Diversity, equity and inclusion Social ESG REPORT 2022-23 ESG is an opportunity At Infosys, we work to build and sustain an inclusive, non-discriminatory and equal opportunity Building cultures of inclusion Our ERGs include workplace with the vision of taking everyone forward. Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) ENVIRONMENT vision is an integral part of the Infosys Code of Conduct and Ethics contained in the powerful tenet and belonging Infosys Women’s Inclusivity of 'Respecting each other'. Network (IWIN) for women Learning employees and their allies SOCIAL DEI governance Some of our many DEI partnerships A dedicated learning channel on Diversity, iPride for members of the Performance on social goals Our ESG ambition commits to strengthening Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in Lex contains a include: plethora of learning modules, certifications and LGBTQ+ community Enabling digital talent at scale diversity, equity and inclusion in the Company and their allies and achieving 45% women in our workforce IN THE US experience-sharing through human libraries, Tech for good by 2030. DEI goals are a part of the corporate • Black Tie Dinner, Inc • Thurgood Marshall blogs and leadership talks. Diversity, equity and inclusion scorecard and flow into leader and manager • FairyGodBoss College Fund (TMCF) Award for Excellence Multicultural ERG (MERG) to goal sheets. DEI Councils at the global, business • InHerSight • Women in Technology celebrate a multicultural Energizing local communities International (WITI) An award category for DEI in the prestigious workforce and enable unit, location and Geo levels provide a rich • National Black MBA • Women of Color STEM collaboration across cultures Employee wellness and experience matrix of responsibilities and relationships (NSBMBA) Conference (WOC) Infosys Awards for Excellence (AFE) inspires DEI to collaborate on the strategic intent of the • RecruitMilitary – Focus commitment and action. organization to build inclusion for everyone. on hiring Veterans iBELIEVE for our GOVERNANCE DEI Councils at Geos enable us to be responsive IN INDIA Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) Black employees and the and tap into the ‘local’ diversity needs of • Pride Circle Black diaspora employees in the Geo. Diversity Councils • Jobs for Youth Beyond leadership commitment and policy, • Periferry there is a larger focus on where employees comprise members from business and enabler • Solidarity Foundation • Enable India experience inclusion in their everyday Family Matters, focusing on functions, who work under the leadership of a • American India • Giftabled workplace, interacting with colleagues and building awareness on Diversity Council Head. Periodic reviews enable Foundation • NASSCOM DEI Council immediate teams. To strengthen these micro parenting, relationships, teams to enhance the effectiveness of their • Sarthak India • CII DEI Council ecosystems, ERGs act as huge enablers. health and wellness efforts. IN AUSTRALIA • Australian Network on Disability (AND) InfyVets for Infoscions who are military veterans Our global memberships and their allies Signatory to the DEI leadership tool 8 ERGs United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Young Employees The DEI leadership tool provides DEI-related To strengthen inclusion Network(YEN) for the young Signatory to the UN Women’s data 24*7 to business and HR leadership to Empowerment Principles (WEP) facilitate timely decision-making on hiring, and belonging. and young at heart Signatory to UN Fair and growth and retention of the diverse talent Equal (LGBTQ+ Charter for Business) pool. InfyAbility for employees with Founder member of WEF Partnering for Data points on gender disabilities and their allies Racial Justice in Business 75+ available in the tool. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 31

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