Employee wellness and experience Social Occupational Health and Safety a. Risk management Safety and well-being at the workplace is the processes instituted through certifications Ozone is based on the Demings cycle controls are implemented, the document is ESG REPORT 2022-23 an important consideration in a responsible and has a focused risk-based approach in revisited to assess the residual risks. A ranking but has also fostered a culture of safety and ensuring identification and implementation is done based on the severity and probability business and Infosys accords the highest well-being across the organization. We ensure of operational controls in line with hierarchy of the risk. The Occupational Health and ESG is an opportunity priority to this aspect. The Health, Safety and adherence to all applicable regulations in all and effective mitigation of hazards. Risk Safety (OH&S) hazards in the workplace are Environmental (HSE) Management System the regions we operate across the globe. We assessment is proactively conducted to communicated to all concerned stakeholders ENVIRONMENT at Infosys termed ‘Ozone’ is driven by the consciously strive to ensure zero accidents, identify hazards for all existing / new / who are also consulted when there are Management commitment, legal requirements physical and emotional well-being, and safety modified activities, processes, products or changes in operations. Relevant OH&S hazards SOCIAL and expectations of our stakeholders. Ozone of our stakeholders. services and the implementation of measures are identified, and appropriate operational has not only enabled us to obtain assurance on to minimize or control impacts and monitor controls are implemented. During training, Performance on social goals them in a structured manner. Risk assessment the hazards are shared along with directions Management System is proactively conducted on a yearly basis on ways to reduce the risk. Employees are also Enabling digital talent at scale or at the beginning of a new process or consulted during development and review Tech for good The robust management system has enabled Officer. The effectiveness and adequacy of activity. Reactive risk assessments are also of policies and procedures to manage risks. us achieve certification to ISO 45001:2018 the HSE framework, its execution and HSE carried out at least once every quarter based Emergency response procedures for different Diversity, equity and inclusion and ISO 14001:2015 standards across all India performance are evaluated through periodic on incidents that have occurred during the scenarios are established and mock drills are Energizing local communities locations, including Infosys Limited and its management reviews. The internal-external period. Hazardous conditions present are conducted to evaluate our preparedness, subsidiaries, in line with our HSE strategy. The issues and opportunities for the organizational identified and prioritized for elimination response and learnings. Employee wellness and experience management system is implemented across context are identified. Interested parties and control. Once the identified hierarchy of locations globally based on applicable legal (including all our stakeholders), their GOVERNANCE requirements and internal benchmarks and needs and expectations, our expectations, are a part of our internal audit coverage. At legal requirements, owners and mode of Identify Evaluate Identify Identify Detail Risk the helm of our Health, Safety, Environment communication are also documented. Some of List Identify List all existing and unacceptable additional residual management Management System (HSEMS) is our Executive the elements of the management system are activities hazards risks controls rate risk hazards controls risk Vice President-Finance and Chief Risk listed below: PLAN DO CHECK ACT b. Incident management chair the safety committee meetings at their • Policy & Strategy • Competency and • Performance • Continual respective locations in India. In our overseas • Leadership Awareness Monitoring Improvement Incidents which include near misses / potential offices, these committees are formed based Commitment • Documentation • Audits • Non-Conformity and hazards / accidents are reported through on the local legislations. The representation • Organization Roles, • Communication • Compliance Corrective actions internal applications, supervisors, or mails. Root of employees in safety committees is 100%. Responsibility and • Resources Evaluation • Incident Management causes of incidents are identified, analyzed The committee ensures the establishment, Accountability • Management and appropriate corrective actions are taken implementation, maintenance, and continual • Risk Management • Operational Controls Reviews to avoid recurrence or occurrence of incidents improvement of processes needed for the • Objectives & Targets • Emergency Response leading to injuries / losses. elimination of hazards and minimization of • Action plan c. Occupational Health and Safety risks. Contract workers are also an intrinsic part (OH&S) Committees of the committee, which is one of the ways to ensure participation and consultation. OH&S Committees comprising cross-functional teams are established at each of our campuses and offices. The Development Center Heads Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 43

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