Energizing local communities Social From June 20 to July 1, 2022, the Foundation Infosys employees provided support to an During CSEdWeek in December 2022, the sponsored a two-week STEM camp in in-person hackathon, hosted by the Televisa Foundation, in partnership with Learning partnership with Kode with Klossy at the Foundation, serving 54 Latinx students in Blade and Million Women Mentors, produced ESG REPORT 2022-23 Infosys Technology and Innovation Center Phoenix, Arizona. The 'Ready.Set.Code.' the ‘Women in CS’ video series featuring four in Raleigh, North Carolina. The camp was hackathon provided students with valuable employees who shared their career stories ESG is an opportunity designed for middle and high school girls, technological insights through workshops on and encouraged young women to pursue gender non-conforming, and transgender Design Thinking and machine learning. STEM careers. Infosys women leaders, Lopa teenagers to learn basic coding skills and Mahapatra, Raje Ganesan, Kavitha Ganesh, and ENVIRONMENT complete a group project showcasing their Jayashree Sridharan, shared candid insights skills and passion. We were thrilled to have about their own professional journeys. SOCIAL 10 employees give their time, insights and support to these young future computer Performance on social goals scientists during the 'Pitch Party' and the 'Career Tech Panel' led by Foundation Executive Enabling digital talent at scale Director Kate Maloney. Tech for good Diversity, equity and inclusion On October 11, 2022, the Foundation Energizing local communities celebrated the International Day of the Girl Employee wellness and experience in the Infosys World Trade Center office to promote the empowerment of young girls. We were honored to host an interactive Design GOVERNANCE Thinking workshop for over 35 NYC-based middle school girls. Four Infosys volunteers The Foundation served as the official STEM shared career advice on a 'Tech Career Talk' and sponsor for the Thurgood Marshall College mentored the students during the workshop. Fund’s annual Teacher Quality Retention Program (TQRP) Summer Institute in July 2022. At the event, Foundation ED Kate Maloney moderated a 'Tech Career Talk' with Infosys The Foundation delivered a successful Infosys Phoenix Technology and Innovation ERG I-Believe representatives, Nicole Kilby CrossRoads 2023 program in February, where Center working to shift the landscape of and Kenneth Barry. over 200 passionate educators, thought K-12 computer science education. 26 Infosys leaders and implementers of computer employees volunteered and made the event a science and maker education gathered at the success. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 39

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