Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 13 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Our strategy (continued) Strategic context Technology is transforming the way consumers 76% 59.8 access products and services. We are adapting to anticipate and meet those needs, and find % of UK customer journeys US Consumer Bank Digital tNPS effective means of ensuring non-digital digitally enabled 2022 Target: 55 customers can still access our services. 2021: 72% The new Digital tNPS metric provides us Deliver next- with feedback on customer experience, As customers needs change Progress and can be measured at the digital journey level. with evolving technology, we are adapting generation, digitised We continue to invest in our digital capabilities, to facilitate customer journeys digitally. consumer financial upgrading our systems, moving to cloud technology and implementing automation of manual services processes. This is allowing us to deliver a more personalised digital journey, reduce cost and create As technology transforms We also have a growing Barclays mobile van Barclays Local additional capacity to support more of our consumer financial services, we network which can be deployed wherever In areas where demand has fallen and the bank customers. are building and delivering support is most needed, including rural and branch is no longer sustainable, we are testing enhanced products and services We are introducing digital tools to the Barclays app remote locations. These spaces help alternative solutions to remain part of the for our customers, leveraging our to provide new products for our customers, customers with cashless banking needs community and to support customers who improve the overall experience and enable payments interconnection and including digital transactions and bill require face-to-face assistance. individuals to manage their finances better. For improving our efficiency. payments. We also host workshops on topics example, mortgage customers can manage their Barclays has now launched almost 200 flexible such as digital skills, money management and mortgages seamlessly through the app, including banking pop-ups, enabling colleagues to reach Our objectives fraud and scams prevention. switching onto a new rate up to 180 days before customers in places such as town halls, • Investing in digital capabilities to their current rate expires. This year, our active libraries and community centres. improve service for customers and mobile customers have grown to 10.5 million and we unlock new sources of income: hit a record of 15.4 million logins in a single day – • accelerating digital access and demonstrating the impact of going digital-first. adoption, while not leaving In our US consumer business, we completed the customers behind acquisition of the Gap cards portfolio, doubling our • building cost-effective infrastructure customer base in the US. • using the quality and scale of our We continue to adapt our service model by building data to better understand customer out Barclays Local – an alternative branch presence for those who need in-person support. Our new needs, anticipate trends and deliver Cashback Without Purchase programme was more competitive products and launched to give customers the ability to withdraw services cash for free via thousands of small businesses • Realising value from investment in across the country, supporting those communities Payments across the Group, delivering without a branch or cashpoint. additional income streams Evolution in 2023 and beyond • Expanding unsecured lending through partnerships We are working to develop a seamless, digital customer journey that provides access to a full • Creating a competitive Wealth range of unsecured lending solutions and the ability franchise to efficiently service to switch between different credit products - customers’ evolving needs expanding beyond cards into merchant integrated point-of-sale lending and open market loans.

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