Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 53 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Divisional reviews (continued) We continued to invest in enhancing our Global Year in review Investor reaction Powering Portland General Markets digital proposition, including our Corporate and Investment Bank RoTE was was strong for electronic trading capabilities and our digital self- Electric’s future with innovative Bringing together experts from its Power & 10.2% (2021: 14.3%), a strong return in a year the nearly service platform, as well as our financing Utilities, Equity Capital Markets and with challenging market conditions. This $500 million platforms across Fixed Income and Equities. Sustainable Capital Markets teams, in performance reflected the benefits of income offering, which was October 2022 Barclays structured a Green In Corporate Banking, revenues grew off the back diversification and continued investment in multiple times Use of Proceeds equity offering for Portland of strong interest income given the rising sustainable growth, partially offset by the net oversubscribed General Electric, which saw the issuance of interest rate environment, although this impact of the Over-issuance of Securities. and priced at a 11.615 million shares of common stock. performance was partly offset by rising Investment Banking revenue declined compared tight discount relative This unique structure gives investors publicly impairments owing to the increasingly with a strong performance in 2021, driven by to the size of the deal. tradable common shares, whose proceeds challenging business environment. significant declines in the overall market The proceeds of this offering are are earmarked for investment toward its 2022 was defined by an increased focus on capital opportunity. We are ranked sixth in overall global designated to the construction a 311 MW wind decarbonisation goals. discipline, including increased selectivity around fee share for the third year running and are top energy facility, as well as additional renewable a risk taking and a streamlined and consistent five in Debt Capital Markets . and battery storage projects. approval process across all of CIB lending. We continued to invest in our Investment For further information go online + at We made significant progress in 2022 in Banking coverage of high-growth sectors, expanding our international capabilities, including expanding our Sustainable Financing particularly with the build out of our Corporate business. Founded in 2019, our sustainability- Banking businesses in the US and Europe. We momentum and improve revenue focused investment banking effort last year Looking ahead have also continued to invest in strengthening contribution from our equity and advisory continued to advise and raise capital for our digital capabilities, including driving the offerings. Across our Corporate and Investment Bank, companies seeking to address environmental or adoption of iPortal to provide our clients with we remain focused on maintaining our client- social challenges, helping our firm deliver on its Aligned to our new climate-related target to centric approach and developing seamless access to our transaction banking strategic priority of assisting our clients with the facilitate $1trn of Sustainable and Transition opportunities to grow our business and product set. transition to a low-carbon economy. Financing, we will continue to invest in increase returns. We continue to focus on Our Research team continued to deliver creating a centre of excellence for Our Global Markets business acted as a market- growth in high-returning, capital efficient differentiated insights to our clients, acting as a sustainable finance, and broaden the range maker and liquidity provider to clients across the parts of our business and to sustain our focus driver of thought leadership for the CIB. We of ESG capital market product types we offer globe, playing an important role in helping them on cost discipline and operational rigour. sought to further drive the ESG agenda in across more client segments. to find opportunities and manage risk during a In Global Markets we are focused on further support of our climate strategy in 2022, through continued period of heightened market In Corporate Banking, we continue to developing our electronic trading-led establishing a new Sustainable and Thematic disruption. During a year which experienced monetise investments in our European and business, investing in low touch and machine Research team, focused on identifying multi- several distinct episodes of volatility, we US offering with an emphasis on growing our learning capabilities to drive efficiency and sector thematic trends that could shape the materially increased revenues and captured Transaction Banking business. Our focus will scale and better serve the needs of our future business environment, and partnering with share relative to our peers. remain on steadily improving our credit investor base. We will continue to invest in our Data and Investment Science teams to bring portfolio returns by reallocating risk The importance of business diversification growth in Securitised Products, Emerging data-driven insights to our clients. weighted assets to higher-returning across Global Markets was evidenced by the Markets, and parts of our Rates and Foreign opportunities. We continue to invest in our gains in our FICC businesses, which helped to Exchange businesses. trade, payments and wholesale lending offset declines in our Equities business. Investment Banking continues to invest in offerings and look to further enhance our high-priority sectors, particularly in digital proposition. Healthcare and in Technology in the US and Europe. More broadly, we aim to build on Note For further information go online at a Dealogic for the period covering 1 January 2020 to + 31 December 2022.

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