Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 222 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Remuneration report (continued) Climate and sustainability Measure Criteria Performance Commentary Outcome Green Progress towards our £25.5bn (2021: £29.8bn) • Significant increase in green financing, with a total of Ahead of financing commitment to facilitate £87.8bn of green financing facilitated since 2018 track £100bn of green against our 2030 target of £100bn financing by 2030 • Social, Environment and Sustainability linked financing commitment of £150bn for 2018-2025 delivered four years early in 2021. A further £54.3bn of financing delivered in 2022 bring the cumulative outcome to £247.6bn • In December 2022 we announced a new target to facilitate $1trn of Sustainable and Transition Financing between 2023 and the end of 2030 • In 2022 invested £35m in sustainability-focused start-ups through our Sustainable Impact Capital programme Emissions Deliver the strategy to Power portfolio • Good progress in setting out strategy to be a net On track emissions intensity (in zero bank by 2050 and to align our financing with the financing achieve our ambition to be a net zero bank by KgCO2e/MWh): 9% Paris Agreement, including setting targets for two 2050 and our down versus 2020 new high emitting sectors, Cement and Steel, in commitment to align our 2022 Energy portfolio absolute financing with the goals emissions (in MtCO2e): • Financed emissions target for Automotive and timelines of the Paris 32% down versus 2020 manufacturing in addition to a Portfolio Agreement convergence point for Residential Real Estate 30% reduction in power announced with 2022 FY results, five high emitting portfolio emissions sectors now covered by targets intensity (2020-2025) • Currently ahead of target for Energy and broadly on- 15% reduction in energy track for Power, though progress is likely to be non- portfolio absolute linear and will be reflective of the specific pathways emissions (2020-2025) that companies take Global GHG scope 1 and 2 91% reduction against • Achieved our 90% GHG market-based emissions Ahead of greenhouse emissions (market- 2018 baseline reduction target for Scope 1 and Scope 2 track gas (GHG) based) reduced against emissions 2018 baseline by 90% by reduction in 2025 our operations Renewable 100% renewable 100% (2021: 94%) • Sourced 100% renewable electricity for our global Ahead of a electricity electricity by 2025 real estate portfolio operations track • Moving forward, continue to purchase 100% renewable electricity, and improve the energy efficiency of our buildings and data centres LifeSkills – 10 million people 2.7 million upskilled in • Exceeded our target of upskilling 10 million people Ahead of people upskilled (2018-2022) 2022 (2021: 2.9 million) between 2018 and 2022, with 12.6 million people track upskilled upskilled by the end of 2022 LifeSkills – 250,000 people placed 77,200 people placed • Exceeded our target of 250,000 people placed into Slightly ahead people placed into work (2019-2022) into work in 2022 (2021: work between 2019 and 2022, with 270,600 people of track into work 77,100) placed into work by the end of 2022 Unreasonable 250 businesses solving 269 growth-stage • Surpassed 2022 target Slightly ahead Impact social and environmental ventures had joined the of track • Barclays and Unreasonable Group celebrated six (partnership challenges to be programme by end of years of partnership, with Unreasonable Impact now with the supported (2016-2022) 2022 supporting 269 growth-stage ventures solving Unreasonable social and environmental challenges and collectively Group) supporting thousands of jobs across the world Total Climate and sustainability: 8.0% Overall strategic non-financial outcome (out of a maximum possible 25%) 18.0% a Global real estate portfolio includes offices, branches, campuses and data centres. Further details on our approach to Key Performance Indicators are included in the Strategic report. Refer to for more information on the ESG measures.

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