ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Our People Strategy How We Work Our Talent and DEI Strategy Global Workforce Data We invest in training college and high school • Our Sophomore Leadership Program offers 44 Global Wealth Management analysts students through our early engagement and hands-on work experience, mentorship, participated over two months. Representation in Our Analyst apprenticeships programs. While we would peer networking and necessary skills over • Through Progress Builders, we provide and Associate Programs like the students to consider the possibility of a 10-week summer internship, to provide a Costa Rican high school students from a future with Citi, our primary goal is to provide pipeline into our full-time analyst programs. technical backgrounds with meaningful work them with helpful tools on their path to • Our recruitment event on Martha’s Vineyard experiences to complement their academic professional success, without regard for in Massachusetts provides Black high school learning. We had 15 Progress Builders interns 52% 52% industry or profession. and college students with an opportunity in 2022, 60% of them women. Key programs include: to network with industry professionals • Our Women RISE at Citi event in Brazil and learn about potential career paths in provided women students with exposure 2021 2021 • Our Citi University Partnerships in financial services. Innovation & Discovery (CUPID) Program to various career opportunities in finance, enables us to accelerate innovation initia- • Apprenticeship Programs enable us to education on business areas at Citi and tives across Citi by engaging high-potential access a new pipeline of diverse talent, participation in a hackathon to strengthen 50% 52% students and developing a robust, diverse particularly those with varying levels of prior their problem-solving and technical skills. pipeline of talent from universities across the experience, from different backgrounds • The Citi Campus Disability Summit, for globe. In 2022, the CUPID Program engaged and with alternative perspectives. In students with disabilities, debuted in 2022 2022 400-plus students through specialized London, an 18-month structured program of learning, combined with a real role at Citi, April 2022. Representation of Representation of engagements including hackathons, capstone women in full-time women in the summer projects and more. is designed for individuals who have not We continue to partner with Management analyst and associate analyst and associate been to university, but instead are hoping to Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT), SEO and roles programs • Our Early Insights Programs for college kick-start their careers with an opportunity WayUp, U.S.-based recruiting platforms that students in their first and second year of to gain work experience alongside profes- attract diverse students, enabling our recruiters undergraduate studies are focused on identi- sional qualifications. Our first cohort has to communicate and engage with students to fying, mentoring and hiring top diverse talent successfully completed the program and promote job opportunities. 29% 32% for summer analyst programs across the moved into permanent roles at Citi. So far, firm. These programs provide early exposure 21 apprentices have been hired through this to, and education around, our businesses, program in London. 2021 2021 technical training, mentorship and culture. • Youth Co:Lab, APAC’s largest youth-led social • Our Freshman Discovery Day is an intro- entrepreneurship movement, provides an ductory program to support freshmen from opportunity for our analysts to help advance 32% 29% diverse backgrounds in gaining technical the UN Development Program goals. Since skills and learning about various roles in 2021, Citi has partnered with the UN to have financial services. ~150 Consumer and Operations analysts 2022 2022 • Our Early Identification Program focuses across 12 APAC markets work in small teams on mentorship, interview preparation and to support young entrepreneurs from devel- Black and Hispanic/ Black and Hispanic/ oping countries in refining their startups’ Latino representation Latino representation in best-in-class training to identify diverse in full-time analyst the summer analyst and talent for our summer analyst programs over mission, vision, impact and strategy for and associate roles associate programs a five-week period. unlocking funding and resources. In 2022, Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 57

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