ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Our People Strategy How We Work Our Talent and DEI Strategy Global Workforce Data We invest in a wide range of career devel- • Citi Women’s Leadership Development • The Out & Equal Leadership Development MILITARY OFFICER LEADERSHIP opment and planning for diverse talent through Program brings together a group of Program is a six-part interactive development PROGRAM mentorship, networking, rotational programs Senior Vice Presidents and Directors from program for LGBTQ+ employees. This series and partnerships, and we continue to evolve our around the world to network and develop aims to develop participants through inter- Our Military Officer Leadership Program learning programs to meet new needs: leadership skills. active content on how to lead within teams, (MOLP) focuses on recruiting, developing, • The Disability:IN Next Gen Leaders program lead teams, and lead in communities. training and preparing transitioning service • Executive Leadership Council (ELC) members for mid- to senior-level roles at partnership enhances our investment in matches mentors to students and recent Citi. Over a two-year period, candidates Black leadership and establishes a cohesive graduates with disabilities. Nineteen Citi rotate three times, giving them a peer development journey and continuum colleagues served as mentors in 2022. Citi network of mentorship and support and a for Black leaders at Citi. Through this also participated in recruitment events in path to a successful career at Citi. partnership, Citi will continue to develop APAC and the U.S. through Disability:IN, as mid- to senior-level colleagues over three well as at the Disability: IN Global Conference. years. • Expansion of the Citi Career Women’s • Owning My Success (OMS), a group Empowerment Program, which includes coaching program for Black colleagues, virtual modules to strengthen skills such as provides exposure to our senior leadership leadership, strategic communication and and supports professional and personal emotional intelligence. Launched in LATAM development. Over the course of several in 2019, we have expanded in 2022 to all months, participants join group coaching regions, reaching 14,000 participants. circles, led by an external executive coach • Global Talent Development Program offers and a senior leader at Citi. Managers of the six- to nine-month assignments abroad participants also take part in group coaching to select vice presidents and senior vice to better understand the experience of Black presidents across Personal Banking & Wealth colleagues in the workplace. Management (PBWM). Program participants Developing and Enabling • Black Leaders for Tomorrow, within the return to their teams with an expanded Citi Our Talent Institutional Clients Group, offers an network and a global understanding of the advocacy program for Black directors. firm. We’re committed to helping our colleagues gain • Hosted the first Black Managing Director the skills and experience they need to achieve • Black & Hispanic Leadership Journey: Summit, with respondents indicating that This immersive program for Assistant their professional goals and deliver the best they felt the content and information they for our company and our stakeholders. Hiring, Vice Presidents across PBWM accelerates received will help them develop as leaders. their development through sessions and promoting and retaining more women and The Summit was so successful that we plan to racial/ethnic minorities in senior, high-paying coaching on personal brand, confidence, host additional heritage-specific summits to organizational savvy and challenges facing roles is especially critical to our success — and continue to drive retention, diverse leadership supports our ambitions around representation diverse leaders. The program also engages and professional skills development. participants’ managers. and pay equity. Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 58

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