2022 Workforce Composition In connection with its diversity initiatives, the Firm periodically requests that its employees and Board members self-identify based on specifed diversity categories. The following table presents PROMOTIONAL DATA information on self-identifcations as of December 31, 2022. Information on race/ethnicity of employees is categorized based on Equal Employment Opportunity (“EEO”) classifcations and is pre- sented for U.S. employees who self-identifed, and information on gender is presented for global employees who self-identifed. Information on race/ethnicity and gender for members of the Oper- ating Committee and the Board of Directors refects all such members. Information on LGBTQ+ and veteran statuses is based on U.S. employees, and all members of the Operating Committee and the Board of Directors. Information on disability status is based on all U.S. employees and all members of the Operating Committee. GLOBAL 37,38 PROMOTIONS 29 27 GLOBAL GENDER DATA U.S. RACE/ETHNICITY DATA 39% 61% Women Men INTRODUCTION BOARD OF DIRECTORS26 28 26 Other BOARD OF DIRECTORS Women 36% Black 3% White 91% ENVIRONMENTAL Men 64% 14% Hispanic 0% Asian 0% SOCIAL Black 9% OPERATING COMMITTEE 28 TOTAL Men Asian TOTAL White Other 0% U.S. EMPLOYEES 51% Women 39% 18% EMPLOYEES 44% PROMOTIONS34,35 Feature: Our Racial Equity Men 61% OPERATING COMMITTEE Commitment Women 47% 53% 49% White 83% Ethnic36 White Inclusive Growth 25 Hispanic 11% SENIOR LEVEL EMPLOYEES Hispanic Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Women 27% 21% Asian 6% Human Capital Men 73% Black 0% Other28 0% GOVERNANCE ADDITIONAL DATA 41 39 25 CAMPUS & INTERNSHIP CLASS CAMPUS & INTERNSHIP CLASS SENIOR LEVEL EMPLOYEES 32 Women 47% White 35% White 75% 30 31 APPENDICES Men 53% Ethnic40 65% Hispanic 6% Military People with Asian 12% LGBTQ+ veterans disabilities Black 5% 28 TOTAL Other 2% EMPLOYEES 4% 3% 4% SENIOR LEVEL 3% 2% 3% EMPLOYEES25 25 32 Senior level employees represents employees with the titles of Managing Director and above. Presented as a percentage of total U.S.-based employees, total U.S.-based senior level employees, all members of the 26 Operating Committee, and all members of the Board of Directors, respectively. OPERATING Excludes Alicia Boler Davis, who was elected to the Firm’s Board of Directors, efective March 20, 2023. 6% 0% 0% 33 27 The Firm did not request members of the Board of Directors to self-identify disability status. COMMITTEE Based on EEO metrics. Presented as a percentage of the respective populations who self-identifed race/ethnicity, which was 96% and 95% 34 of the Firm’s total U.S.-based employees and U.S.-based senior level employees, respectively, and all members of the Operating Committee Based on EEO metrics. Presented as a percentage of the respective U.S.-based populations who self-identifed race/ethnicity and the Board of Directors. Information for the Operating Committee include one member who is based outside of the U.S. 35 BOARD OF Represents employees with the titles of Vice President and above. 0% 9% 0%33 28 26 Other includes American Indian or Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacifc Islander, and two or more races/ethnicities. 36 DIRECTORS Ethnic is defned as all EEO classifcations other than White. 29 Presented as a percentage of the respective populations who self-identifed gender, which was 98% of the Firm’s total global employees 37 and 99% of the Firm’s global senior level employees, and all members of the Operating Committee and the Board of Directors. Presented as a percentage of the respective global populations who self-identifed gender. 38 30 Represents employees with the titles of Vice President and above. Presented as a percentage of total U.S.-based employees, total U.S.-based senior level employees, all members of the Operating 39 Committee, and all members of the Board of Directors, respectively. Based on EEO metrics. Presented as a percentage of the respective U.S.-based populations who self-identifed race/ethnicity. 31 40 Presented as a percentage of total U.S.-based employees, total U.S.-based senior level employees, all members of the Operating Ethnic is defned as all EEO classifcations other than White. Committee, and all members of the Board of Directors, respectively. 41 Presented as a percentage of the respective global populations who self-identifed gender. 39

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