Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 12 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Our strategy Sustaining and growing in challenging times Our strategy enables us to sustain and grow through different market conditions and evolving trends Our Purpose Our diversification, built to Strategic priorities informs our strategy deliver double-digit returns to sustain and grow Our diversification means we are resilient We deploy finance Deliver next-generation, through economic cycles and can deliver digitised consumer responsibly to support double-digit returns. financial services people and businesses, • A large-scale retail and business bank in the UK. acting with empathy and • An international bank containing: Deliver sustainable integrity, championing – a top tier global corporate and growth in the CIB innovation and investment bank – a broad international consumer sustainability, for the lending, cards and payments common good Capture opportunities franchise. as we transition to and the long term. a low-carbon economy

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