Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 24 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Key performance indicators (continued) Customers and clients Colleagues “I would recommend Barclays to people Barclays UK Net Colleague engagement Barclays UK complaints excluding PPI b a a I know as a great place to work” (%) (%) (% movement year on year) Promoter Score (NPS) 2022 2022 2022 2022 85 11 9 -17 84 82 2021 2021 2021 2021 11 -17 82 9 2020 2020 2020 2020 84 15 -32 82 5 A question in the Your View employee survey The NPS is a view of how willing customers This is a measure derived from responses to We measure our volume of complaints and that measures colleague advocacy. are to recommend our products and services three colleague engagement questions in the review root causes to inform what changes we to others. Your View survey. should make to our products and services to improve them for customers. “I believe that my team and I do a good job Corporate and Investment Bank revenue Consumer, Cards and Payments US Females at Managing Director b of role modelling the Values every day” (%) ranks and market shares (#,%) customer digital engagement (%) and Director level (%) 2022 #6 2022 29△ 92 7.3 2022 #6 3.1 2021 28 92 2021 #6 2020 2020 3.6 6.4 26 94 2021 #6 6.4 3.6 A question from the Your View employee survey Metric reflects % of females at Managing #6 showing colleagues’ connection to the Barclays Director and Director level within Barclays, 3.3 Metric shows percentage of digitally 6.7 2020 #7 Values which underpin the desired culture. against 2025 ambition of 33%. active Consumer, Cards and Payments 6.4 3.6 c US consumers. Global Markets revenue ranking and share n d Dealogic Investment Banking global fee ranking and share n demonstrating our performance vs peers. Notes: a As part of our efforts to improve our measurement frameworks, we have transitioned to a new three question engagement model. This was after Notes collecting four years of concurrent data and running analysis to affirm the new model’s validity. Historic figures have been updated to reflect a ®Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & results from the new three question model. Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc. b KPI adjusted in line with new engagement model. The previous KPI “I would recommend Barclays as a good place to work” would have been 86% b Excluding new Gap customers. (2021:83%). c Global Markets market share for Barclays is based on our share of Top 10 banks reported revenues. Peer banks include BoA, BNP, CITI, CS, DB, Δ 2022 data subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE(UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Current and previous limited assurance scope and GS, JPM, MS and UBS. opinions can be found within the ESG Resource Hub for further details: reporting-and- d Dealogic for the period covering 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022. disclosures/

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