Employee wellness and experience Social Creating employee experience and a unified experience around development, Digital-first, personalized employee life cycle application performance and careers. We are leveraging through digital transformation the power of the Live Enterprise platform We have transformed ourselves into a Live Enterprise, offering digital-first personalized experience ESG REPORT 2022-23 to enable timely nudges around actions, for our employees across life-cycle events. We used our Live Enterprise suite of technologies for We are committed to creating a world-class performance and development. this. Some of our offerings that deliver employee experience are listed below: ESG is an opportunity experience for our employees. We believe this We are also focused on automation of backend, will inspire employees to deliver their best administrative activities that can free up Employee journey map ENVIRONMENT for our clients. As our employees develop a HR personnel and enable them to focus on digital future for our clients, we want them to enhancing employee experience and forming experience the same in their day-to-day work strategic partnerships with business. An ATTRACT OFFBOARDING SOCIAL at Infosys. Hence, the digitization of human example of this is Launchpad, our onboarding ▪ Talent management system ▪ Oboarding system resources processes and practices becomes platform, which has enabled us to digitize our ▪ Candidate experience ▪ Alumni portal Performance on social goals a critical lever to create a great workplace onboarding process. This mobile-based app ▪ Automated workows and self-service experience. provides a guided flow that helps new hires ▪ Social media listening Enabling digital talent at scale initiate their onboarding process, complete ▪ Hackathon Tech for good Transforming the employee experience at scale ▪ InfyTQ and Infosys Springboard in a company of more than 3,43,000 people all the necessary documentation and data CAREERS AND REWARDS Diversity, equity and inclusion spread across 56 countries is only possible updates before their date of joining. With all ▪ FLUID - Digital marketplace through technology. For us, digitization was operational processes taken care of prior to ▪ Skill Tags - Digital career maps and skills Energizing local communities the only way forward. We are reimagining joining, employees are engaged in a more ONBOARDING ▪ Accelerate - Gig work opportunities experience using a combination of process meaningful way with managers, teams and HR ▪ Launchpad, e-joining and more ▪ Step Up - Internal movements and skilling Employee wellness and experience busting, automation and digital transformation from Day 1. ▪ E-docket digital records ▪ Stripes - Centralized reward management in people practices to create consumer-grade In addition to the above, we are making our ▪ QuickStart new joiner experience GOVERNANCE digital experience for our employees. Through systems smarter with: ▪ Cohorts - Mentoring and communities digitization, we are simplifying our processes, ▪ Surveys and feedback PERFORMANCE ENGAGEMENT eliminating unnecessary approval steps • Nudges to managers and employees to ▪ iCount - Continuous feedback and leading straight through processing. drive the right behavior on closures and ▪ Smart goals and evaluations An example of this is InfyMe, our mobile- guide managers to take the right decisions DEVELOPMENT ▪ Mcode - Manager enablement first, self-service platform that brings all in matters like role change, retention, etc. ▪ Lex - Anytime-anywhere learning services to our employees’ fingertips anytime, • Chatbots that provide instant resolutions to ▪ CARA - e-coaching anywhere. InfyMe is designed to be intuitive queries and transactions ▪ Zoiee - Digital learning assistant ENGAGEMENT and contextual and aids networking and • Omni-channel experience for employees to ▪ Atlas - Learning maps ▪ InfyMe - Employee experience app collaboration. We continued to enrich our get on call support using a conversational ▪ People Dashboard and Data Village - ▪ Power Teams - Collaboration forums InfyMe app with more services that enable IVR that uses natural language voice inputs Analytics and Insights ▪ iEngage - Communication framework teams to operate, connect and collaborate from callers to direct them to the right ▪ RISE - Celebration and rewards easily and it is particularly effective in the agents for support ▪ HALE - Wellbeing and care hybrid work model. More than 200 touchpoints • Self-service portals ▪ Pulse - Employee feedback and culture sensing for activities have been merged into the • Robotic process automations in people ▪ Chatbot - COVID-19 support intuitive interface of InfyMe. processes to reduce manual work We are making our performance appraisal process light, easy and convenient. As a first step, we have introduced a senior management review interface on InfyMe. Through this, we are enabling an enhanced user experience, faster navigation, seamless data integration Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 41

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