ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Our People Strategy How We Work Our Talent and DEI Strategy Global Workforce Data Pay Equity These pay equity reviews represent a “moment in time” snapshot of our employee base, which is Historical Progress of Raw and Adjusted Pay Gap We continue to disclose our adjusted and constantly changing as people come in and out unadjusted (or “raw”) pay gaps for both of the firm, as colleagues are promoted and as Historical Comparison women and U.S. minorities, to hold ourselves market dynamics change. accountable for making progress. The adjusted Pay for women Pay for U.S. minorities pay gap is a true measure of pay equity, or “like We’re continuing to innovate how we recruit globally relative to men relative to non-minorities in the U.S. for like,” that compares the compensation of and develop talent and to use data more 93 97 effectively to help us increase diversity at more 99% 99% 100% 100% cents cents women to men and U.S. minorities to nonmi- 71 78 senior levels at Citi. Our philosophy is that cents cents norities when adjusting for factors such as job every member of the Citi team is responsible for function, title/level and geography. progress in making Citi an even more inclusive The raw gap measures the difference in median and equitable workplace. compensation when we don’t adjust for any Aspirational Representation of the aforementioned factors. The existence 2018 2022 2018 2022 2018 2022 2018 2022 of our raw pay gap reflects a need to increase Goals Help Drive Pay Equity Adjusted* Raw Adjusted* Raw representation of women and U.S. minorities Citi was the first company to disclose adjusted (Not statistically significant) in senior and higher-paying roles. Our latest pay results, and in 2019, we became one of results, released in March 2023, found that, on the first companies to disclose our unadjusted, Comparison of Raw and Adjusted Pay Gap Between 2021 and 2022 an adjusted basis, women globally are paid on or “raw,” pay gaps for both women and U.S. average more than 99% of what men are paid at minorities. While working to understand these Citi, and that there was no statistically signif- pay gaps and make progress on reducing them, icant difference in adjusted compensation for in 2018 we implemented our aspirational repre- U.S. minorities and nonminorities. sentation goals – to increase representation at the Assistant Vice President (AVP) through 99% 78% 97% Following the review, we made appropriate pay Managing Director (MD) levels to 40% for adjustments as part of the firm’s 2022 compen- women globally (up from 37%) and 8% for Black sation cycle. In particular, our 2022 raw gap colleagues in the U.S. (up from 6%) by the end of analysis showed that the median pay for women 2021. By the end of 2021, Citi met and exceeded globally is more than 78% of the median for men, our representation goals. Globally, we increased Adjusted median pay for Raw median pay for women Raw median pay for U.S. up from 74% in 2021 and 2020 and 73% in 2019; representation at the AVP to MD levels for women globally is globally relative to men minorities relative to the median pay for U.S. minorities was more than women to 40.6%, and in the U.S., we increased 99% (2022) that of men, improved from 74% (2021) non-minorities in the U.S. 97% of the median for nonminorities, which is up which is largely unchanged to 78% (2022) improved from 96% (2021) Black representation for those same levels to from 2021 to 97% (2022) from 96% in 2021, and 94% in 2020 and 2019. 8.1%. Additionally, when we included all our Continuing to reduce our raw pay gap requires Black colleagues in the U.S., including those who * Largely unchanged from 2018. that we increase representation of women and self-identify as two or more races at the same U.S. minorities in senior roles across the firm. levels, Black representation increased to 9.1%. Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 53

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