ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Our People Strategy How We Work Our Talent and DEI Strategy Global Workforce Data Recruit, Retain • Creating a more accessible workplace: Citi partners with Autistica to offer training on and Promote how to support and create a more acces- sible workplace for our colleagues who are We recognize that diverse, talented teams, neurodivergent. Through inclusive language from the C-suite to all levels and areas of the guides, myth busting and practical tips, we firm, are critical to our success. We continue equip our people to conduct business and to strengthen our talent pipelines and hone run accessible meetings for neurodivergent our hiring processes, and we’re committed to colleagues. paying equitably and competitively to attract • Cultivating sensitivity: To further enhance and retain talent. our inclusive culture, in the UK we are In 2022, we made meaningful progress in implementing a reverse mentoring program engaging with Historically Black Colleges and in which neurodivergent individuals mentor Universities (HBCUs), investing in early-career neurotypical individuals to create under- programs and utilizing diverse candidates and standing about their lived experiences. interviewer slates in the hiring process. Managing Performance We also expanded the efforts of the Diversity The performance management approach at Citi Sourcing team, launched in 2021 in the U.S., to centers on our Leadership Principles — Taking consistently identify qualified diverse talent for Ownership, Delivering With Pride and Succeeding consideration for open positions. To support Together. It also emphasizes evaluating what our efforts to recruit neurodivergent talent, in colleagues deliver on financial performance, 2022, we partnered with Autistica DARE to risk and controls, and clients and franchise, as FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES Professional Development train our talent acquisition team and managers well as how colleagues deliver from a leadership in making our hiring process accessible to all perspective. Citi encourages feedback at any We strive to maintain an environment in by the Numbers candidates, especially neurodivergent talent. point throughout the year to supplement midyear which development opportunities are We are piloting the program in the UK and and year-end formal conversations. widely available, where people are hired More than Ireland, with plans to expand it to the U.S. and and advanced on their merits and where our our Asia Pacific (APAC) region. Campus and Early Recruitment colleagues treat each other with respect. 10,000,000 We are fully committed to equal employment We have also expanded engagement with Our campus recruiting program is an important opportunities, fair employment practices total training hours in 2022 external partners, including diversity profes- way for us to diversify our employee base, and and nondiscrimination. sional organizations such as Out & Equal, the we have a robust pipeline of talent from HBCUs For more information, see the Human Rights Asia Society, the Council of Urban Professionals, and other leading universities. We are also section of this report, our Code of Conduct ~38 Hispanic IT Executive Council and Disability:IN. working to expand opportunities, awareness and our website for policies around fair and interest in working for Citi or in the financial employment and compensation. More training hours per These relationships have enhanced our ability services industry even earlier, providing unique information can also be found in the GRI colleague in 2022 to attract and hire mid- to senior-level talent, in opportunities for high school students to learn Index of this report. support of our inclusive culture. Some examples about what we do and who we are. of our initiatives with partners follow. Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 56

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