Energizing local communities Social France Germany Americas Infosys Springboard in the USA Infosys, in partnership with the NGO LEPC, is Infosys participated in the ISG Research Day in In fiscal 2023, the Foundation expanded its ESG REPORT 2022-23 contributing to digital inclusion in France. As a January 2023 in Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany. Infosys Canada Infosys Springboard USA digital learning partner of LEPC’s Innov’Avenir program, Infosys ISG and Infosys have partnered in the past in In 2022, Infosys and the University of Alberta platforms to reach not only K-12 educators is bridging the digital gap for students and France, Italy, Nordics and the UK. renewed their agreement with the intent of and students through the Pathfinders Online ESG is an opportunity young adults, from marginalised areas, who Otto Beisheim School of Management was cultivating the next generation of tech talent, Institute, but also to bring digital skills to often lack knowledge and understanding of invited to the Infosys office in Düsseldorf. This spark innovation and advance opportunities, higher education learners and professionals ENVIRONMENT the digital world and transformations. Infosys visit highlighted our commitment to building such as internships for the students. This seeking to upskill in the latest technology aims to add 1,000 beneficiaries to the program relationships with academic institutions and would be further enhanced by prioritizing trends and leadership skills through the Digital SOCIAL through training and coaching. Further, Infosys showcasing our company culture and values to professional development and training Academy. is aiming to extend the scope of the program the next generation of professionals. opportunities for students. Digital Academy Performance on social goals to the Toulouse (south west France) area. Several Infosys France volunteers also directly Partnership with Hackerschool Infosys has partnered with Calgary Economic The Digital Academy offers over 8,000 courses Enabling digital talent at scale contributed to training interventions in Development, a not-for-profit corporation in coding, data science, cyber security, machine marginalised area high schools. The Hackerschool and Infosys teams met in funded by the City of Calgary for a multitude of learning, and AI, as well as critical leadership Tech for good Hamburg for the IT Strategic Days in February events related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion skills that will help talent prepare for the Diversity, equity and inclusion Les Pros dans ta Classe Initiative 2023 and planned joint activities including (DEI), indigenous communities, tech talent technology-enabled workforce. Through Summer Schools for students in and around immigration, tech confluences and academia Springboard platforms, the Foundation Energizing local communities This is a digital inclusion program in the Paris, Düsseldorf at Infosys. associations. contributes to the Infosys ESG Vision 2030 goal Employee wellness and experience Marseille and Occitanie regions. With the of reaching 10 million globally with digital skills support of 18 employees, 13 sessions have Infosys USA by 2025. been conducted. Infosys Foundation USA GOVERNANCE Benelux Pathfinders Online Institute Infosys Foundation USA is committed to During fiscal 2023, the Foundation curated 17 Infosys Benelux contributed to assisting expanding computer science and maker new courses for the Pathfinders Online Institute Ukrainian refugees by generously donating education to K-12 students and educators, across a range of computer science subjects over 100 food supplements. The mayor of Düsseldorf and the head of the library and delivering digital skills for all, particularly such as cyber security, robotics, AI, and those at In Benelux, a partnership with local universities project visited the Infosys Innovation Lab in Düsseldorf, within under-represented communities. the intersection of arts and technology. These is helping us acquire local talents. In Belgium, Germany. Through its programming, signature initiatives offerings reflect a high degree of diversity we have a tie-up with Antwerp Management Romania and the two digital learning platforms of and inclusion, reaching underrepresented School. In the Netherlands, we have tied Infosys Springboard USA, the Foundation communities, such as neurodiverse students up with Technische Universiteit Eindhoven In Romania, schools are invited to visit reached 1.3 million students and 44,000 and non-English language learners. Today, the (Eindhoven Institute of Technology), University Company facilities. This helps us engage with educators in fiscal 2023, taking the total Pathfinders Online Institute hosts more than of Amsterdam, Maastricht University, the local community and promote positive number of students reached to 24 million and 18,000 account holders. Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus relationships with schools, students, and educators to over 1 million. University and more. teachers. 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