Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 14 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Our strategy (continued) We actively recruited to strengthen our teams Strategic context Progress and in November, we opened new state-of-the- In 2022, we maintained our overall ranking of A strong presence in the capital markets is a art trading floors in our London headquarters, sixth globally across Investment Banking and important as this remains core to our clients’ b bringing all CIB colleagues in London into one Global Markets , narrowing the gap to fifth. needs. location to further enhance collaboration and We increased the diversity and predictability of Trading and investment banking income is client service. our income, growing our financing business in subject to market volatility, and banks have Deliver sustainable Global Markets, including in Prime. We further Evolution in 2023 and beyond sought to diversify CIB revenues to increase the integrated our Corporate Banking services to growth in the CIB predictability of earnings. We will continue to invest in Investment Banking global and UK multinationals with our Investment high-growth sectors and in our digital initiatives Our success will be judged on our absolute Banking business, focusing on growing our in Global Markets. We will also seek to further As the capital markets grow, performance, as well as how we perform in terms Transaction Banking share across our core CIB build our Corporate Banking business in the US of Investment Banking fee wallet share and we will seek to maintain our markets. and Europe – a key source of stable, high- Global Markets revenue relative to our market position as a top six global returning income. competitors, which are industry standard investment bank while investing markers for CIB performance. in new capabilities to serve our clients. Our objectives Global service that delivers 700+ Colleagues across the globe have enabled • Building consistent strength in Growth in Corporate leading French bank La Banque Postale to Investment Banking, expanding in high- Banking clients in Europe expand its services to customers by taking full growth sectors and deepening our 2021: c.600 control of CNP Assurances, the leading M&A capabilities French life insurer, which was previously listed • Consistently investing in our Global on the Paris Stock Exchange. Markets business with particular Barclays won the mandate to lead the priority given to digital investment to £2.9bn acquisition for La Banque Postale, with ensure we are an electronic-first c Total Financing income colleagues in Investment Banking, Corporate markets business 2021: £2.2bn Banking and Principal Investments working • Capturing greater client flow in Equities together seamlessly to deliver a complex and balances in Prime Financing while transaction for the client. growing our share in Securitised The transaction is one of the most significant Products and Macro Rates, FX and EM insurance deals in the French market for over • Broadening Corporate Banking 15 years, the first guarantee issued by product capabilities, particularly in Notes: a Dealogic Investment Banking global fee ranking and share Barclays in France for an M&A mandate, and Europe and US demonstrating our performance vs peers, for the period covering 1 an example of the power of collaboration to January 2020 to 31 December 2022. • Optimising our global footprint by b Global Markets market share and rank for Barclays is based on our deliver great client outcomes. expanding the CIB internationally share of Top 10 banks reported revenues. Peer banks include BoA, BNP, CITI, CS, DB, GS, JPM, MS and UBS. where we have an attractive c Global Markets Financing includes income related to client financing in opportunity both FICC and Equities. In FICC this includes fixed income securities repurchase agreements, structured credit, warehouse and asset backed lending. In Equities this includes prime brokerage margin lending, securities lending, quantitative prime services, futures clearing and settlement, synthetic financing, and equity structured financing. All other items are considered intermediation.

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