FY21 ESG Disclosures July 2022 Unaudited 50 Contractors The following table summarizes our lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) for our contractors. Table 31. Contractor Lost-time Injury Frequency Rate Metric Unit FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 LTIFR – Contractors [a] n/million hours worked 0.52 0.57 0.46 0.39 n/200,000 hours worked 0.10 0.11 0.09 0.08 Data coverage percentage of Operations 100% 100% 100% 100% [a] Contractor hours worked are estimated due to variation in reporting methods and frequency across our global contractor population. We are working to enhance procedures to improve data collection. Occupational Illness Frequency Rate The following table summarizes our occupational illness frequency rate (OIFR) for our employees. Table 32. Occupational Illness Frequency Rate Metric Unit FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 OIFR - Employees n/million hours worked 0.01 0.07 0.05 0.09 n/200,000 hours worked 0.003 0.01 0.01 0.02 Data coverage percentage of Operations 100% 100% 100% 100% Absentee Rate The following table summarizes our employee absentee rate for non-U.S. employees based on available data. The wellbeing of our people is of highest priority, and we will continue to invest in programs and practices to support our global workforce; refer to SOC.7 Employee Wellbeing and Support Programs for more detail. Table 33. Absentee Rate (Non-US Only) Metric FY21 Absentee Rate – Employees [a] 2.4% Data Coverage [b] 41% [a] Absentee rate reflects unplanned days off as a percentage of total days scheduled to be worked. Rate is based on Jacobs employee sick leave data, reflecting time lost due to unplanned time away from work such as individual leave taken for minor illness or injury. Does not include scheduled or permitted days off such as for holidays or parental leave. [b] Data coverage reflects percentage of Jacobs employees included in our FY21 absentee rate calculation. Due to timekeeping structures and data limitations, data coverage reflects non-U.S. employees only. We are working to continually improve our ability to capture and disclose this information at the global level. SOC.15 Client Satisfaction Consistent with our company value, “We Aim Higher,” we’re always looking beyond to raise the bar and deliver with excellence—bringing our clients innovative solutions that lead to profitable growth and shared success. Periodic feedback on our performance is an integral part of successful delivery. This feedback process starts at project outset with our Client Expectations Survey, and we consider all engagements throughout project lifecycle contributory to our relationships and overall client satisfaction. For reporting purposes, we measure client satisfaction through two primary mechanisms: Client Satisfaction Surveys (CSS) and the U.S. Federal Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) for U.S. federal clients. Periodic assessment of this information enables us to evaluate performance, identify trends and adjust practices for continual improvement.
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