial A2 Notecard Envelope W THA SHIRE HAThe following is the design and layout for the A2 envelope (5.75” x 4.375”) incorporating the 0.375” BERK commercial company logo and address. Address line is set in 10/12pt Manrope. 0.375” 456 Main St. • Chignik • AK • 99564 141 Address Line is Set in Manrope 10pt Over 12 Point Leading N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Commercial A6 Notecard W THA SHIRE HA The European metric A6 sized notecard (148 mm x 105 mm) provides the perfect vehicle for BERK handwritten, personal correspondence such as 15 mm “thank you” or congratulatory notes. The following example shows the design and layout. 15 mm Hand-Writt en Note Content Area 142 35 mm A member of the franchise system of BHH Aff iliates, LLC Text set in 6pt Manrope N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Commercial C6 Notecard Envelope W THA SHIRE HAThe following is the design and layout for a C6 envelope (162 mm x 114 mm) incorporating the 10mm BERK commercial company logo and address. The C6 envelope is sized to accommodate the A6 notecard. 10mm Address line is set in 10/12pt Manrope. 78 Main Street • London • EC1Y 8SY • United Kingdom Address Line is Set in 10pt Manrope 143 N 2023 A S J BRAND GUIDELINE

S SERVICE HOME Y A Commercial Rectangular Sign W THA SHIRE HA The following example shows the design and layout of a commercial sign in the Traditional 3 inch 3 inch BERK Theme. This is also available in Black & White. 4.5 inch 21.75 inch 4 14 ALLISON & DOYLE REAL ESTATE 1.5 inch 2 inch Wendy Owens Center agent info 17 inch 949 794 7900 in white/safe area [email protected] 2 inch 1.5 inch COMMERCIAL DIVISION 100% DBA height 9.25 inch N 2023 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Broker LIC #0987654 Agent LIC #0123456 A 4.5 inch S J 48 inch BRAND GUIDELINE

© 2023 BHH Affiliates, LLC. Real Estate Brokerage Services are offered through the network member franchisees of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Most franchisees are independently owned and operated. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. Equal Housing Opportunity.