Employee wellness and experience Social Reinvigorating culture in a Nurturing great managers Infosys Manager Code Leadership development ESG REPORT 2022-23 hybrid workplace It is our managers who develop and mentor Be the Voice of the Team The Infosys Leadership Institute (ILI) is teams while making a world of opportunities ▪ Encourage PULSE feedback. dedicated to supporting leaders to embrace Employee experience is significantly influenced available to them. Preparing managers to ▪ Represent Infosys to your team. larger responsibilities and challenges, grow to by how they perceive organizational culture. lead amid change and emerging industry ▪ Celebrate the EVP and Involve be future ready and positively influence their ESG is an opportunity In the hybrid world, it has become increasingly the team in the journey. challenges is crucial to our success. teams, clients and the communities in which important to strengthen and reinforce our we operate. ILI’s charter is to enable leaders ENVIRONMENT culture so that it is experienced uniformly and We launched our flagship management Be the Navigator to be aligned with business, remain agile positively by employees – remote or in office. initiative, the Infosys Great Manager Program, ▪ Provide opportunities and to help prepare all our managers for the rapidly encourage participation. and continuously explore new and impactful SOCIAL ▪ Increase the Digital Quotient score. developmental efforts. 5 C engagement model changing work environment. With input from ▪ Conduct eective career conversation Cornell University, the program facilitates and aspiration management. Read more. Performance on social goals immersive development and nurtures four Enabling digital talent at scale CONNECT crucial skills: digital mindset, leadership, Be a Lifelong Learner and Teacher We have created common engagement business acumen and operational excellence. ▪ Encourage learning and use of platforms. Tech for good platforms that allow us to onboard ▪ Navigate capability development. new employees quickly. By mastering these, our managers enhance ▪ Create opportunities and Diversity, equity and inclusion their technical expertise and acquire soft enable internal mobility. Energizing local communities COLLABORATE skills that enable them to have wide-reaching We are driving team collaboration through influence. Employee wellness and experience Power Teams - a knowledge sharing sessions Leave No One Out initiative, investing in collaboration tools to Infosys Manager Code ▪ Create a psychologically safe workplace. recreated the physical workplace experience, ▪ Support team integration and inclusivity. GOVERNANCE and providing resources to our managers to For the third consecutive year, Infosys is among ▪ Be open to ideas and opinions. lead teams remotely. the Top 50 Companies with Great Managers 2022 in India, through the Great Manager Connect, Empathize and Recognize CELEBRATE Awards conducted by People Business and ▪ Intervene based on performance We celebrate our people's successes with Economic Times. and people. rewards that are real, instant, specific, ▪ Express gratitude. and exciting (RISE framework). The Infosys Manager Code are guiding ▪ Focus on wellbeing and health. principles on how to become a good manager. CARE It is a comprehensive guide for any manager Collaborate to Win The Infosys Leadership Institute centre in Infosys Mysuru The wellbeing of Infoscions is our priority, who would want to set an example for his ▪ Contribute to the organization’s objective. and we encourage our managers to build team members, especially in this rapidly ▪ Leverage various platforms for hybrid collaboration. strong personal relationships, create transforming and ever-competitive business ▪ Lead the team to get recognition mutual trust, and be more empathetic. landscape. A flipbook with enablement in internal and external awards. CULTURE kits, leader blogs, manager enablement sessions, inspiring stories of ‘Awesome Live CLIFE We encourage inclusive and diverse Bosses’, communication toolkits to manage ▪ Motivate to go the extra mile for clients. thinking, ensure a healthy work lifestyle, the pandemic were some of our stand-out ▪ Lead by example. and drive the company values of C-LIFE interventions. ▪ Be fair and transparent. among our people. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 42

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