ESG at Citi Sustainable Finance Climate Risk & Net Zero Sustainable Operations Building Equitable & Resilient Communities Talent & DEI Responsible Business Appendices Operational Footprint Goals Sustainable and Healthy Buildings Efficient Travel Managing Climate Risk in Our Operations Environmental Performance for Operations of these platforms for their daily interactions. might be required, we engaged a global insurer Global Wellness As many of our employees return to the office Managing and climate modeling firm to use catastrophe at least a few days a week, we are relying on the models to develop a baseline understanding of In 2022, we renewed our WELL Health- efficiency efforts we had in place before the Climate our current risks and then apply future climate Safety rating for all Citi facilities globally, pandemic. For instance, we provide U.S.-based scenarios to evaluate the potential changes in indicating that our buildings are safe and employees pretax dollars to cover the cost of physical damage risk. This kind of modeling and healthy environments. We also continued commuting by subway, bus, train, ferry and Risk in Our analysis helps us better understand and monitor our participation in the WELL at Scale vanpool. We also offer bike storage and bike the risks our facilities could be exposed to due Program (previously the WELL Portfolio racks at several facilities and sponsor bike share Operations to climate-related weather events. Program), a benchmarking program for programs, known as the Citi Bike Program, in measuring and improving organizational New York City, Jersey City and Miami. At our health performance across facilities. In car park in the Citigroup Centre in London, we addition, we formalized our commitment offer a dozen charging stations for those driving Because Citi operates in nearly 100 countries, Transparent Reporting of to diversity, inclusion and universal design our facilities could potentially be exposed to by enrolling in the WELL Equity Rating and electric vehicles. In addition, the introduction Operational Climate Impacts expanding our team’s capacity in this area. of remote and hybrid work models for our a range of climate-related risks. To increase employees should significantly cut down on our resiliency, we have invested in climate • Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions: Wellness features: emissions related to employee commuting. adaptation solutions in a number of critical Included in this ESG report and in our • Health-Safety seal: Communicates to facilities. In addition, our crisis management CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure occupants and visitors that evidence- Due to our global scale, we often need to meet team has developed action plans to address Project) response. We follow the GHG based measures and best practices for with clients, partners, teams and other stake- immediate risks and support our employees Protocol Corporate Standard and Scope health and safety have been adopted and holders across the world. To build awareness and customers before, during and after adverse 2 Guidance for measuring and reporting third-party verified by WELL of how business travel impacts our carbon events. Our business continuity team also has both market-based and location-based • WELL at Scale: Annual portfolio assess- footprint, our colleagues are able to see the plans in place to help Citi resume business Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions. ment based on work to support and • Scope 3 CO emissions: Air and train emissions data related to their air travel when operations as quickly as possible in the 2 enhance the health and well-being of they book travel reservations. aftermath of an extreme climate event. business travel included in this ESG employees and customers report; our 2021 Scope 3 GHG screening Our Location and Realty Services (LRS), Crisis inventory, associated with employee Management and Business Continuity teams activity and our supply chain, is reported EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT help us to monitor, prepare for and respond to in our 2022 TCFD Report In 2022, Citi launched the Green Champions extreme weather events or other disruptions to • Assurance: GHG emissions and environ- Efficient Network, with 41 teams around the world, our operations. In addition, LRS conducts due mental data for operations and business focused on engaging in sustainability- diligence for each proposed new location and travel are verified and assured by SGS, a Travel related activities in their communities. The leading third-party inspection, verifica- Green Champions hosted an Earth Day reassesses the properties’ structural resilience tion, testing and certification company. Challenge in 2022, featuring tasks to enable periodically, based on risk and following signif- (SGS Assurance Statement) more sustainable living at work and at home. icant events. These assessments take internal For many years, we have encouraged employees Additional Champions groups within our Citi standards, as well as local and international to use video and web conferencing technologies businesses focus on monitoring opportu- codes, into account. rather than traveling, whenever possible. With nities and sharing sustainability news with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we quickly their departments. To gain insight into how our physical climate transitioned the entire company to adopt use risk might change and what related adaptations Citi 2022 ESG Report Page 37

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