ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Our People Strategy How We Work Our Talent and DEI Strategy Global Workforce Data Citi Inclusion • Citi Families Matter Network Networks • Citi Hispanic/Latino Heritage Network REGIONAL DIVERSITY HIGHLIGHTS • Citi Pride Network We strive to take a truly global approach on talent and DEI. That means we seek to Our Employee Network chapters serve as local • Citi Women Network understand the nuances of local issues, while protecting human rights related representatives of our Inclusion Networks. to DEI and supporting a culture of inclusion, within our operations and our larger Initiated and led by colleagues at our work sites, • Citi Salutes® Network sphere of influence. the Networks offer professional development, • Citi Multicultural Heritage Network mentoring, networking and community • Citi Generations Network Region Initiative Background engagement opportunities to members and Asia EY x Citi Highlights the various common disabilities, varying levels of support colleagues. • Citi Social Mobility Network (UK Only) Pacific Publication: across the region, and how organizations and individuals can help advance We will continue to take a phased approach in An Asia Pacific disability inclusion in the workplace and create long-term value. Each of our eleven Inclusion Networks is co-led Perspective This report is posted to and can be viewed here. by a member of our CEO’s leadership team. enhancing our strategy to be more impactful on Disability The number of our global Employee Network and global, so that there is a clearly defined Inclusion chapters increased from 226 in 2021 to 238 purpose and DEI alignment in all of our Europe, Launch of the Launched in 2022, this network is focused on creating awareness of in 2022, while the total number of unique Network activity. Middle Social Mobility and celebrating the diversity of the socioeconomic backgrounds of our members in the groups increased from 21,000+ East and Network in colleagues. Citi is the first major bank to create an employee resource to more than 31,000 globally. Africa the UK group focused on social mobility. 2022 marked the 20-year anniversary of our Latin The Inclusive Responds to the need for a comprehensive strategy in Citibanamex Employee Networks. As some of the firm’s most America Branches branches to increase DEI knowledge, with the goal of promoting a Program culture of internal and client-oriented inclusion. It does so through two visible forms of DEI, our networks have histori- main actions: a Diversity & Inclusion Protocol with a focus on customer cally played a critical role in fostering a culture service; and a communication campaign through all the branches’ com- of inclusion for all. So much has changed in munication channels. More than 15,500 colleagues in branches were 20 years, and as the world around us evolves, exposed to the Inclusive Branches materials in 2022. so, too, should our approach to talent and DEI. As such, we have commenced our Employee Network transformation by rebranding our Affinity Networks as Citi Inclusion networks, to further emphasize that our Networks are open to all colleagues, regardless of their identity: • Citi Asian Heritage Network • Citi Black Heritage Network • Citi Disability Network Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 59

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