Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 387 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Analysis of results by business (continued) Barclays International a Restated 2022 2021 2020 £m £m £m Income statement information Net interest income 4,927 3,263 3,282 Net trading income 7,709 5,693 6,920 Net fee, commission and other income 5,231 6,709 5,719 Total income 17,867 15,665 15,921 Operating costs (10,361) (9,076) (8,765) UK bank levy (133) (134) (240) Litigation and conduct (1,503) (345) (48) Total operating expenses (11,997) (9,555) (9,053) Other net income 28 40 28 Profit before impairment 5,898 6,150 6,896 Credit impairment (charges)/releases (933) 288 (3,280) Profit before tax 4,965 6,438 3,616 Attributable profit 3,844 4,647 2,220 Balance sheet information Loans and advances to customers at amortised cost £133.7bn £106.4bn £100.1bn Loans and advances to banks at amortised cost £8.7bn £8.4bn £8.0bn Debt securities at amortised cost £27.2bn £19.0bn £14.7bn Loans and advances at amortised cost £169.6bn £133.8bn £122.7bn Trading portfolio assets £133.8bn £146.9bn £127.7bn Derivative financial instrument assets £301.7bn £261.5bn £301.8bn Financial assets at fair value through the income statement £210.5bn £188.2bn £170.7bn Cash collateral and settlement balances £107.7bn £88.1bn £97.5bn Other assets £258.0bn £225.6bn £221.4bn Total assets £1,181.3bn £1,044.1bn £1,041.8bn Deposits at amortised cost £287.6bn £258.8bn £240.5bn Derivative financial instrument liabilities £288.9bn £256.4bn £300.4bn Loan: deposit ratio 59% 52% 51% Risk weighted assets £254.8bn £230.9bn £222.3bn Period end allocated tangible equity £36.8bn £33.2bn £30.2bn Key facts Number of employees (full time equivalent) 10,900 10,400 10,800 Performance measures Return on average allocated tangible equity 10.2% 14.4% 7.1% Average allocated tangible equity £37.6bn £32.4bn £31.5bn Cost: income ratio 67% 61% 57% Loan loss rate (bps) 54 (21) 257 Net interest margin 5.02% 4.01% 3.64% Note a 2021 financial and capital metrics have been restated to reflect the impact of the Over-issuance of Securities. See impact of Over-issuance of Securities on page 356 and Restatement of financial statements (Note 1a) on page 428 for further details.

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