Prudential 2021 ESG Report Chief Investment Of昀椀ce Prudential takes a long-term view of risks and opportunities when making investment decisions in our General Account. This requires the Prudential Green Bond Report and General Account consideration of all 昀椀nancial and non-昀椀nancial factors that may impact each asset class in which the Chief Investment Of昀椀ce (CIO) invests, In 2020, Prudential became the 昀椀rst U.S. insurer to issue a green including ESG factors. bond aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Prudential’s approach to ESG integration and responsible investment Goals. The Chief Investment Of昀椀ce evaluates and determines which in our General Account is governed by the Chief Investment Of昀椀ce’s projects are eligible for inclusion in the portfolio of Eligible Green Responsible Investing Policy where we de昀椀ne Responsible Investing (RI) Assets according to the criteria required by Prudential’s Green as the integration of ESG factors into investment decision-making and Bond Framework. All Eligible Green Assets are subject to a review ownership practices in the belief that these non-昀椀nancial factors can have consistent with Prudential’s Statement on Responsible Investing. an impact on long-term 昀椀nancial performance. Prudential considers RI Please read Prudential’s Green Bond Report for more information. to be the overarching objective while ESG is the data and portfolio tools used to inform investment decisions. 2021 Highlights • Updated the Chief Investment Of昀椀ce’s • Made the 昀椀rst investment under our • Continued industry engagement and Responsible Investing Policy that advances $300 million Sustainable Power mandate thought leadership through: the General Account’s responsible with PGIM Private Capital. The Mandate − The Geneva Association investing strategy and de昀椀nes six core includes investments in projects, portfolios, − Ceres Investor Network principles most important to Prudential. platforms and companies that develop, − Ceres Paris Aligned Investor • Implemented restrictions on new own or operate wind, solar, hydro, Working Group investments in thermal coal and geothermal, biomass generation, energy controversial weapons. storage, and transmissions infrastructures − Ceres Private Equity • Engaged MSCI, a leading climate data in the U.S. and Canada. Working Group provider, to support asset-level reporting and scenario analysis. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 22

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