ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Our People Strategy How We Work Our Talent and DEI Strategy Global Workforce Data 2025 Aspirational THE IMPORTANCE OF SELF-ID Representation Core to our data-driven approach 2025 Aspirational Representation Goals Goals is gaining a better understanding of by the Numbers who comprises our workforce and Our diverse workforce continues to reflect obtaining self-ID from our people macro demographic changes in the world, so it is so we can better meet the needs of We believe that everyone belongs in banking. Understanding that diversity fuels our culture and our organization and create a culture business success, we are expanding the representation goals1 we initially set in 2018, so that Citi important that we continue to evolve the way we where everyone can thrive. Through better reflects the communities we serve and is a place where all can thrive. do business. In 2022, we expanded our firm-wide, concerted efforts during 2021’s aspirational diversity representation goals to self-ID campaign, nearly 90%, of our North America UK include additional markets and underrepresented total workforce, across 46 countries, groups. were invited to self-ID their race and 11.5% 11%3% ethnicity, gender identities, sexual U.S. Black Colleagues Asian Black Global We continue our focus on increasing diversity of our orientation, disability status and mili- mid- to senior-level colleagues and early-career tary status, as permissible by local laws 16% 3% 43.5% hires. Having aspirational representation goals and regulations. across levels will help ensure we not only have Hispanic & Latino Brazil Mixed Ethnicity Women Colleagues diverse talent in leadership roles, but will also help In 2022, we expanded the categories Colleagues & Other under our sexual orientation and 1O% Colleagues3 us build a diverse talent pipeline for the future. As gender identity dimensions. Additionally, 2 part of those goals, we are proud of being the first we continued to encourage the Black & Pardo major U.S. bank to set an aspirational recruiting reporting of multiple races/ethnicities Colleagues goal for LGBTQ+ early-career hires globally. for those colleagues who self-identify as such by enabling the selection of CAMPUS RECRUITING To drive accountability and progress, our 2025 specific races/ethnicities. representation goals are embedded in our business Building on these efforts, we are We recognize the importance Global UK North America strategy as well as our executive scorecards. In committed to better understanding the of expanding diversity and 50% 3.5% 25% 30% 4 addition, we undertake ongoing pipeline analyses composition of our colleague popula- intersectionality when to help us assess the availability and flow of diverse recruiting our next generation Women LGBTQ+ Underrepresented Underrepresented tion and implementing competitive and communities5 communities5 talent at Citi and see how we can achieve better effective Talent and DEI programs and of leaders. representation among women and racial/ethnic policies. As we continue to enhance minorities. Intentionality in talent development our Talent and DEI programs, we are is essential if we are to elevate more women and assessing where we have gaps in 1 All representation goals, with the exception of Campus Recruitment goals, seek to increase representation at the Assistant Vice President racial/ethnic minorities to high-level positions at representation in certain regions. With to Managing Director levels. Citi — and across our industry as a whole. more targeted data, we can be even 2 Pardo is an ethnic and skin color category used by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics in the Brazilian census. The term is more more intentional in cultivating a culture commonly used to refer to Brazilians of mixed ethnic ancestry. 3 The “mixed ethnicity” category has been used by the UK’s Office for National Statistics since the 1991 census and refers to British citizens or Access our public announcement to learn more of inclusion. residents whose parents are of two or more different races or ethnic backgrounds. “Other” includes Arab and any other ethnic group and is a about our 2025 goals and how we developed them. We encourage all colleagues to self-ID defined classification by the UK’s Office for National Statistics. 4 Intersectionality refers to the ways that race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and other traits can overlap to create unique dynamics, and will prioritize increasing participation. including distinct obstacles in the workplace. 5 “Underrepresented Communities” in the UK consist of those who are Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (mixed/multiple ethnicities and other ethnic groups) and refers to those in North America who identify as Black or Hispanic/Latino. Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 54

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