Employee Engagement: Listening to Our People With more than 1.6 million direct employees worldwide, employee engagement is fundamental to our success. Our goal is to hear from and listen to all of our employees. We have a variety of engagement, feedback, and remediation mechanisms that help us continually improve our workplace experience. Open-Door Philosophy We believe candid and constructive communication in an environment of mutual respect is essential to our collective success. Our open-door philosophy means we welcome and encourage any employee to discuss suggestions, concerns, or feedback with their manager, a Human Resources team member, or any member of Amazon’s leadership team. Feedback Mechanisms We are committed to providing our employees with grievance mechanisms and remedial action, regardless of collective bargaining presence. We work hard to listen to our employees, make continual improvements, and invest heavily to offer competitive pay and benefits in a safe and inclusive workplace. Voice of the Associate Boards We offer our team members the opportunity to express themselves openly. For our associates, our Voice of the Associate (VOA) boards and their digital counterpart, MyVoice, are available at Amazon facilities around the globe. These give employees a forum for expressing their concerns, offering suggestions, and asking questions on a daily basis. Leadership teams reply directly, promoting dialogue and efficient remediation of issues. In 2021, Amazon managers received and responded to more than 210,000 submissions. Connections Connections is a real-time, companywide employee feedback mechanism, designed to listen to and learn from employees at scale to improve the employee experience. Each day, Connections questions are delivered to every Amazon employee on a computer, workstation device, or hand scanner, generating more than 1.5 million daily responses from employees. Employees can choose to respond to a question or not, and individual responses are aggregated and shared with managers at the team level to maintain confidentiality. Connections analyzes response data and provides insights to managers and leaders to review and take actions as necessary. Employees respond to Connections questions in 55 countries, and questions are delivered in 26 languages. 210K+ Suggestions, questions, and comments addressed through VOA boards Appeals Process We believe that everyone deserves to have their voice heard, including when appealing any decisions. In the U.S. and Canada, Amazon offers an online, paperless appeals process, through which eligible employees can challenge certain disciplinary actions. The appeals may involve a review from a second-level manager or general manager to verify that policies have been applied correctly. If this is not found to be the case, we remediate as appropriate. Ethical Behavior While working, our employees should always act lawfully, ethically, and in the best interests of Amazon. Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (Code of Conduct) sets out basic guiding principles for all employees. Employees may raise questions or report suspected violations of our Code of Conduct through Amazon’s Ethics Line, by phone or online. Ethics Line The Ethics Line is a commonly utilized method for employees to raise concerns, offered in 165 languages and 63 countries. Reports to the Ethics Line are answered by an independent third party and may be made anonymously on request. Our Business Conduct and Ethics team records, reviews, investigates (or directs others to investigate), and reports alleged violations of the Code of Conduct, tracking any remediation required. We take all allegations of unlawful conduct in the workplace extremely seriously. We carefully review and investigate allegations of unlawful conduct or other conduct that violates any of our policies. In addition, we will not allow retaliation against an employee for reporting misconduct by others in good faith. Our senior leadership team receives regular updates on any allegations of unlawful harassment and discrimination 1.5M+ Responses every day to Connections questions in 26 languages in 55 countries against employees in director-level positions or above and is kept apprised of the progress and findings of our investigations. The Leadership Development and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors, comprising independent directors, receives detailed quarterly updates on any allegations of unlawful harassment and discrimination against employees in vice-president-level positions or above or employees investigated on behalf of Amazon by an external investigator. Upon completion of each investigation, we take appropriate action against anyone found to have engaged in unlawful conduct or to have violated our policies. 2021 Sustainability Report Introduction I Environment I Society I Governance I Appendix 57