Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 38 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Our people and culture (continued) Other workforce engagement activities have also Listening to our colleagues Our policies Highlights been carried out by both Board and management Listening to colleagues allows us to obtain Our people policies are designed to recruit the to deliver meaningful, regular two-way dialogue best people, provide equal opportunities and insights into what we are doing well and areas with colleagues. This helps our Board reflect 84% create an inclusive culture, in line with our where we need to focus our attention. a colleague feedback in their decision-making. The Purpose, Values and Mindset, and in support of Colleague engagement score Our biannual all-colleague Your View surveys range of direct engagement mechanisms we use, our long-term success. They also reflect relevant 2021: 82% measure colleague considerations across a across multiple channels throughout the year, employment law, including the provisions of the breadth of topics including colleague Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the combined with a comprehensive reporting engagement, organisational culture, including International Labour Organization (ILO) approach, enables us to effectively engage with 85% the Mindset and Values, wellbeing, inclusion and Declaration on Fundamental Principles and our workforce. “I would recommend Barclays to people working practices and tools. The Your View Rights at Work. I know as a great place to work” Results from our surveys and other employee survey is the primary mechanism for how we We regularly review and update these policies to 2021: 82% engagement mechanisms were shared with track engagement and monitor our culture, with ensure that they are in line with our broader DEI colleagues and discussed with the Barclays Board, the 2022 survey results indicating good progress and people strategy. To support the transition to the Executive Committee and people leaders. for both engagement and cultural measures. 92% hybrid working in 2022, we updated our policies We maintain a strong and effective partnership Senior leaders continue to receive and review the “I believe that my team and I do a good job on Working Flexibly to enable an approach that with Unite and the Barclays Group European results from these surveys to inform decisions. of role modelling our Values every day” meets the requirements of each role, while also Forum, whom we brief on our strategy and 2021: 92% We have also evolved our Continuous Listening taking into account the needs of our colleagues. progress to obtain feedback on how we can strategy, leveraging pulse surveys, as well as We also updated our policies and guidance on a improve the colleague experience. In 2022, we additional surveys deployed throughout the range of topics including workplace support for 92% engaged with Unite on the transition to hybrid employee lifecycle, to capture insights which help menopause and baby loss. working and our updated DEI strategy. We also “I believe my team and I do a good job us better understand our culture and improve We are committed to paying our people fairly and consult with colleague representatives on major of role modelling our Mindset every day" colleague experience. appropriately relative to their role, skills, change programmes which impact our people, to 2021: 89% We have adopted a number of methods for experience and performance. This means our minimise compulsory job losses, and focus on engagement with our workforce, in line with the remuneration policies reward performance that is reskilling and redeployment. In 2022, this included UK Corporate Governance Code. These in line with our Purpose, Values and Mindset, as the launch of an enhanced mobility service to 83% engagement mechanisms, including all- well as our risk expectations. We also encourage further mitigate redundancies across the “It is safe to Speak Up” colleague townhalls, skip-level meetings, DEI our people to benefit from Barclays’ performance organisation, redeploying colleagues into roles 2021: 79% summits, site visits and engagement surveys, by enrolling in our share ownership plans. commensurate with their skills and experience, enable colleagues to share ideas and feedback and upskilling colleagues where required. For further information, please see our Fair Pay Report 2022 + with senior management and the Board. and UK Pay Gaps 2022. We keep colleagues updated on the strategy, 13% performance and progress of the organisation Voluntary employee turnover through a combination of leader-led engagement, 2021: 11% The collective bargaining digital and print communication, blogs, vlogs and coverage of Unite in the UK podcasts. In 2022, the Barclays Group CEO held over 50 engagement sessions throughout the represents 83% (2021: 84%) 16% year with colleagues, including quarterly Employee turnover townhalls on financial performance, listening of our UK workforce 2021: 14% sessions on flagship talent programmes and Note and 43% (2021: 48%) a As part of our efforts to improve our measurement frameworks, we Q&A sessions. have transitioned to a new three question engagement model. This of our global workforce. was after collecting four years of concurrent data and running analysis to affirm the new model’s validity. Historic figures have been updated to reflect results from the new three question model

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