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Archery Cheatsheet   Archery   informs how we use the Golden Arches creatively and dynamically. Archery is always used carefully and thoughtfully in order to maintain the integrity of our symbol. Do not Cropping Do not Archery should only be used if… Four cropped sets of the Golden Use the provided artwork to ensure Do not alter the Golden Arches Arches are available for download consistency and maintain the in any way. It occurs naturally It supports an idea Do not use as decoration at integrity of the Golden Arches. The Golden Arches can appear in The Golden Arches can focus Without purpose, Archery could the world in many different ways. attention or re-stage the expected. become gimmicky and overused. Exception: Alternative crops may be used in photography. However, artwork must be approved by the Use of Archery depends on context Global Brand team. When the Golden Arches are less obvious because of extreme cropping, reinforce the brand by using the Golden Arches mark or the Token. Required on out-of- home activations only.  Bold / Overt   Subtle / Implied  Archery + photography Out in the world, we’re competing for attention. To ensure we In our own branded spaces, such as our restaurants, pop-ups, or digital stand out, aim for bolder executions of Archery that are clearly apps, we are much more subtle in our application of Archery. This helps recognizable as McDonald’s. us avoid overuse of the Golden Arches. Example Archery techniques Combining the Golden Arches with photography puts our brand in Cropped Staging Motion Integrated Angled Repetition the center of the action. Elements of the image interact with the Golden Arches to create depth and dimension. Visit   for additional guidance, case studies, tools and downloadable assets. ©2019 McDonald’s

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