Energizing local communities Social ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity The world over, Infosys is committed to going telcos, retail, utilities, manufacturing, sports Labs in Melbourne and Sydney provide digital Young Change Agents (YCA): Infosys local to strengthen its profile as an employer of tech and edu tech, among others. The Infosys innovation-as-a-service to participating established a partnership with YCA to ENVIRONMENT choice for employees and be a part of the local Living Labs will also enable Infosys partners to startups with a presence in Australia. collaborate and build an International culture. test and incubate extended reality experiences CSR progams Credential for Social Entrepreneurship with SOCIAL in a 360-degree digital donut. It will bring the University of Melbourne and Telstra together Infosys’ digital ecosystem including The Infosys Australia and New Zealand CSR Foundation. Local hires clients, partners, startups, academia and program is committed to providing pathways GovHack: This is the southern hemisphere’s Performance on social goals 91% governments in a co-creation and collaboration for underrepresented communities across largest open data hackathon designed to help Enabling digital talent at scale environment. There are over a 100 digital the region through access to digital learning advance digital skills across the community in APAC region experiences to draw from and solution and ‘bridge’ interventions. The program has Australia and New Zealand. This year, over 500 Tech for good accelerators and services, which include four broad focus areas, including education, people participated. Diversity, equity and inclusion Australia and New Zealand Infosys Metaverse Foundry, cloud services via the indigenous support program, employee Infosys Cobalt, cyber security, sustainability, volunteering and initiatives for people with Energizing local communities Living labs edutech (digital learning) and co-creation disability. Employee wellness and experience workshops with Infosys Consulting’s product Infosys launched its living labs in Melbourne and portfolio development offerings. It will Education and Sydney, Australia, in 2022. The program also feature WONGDOODY’s human experience Future Leaders program: The Future Leaders GOVERNANCE is designed to help advance ESG and people- design expertise to elevate brand and business program is designed to enable pathways to centric innovation in the region. Underpinned interactions and virtual reality zones. learning and education for students including by an ecosystem approach, the living labs will students from regional locations. 30 students enable a confluence of digital technologies engaged in the Victoria Springboard channel 5-years of GovHack with Infosys to advance digital skills and human experience. Infosys partners will page-built-Living Lab camp hosted in in Australia and New Zealand be able to leverage solution accelerators, Melbourne. Partnership with Auckland University (NZ): digital experiences, and frameworks to ideate, Infosys signed a funding agreement with prototype and test innovations. Led by the Auckland University (NZ) to support Māori and Infosys Centre for Emerging Technologies, Pacifica students in the faculties of science and these solution accelerators leverage digital engineering. In addition, we offer mentoring technologies including cloud, 5G, IoT, 3D, AI, support to these underrepresented student cyber security, data and analytics, AR, VR and Andrew Groth, EVP Infosys and Region Head, Australia groups so that they complete their studies and address industry use cases in financial services, and NZ, delivers the keynote address at the launch of the find pathways to employment. Infosys Melbourne Living Lab In October 2022, Infosys also extended its Biz Rebuild: Infosys partnered with Biz Rebuild. living lab ecosystem to enterprise-ready This is a business-led initiative to provide startups in Australia to accelerate their go to practical and on-the-ground assistance to small market. On the Startup Day, startups from and local businesses left devastated by natural the Infosys Innovation Network (IIN), with a disasters. In 2022, BizRebuild has provided presence in Australia, had the opportunity to support in re-tooling and business advisory pitch their products and services to Infosys’ vouchers to more than 1,500 small businesses enterprise customers from the private sector, Future Leaders Program beneficiaries at the Australian in deluged communities across New South Infosys Melbourne Living Lab Launch public sector and academia. Infosys Living Open 2023 Wales and Queensland. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 35

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