Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 257 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 ESG: Governance (continued) Whistleblowing We want to continue to foster a culture where our colleagues feel safe to speak up. Barclays is committed to providing a Other issues were identified in a further They have responsibility for ensuring and respectful and inclusive environment to 25% of whistleblowing concerns. 66 overseeing the integrity, independence work in and colleagues are encouraged to actions were defined to address issues and effectiveness of Barclays’ speak up about actions and behaviours identified during the course of whistleblowing programme across their that have no place in the organisation. whistleblowing investigations. These respective entities. Their oversight is Individuals are encouraged to speak up primarily included recommendations to supported by periodic impartial reviews of directly to their management, Compliance, enhance processes and procedures. the end-to-end whistleblowing process. HR or Legal. However, where they do not Barclays also works with Protect, the UK The Chair of the Group Board Audit feel comfortable using these avenues, the Whistleblowing Charity. Committee is the Group Whistleblowers’ Raising Concerns process is in place. 83% Champion and the Chair of the Barclays of global respondents of the 2022 Your Bank UK PLC (BBUKPLC) Board Audit View survey said it was 'safe to speak up'. Committee is the BBUKPLC The Raising Concerns team will carefully Whistleblowers’ Champion. assess the concerns raised and refer them to the most appropriate team for review and, where appropriate, investigation. All concerns are taken seriously and managed sensitively and confidentially. Details about the Raising Concerns reporting channels are available both internally and externally. Whistleblowing cases closed by region Whistleblowing is a core element of Raising Concerns at Barclays and any concerns assessed as whistleblowing will be directed to a dedicated team within Compliance. Whistleblowing relates to concerns which fall within the wider public interest, such as a breach of our policies and procedures; breaches of law and regulation; and behaviour that harms or is likely to harm the reputation or financial wellbeing of the Group. All whistleblowing reports are taken seriously, and controls are in place to protect whistleblowers’ identities and confidentiality. Barclays has a zero-tolerance approach to 72 retaliation against any whistleblower or any Cases closed individual who has provided information as in 2022 part of an investigation. Any confirmed instances of retaliation will be dealt with extremely seriously and may result in Whistleblowing cases opened by (top 4) categories disciplinary action, including dismissal. Annual mandatory training is delivered to 6 4 C a s e 1. Breach of controls, s o p e 15 n e d colleagues regarding the whistleblowing i process or other n 2 0 2 2 programme. 2. Retaliation 13 In 2022, the whistleblowing team opened a total of 52 whistleblowing concerns, down 3. Breach of policy 11 61% from the year before (2021: 134), including 13 retaliation concerns. The fall in 4. Financial crime 5 concerns is attributed to a number of factors, including the impact of the 5. Other 8 pandemic. 72 whistleblowing matters were closed in 2022, of which 15% were found to have some level of substantiation. None of the retaliation concerns closed in 2022 were substantiated.

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