Strategic Shareholder Climate and Risk Financial Financial Barclays PLC 26 report information sustainability report Governance review review statements Annual Report 2022 Customers and clients Barclays UK NPS The importance of delivering value (#) for our customers and clients Supporting our Customers and clients are at the heart of our 2022 11 business. For us to deliver value for them, we 2021 11 need to continue building confidence in our customers and clients organisation, our products and services, understand and anticipate our customers and Barclaycard NPS clients' needs, and use our expertise to become a Barclaycard NPS continued to trend upwards trusted partner. We seek to understand our customers' and clients’ throughout 2022 to +12, in line with the market, In order to understand those needs and measure as usage and availability of credit became more expectations and aspirations, and develop products our progress towards delivering on them, we use important to customers. a range of non-financial measures. and services which support them, especially during Barclaycard NPS Net Promoter Score (#) difficult economic conditions. We believe that Net Promoter Score® (NPS) is used widely 2022 transparency of information in our products and 12 across industries to measure the strength of customer relationships. We track NPS to identify 2021 4 services is key to empowering consumers to make both our strengths and where there is room for improvement. This, combined with our sound financial decisions. US Consumer Bank Digital tNPS transactional NPS data, becomes a powerful tool The Digital tNPS is a newly tracked metric for US to inform how we should develop our services Consumer Bank which is measured at the digital and products in the future, and benchmark our journey level. performance against the rest of the market. This is a recognised and respected industry Barclays UK NPS measure of customer experience. Digital tNPS is The Net Promoter Score (NPS) for Barclays UK Highlights trending positive, attributed to increased web was relatively stable throughout 2022 at +11. and app ease of use. This reflects the returning capability to service our customers after previous declines during the US Consumer Bank Digital tNPS pandemic. However, we recognise that we need 11 44 % to continue to push forward our initiatives to Barclays UK Net Barclays US Consumer Bank Care Target: 55 and over drive improvements in customer experience, Promoter Score (NPS)* Net Promoter Score 2022 including improving and expanding our digital a 59.8 2021: 11 2021: 43.4 journeys. −17 74.1% Barclays UK complaints excluding PPI Consumer, Cards and Payments US Notes b (% movement year on year) customer digital a Care tNPS provides an accurate measure of customer sentiment across our Fraud, Dispute, Credit and Care channels and replaces the 2021: -17% 2021: 71.8% relationship NPS reported in 2021 Annual Report. b Excluding new Gap customers.

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