Prudential 2021 ESG Report Practices to Promote Our Board of Directors’ actions are Pay Equity guided by our commitment to be a We periodically retain independent external experts to conduct pay analyses for leader in the advancement of equal our U.S. population. Described below are the 2020 and 2022 results. pay for equal work. In support of this commitment, Prudential’s Board 2020 of Directors reviews and provides Salary was evaluated and the results showed, when accounting for oversight of the Company’s pay relevant factors including job and location, that, on average, women and practices. Asian employees were paid at least 100% of the pay of male and White employees, respectively. Additionally, on average, Black employees were Prudential’s pay policies and practices promote paid at 99.0% and Hispanic1 employees were paid at 98.3% of the pay of pay equity throughout an employee’s career in a non-Hispanic White employees. holistic integrated approach. This practice starts before an employee joins our organization. We aim to reduce the likelihood of perpetuating historical or 2022 2022 a prior employer’s pay inequity by not considering or asking (except where required by law) a candidate’s Salary, bonus and equity were With respect to total compensation history in the application process, and evaluated. With respect to compensation (salary, bonus establishing starting pay based on gender- and race- salary, the results showed, when and equity), again accounting neutral considerations. accounting for relevant factors for relevant factors including Throughout an employee’s career with Prudential, including job and location, that, job and location, on average, we review pay on an ongoing basis to help safeguard on average, women and Asian women were paid at 99.8% against any systemic gender- or race-based pay employees were paid at least of male employees, Asian inequity by: 100% of the pay of male and employees were paid at least • Periodically engaging independent external experts White employees, respectively. 100%, Black employees were to audit for any systemic pay inequities and Additionally, on average, Black paid at 99.4% and Hispanic empowering them to determine the appropriate employees were paid at 99.3% employees were paid at 98.9% methodology to analyze our results. and Hispanic employees were of the pay of non-Hispanic paid at 99.0% of the pay of White employees. • Providing multiple avenues, including on an non-Hispanic White employees. anonymous basis, for any employee to raise a concern about discrimination, including with respect to pay. 1. Hispanic also includes employees of Latin descent. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 32

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