Culture of Respect, Equity and Inclusion Accountability Framework INTRODUCTION Across the Firm, we continually work to create and reinforce a culture of Executing on our DEI commitments requires promoting accountability across respect, equity and inclusion, in which our employees are empowered to be the Firm. Our Accountability Framework, which we continue to enhance over ENVIRONMENTAL their true selves. We do so by creating forums for employee engagement, initia- time since its launch in 2020, is used to evaluate senior leaders, including Oper- tives to advance inclusion and elevate diverse perspectives, and education and ating Committee members, on behaviors, practices and progress toward goals SOCIAL training programs designed to identify ways that all of our employees can con- related to the Firm’s DEI priorities, and to incorporate that into year-end perfor- tribute to an inclusive culture. mance and compensation assessments. Feature: Our Racial Equity Our Business Resource Groups ("BRGs") are an important part of how we do Commitment this. These BRGs are inclusive groups that enable employees to share ideas, DEI Centers of Excellence Inclusive Growth grow professionally and connect to colleagues who have similar interests. Rec- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ognizing the intersectionality of the diferent groups represented by our BRGs, Our Firm has established DEI Centers of Excellence to take a unifed and inter- Human Capital we are taking steps to promote and facilitate cross-BRG collaboration. See page sectional approach to delivering impact for employees, clients, customers and 47 for the list of JPMorgan Chase BRGs. the communities we serve. The Centers of Excellence play an important role in DEI and employee development programs help create career pathways into and across the Firm. Pictured: Chicago, Illinois GOVERNANCE supporting the Firm’s commitments to advance racial equity and create lasting Our Asian, Black, Hispanic and LGBTQ+ Executive Forums, which bring together impact both internally and externally, leading our global strategies related to the senior leaders of these communities to act as ambassadors and thought target populations and contributing to progress toward our Racial Equity Com- CASE STUDY INCREASING LGBTQ+ SELF-ID APPENDICES leaders for Firmwide initiatives, are another way we support and foster DEI mitment. The Centers of Excellence also complement the role of the BRGs to The Firm experienced an increase in the number of employees self-identifying within our Firm. strengthen our internal culture of respect, equity and inclusion and raise the as LGBTQ+ by 35% year-over-year in 2022, following 50% year-over-year growth Our Equal Opportunity, Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Statement visibility of the communities they represent. in 2021. Self-ID data, including sexual orientation and gender identity, allows sets forth our policies and expectations for our employees. All employees In addition, the Centers of Excellence amplify the work of the lines of business the Firm to identify opportunities to develop targeted initiatives to improve the (including both full-time and part-time employees) are required to complete to deliver inclusive products, services and advice for clients and customers. workplace for all employees, including those from the LGBTQ+ community. The anti-harassment awareness training. In addition, in 2022, our employees were They also work with a wide array of local and national organizations in the com- Firm’s LGBTQ+ Executive Forum, a consortium of senior leaders who self-iden- required to complete Firmwide diversity and inclusion training programs, munities we serve, leveraging the Firm’s business expertise and philanthropic tify as LGBTQ+ and serve as advocates for the LGBTQ+ community, now includes including You Belong Here, Culture of Respect/Culture & Conduct, and Journey resources to help advance racial equity and economic empowerment. over 450 Managing Directors and Executive Directors. to Inclusive Teams for managers. 40

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