Indicator Disclosure Title Source Indicator Disclosure Title Source Indicator Disclosure Title Source GRI 302: ENERGY 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG 2022 ESG Report (p. 18–21) GRI 404: TRAINING AND EDUCATION emissions 3-3 Management approach Environmental Data 3-3 Management approach 2022 ESG Report (p. 18–21) 2022 ESG Report (p. 38–49, 57–59) 305-4 GHG emissions intensity 2022 ESG Report (p. 18–21) 302-1 Energy consumption within the 2022 ESG Report (p. 18–21) 404-2 Programs for upgrading 2022 ESG Report (p. 31–32, 45–46) organization Environmental Data employee skills and transition Environmental Data assistance programs 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions 2022 ESG Report (p. 18–21) 302-4 Reduction of energy 2022 ESG Report (p. 18–21) 404-3 Percentage of employees receiv- consumption Environmental Data 2022 ESG Report (p. 45) Environmental Data ing regular performance and INTRODUCTION GRI 306: WASTE (2020) career development reviews GRI 303: WATER AND EFFLUENTS (2018) 3-3 Management approach GRI 405: DIVERSITY AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL 3-3 Management approach 2022 ESG Report (p. 22–23) 2022 ESG Report (p. 22–23) 3-3 Management approach Code of Conduct 306-4 Waste diverted from disposal 2022 ESG Report (p. 22–23) 303-3 Water withdrawal by source 2022 ESG Report (p. 22–23) 2022 ESG Report (p. 38–42) SOCIAL Environmental Data Environmental Data Diversity and Inclusion GOVERNANCE GRI 304: BIODIVERSITY (2016) GRI 307: ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE (2016) 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies 2022 Form 10-K (p. 2) 307-1 Non-compliance with environ- 2022 Form 10-K (Note 30 p. 283–286). and employees 2022 ESG Report (p. 38–42) APPENDICES 3-3 Management approach 2022 ESG Report (p. 12, 22–23, 70–71) mental laws and regulations Refer to the note on the Firm’s legal proceedings (GRI indi- 2023 Proxy Statement (p. 12) 304-2 Signifcant impacts of activities, cator 2–27). 2022 ESG Report (p. 12, 22–23, 70–71) Diversity and Inclusion List of Acronyms products, and services on GRI 401: EMPLOYMENT (2016) biodiversity 405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remu- 2022 ESG Report (p. 48) Global Reporting Initiative Index 3-3 Management approach 2022 ESG Report (p. 43–49) neration of women to men Sustainability Accounting GRI 305: EMISSIONS (2016) Standards Board Index Careers GRI 406: NON-DISCRIMINATION (2016) 3-3 Management approach 2022 ESG Report (p. 18–21) Prohibited Activities and Sensitive 401-2 Benefts provided to full-time 2022 ESG Report (p. 48–49) 3-3 Management approach Sectors Activities and Locations Code of Conduct 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions 2022 ESG Report (p. 18–21) employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees 2022 ESG Report (p. 38–42, 59) Environmental Data Human Rights 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG 2022 ESG Report (p. 18–21) Diversity and Inclusion emissions Environmental Data GRI 409: FORCED OR COMPULSORY LABOR (2016) 3-3 Management approach Human Rights 2022 ESG Report (p. 70–71) 65

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