Prudential 2021 ESG Report A New Way of Learning Prudential’s Tuition Reimbursement Program Our world is constantly changing and so is the way people learn. By Prudential is invested in its employees. Our Tuition Assistance Program leveraging gami昀椀cation and bite-sized learning platforms, Prudential helped offers qualifying employees 昀椀nancial support to advance their educational employees build business acumen and complete mandatory training in goals and increase their business knowledge. In 2021, 840 employees a way that suits their unique learning needs. We also created learning participated in our Tuition Assistance Program. In 2022, we are looking communities via Microsoft Teams to incorporate social learning, which to enhance the current experience for employees participating in helps boost engagement and maintain accountability. As an organization the program. that cares about L&D, we offer and promote learning and help employees In addition to our Tuition Reimbursement Program, Prudential also offers build healthy habits to enhance their professional development. the following to qualifying employees: Axonify: In 2021, Prudential’s mandatory Con昀氀icts of Interest Executive MBA Sponsorship training was launched via Axonify to U.S. and select international Prudential will sponsor quali昀椀ed employees to attain an Executive MBA. operations. Over 70% of the organization accessed the platform Employees looking to earn an Executive MBA must be a strong performer, Inclusion and Diversity Training and completed the training. have four or more years of relevant work experience (preferably at Level-Up: To help employees gain the business acumen they need least two of those years at Prudential), apply to a top-rated school and Our most recent mandatory diversity and inclusion training for all U.S. to be successful in their careers at Prudential, we introduced an receive approval from their business group and corporate function head. employees commenced in late 2020 and addresses core issues such as immersive and multi-step learning journey that included an online Prudential will reimburse 100% of tuition and course-related fees based understanding racism and bias, building cultural intelligence and using game. Those who responded to the survey following the completion on the requirement of the program for any employee sponsored and tools and techniques to take action to support an inclusive culture. The of the game rated the overall learning experience a 4.39/5. accepted to the school. goal is for all employees to develop a baseline understanding of these concepts. All U.S. employees were required to complete at least one Social Learning: As part of our Business Acumen Learning Industry Study Programs inclusion training program by December 31, 2021. Journey, we hosted a live Q&A session during our third quarter earnings call where employees posted questions in a dedicated Prudential also offers Industry Study Programs (ISP) to all employees Prudential’s Gig Program channel and received a response from a subject matter expert looking to earn licenses and certi昀椀cations such as Certi昀椀ed Public in real time. Following the call, 86% of participants felt more Accountants, SHRM Certi昀椀ed Professional, Project Management In 2021, Prudential launched an internal Gig pilot program offering informed about Prudential’s businesses and 昀椀nancial standing. Professional, and more. Some of our ISPs offer cash awards to employees employees the opportunity to build and leverage skills through who successfully complete the program and earn the related designation. experiential, on-the-job learning. All Gig projects are posted in Talent Marketplace, providing increased visibility and equal access to eligible U.S.-based Prudential employees. Gigs are projects that employees work on in addition to their current role and are tied to a speci昀椀c deliverable. Each opportunity offers employees the chance to develop new skills, build enterprise connections, and improve their business acumen. Home Introduction Governance Sustainable Investing People Community Environment About this Report Appendix 35

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