Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 390 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Analysis of results by business (continued) a 2022 compared to 2021 Profit before tax decreased 23% to £4,965m with a RoTE of 10.2% (2021: 14.4%), reflecting a RoTE of 10.2% (2021: 14.3%) in CIB and 10.0% (2021: 15.0%) in CC&P. Excluding the impact of the Over-issuance of Securities, CIB RoTE was 12.0%. Barclays International has a diverse income profile across businesses and geographies including a significant presence in the US. The 10% appreciation of average USD against GBP positively impacted income and profits and adversely impacted credit impairment charges, total operating expenses and RWAs. Total income increased to £17,867m (2021: £15,665m). CIB income increased 8% to £13,368m. Global Markets income increased 38% to £8,844m representing the best full year for both Global Markets and FICC on a comparable b basis . FICC income increased 65% to £5,695m, mainly in macro, reflecting higher levels of activity as we supported our clients through a period of market volatility. Equities income of £3,149m (2021: £2,967m) included £292m of income related to hedging arrangements to manage the risks of the rescission offer in relation to the Over-issuance of Securities. c Investment Banking fees decreased 39% to £2,215m due to the reduced fee pool, particularly in Equity and Debt capital markets . Within Corporate, Transaction banking income increased 52% to £2,540m driven by improved margins and growth in deposits, and higher fee income. Corporate lending income reflected fair value losses on leverage finance lending of c.£335m net of mark to market gains on related hedges, of which c.£85m was recognised in Q422, and higher costs of hedging and credit protection. CC&P income increased 35% to £4,499m. International Cards and Consumer Bank income increased 39% to £2,913m reflecting higher cards balances, including the Gap portfolio acquisition, partially offset by higher customer acquisition costs. Private Bank income increased 30% to £1,014m, reflecting client balance growth and improved margins partially offset by the non- recurrence of a property sale gain in the prior year. Payments income increased 25% to £572m driven by turnover growth from the easing of lockdown restrictions. Total operating expenses increased 26% to £11,997m. CIB total operating expenses increased 25% to £8,945m. Operating expenses excluding litigation and conduct charges increased 12% to £7,756m driven by continued investment in talent and technology, and the impact of inflation. Litigation and conduct charges were £1,189m (2021: £237m) including £966m from the Over-issuance of Securities d and £165m relating to the Devices Settlements . CC&P total operating expenses increased 29% to £3,052m. Operating expenses excluding litigation and conduct charges increased 21% to £2,738m, including higher investment spend reflecting an increase in marketing and partnership costs. Litigation and conduct charges were £314m (2021: £108m) mainly driven by customer remediation costs relating to legacy loan portfolios. Credit impairment charges were £933m (2021: £288m net release) driven by a deteriorating macroeconomic forecast. CIB credit impairment charges of £119m (2021: £473m net release) were driven by a net increase in modelled impairment and single name charges partially offset by the benefit of credit protection. CC&P credit impairment charges increased to £814m (2021: £185m), driven by higher balances in US cards, including the day one impact of acquiring the Gap portfolio, macroeconomic deterioration and a gradual increase in delinquencies, partially offset by the utilisation of economic uncertainty PMAs and the release of COVID-19 related adjustments informed by refreshed macroeconomic scenarios. As at 31 December 2022, US cards 30 and 90 day arrears remain below e pre-pandemic levels at 2.2% (Q421: 1.6%) and 1.2% (Q421: 0.8%) respectively . The US cards business is supported by a total coverage ratio of 8.1% (December 2021: 10.6%). Loans and advances at amortised cost increased £35.8bn to £169.6bn due to increased lending to customers across CIB and CC&P, inclusive of the Gap portfolio acquisition and appreciation of USD against GBP, and increased investment in debt securities. Trading portfolio assets decreased £13.1bn to £133.8bn due to a reduction in equity securities as clients repositioned their demand, partially offset by increased trading activity in debt securities. Derivative assets and liabilities increased £40.2bn and £32.5bn respectively to £301.7bn and £288.9bn driven by market volatility and increased activity. Financial assets at fair value through the income statement increased £22.3bn to £210.5bn driven by increased reverse repurchase activity. Deposits at amortised cost increased £28.8bn to £287.6bn primarily due to growth in Corporate deposits and an increase in short-term money market deposits. RWAs increased to £254.8bn (December 2021: £230.9bn) mainly resulting from the impact of the appreciation of USD against GBP, regulatory changes and higher CC&P balances including the Gap portfolio. Notes a 2021 financial and capital metrics have been restated to reflect the impact of the Over-issuance of Securities. See impact of Over-issuance of Securities on page 356 and Restatement of financial statements (Note 1a) on page 428 for further details. b Period covering 2014-2022. Pre 2014 data was not restated following re-segmentation in 2016. c Data source: Dealogic for the period covering 1 January to 31 December 2022. d Refers to the settlements with the SEC and CFTC in connection with their investigations of the use of unauthorised devices for business communications. e As at 31 December 2019, US cards 30 and 90 days arrears were 2.7% and 1.4% respectively.

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