Employee wellness and experience Social National Safety Week (India locations): Health Assessment and We have tailored HALE with high-touch During March, the National Safety Week was and high-tech elements to provide the best observed with the following programs: Lifestyle Enrichment (HALE) working experience for our employees. ESG REPORT 2022-23 – Communication and endorsement of the safety pledge by employees We continuously strive towards enhancing Digital well-being ESG is an opportunity – Quiz competitions designed to test the the well-being experience for our employees knowledge of employees about safety through our HALE program that is aimed at • Holistic Wellness Platform ENVIRONMENT measures and to create awareness on increased awareness and overall well-being • Expert talks from professionals safety practices resulting in good health, reduced stress • Round-the-clock access to qualified – Poster competitions aimed at levels, safe work environment and improved counselors SOCIAL encouraging people to express their productivity levels. creativity while promoting safety Striking a balance between work and life, Emotional well-being Performance on social goals – Safety slogan competition where our multi-faceted approach to addressing • HALE Heal-A-thon: A series of Enabling digital talent at scale participants came up with creative and corporate and individual needs helps us masterclasses dedicated to help Tech for good impactful slogans achieve conclusive results for the organization, employees get through some of the – Medical camps covering general health while embracing a diverse workforce. At most challenging times Diversity, equity and inclusion check-up, eye checks, blood sugar Infosys, we strive to improve every day in the • POSITRONS: An intervention to train Energizing local communities monitoring etc., to promote physical life of every employee, and wellness is an peers to offer strong support to their well-being of employees important element. project teams Employee wellness and experience – In-house training sessions by the HSE HALE has a three-tiered sustainable model to • Enabling the enablers: Connects teams on topics such as first aid, fire help employees in their journey to wellness. sessions and workshops with GOVERNANCE safety, ergonomics, construction safety, counselors and experts road safety and electrical safety TIER 1 - Self-help • Grief counseling – Safety mailers to employees Aims to increase employee awareness Physical well-being – Exhibitions on Personal Protective and access to self-help tools. • Collaborations with nationwide Equipments (PPE) and safety equipment, COVID-19 testing labs including unique exhibits like seat belt TIER 2 - Micro environment convincer, alcohol impairment vision • Collaborations with emergency goggles and driving simulations This tier aims to encourage and support ambulance services – Mock drills, safety inspection and safety our managers, who, in turn, will do the • Teleconsultations and helpline skit same with their teams. TIER 3 - Macro environment Social well-being • Promoting work-life balance This is the top-down part of the model, • Help in navigating the new normal focused on building alliances and working environment partnerships with the most effective • Organizing leisure events third parties, implementing appropriate policies, and providing ready access to vaccination programs. Infosys | ESG REPORT 2022-23 External Document © 2023 Infosys Limited 45

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