Indicator Disclosure Title Source Indicator Disclosure Title Source Indicator Disclosure Title Source GRI 412: HUMAN RIGHTS ASSESSMENT (2016) FINANCIAL SERVICES SECTOR SUPPLEMENT (2008) GRI 417: MARKETING AND LABELING (2016) 3-3 Management approach 2022 ESG Report (p. 56, 70–71) Product Portfolio 3-3 Management approach 2022 ESG Report (p. 60) Human Rights 3-3 Management approach 2022 ESG Report (p. 6–10, 12–17, 30–49, Note: Fair and transparent communications is an import- 70–71) ant marketing communications topic for JPMorgan Chase, Modern Slavery Act Statement which we discuss on page 60 of our ESG report. Human Rights Supplier Code of Conduct GRI 418: CUSTOMER PRIVACY (2016) Impact 412-3 Signifcant investment agreements 2022 ESG Report (p. 52, 56, 70–71) and contracts that include human FS1 Policies with specifc environ- 2022 ESG Report (p.56, 59–60, 70–71) 3-3 Management approach Code of Conduct rights clauses or that underwent Human Rights mental and social components INTRODUCTION 2022 ESG Report (p. 57) human rights screening Modern Slavery Act Statement applied to business lines Chase — Security Center FS7 Monetary value of products and ENVIRONMENTAL 2022 ESG Report (p. 6–10, 30–49) J.P. Morgan—Privacy Policy services designed to deliver spe- GRI 413: LOCAL COMMUNITIES (2016) cifc social beneft Impact 418-1 Substantiated complaints con- Note: It is JPMorgan Chase’s policy to follow U.S. and SOCIAL cerning breaches of customer pri- global laws regarding reporting breaches of customer 3-3 Management approach Code of Conduct data, including notices to individuals, regulators and other FS8 Monetary value of products and 2022 ESG Report (p. 6–10, 13–17) vacy and losses of customer data entities. In addition, JPMorgan Chase provides information 2022 ESG Report (p. 6–10, 30–49, 70–71) services designed to deliver spe- regarding risks related to cybersecurity in its SEC flings. GOVERNANCE cifc environmental beneft Impact GRI 419: SOCIOECONOMIC COMPLIANCE (2016) Audit APPENDICES 413-1 Operations with local community 2022 ESG Report (p. 6–10, 30–49, 53–54) 3-3 Management approach 3-3 Management approach 2022 ESG Report (p. 56, 70–71) Code of Conduct engagement, impact assess- List of Acronyms ments, and development 2022 ESG Report (p. 51–52) programs FS-Audit Coverage and frequency of audits 2022 ESG Report (p. 56, 70–71) Global Reporting Initiative Index to assess implementation of envi- 419-1 Non-compliance with laws and 2022 Form 10-K (Note 30 p. 283–286) FS14 Initiatives to improve access to ronmental and social policies and regulations in the social and eco- Sustainability Accounting 2022 ESG Report (p. 6–10, 25–29, 40–42, Refer to the note on the Firm’s legal proceedings (GRI indi- fnancial services for disadvan- 44–49) risk assessment procedures nomic area cator 2–27). Standards Board Index taged people Impact Active Ownership Prohibited Activities and Sensitive Sectors Activities and Locations Voting policy(ies) applied to envi- Proxy Information GRI 415: PUBLIC POLICY (2016) ronmental or social issues for shares over which the reporting 3-3 Management approach 2022 ESG Report (p. 55) organization holds the right to Political Engagement and Public Policy vote shares or advises on voting Statement 415-1 Political contributions Political Engagement and Public Policy Statement 66

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