Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 36 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Our people and culture (continued) Delivering world-class customer service and care The Learning Lab also offers a selection of self- The programme provides participants with Talent now and for the future remains of paramount importance to Barclays. In assessment tools, empowering colleagues to extensive digital content, as well as our Evolution Talent attraction – now and for the future order to meet the demand, we significantly grew understand their strengths and development areas. programme, which supports new people leaders Across 2022, demand for talent has remained our customer care teams globally; for example, These are supported by business-led solutions as they transition into leadership roles. high, alongside a greater focus from candidates following the acquisition of the Gap credit card that encompass professional and technical We also operate three high-potential flagship seeking flexible working options and on wellness portfolio in the US, we nearly doubled our resources encouraging colleagues to drive their leadership programmes: The Enterprise Leaders and wellbeing. In response, we have pursued footprint in our US contact centre in Nevada, own development. Summit, for Managing Directors; the Strategic opportunities to attract and recruit talent as with over 1,800 new hires and saw demand triple People leadership at Barclays is about helping others Leaders Programme, for Directors; and Aspire, quickly and efficiently as possible, including for roles supporting our customers in the UK. to achieve their potential. To equip our people for Vice Presidents. These programmes aim to doubling the number of recruiters to support our Developing our colleagues leaders with the critical skills and behaviours to build enterprise-wide leadership, alongside businesses and the launch of the Onboarding inspire, develop and support their teams today and strong people leadership capabilities, helping We remain committed to our culture of lifelong app, giving new joiners and their people leaders colleagues tackle people management situations into the future, we have refreshed our Management learning, through a development proposition that access to information required prior to joining Unlocked programme. confidently, in line with our Values and Mindset. supports colleagues at every stage of their Barclays, including the ability to sign employment career. contracts via the app. On completion of a research-led review of our Barclays was ranked number one in the LinkedIn Graduate Programmes in 2020, we have re- Top Companies UK 2022 list for the second year designed our approach to managing high- in a row. Based on LinkedIn-owned data, the list is Apprentices are provided with a range of Developing digital skills potential, junior talent. Launched in 2022, we a resource for jobseekers and career builders to support, from team buddies and talent coaches across Barclays welcomed 841 graduates on to our new Scholar to more structured learning courses and study explore open vacancies, enhance their skills and As our organisation evolves, we have programme, which provides support, time to achieve industry-recognised identify companies that invest in their talent. This implemented strategies to actively upskill, reskill qualifications, with over 190 colleagues having development and training in either technical skills was further recognised by the Learning and and realign talent across Barclays, supporting successfully transitioned into their new roles. through our Expert programme, or leadership Performance Institute, where Barclays won a colleagues’ career growth and our future skills pathways through our Explorer programme. Both Here’s what two of our 2022 cohort had to say Bronze Learning Leader Award. needs. Our Destination Technology and about how Destination Technology has programmes are underpinned by a suite of Destination Security Apprenticeship schemes The Financial Service Skills Commission (FSSC) transformed their careers. baseline learning experiences, which aim to focus on developing digital capabilities and brings together industry, government and the maximise graduate experience and provide opportunities for UK-based colleagues education sector to help overcome the top development, while also equipping them with the to reskill via a clear and structured career five skills gaps in Financial Services (Data and pathway, leading to increased internal mobility skills needed to build their future career. “This is the most incredible Analytics; Tech Design and Management; and employment in a variety of roles such as opportunity I could ever have asked The Barclays Learning Lab is our learning Business Process and Customer Experience Testers, Developers and User Experience for; I had no idea how to get into ecosystem. Consisting of Barclays-designed Design; Personal Effectiveness, Thinking and (UX) Designers. Technology and no idea how to code. knowledge and skills modules, as well as modules Problem Solving; and Leadership and Social I am now coding in five different from external specialists, it provides our Influence), working to identify solutions and languages in my first 12 weeks. colleagues with the development tools needed increase our access to diverse talent. Barclays This experience has been life- to support them in their current and future roles. is proud to partner with the FSSC, and has used changing and it has really improved Colleagues can access a wide range of my mental health." the insights gleaned from the partnership to workshops, split between colleague and people inform our approach to talent, particularly leader development. This is complemented by in Technology. our digital content providers, whose content has “This is a golden ticket and a life- been mapped against role-specific learning changing opportunity. The support pathways, making it easy for colleagues to I have received has been amazing navigate development resources suitable for and I will be forever grateful." their needs.

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