Energizing local communities Social Indigenous support programs Initiatives for people with Veera: This program helps domestic violence EMEA The Galuwa Program - Indigenous outreach disabilities victims by empowering migrant women ESG REPORT 2022-23 and engagement: Galuwa is an outreach and through awareness and support (education, UK engagement program for indigenous youth Disability-confident recruiter: Infosys IT workshops, social campaigns, legal support in Australia that focuses on deeper and more benefited from its long standing seven-year and more). Infosys Springboard ESG is an opportunity meaningful engagement with high school partnership with the Australian Network on Ozanam House (VIC): Infosys employees indigenous students through corporate Disability (AND) and was again recognized for continue to volunteer in providing support Infosys has launched the Springboard platform and community partnerships. The program the third year as a Disability Confident recruiter, to Ozanam House which helps people for Sandwell Council in the West Midlands ENVIRONMENT engaged 35 students. extending its commitment to the disabled experiencing homelessness (120 FTE days of and Brent Council in London as a part of our community. To increase and widen tennis fan support was provided in fiscal 2023). social value commitment to provide free online SOCIAL engagement for the Australian Open, Infosys digital learning platform to residents, schools worked with Tennis Australia and updated Infosys China and colleges. The platform now has over 49,000 Performance on social goals its Infosys MatchBeats technology to present registered users. simplified game data and visualizations which GREEN AMBASSADOR | Enabling digital talent at scale included contrasting color combinations Museum of Memories Project Tech for good meeting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Hangzhou DC ‘The Museum of Memories’ project for the (WCAG) 2.1 AA. The Infosys Hangzhou team and their families Dementia Research Institute was launched. Diversity, equity and inclusion participated in a sustainability effort to clean a UTS Galuwa Program participants at Infosys' Sydney Focused on raising awareness around how Energizing local communities Living Lab section of the Wu Yun mountain. The 10-km- dementia disproportionately affects women, Employee wellness and experience Yirigaa Project: This project focuses on long drive took about five hours. The team WongDoody created the ‘Museum of Memories’ building digital skills among indigenous collected more than 10 bags of trash and - a virtual museum that curates cherished students of the Yirigaa community. received huge appreciation from the locals. memories from women who have experienced GOVERNANCE SPRING - Giving Tree Program: SPRING is an dementia. We brought their precious moments Auckland City Mission: People approach the employee-led team that supports various to life, in a way that’s not possible in the mission when they need access to permanent Disability Awareness: Infosys participated in philanthropic activities such as donation drives physical word and then stored these memories and sustained housing, enough nutritious food PACE mentoring program 2022 organized by for blood, books and computers. This year, the in the blockchain as ‘digital heirlooms’ so they to eat, and when their physical and mental AND. Two employees from Infosys mentored team organized the donation of 1,170+ laptops can never degrade or disappear. health is compromised. Infosys contributed to mentees with disability preparing them for across China. the mission. professional life. Infosys’ participation also The website also details positive lifestyle Tennis Australia (Play for Ukraine / UNICEF): helped broaden disability confidence and Giving Tree – Since 2009, SPRING team and behaviour changes that aid in preventing Infosys also supported Tennis Australia to help awareness among Infosys staff, while providing Infosys China employees have supported the dementia in later life. those affected by the war in Ukraine. job seekers with disability exposure to the Community Center, Shanghai (CCS) Giving Tree Supported by short documentaries, nationwide professional world. charity program. Infosys China assisted 1,721 advertising placements, and an influencer migrant / underprivileged students in need by campaign we’ve seen an earned media reach of Employee volunteering donated Giving Tree bags, filled with age and 125 million (including coverage in the UK’s BBC Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA): gender-appropriate winter clothes and school Radio) plus results from the social influencer supplies. work reaching 1,25,000 views, 15,000 likes and Infosys provided support in helping establish an average engagement rate of 10.5% (the a network of services and support for MHFA industry average is 4.5%). patrons through awareness, multi-lingual support, interactive voice-supported chatbot and other technology solutions. We also 'Tennis Plays for Peace', a fundraiser for Ukraine by provided an interactive chatbot to help MHFA Tennis Australia and UNICEF, supported by Infosys. user queries. Over 6,00,000 queries were responded to using this. 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