ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Our People Strategy How We Work Our Talent and DEI Strategy Global Workforce Data Well-being Benefits In 2022, we focused particularly on expanding off. Colleagues are limited to two sabbaticals mental health and well-being offerings to and receive 25% of their base pay. This is to Support All Our support our colleagues around the world. For available in the U.S. and Puerto Rico, Canada, example, in October 2022, Citi organized a the UK, Hong Kong, Costa Rica, Singapore Colleagues global campaign recognizing World Mental and Japan. Health Day that included workshops for both • Giving Back program, supporting colleagues Our benefit programs and initiatives support the manager and the individual, providing tools the immediate and long-term well-being of and discussion to help colleagues at all levels who have been with Citi for five years or more colleagues in all locations to help them be recognize signs of struggle and appropriate to spend two to four weeks working with a successful at work and at home. Our benefits steps for intervention before a crisis point is charitable institution, while still receiving are designed to align with our values and help reached. These workshops focused on building 100% of their base Citi pay. to attract, engage and retain colleagues. resilience by helping participants to “turn the • A vacation purchase program that allows lens inward” and to realize when their individual colleagues to buy up to five additional days of In addition to competitive compensation and well-being is starting to decline, as well as vacation/planned time off each year. This is standard benefits such as healthcare, retirement developing a toolkit of actions to help recover available in the U.S. and Puerto Rico, Canada and paid time off, we offer colleagues a wide and protect individual well-being. and the UK. range of support for their personal and profes- sional health and development in and outside Our new and enhanced mental health, • Sleepio, a cognitive behavioral program the workplace. Our benefits are consistent within well-being and work-life balance benefits to improve sleep and reduce anxiety and each country where possible and practical, include: depression, for colleagues and their families and we offset a greater portion of their cost for in the U.S. and Canada. lower-paid colleagues. • BetterHelp, a service that provides access • Full-time child care centers in select geogra- to counseling via phone, video conference or phies that allow for part-time and backup To name just a few, these benefits include a live chat for U.S. colleagues, allowing them care to support global colleagues’ hybrid global minimum standard for paid maternity to select a therapist based on gender, race, schedules. and parental leave; adoption, surrogacy and area of expertise and more. fertility assistance benefits; on-site child care • CareNow, a free cognitive behavioral Recognizing Heritage Holidays centers, backup child care and child care service program (offered through LifeWorks) for U.S. Building on the U.S. government’s declaration of discounts; on-site health and medical centers; colleagues and their families – even if they Juneteenth as a federal holiday marking the end well-being-focused concierge services; and paid aren’t enrolled in medical plans with Citi – to of slavery, we added it as a new paid holiday for leave to pursue interests outside of work. address anxiety, depression and more. This U.S. colleagues in 2022. In 2020, Citi imple- Citi is invested in helping employees obtain complements the free and confidential Be mented one additional floating holiday, called the education and skills that will lead to career Well counseling offered on-site at seven of Heritage Day, which colleagues can take at any development and growth. Through personalized our largest U.S. locations. time to honor a day of personal significance. education coaching and planning, employees • “Refresh, Recharge, Reenergize,” a 12-week can find the programs best fit for their needs sabbatical program for colleagues who and goals. Citi supports educational attainment have been at Citi for at least five years — at by prepaying eligible expenses through tuition any level — to pursue personal interests or assistance, and also reimburses employees for education, travel abroad or simply take time eligible out-of-pocket costs. Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 51

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