Energizing local communities Social Below are highlights of these courses: Volunteering efforts On March 14, 2022, Infosys Foundation USA • Coding music in Python: Infosys Foundation USA made a concerted sponsored a professional development event Produced by Black Girls CODE and effort in fiscal 2023 to engage Infosys from Firia Labs at the Infosys Phoenix Tech ESG REPORT 2022-23 GoldieBlox, this course teaches middle and Innovation Center in Tempe, Arizona. With and high school students basic Python employees in the wider mission of tackling support from Infosys volunteers, this in-person programming language through music. the digital skills gap through a series of event brought 18 middle and high school ESG is an opportunity The modules cover a range of programming Career Tech Talks; hosting micro:bit office educators together for free training in Python concepts, including function calls and hours during the International Day of the code. ENVIRONMENT arguments, assigning variables, and Girl; SDG-focused Design Thinking workshop; representing musical beats as strings, for mentoring the Infy App Challenge 4.0 NYC high SOCIAL loops, defining functions, reading input, school students; delivering project feedback and if statements. during the Kode with Klossy STEM summer Performance on social goals camps and capturing candid professional • Cuantrix: advice in the Million Women Mentors video Enabling digital talent at scale Taught in both Spanish and English, series to encourage girls to pursue STEM these modules were produced by Televisa careers. The CrossRoads 2023 conference in Tech for good Foundation and designed to engage Latinx Tempe, Arizona opened additional doors for Diversity, equity and inclusion students in CS. 'Cuantrix Elementary' for employees to engage with the thought leaders K-5 students teaches the basics of coding of K12 computer science and maker education Energizing local communities while 'Cuantrix Advanced,' covers more as video production assistants, Living Lab Employee wellness and experience advanced topics such as website coding, presenters and program implementation app development, and AI for grades 6-10. support. These efforts not only help empower GOVERNANCE • Digital empowerment for your future: and inspire future generations, but also foster This course, produced by scholars from Tech a sense of community and purpose among Kids Unlimited, was specifically designed Infosys employees. both by and for neurodiverse students. Additional spotlight projects are captured The innovative curriculum equips teachers below: with the necessary tools to effectively teach neurodiverse students about In early 2022, 27 Infosys volunteers provided online safety, privacy, recognizing scams IT Career Talks about Data, AI and Digital and misinformation, and smart security Transformation to over 60 high school students During the past year, over 30 Infosys mentors 13 Infosys volunteers delivered a series of practices. in the newly launched school, Newark School provided professional and academic guidance virtual 'Infy Tech Talks' to 359 NYC high school • Cyber A.C.E.S.: of IT and Data Science, in Newark. to more than 115 NYC-based high school students as part of our ongoing partnership This cyber security course, produced by students, as they designed an app that with the non-profit PENCIL where they shared Palo Alto Networks, aims to demystify cyber addresses a societal challenge as part of personal and professional insights to students security through interactive learning by the 'Infy App Challenge 3.0'. Additionally, potentially pursuing careers in tech. equipping kids in the age group of 5-15 throughout the 2022 Spring semester, with the resources to have safer online experiences, become good digital citizens, and protect their digital future. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 38

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