ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Our People Strategy How We Work Our Talent and DEI Strategy Global Workforce Data • Foster an Inclusive Culture by developing to practice their religion in the workplace, U.S. For 18 consecutive years, Citi has received Our Talent inclusive leaders and empowering allies while guiding their colleagues to be allies in a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign • Drive Accountability by holding leaders these efforts. Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index, a national accountable for working toward new aspira- survey that benchmarks corporate policies and and DEI In 2022, as part of our efforts to celebrate practices for LGBTQ+ workplace equality. tional representation goals and fostering an religious diversity, we hosted an inaugural Iftar Strategy inclusive work environment dinner, open to colleagues of all faiths to come In Brazil, Citi has actively worked to expand the • Engage Clients by deepening client and together and share how they recognize Ramadan. rights and protections of LGBTQ+ individuals. In customer relationships to enhance market- 2022, Citi was among 90 companies and organi- place opportunities At Citi there is no place for any form of hate, zations that signed an open letter supporting At Citi, DEI is foundational to our culture and the including intolerance of religious diversity. We will diversity, respect and inclusion of LGBTQ+ growth of our business. The global reach of our At Citi, we want to ensure our colleagues feel continue to expand our efforts and resources to people in Brazilian workplaces. Out & Equal bank allows us to glean diverse perspectives, empowered to develop and be their true and ensure that colleagues of all faiths, religions, and organized the effort ahead of Brazil’s presidential while also advancing issues that are important authentic selves. Our commitment to DEI starts at backgrounds feel supported and empowered to elections in October. to our people, clients and the communities we the top and is prioritized across the organization, be their true selves in the workplace. serve. Where possible, we aim to have globally with shared accountability among managers. DEI consistent practices that integrate a full range factors, including the representation of women Developing of colleague needs across Talent and DEI issues and racial/ethnic minorities, continue to be Responding to Inclusive Leaders to help us attract and retain professionals who included in senior executives’ scorecards. Global and reflect diversity in all its forms. We encourage senior leaders to drive talent Local Issues To develop leaders dedicated to an inclusive Our Talent and DEI strategy is built on the mobility across their teams. Citi has a focus on culture and equipped to promote one, we offer principles of career development and mobility, internal talent development and aims to provide We respond to global and local issues to support a range of training and development initiatives. consistency and equity in employee experience, colleagues with career-growth opportunities, the values of our company, colleagues, clients, transparency, data-driven decision-making and with 36% of open positions filled internally For example, in 2022, these included the and other key stakeholders, working with various following programs: outcome orientation. This strategy underpins in 2022. These opportunities are particularly nonprofit and community partners to support our ability to build a company where the best important as Citi focuses on providing career the advancement of people with disabilities, • Continued the enterprise-wide rollout of talent wants to work and where people of paths for internal talent, as part of its efforts veterans, women, racially and ethnically diverse unconscious bias training and and made every race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, to increase organic growth and promotions people, and other groups, both in business and inclusive leadership training available to all military status, religion, age, gender identity and within the organization. We have also expanded civic life. For example, in Buffalo, New York, where managers. ethnicity can reach their full potential. As our our Talent Assessment practice to drive more Citi is one of the largest employers, Citi donated • Our LGBTQ+ Reverse Mentoring Program, Talent and DEI strategy continues to evolve, we data-based decision making around talent. $100,000 in 2022 to the United Way of Buffalo started by our Pride network in the Europe, have crystallized our company-wide approach and Erie County to help support the community Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region, around the following pillars: Recognizing and celebrating religious diversity following a racially motivated mass shooting. has garnered more than 600 participants • Promote a Diverse Employer of Choice Brand in the workplace has become an essential part globally since its inception. It has been so by enhancing communications and brand of creating a culture where all colleagues feel Citi was also a proud signatory of the Human successful that its organizers have helped visibility through strategic partnerships empowered to bring their authentic selves Rights Campaign’s letter to the U.S. Senate in clients of the firm introduce their own to work. Citi is a long-standing supporter support of the Respect for Marriage Act (RMA) reverse mentoring programs. • Manage and Develop Talent by recruiting and of the Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious in July 2022. Signed into law in December, the retaining a diverse group of top talent and Understanding, which provides organizations RMA is an important step toward protecting the developing strong next-gen talent pipelines with training, robust consulting support and right to same-sex and interracial marriage in the resources to enable members of different faiths Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 52

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