Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 11 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Our business model (continued) delivering value through providing clear outcomes synergies ... for our stakeholders. We bring our organisation together to Our diversified model provides the resilience create synergies and deliver greater value. and consistency needed for the road ahead. Customers Society Providing customers Joining up different Providing support to our and clients and clients with the full parts of the Group so communities, and access to Supporting our customers and range of our products capabilities in one can social and environmental clients to achieve their goals financing to address societal need. and services. benefit another. with our products and services. Colleagues Investors Applying Group-wide Making the Group more Helping our colleagues across Delivering attractive and technology platforms efficient. the world develop as sustainable shareholder returns to deliver better professionals. on a foundation of a strong balance sheet. products and services.

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