Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 487 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Notes to the financial statements (continued) Capital instruments, equity and reserves Dated subordinated liabilities Dated subordinated liabilities are issued by Barclays PLC, Barclays Bank PLC and its subsidiaries for the development and expansion of their businesses and to strengthen their respective capital bases. The principal terms of the dated subordinated liabilities are described below: Subordination Dated subordinated liabilities issued by Barclays PLC ranks behind the claims against Barclays PLC of unsecured unsubordinated creditors but before the claims of the holders of its equity. All dated subordinated liabilities externally issued by Barclays Bank PLC rank behind the claims against Barclays Bank PLC of depositors and other unsecured unsubordinated creditors but before the claims of the undated subordinated liabilities and the holders of its equity. The dated subordinated liabilities externally issued by other subsidiaries are similarly subordinated as the external subordinated liabilities issued by Barclays Bank PLC. Interest Interest on the Floating Rate Notes is fixed periodically in advance, based on the related market rates. Interest on Fixed Rate Notes is set by reference to market rates at the time of issuance and fixed until maturity. Interest on the 4.836% Fixed Rate Subordinated Callable Notes, 2% Fixed Rate Subordinated Callable Notes, 3.75% SGD Fixed Rate Resetting Subordinated Callable Notes, 3.75% GBP Fixed Rate Resetting Subordinated Callable Notes, 3.811% Fixed Rate Resetting Subordinated Callable notes, 1.125% Fixed Rate Resetting Subordinated Callable Notes, 3.564% Fixed Rate Resetting Subordinated Callable Notes, and the 8.407% Fixed Rate Resetting Subordinated Callable Notes are fixed until the call date. After the respective call dates, in the event that they are not redeemed, the interest rates will be reset and fixed until maturity based on a market rate. Interest on the 5.088% Fixed-to-Floating Rate Subordinated Callable Notes is fixed until the call date. After the call date, in the event that they are not redeemed, the interest rate will reset periodically in advance based on market rates. Repayment Those subordinated liabilities with a call date are repayable at the option of the issuer on such call date in accordance with the conditions governing the respective debt obligations, some in whole or in part, and some only in whole. The remaining dated subordinated liabilities outstanding at 31 December 2022 are redeemable only on maturity, subject in particular cases to provisions allowing an early redemption in the event of certain changes in tax law, or to certain changes in legislation or regulations. Any repayments prior to maturity require, in the case of Barclays PLC and Barclays Bank PLC, the prior consent of the PRA, or in the case of the overseas issues, the approval of the local regulator for that jurisdiction and of the PRA in certain circumstances. There are no committed facilities in existence at the balance sheet date which permit the refinancing of debt beyond the date of maturity.

Barclays PLC - Annual Report - 2022 - Page 489 Barclays PLC - Annual Report - 2022 Page 488 Page 490